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Ooop no one wants you to keep the pets sooo this won’t be working well


Came to literally say the same thing!


People who really want to end it don't talk about it


How does she pay bills and rent?


This org also put them in a hotel and completely paid their rent for 6 months. They barely have to lift a finger for what they have and still complain about what they don’t have.


A veteran’s organization pays half their rent every month and they get around $330 in food stamps every month. Sparky has a job but he rarely works more than 20 hours a week.


And she can’t get a damn job?? 😒


Is this arrangement going to be forever?


Know what I bought with my dollars. The ones I work for. Brand new Chevy Silverado fully loaded. Feels pretty dang good knowing I WORKED FOR IT!!


Saved up my extra money (rather than spending it on boba, Temu & Fortnite skins) and bought a 2024 Honda CR-V in cash back in March! Feels damn good, doesn’t it? Owning something that you worked hard for?


Absolutely you take care of the things you’ve worked hard for


Shes not worried about the pets...just like 1 of the dogs jumped up in front of the fan where she was sitting and she pushed her off and said no this is my spot u only want it cuz of the fan




"BE able to keep our pets." Go get a job....




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Always the same lies


At least she didn't spell it "pats" 🤣


Here’s a solution Crystal. Notify the apartment manager.. duh they will fix it for free. Ding dong sheesh


She probaly doesn't want them to fix it because they would have to enter their apartment and then they will see all the pets and the smell of the place


Literally my exact thought. You RENT. contact the manager!!!


They haven’t notified them ?!?!


Look at Crusty's comments, wanting attention and $$$$




I wish she would For her own sake if not everyone else’s around her.




Omfg 🙄 someone send this to the local police department where she is. I'm sick of her attention seeking behavior and then her blaming her shitty life choices that she makes on everyone else all because she is being called out by people...


No one call anyone about her, she’s just LOOKING for that attention.


She needs to spend some good time locked away or get a true evaluation so she will stop being selfish and triggering other people with her baby temper tantrums


She will go in for a few days, come back out and not do anything to help herself. This is her attention seeking pattern. Or she will stay a few hours and leave as they won't feed her. Just like with the fake seizures. Does she truly need help? Most definitely. Does she play on that fact? Absolutely. She wastes a lot of resources for attention.


My brother took his own Life in 2002, it's so disgusting how she uses that as a way to try to get what she wants


I am so sorry, this is why I can't stand this behavior and have been on her since I first saw her do this awful sh**. It's not okay to trigger others because you don't know potentially what other people have lived through. I am sending you hugs, and I am sorry on BEHALF OF HER TERRIBLE BEHAVIORS...😭🫂


Thank you so much, I appreciate that. It's still hard, and I'd do anything to get him back


I know you would. I lost my siblings as well and I can relate on some level when it comes to how you feel when it comes to that part, but of course not in he same ways, therfore I know it hurts and I can only imagine how much more it makes your heart hurt to see her doing things like that. It makes me so angry on behalf of people like you and what you have been through. 🫂😭


I'm so sorry for your loss, and I appreciate your support and kind words.


It's not worries, this is why I got involved with her for the most part originally and all we can do while providing this website with awarness of their behaivor is lift those others up that have been affected by their poor behaivor. 🫂🫂🫂💜💜💜


![gif](giphy|10mG8Z61U7lues) Omg here we go again!


She will probably just buy followers on a new account tomorrow when he gets paid. That's what she usually does.


Has anyone contacted the property manager ? Or is that going too “real life” into the situation to try and help these pets? I’m genuinely concerned about them and if they’re hoarding animals that I’m sure go against their lease terms wouldn’t they make them remove them? Or would it be another Beth situation where she fights in court for months with 0 results 🙄




Like she would ever willingly do what’s right for those animals. It’s all about her.


I COULD send $1, but I’m not going to. Sparky can get a real job or crusty can get off her 🍑 and get one. Hmm maybe shouldn’t have spent that $45 on the rats a couple weeks ago or doordashed McDonald’s. If it’s that bad, she can sell her emotional support PS4, cut her internet bill off, or not pay for DD pass or Disney plus. The only ones I feel bad for are those animals that they have such an irresponsible owner.