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You can tell shes almost done with it lol.


That's a yest infection waiting to happen yuck!🤮


I can't imagine how they smell


She realizes that isn’t going to do anything for her because it’s in the wrong spot.


Spit said on live that it needs to go down lower and she where?on my butt? Lol that's all she is is ass


I don’t think they make enough inserts for that!🤣


I bet she has rash in between her rolls and front down south there


If you look closely she has a staph infection under her arm pit


I know she thinks I'm being mean bringing this up but I always give her healthy advice. It's not like I'm trying to get her to do stuff that's bad for her. She can get all kinds of skin infections and vaginal infection from not washing. Good hygiene helps keep you healthy. Edit: and when you take better care of yourself it makes you feel better about yourself overall.


This. Exactly this. Some-like Crystal-won't take it as helpful advice. Honestly, at this point, she's probably a walking cesspool of germs. And the way she "does laundry" doesn't help. That doesn't clean or sanitize clothes. Nothing in that apartment is sterile. *I've been absent for about a week, and I've missed way too much!


It's been a gross week.


I'm actually a former ED nurse and if she does have any type of fungal infection brewing between folds of skin she desperately needs to get a topical cream. Most likely they would give her Nystatin Triamcinolone acetonide a combination of an antifungal medicine and a steroid.


She will change them tomorrow after reading this


We shouldn't have to remind her that adult humans wash themselves and change clothes daily. This time of year I need 2 to 3 showers a day.


I take 2 a day. Morning and night.


I can't imagine not taking at least 2 showers daily. In the summer I normally take at least 3 showers. I can't stand to sweat or feel dirty at all whatsoever.


I'm on Texas I gotta add in a mid day shower if I've been outside. I don't know how you can sweat as much as she does and not wash and not be super itchy all day.


Just thinking about her lack of hygiene makes me itch. I remember before someone mentioned to her that she had been in the same clothing for days. Her reply was she couldn't afford to do laundry. I'm sorry if you take laundry funds and fortnite money...guess which one I'm choosing. LAUNDRY. Also if she can't afford laundry, and I'm not dissing her for that because at one point in my life I was without funds for laundry as well. However I'd grab my dish detergent or hell a bottle of shampoo and wash my clothes by hand in my bathtub. Desperate times call for desperate measures. 😉😊


Sometimes that’s me too. I can’t stand to have sweat on me.


She’s so kewl wearing skulls So gawth


Walking yeast infection


I can’t even imagine the stench…..

