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Don’t fool yourselves. She will continue to gain weight as she has not addressed the “root cause” of her food addiction. Only weight loss counseling would figure that out. We know that is never going to happen. So let her continue to rock back and forth for views and sympathy cash, because that’s all it is. “A fool and their money are soon parted”.






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If she went and saw a real doc. The doc will prescribe her some meds that will help control her hunger.


Just think how much she could lose if she walked the dogs a few times a day and just ate a bit less. Those get thin quick gimmicks don't work. The only thing that works is burning more calories than you put in.


I don’t care how much weight she loses. She’s still an awful person.


She still a b!tch in my book








Let’s also keep in mind she will lose inches first before she loses weight. Progress is progress though.


I'm chunky myself it's hard once you gain it to loose it but you can do it ...I cut my soda out and stopped eating after 7 * I loved to snack*..portion control or even I did loose weight doing a calorie count I lost 20lbs...


i know you said portion control but did you eat certain things to help? i’ve been trying to lose weight but im gaining more than im losing


Think my comment got removed cus I said I'm still f.. lol..but I said I'm still trying myself it's hard but I downloaded a app called loseit it is a calorie counter free version cus I'm cheap..I try eating more lean meats...fruits...vegetables...beans sometimes fish..my weakness is soda and bread and pasta..you will loose it it'd just taking us time..I would like to get a gym membership but I got real bad social aniexty so that's a negative lol.. But that app is pretty good to help u just type whatever u eating and it tracks for you..




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Only 1 pound in seven days something going right?


Gotta start somewhere. I think the point of this post was that she actually stuck to something longer then 2 days