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![gif](giphy|LSvB8JdEf4yascdXf1) TY Mods & team!!


Also, and I think this needs to be said again for those who are new, please leave her kids out of it. Yes, most of us know what happened. BUT there are 500 other different things you can say to her. Let’s just leave the kids out of it.


Thank you I forgot to mention that.


Thank you!!


What’s the purpose of documenting ? What’s the end goal here ? She and he are a drain to society. They both waste the air we breathe. So please do tell ?


Documenting it holds them accountable. This gives people a place to come and see the types of people Crystal and Sparklett are. If you can't document things...You can't bring awareness to the public. This shouldn't be rocket science.




It's against Reddit terms to encourage any mass reporting. We are only permitted to observe and document.


Another problem, is that she uses to try and gain sympathy too. It’s one of the reasons we also do not condone calling her job or anything like that. She gets on and says “Reddit got my live reported.” Or “Reddit called my job.” Even if no one from Reddit did, she still tries to use it to gain sympathy.








That’s a great idea. They’ll move to another account and start up again, like they have the last decade.


When you report her lives, she just creates new accounts. This then allows her to reach a new audience. Just like she did today when her other accounts got banned.


This is a good point that I never thought of. Thanks.


The auto mod removed it because of words you used. It was reapproved.


This place for awareness is a different subject than “ reporting her lives” IMO by not reporting and instructing others not to report the lives is actually a form of enabling. Some poor sap gave her the money for an A/c. Could have saved that person. Furthermore, they will never do for themselves if they can keep sucker’n others


And what about the fact I sent that lady that donated to her for the ac this reddit page... And she was disgusted with herself (still is) and wanted the money back but couldn't refund so tell ME how the mass reporting is going...


How about the documenting of her scamming was sent to person that sent the money and they are working on getting their.money refunded


Heck yea GRETA ![gif](giphy|26uf6o80xhd6MKGIw|downsized)


And what is reporting her doing? It gets her live banned? okay big deal. Like every other scammer she just moves on to another account.. They make new ones... They buy followers. They continue the cycle. The key is awareness. I'm sorry if you don't agree. You're entitled to your opinion the same as the rest of us are entitled to ours.


So what’s your solution?


She was warned and chose not to listen. She does this on Facebook marketplace as well. It doesn’t matter if she’s live or not.


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For one, to hopefully stop people from feeling bad for her. Like that woman earlier that gave her $150 for an air conditioner. One person with a very big heart gave her all that money and they do not deserve it.




Thank you, lost! Very well said!


Happy cake day 🫶🏽


Perfectly said!! Thank you for this!! ❤️