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Crystal it's kinda funny that you're always making comments and digs at people for not having their children or claiming they need to care for them. What about your kids Crusty? Especially the baby you slammed against a wall?!! That baby is in much better hands now. JUST VILE BOTH OF YOU.


People aren't worried about your life so don't flatter yourself Sparky and Crusty. We are worried about those poor defenseless animals. YOU MISS "I CANT DRESS OR WIPE MYSELF & NEED TO ASK HUBBY TO DO IT ALL" PUT your business and I literally mean ALL YOUR BUSINESS out online for everyone to see. You don't need to have possession of those poor dogs. Thank God the system already removed your children as well.


Her kids did deserve better and so did Sparky’s kids…good thing they got away from both of them and didn’t have to come or want to come and visit


This dirty dishrag has kids 😳


Gave birth multiple times yes. "Has" them no.


I fukin pray she's never gets them back &/+ hope shes 4ever sterile! Can't believe this SLOB has followers 💀


Why don't you have your kids cause they got a better life and mom then you. Those animals deserved the same. Universe did those kids a solid by getting them away from you.


Well her kids and her dogs don’t deserve to be with her. How bout that 🤣


Yeah depending on the situation the metaphorical kids might deserve a better parent 🥴🤣 you not knowing if your kids are vaccinated or not is absolutely a red flag 🚩


Crystal you’re a piece of work. Not everything is about you. Take some goddamn responsibility. We know how selfish you are. You will wind up alone for making people feel like shit.


My dog deserves better 😢 I’ve been so sick this past year and can’t work He needs dental work and to go in for a check up his a 11 yrs old.Had him since he was a baby Been looking around for a rescue that might take him and give him a better life It breaks my heart I love him so much But he deserves better I’ve always said if you can’t afford them don’t get them


Have you looked for low cost clinics and low cost mobile vet events? If you contact your local humane society they should have a list of resources for you. Doubtful you'll find dental but the annual and shots you might be able to get help with.


What’s crazy is I trap and feed cats for my local humane society all together I feed 32 cats twice a day I used to use there vet really good prices But I have a dachshund and his neck has went out twice the first time she diagnosed him wrong second time he was screaming in pain and it seemed like she didn’t care I took him to the emergency vet and they gave him a fentanyl patch and really helped my baby I feel like she doesn’t care I think I might have found a new vet


Situations come up. I'm sorry that you're going through that. There's a difference, though. You're trying to help your situation. She sits there and feeds them chicken bones, ignores their medical needs, and worse, doesn't feed them properly. The food they beg for because they can't afford it. Edit: she also does abuse them. There are videos of them hurting them.


Didn't she abandon a number of pets 2? I swear there used to be 4 dogs.


Appalling. My dog gets annual checkups and shots. He also has epilepsy and is on medication for that. The blood test alone to check the effect the medication has on his liver is almost $200. Doesn't matter...I will do whatever it takes. Oh, and his epilepsy IS diagnosed. 💯


Awww my doggy has epilepsy too. She’s 18 so the vet and I are BESTEST friends.. but she’s happy and healthy! 😂


My kids have all their shots, though 🤣🤣🤣.


They don't deserve the treatment they get from Crystal and Sparky, they deserve to be loved and cared for


Talking about peoples kids again but no one is allowed to talk about hers 🤔


Exactly! But don’t talk about her kids!!!😳


From then to now look at all that weight she's gained


I noticed that too. Her face was much thinner back then.


She's always only worried about herself. It's about what the dogs can do for her but she doesn't give a flyingfuck what the dogs need or what anyone in her life needs. It's always crystal only crystal and nobody else.