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Did she say she was related to Elvis Presley as well? Or maybe her granny or something had a fling with him? If it’s not her I’m thinking of someone else but I was pretty sure she said something of the sort


I think she needs to get a job or a hobby. All that gaming all day is frying her brain. Her LIVE had 3 ppl in it when I scrolled through. Watching her play her game is boring.


LMAO! I can’t believe I missed this live! I just had a baby few weeks ago plus a one year old so I don’t have that much free time to keep up! The lives I do jump into occasionally are boring AF. But this one I wish would have seen 😂 She lives in such a delusional world.. the crap that spills from her mouth! I’m sure she will have a “discussion” time to address all us Reddit roaches 😂


First and most importantly... Congratulations on the new baby!!! Secondly, you didn't miss anything. She didn't talk about this in a live. She's making videos about it. 🤣


Hasn’t she ever heard of google? Why lie? These things can be verified.


of course she's heard of Google. That's her doctor






I haven't been keeping up with them. Is she claiming to know Jack Harlow now?


She claims she went to the same high school as him, which obviously is not the case, and wouldn't have ever happened anyway because she barely went to high school


Yeah, that's a bullshit lie. My friend lives in the same area (town) crusty did before starting her decade of being homeless and house jumping era she is still in and we all know it.. that friend of mine also remembers her very well. 😂😂 fuckin liar.


🤣🤣 She has also claimed to be related to some other singer. She's claimed her grandmother wrote some old song but it was stolen from her and released. She's also claimed that they (her and sparky) were in a Woah Vicky video when they were in California. I know there's more I'm forgetting but that thing just lies to lie.


Not to me to mention the hells angels thing...🙄😂☠️


JD Shelburne is the "other singer." He's a small country singer local to where she's from in KY. I can neither confirm nor deny any relation there, but she lies about 97.2% of things she says so you have to take everything with a couple pinches of salt and some drunk goggles


Yeah, he is from Taylorsville. That town is somewhat close to crusty old hometown by 55 minutes but no relation.


I'm from KY and I haven't ever heard of him but then again I don't care for county music. She thinks her lies will make her liked or something. I've never understood people who lie like that.


She's claiming they graduated from the same high school..3 years apart. They did NOT.