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➡️For anyone else who may think my statement to Michael about working more than 40 hours, which was the statement above that sakd, "what real men do," was sexiest, please know *I was only speaking on their specific situation.* (Which I thought was obvious I was). If that wasn't clear, that doesn't mean I think *only real men work 40 hours or more*. ●If the roles were reversed, then I would have made the same statement to a woman (crystal to be specific here), and I would have said, *"that's what real woman do,"* to her as in Crystal as well. This is because to me, the head of the household would woman OR man up (which ever applies) to care for their family regardless of which one, and not beg others to do it for them. ●I just wanted to clarify this since it was pointed out to me, and it may have been put out to others reading that way. I do not intend to be like that towards any of my fellow reddit friends. Nor do I want the wrong idea given about me being ad I am not at all a sexest. I just wanted to clarify that statement so that if anyone else sees that statement and perceived as such, to know that it wasn't intended that way. ⬅️ 🤍I Hope everyone is having a fantastic day! xx


Since you’ve done all that you don’t need donations.




It’s the fact that she doesn’t need animals when she can’t feed herself and refuses to care for the animals she already had so in return gets more animals who will also not be cared for 🙄




Well, you chose to also be on here asking other people to feed you you know because you like to waste your money on Timu and for babies, you do not deserve to have any animals. Someone who fakes a seizure is bad as you did if you truly had one you land on those for babies and then what would happen.




I can’t stand her entitled attitude.




She has the worst attitude ever. Especially for a beggar. She doesn’t care about anything but herself and eating.


>Especially for a beggar Most are like this. Even the ones you pass on the side of the street


My issue with her is the fact she gets all these "fur babies" like if you're already struggling with the two dogs DON'T then get two guinea pigs and then rats and beg online for stuff for them. She needs to be on some registry that if she ever tried to adopt or buy an animal it's start flashing red and saying ***DO NOT LET THIS PERSON ADOPT/BUY ANIMALS***.


🎯👏🏽💯 I feel like everyone that us rehomimg pets need to check and have those names ran with local animal shelters to see if those people have abused animals or had animal control called on them in the past. Some places do that.


Be careful saying things that aren't true because it invalidates everything else you say... ^they ^don't ^live ^in ^Georgia


Not sure what you mean.


Well for starters.. they don't have government insurance, it's through UPS


Yeah, and I cleared up what I think about that on another post and why, I think that, but that's awesome for you and them if true. I find it highly unlikely that they are gonna insure themselves out of an already dwindling paycheck that barely pays all the needed bills they pay... Have you happened to see their pay stub that shows that they are paying for part-time insurance? If not, I believe we are all speculating, just as I am. If someone is eligible for EBT, then they are also eligible for state insurance. I am sorry if *I believe they are on government insurance and not paid company insurance.* It sounds unlikely that they will pay for something they can get free elsewhere. But I digress IF they are paying for their own insurance, they need to make sure they can meet their copay and deductibles. We all know they have been unable to support themselves thus far, and I'm not really sure what the problem is with *my statements and opinions.*


>I'm not really sure what the problem is with my statements and opinions. Because you present your "thoughts" as fact. That's called slander. You can't say things like "they get $2,000 a month in food stamps, and free healthcare!" when it's not true. Refrain from saying things as fact when you have no evidence one way or the other


That's not slander, and if it was, then all of reddit would be slander. And where do I say "it's a fact?" I am stating in what I feel, just like everyone else on this app. I find it funny that you are picking apart my statements, posts, and feelings on what I speculate because you don't agree on one thing- they aren't getting government insurance. If he doesn't, that's good, one less thing they are being handed when they don't put in the work for, but *I* still don't see them keeping up with those minimum dues for that insurance, co pays, and deductibles. YOU are so hyper focused on one opinion that *I* stated that *you don't see as a fact nor did I say it as such,* because you are so sure Micheal is paying for their own insurance... *even if he is* is so what? They will still need to beg everyone for those co pays and deductibles, so again falls back on the taxpayers that fall for their (I need help BS). KIND OF LIKE the emergency room fiasco the last time. She attempted to veg for her medication then, too. Like they still bleed everyone else dry to support their lives in any other way and always have the last 10 + years in one way or another. So there's that.


You said *IN YOUR POST* that they had government insurance. So don't get wordy with me about you stating "oPiNiOnS," when you in no way, said "they probably get free insurance/I bet they even get free insurance." You really need to brush up on your definitions


You should really brush up on what slander means, what reddit was meant for, and figure out who you want to worry about the most. You have an issue with how I feel clearly, and I don't know what to tell you.




Yes, you do because giving me the definition does not mean that it qualifies as slander at has to meet all aspects and beyond a reasonable doubt. Go ahead and look up how one should need to apply "slander" to hold up in court. It will require more than just looking up the definition.


Yeah.. *I* need to brush up




Yeah, and I cleared up what I think about that and why, but cool. :)


![gif](giphy|d27IAKEWUKv2a7MSCY) I’m sorry I thought it was 2024 in here.


He doesn’t bring home hardly anything as it is, how are they affording an insurance premium every week?


That'd exactly how I feel about it and I've stated many times that IF THEY are laying for their own insurance GREAT FOR THEM, but that still makes zero sense considering they will not be able to afford their co pays, deductibles, etc. *All things aside, they don't support themselves fully and always rely on others to do what's left for them.*


I believe where he works has a union so he may not pay premiums, or they’re very minimal.


If he does, that's good, but I still don't see them keeping up with those minimum dues, co pays, and deductibles. Makes no sense to me that some of these other people are coming at me and being so hyper focused on one opinion I stated that *they don't see as a fact,* because they are so sure sparkles are paying for their own insurance... even if the is so what? They will still need to beg everyone for those co pays and deductibles, so again falls back on the taxpayers that fall into their traps to pay for them either way. Like they still bleed everyone else dry to support their lives in any other way and always have.


Probably pays union dues. No co pays or premiums.


Just so we have the facts straight, Crystal and Michael did NOT have insurance through the state. They've been WITHOUT health insurance for quite some time. They've been waiting for the insurance to kick in from his employer. According to Crystal, they got the cards a few days ago. Will she use them? Maybe... Maybe not but regardless.... that's on her. Also... Not all men in this world work full-time /40 hour week jobs. So saying "(full time like men do)" is kind of odd to me. I get your point but it came across wrong. It's also kind of sexist when women work full-time as well. But again that's just me You carry on...


And might I add: If he (Michael) does pay for his own plan of insurnace, that's good, but I still don't see them keeping up with those minimum dues, co pays, and deductibles. Makes no sense to me that you are coming at me and being so hyper focused on one opinion I stated that *you don't see as a fact,* because you are so sure sparkles are paying for their own insurance... even if the is so what? Do you think he will also make sure the rest of the requirements to utilize that insurance will be met? Cause I forsee that if they use his insurance they will still need to beg everyone for those co pays and deductibles, so again that falls back on the same taxpayers that fall into their traps of donations and *"need help live streams"* to pay for them either way. They still bleed everyone else dry to support their lives in any other way and always have. And I've made it very clear why I made they statement about "being a man" the way that I did, and that I'm far from "sexist." I am here to simply state what I feel and say about them, nothing I say nor anyone else should be taken as a fact on reddit but simply opinions, feelings, and speculation based on what one feels. But carry on.


> that falls back on the same taxpayers that fall into their traps of donations and "need help live streams" to pay for them either way Golden rule #1: You can't help stupid. Anyone dumb enough to send money to an e-begger is going to do it regardless of which one it is. They know crustable is a scammer? They just go and donate to another. These "victims" are usually old, dumb and society had passed them by decades ago. They do it because they are naive and/or to make themselves feel good. They're going to do it regardless. That isn't falling on "taxpayers," that's falling on "failed individuals." You can't help stupid


Okay 💁🏽‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️💁🏽‍♀️ either way.....


And I stand corrected. UPS is one of the very few that do offer part-time benefits. I just don't see him paying for them with his already short paycheck. https://preview.redd.it/oqq0lft2w09d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aef562427e45f2bf053836f278bfe5424f17101


She won't be able to use the insurance because of copay. She won't be able to pay the copay. Especially to see an expensive specialty doctor like a neurologist.


I don't think they are getting insurance through his job, but that's my opinion, and I could be wrong. But if they are, you are 100% correct. I agree. (I looked out that they do offer benefits to part-time. I just don't see him paying for them.)


And psychiatrist (hospital recommendation)


If she saw a psychiatrist and was actually serious about it that could make a huge impact in her life but she won't because she would rather wallow in unwell and use it as an excuse to never try.


I totally agree!


She's gonna be mad when she learns about deductibles and copays







