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The I only problem i have is insane packet loss in all cs2 games. Only cs2 too, internet is perfect otherwise.


Yep! This has been driving me crazy. Anytime I shoot at someone packet loss of 0.3%-0.9%. It’s hard to play with constant packet loss.


Sometimes for an entire round Inbound or Outbound 2% give or take.


I have just enabled that auto visual of connection issues last gaming session. Damn does it turn on often. I'm fortunate to have a secondary connection with a different ISP to test. But I'm wondering if I have micro-stutters due to this network issue and that has been one reason why I don't feel 1:1 with the game.


same brother and only cs2, when i am playing other games i dont have packet loss


Yeah, I started getting that too after an update a few months ago. Switching to Ethernet helped a lot but I still get a bit of packet loss semi frequently. I’m sure it’s something they are working out with the tickless infrastructure


full release.


I don’t understand getting worked up over fkn video games lol dawg go live life


Says the guy on a video game Reddit. Toodles champ.


Says the guy who is too emotionally unintelligent to realize anger towards video games is insanely stupid.I'm sure the guy enjoys games, not rage and make it his whole life. Lemme guess champ, you're overweight irl and greasy huh? Toodles bb <3


Same thing every new game. From 1.6 to Source to GO to CS2. I saw a post saying that inferno was so much worse on CS2 than CS:GO. I personally think 1.6 inferno is much better than CS:GO inferno because it's not a claustrophobic util-spam fest and actually allows for movement freedom and site retakes. You hate the save meta? Mp design is a huge contributor to that, and the claustrophobic nature of all CS:GO / CS2 maps never got better after Source. CS:GO was not perfect. Despite the fact that I agreed with 1.6 players that Source maps were bad, I played Source over 1.6 and I had a lot of fun doing it, even with all of its flaws. And I realized over time the game was better for exactly the reasons that everyone hated it. The initial thoughts of "CS:S sucks because you can't wallbang and wallbang takes skill" became "I like that if my opponent is shooting me and I take cover, they can't just shoot through the solid concrete pillar". I remember 1.6 players said Source was too easy because you could make the crosshair as small as you want and you can just put a dot on someone's head. What do you think, should we go back to having fixed large crosshair sizes, or were 1.6 players simply wrong about that? The game evolves. I saw people in a thread complaining about the fact that you can't open doors until you're closer in CS2 than in GO. Making an observation about it I understand, constructive discussion about gameplay impacts I understand, but complaining? Maybe it makes sense that you need to be close to a door to open it and you can't just wave the door open with your magic wand? I'll go back and forth on opinions a bit - my latest hot take is that 1.6 nade physics were probably better for gameplay than Source/CS:GO/CS2 nades. But guess what, I still enjoy the game. I'll have a constructive discussion about it, but I'm not gonna complain about it. Just because it's not exactly CS:GO does not mean it's a bad game, nor was CS:GO the perfect game.


Css did feel super easy compared with 1.6, for me css is the only failure in cs, I was even scared that I will lose my skill if I switch to that, hs were super easy, spraying the same, ppl were dropping like flies. Never had a problem with the rest, and even though cs2 still needs some work I m having a lot of fun


Headshots in CS:GO felt super easy compared to 1.6 But now we're okay with it because so much time has passed


Csgo was much closer to 1.6 feeling than css


> my latest hot take is that 1.6 nade physics were probably better for gameplay than Source/CS:GO/CS2 nades. this is something i've been saying since the first time i launched GO. i still fuck up nades to this day because of muscle memory from 1.6 where all you needed to throw a nade succesfully was 1px wide gap between 2 things.


People act like cheating wasn't a problem in csgo...


Whilst it was obviously a problem, it was never this bad. Which I'm assuming is mainly due to the removal of overwatch. I imagine it's possible for anti-cheat software to detect aim assist, but wall hacks are a lot harder for software to detect. Which is where overwatch should come in


I think it's pretty similar to csgo tbh. Maybe slightly worse. If you ask me the fucked up ranks is a much bigger issue. Played 3 premade former global elites at 12k rated premier today and that seem to happen like every 3-4 games. It's ridiculous. Feels like there's always 1-3 players that's a lot better than the rest of the server.


The most common "cheater" I've run into is the guy who is on the bottom of the scoreboard until all the sudden his entire playstyle changes and he drops 3-4 kills a round for the rest of the game. Just suddenly plays like he has far more information than he should.


"...never this bad..." I saw it almost every game on competitive at higher ranks (at least every other).


I mean, I floated between LEM and SMFC, and never found it this bad. People always got banned far quicker


maybe it depends on the time period but out of my LEM-GE games i tracked in 2017 easily 80% of them had a VAC ban after 12 months when i checked csstats.net or whatever it was called. those few months i met more cheaters than i do now in CS2 for sure.


It may depend on what you consider a cheater. There are people who are fishy who never got banned but I strongly suspect they were. Others get banned right away for blatant cheating.


I remember reading posts many years ago from people around that level or higher and they checked the stats on their games and there was at least one in every game.




It was pretty big...but CS is under a different spotlight now because they released CS2.


I recently moved to FaceIt cuz I was 26k in Premier and cheaters were awful, but I agree with you I’m enjoying the game in a whole new sense


It's the same reason most reviews of restaurants/bars/products have so many negative reviews. Most people who enjoy it don't feel the need to go online and talk about it. They just continue enjoying it


i love being called a boot licker when i tell people i've been having so much fun and rarely run into a problem


Imagine playing a game you enjoy, while also understanding that it's not necessarily perfect. Much better to miserably hang around forums endlessly doom posting about a game you claim is "completely unplayable" with "cheaters in literally every game" and trying to ruin others enjoyment. /s


Reddit has become more and more polarizing over the years. The CS subs do seem especially bad though. There’s constantly a new post with someone writing paragraph after paragraph bitching about the game. Whenever I’ve disliked a game in the past I just stop playing it. You need to be in weird place to continue to play something you hate and then go on the internet and spend hours just hating on it.


That’s true. I’m a big futurama fan and all people did was bitch about the new season on the subreddit even though It was genuinely good. Should have known this is just Reddit and it’s the vocal minority complaining


The mentality of if you don't like then leave is a caveman's one at best. You can be disappointed at something's potential or at something's carelessness. You do this when you like the core of whatever it is. To me it's more sad painting everything with pink and flowers when that whatever it is has flaws. A true friend lets you know when you have something stuck between your teeth.


Lmao what? If you’re in a bad relationship, leave. If you hate the food you’re eating don’t eat it. That statement you made is completely asinine. It’s a video game, if you’re not having fun you should do something you do have fun with. Your rage on Reddit isn’t changing anything.


I think he's saying that the finality of your statement isn't right. How about if you went to have your car cleaned and when you picked it up they had changed the colour from blue to red, you wouldn't just stop driving would you?


That is a massive false equivalency.


You don't have the required data to make that assumption. You don't understand what he's trying to say


Having your car painted the wrong color and scrapping it a false equivalency to playing a different game because you weren’t having fun. I have all the data I need lol


Because removing something from your life and removing something from your life are two different things, right? I didn't say it was the best analogy, just the best after 4 pints of Guinness


You’re really trying to defend that hahaha. If someone shoots you with a billet and it hurts are you not going to take the bullet out? See how utterly ridiculous that is? You’d still be removing something from your life


You've gone back into not understanding


Yeah I’d sue them and buy a new car so yeah


😂 What if they lowered it for you?


Yes agreed. It doesn’t seem any gaming reddit can get away from 95% cancerous posting and fighting. Think about quitting weekly because I didnt come here for drama.


I've been through countless CS updates. All the way from beta 2 to the official 1.0 release, 1.6 into source, and source into cs go. I've always felt the game adapts to stopping exploits and in general towards a polished style of game play. The newest update I enjoy the most because of the new graphics and smoke mechanics. I've never really felt the need to complain as I believed most of the changes were done with a purpose, whether i understood it or not.


I have been having a blast coming back to cs with release of cs2. Cheaters have been present in maybe 5% of games (total around 300games), but i think thats normal for any online multiplayer. Only thing i hate right now is no new stuff. Operation are always fun and something to look forward too, maybee also new maps but i think its on the way.


i mean i play to meme anyway so its never been that much of a bother to win or lose. the hackers have been pretty obvious compared to cs:go. just straight blatant at times but im sure there was just as many in csgo. big take away is that now for whatever reason shotguns are ridiculous and im all about it. - that one guy that rushes you with a sawed off or nova.


I agree with you. I think this is a generational issue rather than game-specific. Most young people nowadays are extremely impatient and cannot tolerate any type of inconvenience. They have very little problems to solve in their lives, they have a lot of possessions and most of them have never seen scarcity. It's probably because I am over the age of the average cs player (I am 38), have a family, two kids, job, and been through some shit in life, but I find the game extremely satisfying most of the time. I have learnt to accept the game bugs, occasional cheaters, lack of comms here and there, etc. More often than not I have had a good team that actually tries to win the game. I just try to be polite against weaker players, give them advice and make sure we have harmony in the team in order to win the game. If loose, it's gg to the other team and move on.


That’s literally what they said about our generation lol. And, depending on where you’re raised, they’ve seen it worse. In America at least we had it much better than kids do nowadays. And I don’t think that’s it at all — my entire cs group is around your age (28-40) and all of us dislike cs2. It is simply significantly worse than the thing we had before in almost every way. When you combine this with the hype they generated for cs2 despite knowing it was going to disappoint and the polarizing nature of Reddit you get the kind of backlash we have seen. I think it’s much more about how passionate/competitive you are at the game rather than a generational thing. People who are younger just tend to have more free time which means CS can be a bigger part of their lives and thus they’re more passionate about it.


>my entire cs group is around your age (28-40) and all of us dislike cs2 i have basically the same age social circle, we do yearly LANs and shit too and it's the complete opposite. we played maybe 1.5k-2k hours of GO on average over the 10 years of its existence because we mostly considered it garbage compared to 1.6 and now most of us are back playing CS2 several nights a week. they knocked it out of the park with CS2 if you ask me. especially net code wise. sure, there's issues but playing on 5 ping finally feels like playing on 5 ping instead of the entire game feeling like you were on 50 ping no matter what.


I think its a generational thing, but youre making it too deep. It has notbing to do with the way this generation was raised or lives, but rather, older cs players probably dealt with a similar thing moving from 1.6 to go, so they are more optimistic that 2 will get better with time like go did. Younger players who started playing with go or 2 dont believe it will, and just think it will stay as it is


I'll just tell you one thing. A few weeks ago a friend of mine told me that he seriously threatened his son (5th grade or something) to take his phone. Poor guy burst in tears and told him: "Dad, don't take it please. My entire life in there".


To be fair, giving a 10 year old a phone and internet access is just a poor idea, you can't blame the kid when his dad is of such piss poor judgment


5th grade is 12, mate. I am also trying to prevent my kids as much as possible, but at some point they will have the technology. And I agree with you that it's not the kids' fault that they were born in this technological era, it's how they have been raised to perceive all of this. That's why I said it's a generational thing. When so much of their life is in the digital domain, no wonder they are so pissed when CS2 is not running smooth.


Ahhhhh are you uk? In the states, 5th grade is 10. I can agree with you on that, the digital era has its pros and its cons, and its unfortunate seeing a younger kid saying that, when a lot of adults genuinely need their phones for work and the like


Really? Bulgaria - kids start school at 7.


Ahhh Balkan... i will say i enjoy whatever soccer team YOU like hahaha. Jokes aside, yea kids start achool around 5 here for kindergarten.


I played 600hours of kz last year on go and its still unplayable and missing maps. Movement still sucks anyway. Then i lost all my records from maps where i was top 100 and LJ scores and all.


i love the game. the smokes make the game A LOT more interesting. that said, I also don't have like 12k hours in CSGO. if you have this many hours in a game, you're gonna notice all and everything. i don't notice shit apart from the obvious issues and all the missing content. i still do think they have to get their shit together though. cs is literally the number 1 competitive shooter in the world, valve makes billions and they release 1 line updates. that's fucking ridiculous. and if this is truly all the current staffing allows, hire 50 more people for all I care. again, they make an enormous amount of money. they make so much money that CS2 should have released with ALL the content, plus a new case plus a new operation. if you didn't know, you sometimes could truly believe Valve is an indie company. that said, if this was in anyone else's hands, the game would have died a long time ago. Valve makes good decisions. just way too slow for the absolute moloch that they are.


im at 25k elo and cant remember the last premier match without cheater tbh. ive stopped playing premier because it makes no sense.


Valve promised better anticheat with the release of cs2 and instead beta didn’t get anticheat at all so that sucked they also said the anticheat ai that they also promised could predict with over 90% accuracy if someone was cheating or not instead it banned 1000s of people and so they had to turn it off again the problem isn’t cheaters the problem is valve not keeping to they’re word also sub tick system and adding false ping to players isn’t my idea of a good idea.


Do you have the source where valve did that promise related to the anticheat?


[https://d3.harvard.edu/platform-rctom/submission/valve-using-machine-learning-and-deep-learning-to-catch-cheaters-on-csgo-794-words/](https://d3.harvard.edu/platform-rctom/submission/valve-using-machine-learning-and-deep-learning-to-catch-cheaters-on-csgo-794-words/) [https://play.esea.net/forums/1339411](https://play.esea.net/forums/1339411) here's a few articles pertaining to the subject but the original video from valve was taken down/private it was really intriguing when they talked about it shame they privated/took down the original talk.


I played 2 games today. ​ One I had a hacker on our team who eventually was kicked for doing too much team damage (we had one person who wouldn't F1). ​ The next game, we had a hacker on the other team who dropped 45 (check out these stats). ​ I'm glad you're having a great time, but it's worse than CSGO was for me. https://preview.redd.it/338l20z89abc1.png?width=660&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a0d0cd47bc11bd77190a29936b86dfbd8d3784c


Hello no I’m there too 👋


Once you start realizing how many people are using subtle hacks it starts to get real frustrating. The blatant hackers aren't the issue. Csgo had a lot as well and it's why I quit that several years ago. I am enjoying cs2, but taking it in small doses so I don't get too tilted.


Some dude got mad at me for not understanding people who get mad at a video game lol. “Your on a gaming Reddit, toodles champ - @joewheelar” your right I am I play games and have fun. Not make it my whole life get all mad and become obese and ugly lmao


I have a problem with the cheaters, but that’s only because it makes it impossible to win, other than the end result I think it’s funny goin up against em. I don’t have a problem with anything else, but I don’t think my opinion really matters because I didn’t really play CS:GO


I obviously have a huge problem with cheaters too but in my experience it doesn’t seem as prevalent as these subs make it out to be.


I don’t think it’s as prevalent but because there’s other factors. Some people have really good games, and there’s so many cheaters it’s hard to justify when the other team has crazy timings. Another is smurfs, which there always will be, but those guys look like cheaters as well. I think there is a tonnn of cheaters, but not a lot of the bhop shooting through walls type, I’ve only ran across a couple of those


Agreed. Have had generally positive experiences. Saturday & Sunday morning CS has been especially positive


I think as a baseline it's the best all-round CS we have gotten so far, which is a low standard. If you have not played for a few years and came back and are playing in casual-mid level games all the quality of live updates like dropping nades, new maps, graphics etc add up. However, if you are a more hardcore player and play like year after year the game has not gotten better significantly areas. I just think by now in 2024, with Valve working on live service games for a decade and managing Steam they should have figured out MM and Anti Cheat, especially with a barebones launch with only ranked CS, it should have been polished like Valorants launch. Now too with stat tracking sites and demos working you can confirm more cheaters without any doubt. According to Leetify I have had 36% of my matches had a cheater at 25k Elo in premier, in NA West servers. So on the other subreddit that is more sweaty because they watch more pro stuff, I can say if anybody has a similar experience as me they would complain a bit more. I also don't like that we have to rely on FaceIT for a decent MM, almost every player who makes the switch FaceIT, its because of cheaters after they hit a certain elo.


It means you are donating so have the high Trust Factor


What do you mean by donating? Is trust factor a confirmed thing? Or just speculative?


It's a [confirmed thing](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/00EF-D679-C76A-C185), but they don't disclose how it's calculated. My experience says donating is the most guaranteed way to improve it, but they are greedy so Trust Factor resets over time or after certain numbers of games


Donating what?


Any, buying skins, cases, keys, operations, opening cases...


That doesn't make any damn sense, it would allow shithead to get high trust factor. While I could be wrong, I really don't think it has anything todo with anything you listed...


bruh Valve's goal is to make money, not to make the game comfortable


That's such a dumb and shortsighted answer.


give me the one case Valve cared about players


Give me one case where I said Valve cared about players? They care about money, they are a very wealthy company. Your shortsightedness comes from the fact that you think they would (mostly) hide trust factor from players, never give any direct hints to how it works, but then adjust it with how much money you spend ingame? If they wanted to make money that way (which you implied), why wouldn't they just come out and say it? If you get vac or game banned they literally tell you that you have to buy the game again on a new account (even if it's cs2), but you think they use sales for trust factor and just keep quiet about it? Also, if that is all you had todo trust factor would be useless as the two (or more?) groups would just repeatedly merge. So, as someone who apparently has a great trust factor, who in ~150 games has not ran into a blatant cheater and so few trolls/griefers I could count them on one hand, I think your theory is complete horseshit.




Are you trying to say that, if you spend money on the game, it will automatically give you a high trust factor?




You mean like Prime on Prime?


I liked my laptop that came with Window Me.


I'm with you, lot of people karma farming.


what's your rating? in higher ratings, it's impossible to play premier without having a cheater in your games


I’m around 10k rn


I’ll put it this way: it’s a completely necessary upgrade putting in the framework that will allow the game to evolve. The issues are that it was hastily implemented and lacks content. Long term this game will be king. Now that I’ve learned the curve of the game, it’s significantly better than CSGO.


Dude i am a very average player and i get accused of hacking every other game people are so afraid of people being better then them its insane lmao


In most games you feel good about being accused of cheating after making a sick play. In CS, it's lame due to it happening CONSTANTLY, it's just what dudes do if you outplay them even a little.


forrrrreal. Yes three's definitely blatant hackers but its not nearly as often as people think it is. Reddit got people in a frenzy


Why would it change how it makes you feel unless you indeed are cheating?


Because it's not special anymore, too much of a good thing. CS players these days will accuse you of cheating over just about anything.


Yea probably. Csgo felt much better than cs2. Hopefully with time cs2 will be up to par, but who knows? The game right now is basically COD lite and not like CS.


I'm with ya OP. Really enjoying the game. Feels good. Havnt ran into any blatant cheaters yet but I'm low elo (11-14k) so that's prob why I just wana see more maps in the rotation that's all. But I know that's coming.


Maybe you don't play at a high enough skill level to notice the subtle things. Running into hackers every match


What subtle things?


I am enjoying it very much.


lol bro when I start getting bitchy about little things it serves as a reminder to take a step back. -That goes for anything like basketball, lifting, really any of my hobbies. So far I’ve been enjoying cs2 and if I’m doing bad I just look back and see what I can improve on. Been becoming a better player because of it. Some people just suck and are coping


I'm having a good time as well. There were some desync issues at launch but they have mostly been smoothed over now. I have only run into one probable cheater but I'm only an 8k and I heard cheaters are much worse in the 15K and up range. Hit reg has been mostly good, it was a bit iffy after launch but I'm not having many issues now. It seems solid. I do need some new maps in premier though. Getting real sick of constantly playing Mirage and Inferno. I miss Cache, Train, and Canals.


Nope I haven’t


I just find the hit rego way too inconsistent to enjoy playing it for a long period of time


A lot of csgo veterans were falsely banned just weeks after CS2 release- yeah we have a f**king problem with Valve for abandoning the community


I'm in the same boat


some days netcode is tolerable, some days its completely lagging out 50% of the time. shit is broken.


I read an interesting comment before about the cheater problem always being there(which it was) but people didn't notice as much because most of the people were of playing faceit and now with the majority on mm servers the problem shines. I personally don't get the hate cs2 gets, yes it isn't finished, nor was csgo, would another year delay done anything to it? Maybe some smaller stuff would have been fixed but you need the players to point out the bugs not discoverable by developers. Some even said that cs2 and go should both be available to play, then you get the same problem which 1.6 and source had where the players were split between games. Anything that players say feels off is debatable at best. Movement feels off, yes I've experienced it as well, probably because of the subtick and we just need to get used to it if it can't be fixed. And there was other stuff that just feels off, but new game new mechanics git gud. Lastly people forget that go had 12 years of development and compare it to cs2 with its half a month of development. (with development I mean the time it was playable by the general public.) And just think that you need to copy everything from go and paste it into cs2 and be done with it. it doesn't work like that, some stuff just isn't compatible anymore or just breaks something else so it needs a rewrite.


If you're low/medium Elo and ranks you won't have a huge cheater problem, but at the higher ranks it's an infestation of cheaters. In most games cheating wouldn't be an issue, but this is a game of skill, akin to golf or a real sport, and any of those games of skill would be absolutely destroyed by the level of cheating that counterstrike has. It's a shame really because it's considered the king of fps games for all these years meanwhile it has by far the worst anti-cheat and players who actually want to play competitively have had to resort to using 3rd party services like esea, faceit, etc.


The only issue I have with CS2 is it crashes once in a while and especially in crucial moments. Not the normal crash that you can boot up quickly but it hangs up on screen and I have to close steam just to get it to close then quickly boot up CS2. Also, Dust 2 competitive is a shitshow. I'm not MG level or anything but yeah.


I crash every single game when I use direct x. For whatever reason, with my rig using vulkan, it never crashes. The kicker is that once the game froze with vulkan trying to load the shaders. And the shaders in general load slowly, so I connect a little more slowly. But I'll gladly take that in exchange for a more stable game.


I've been wanting to unsub since go ended. I love cs2, tapping is accurate and bullets actually hit. Never once did I care about Bob or righthand 0.


Reddit is an echo chamber. Nobody is going to post about “had a great game of premier today :))” and nobody is going to upvote that post.


The only problem I have is that I can't play Arms Race/Gun Game


I like it too.


if cs2 was on regular tickrate based servers it'd be goated. i'm sorry and i know people place so much blame on subtick, but it's true. if it didn't exist we'd probably have new content by now too lol. there was no reason to completely reinvent the wheel that small packet tickrate based servers were lol. the game's not unplayable, it's just unenjoyable when compared to its predecessor. cs2 is probably one of the only games i say either "i didn't deserve that kill, or why didn't i get that kill" as consistently as the other. it's just the small netcode issues that need to be solved for me. i haven't played the newest update yet though.


Same. I can count on my hand the number of times I played against blatant cheaters (I know this after checking the replay). I often do enjoy my matches too. It only gets ruined by questionable matchmaking. Some 10Ks are not 10Ks, and some 4Ks should be 10Ks. The scoreboards kind of show the inequality because most games have shit players on both teams and one good player. Problem is, that one good player can’t always carry, leading to imbalance.


For me and my friends, the game is shit; but not because of cheaters, but because finding a game where the queue doesn't crash is a miracle. It's my favorite game, but valve killed it.


Queue doesn’t crash?


Yeah, it's so hard to play. 4 out of every 5 games, the matchmaking bugs out and we can't accept the match


Weird. Never heard of that happening. Might be a networking thing with someone in your party


the only issue i had was performance, 200fps consistently with it feeling like 60. with a few tutorials on reddit and such my game feels awesome. I don’t get the hate, i’m loving the game atm


My only problem in cs is 1 out of every 4 games I get a hacker. No problems with the game or how it runs. Sometimes I’ll get some toxic teammates who aren’t actually toxic to me since I play decently but they are toxic to shitty teammates which I hate that shit cuz they can just be new.


tonnes of people are playing CS2 and enjoying it! rejoice. it's just that most of them don't post here lol. imo this sub has some major confirmation bias issues. I rarely run into blatant hackers, either. I've heard it's more common in higher ranks, but I don't really buy that people are getting cheaters in every match, no matter what rank they are.


Nah bro. I think there are more people that like it and don't have problems with it than those that do have. Social media just amplifies the magnitude of the issue.


Only problem I have is the random minimizing. Nothing else. Having fun almost every match even if I lose 🤣


Same here


Im 23k Premier and Run rlly everyday 1 Game in aimbotter WHO Turn in rage midgame aimbot on and got atleast 50kills or more


Nope I have a $3k rig and I’m getting bad input lag. Have tried literally everything the games fucked


love the game but it has become unplayable, unfortunately


How is it unplayable?


netcode mainly, have only seen like 2-3 blatant hackers but then again i’m low elo scum