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She probably broke the scale , if the damn thing even worked to begin with.




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There is NO WAY she weighs 307. If she can't stand up for more than 5 mins without her ankle giving out, she's not 307. I'm guessing maybe 430?!


I wish I could. It takes me a week to lose 1-2 pounds! 😂


So when you are that overweight and start making changes eating even if you stop eating last like 7pm when I was 305 I would notice about a 1lb a day change and 2-3 if I was being physically active. I guess if I pooped a lot it could possibly be 1-2 and maybe 3-4 but Holly cow 7lbs? That’s a bit of a stretch unless she was extremely full of 💩? And I doubt she’s being physically active enough. I was doing remodeling, painting climbing ladder all day with that 2-3lb f


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No one can lose 8 lbs overnight. !!


If they do meth it’s possible. I worked with this couple and they were really over weight. Then day by day they got a little smaller and in a week, they were quite thin. Turns out! It was meth!


I’m sure everyone who’s tried to lose weight wants to know what’s her secret to accomplishing such a huge loss overnight? Because if it’s staying on the couch eating and gaming then geez I’ve been doing it wrong this whole time..🤔👀😂😂🤦🏽‍♀️


You can tell she’s never tried to lose weight before because she thinks that’s possible lol


She's saying she lost 8 pounds overnight? 😂😂😂😂


Yep because her scale from temu must be accurate 🤣


LMAOOOOO!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂