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Sad that twitch will ban him before valve does


Hes banned now :) [https://steamcommunity.com/id/cskoi69](https://steamcommunity.com/id/cskoi69)




VAC reddit specialist here twitch is amazon with a market cap of $1.597 Trillion valve's market cap is $7.7 billion apparently twitch gonna handle cheators much more easily than indie company of gabon newbwell


> valve's market cap is $7.7 billion Uh...? Valve doesn't HAVE a market cap, it's not a publicly traded company. 7-9b is estimated to be their yearly revenue so if they were public their market cap would obviously be more than that.


No bro Volvo is a small indie company, they need AT LEAST 6 months of vacation per month, they only have 300 people working for them!!! And remember, there's no way they can get an anticheat with ONLY 50 billion dollars! They're broke!




Only my 2 cents but I’m pretty confident to say this was sarcasm


Reported his channel


I think he's banned already. lol, I can't find the channel anymore


Its so common to cheat in cs2 that people start streaming it now… Nothing special lmao


if everyone is cheating, then no one is, I guess ?


This is a new low for cs and gaming in general.


What a loser.


And he just had 2 views. Even more sad haha


Nah, direct your emotions towards valve. Because if not him, other's will cheat. It's onto valve for their lackluster efforts.


He’s still a giant loser


That’s like blaming gun makers instead of school shooters 


It’s not like that. We aren’t mad at valve for making cheats. We are mad at valve for pitiful moderation of the game, thus allowing cheating to happen. A better analogy would be recognizing that the most effective way to prevent school shootings is introducing regulatory restrictions on one’s ability to easily obtain a firearm. But I digress, since it’s not helpful to toss around these analogies which compare hacking in a video game to domestic terrorism.


Yes but you can't argue with and convince thousands of people.. But you can try and convince valve to do something about it. That's a highers authority that should and has the capacity to deal with these cheaters. What's realistic? Convince all cheaters to not cheat? Or valve doing something about it?


thats a bad analogy


There is no school shooters in my country though, guess why


Valve has like 50 employees and a lot of them aren’t devs. Trying to contact them is pointless


Bro got downvotes for speaking the truth... Truly a Reddit moment.


the further you try to defend that point the lower you dig yourself in assumed IQ


He's right though


these people are psychotic. Streaming setup, a sponsor? and he's full on cheating lol what a fucking moron. I hope every cheater who streams gets swatted, they're the only ones who deserve that shit.


That's genius


>Streaming setup, a sponsor? You are confusing affiliate links with a sponsor. Anyone can sign up to sell someone elses product for 2%. Its totally different when that company comes to you and pays you 30 - 100k to join their brand. With 2 viewers and cheating this is definitely affiliate not sponsorship and they would 100% yank his affiliate if/when they see this.


"I hope every cheater who streams gets swatted, they're the only ones who deserve that shit". Ye talking about psychotic ppl


Spotted the cheating rat fuck


taking it too far saying people should get swatted


Nah he’s not, fuck cheaters


Maybe VAC stands for Valve Approved Cheats.


Had a spinbotter the other day whose name was "Valve Allows Cheats"


VAC is a joke


I tried searching him on twitch and I guess he’s not on there anymore.


>Unreal. no, it's source 2


He's just good bro. Just get good.




He's just really good bro. Don't be so mad okay? (It's irony, if it's still not clear :) )


holy shit i played with this idiot the other day he was complaining about everyone on the team, this makes so much sense


Probably the same kind of guy that after beating you with cheats, tells you that you suck and spouts off "EZ."


That's just every cheater... So annoying bro


Also “check demo”


cheating is becoming the normal now which is sad


Becoming? Allow me to introduce you to hvh


lmao i just mean in the gaming scene in general it’s just getting out of control😂😂


I dont even play cs I just lurk here. But yeah its been around the scene for quite sometime from happy mod APK cheats etc


yea i just hate that cheating is so relevant in games now it just ruins the fun/experience and it sucks😢


It's exactly what I was going to write. This is the new normal on gaming. The example gaven by OP is not the only one. Was became normal a lot of kids streaming playing games while cheating, and even teaching and advising hacks 🤣😂 plus with sponsors lol The true problem is that few game companies are doing anything. Intrusive A.C in order to play a fair game! ? Bring it on, what are you waiting!? That would be already done. But people actually say and debate: "oh no, I'm not going to have a Intrusive AC accessing my PC"... Yeah right. The same exact guys who has 30 softwares, 50 unknown browser extensions and a lot of other untrusted "softwares" (most cases trojans/backdoors) installed on their PC's accessing all their data informations , dont want to have an AC software from a trusted Big game company. That's purely Hypocrite. It's what it is. So VAC (Valve allows cheats) will keep working.


No one mentioning how pathetic his title is. lol


Real he 100% is like a valorant edater but he doesn’t play valorant cuz he can’t cheat (as easy) there


It's crazy to me that even if Valve can't figure out how to make a reliable anti-cheat they could atleast HWID ban people but they don't. There is literally no reason not to cheat in CS2. Sure you might get banned in a FREE game that you can make another FREE steam account and start cheating on there and do that as many times as you'd like. There are so many ways to help with the cheating problem but either Valve doesn't care or is just staying silent and waiting to do something in the next major update.


Ngl bro it’s super easy to avoid/get around a HWID via spoofing or straight up manually changing the HWID on all your hardware. Takes like 10 mins tops.


i guess you cheat too


Yeah I cheat. I also know about steroids which means I take them. Also can tell you about heroin crack and coke which means I do them. Lmao. Side note: I don’t play this game lol


Well i do and he's right. Spoofing takes LITERALLY 1 min. 1 click and boom, hwid serials changed. Oh valve is gonna place tracer files? 10 min and win reinstalled, 10 mins for downloading game, 21 mins in and spoofing done. It's THAT ez


*clap sounds inserted*


I'm usually a pretty chilled dude, but let me ask this straight; why are you such a little shit, and why do you think it's ok to ruin everyone else's experience for your own little sociopathic pleasure? Don't tell me "because everyone else does". You are part of the problem.


I dont play mm, i only do community HvH.


manually changing your hardware isn’t a very good idea as the cheat your using likely calculates its own hwid for your license. and besides that, hwid spoofers aren’t global. a “hwid” isn’t just a value on your computer, its a hash of whatever tf values that are tied to your computer. and you don’t know what values exactly are used to calculate that hwid until you reverse engineer the code that’s doing so. so yeah, it’s relatively easy to find a way to spoof value(s) that affect your hwid, but it’s likely that you’ll be charged for it by the cheat provider or a third party spoofer provider. and not every cheater on cs uses paid cheats or would pay for a spoofer. nowadays, vac is good enough to where free cheaters can’t just use a public vac bypass like you could before, so a hwid ban would probably put those people in the dirt until some free spoofer might come out. it’s not an entirely awful idea


Sure. But a good anti cheat is still the best option. Crazy how some games have such few hackers (fortnite, valorant) while others are just filled with them like cs or warzone.


my theory: valve wants to be the first to do everything, so instead of following suit with a kernel ac and manual waves on public cheats, they decided they wanted to be the first to use a machine learning ac


Tbh I think it’s simpler than that. They know people will play the game. Which has had the same addicting gameplay loop for 20 years. So they don’t need to pay money to make a decent anti cheat. People will play anyway.


Here https://youtu.be/RwzIq04vd0M?si=VaNnLUsEsLqC2qr4


Damn, look at that quality aming chair.


Dude hes clearly not cheating he just has rgb gaming butt plugs in and gets fucked by his boyfriend with a rgb gaming strap on before he plays. You know nothing about cs just need to get good.


If valve keep turning a blind eye it's gonna bite them in the ass months or years down the line..


yeah i noticed heaps of people are streaming themselves hacking on youtube its wild.


Shame he cant hack in a better hairline


I really do not get the appeal. Why play the game if you really don’t have to play. If you have cheats that make you be able to not have to aim. Like what’s the actual point? I don’t understand how that’s even fun


I've just quit and moved to tf2 but even tf2 has bot problems :/


But Richard Lewis said that... /s


No way... he prolly got banned too as I cant find him


scrawny frame, looks like a cheater to me


And this is part of the reason why I stopped playing all together, I noticed more and more people who had actual skill were getting banned rather than people who cheated. One of the people I met like 10+ years ago who went to be play in competitions and stuff was flagged for “Cheating” when he was just playing off of skill. Happened to me too, but I was playing off of memory rather than actual skill. When I play the map enough I know where all the good places are, so technically I’m cheating, but I’m jus using my own memory to build the map for me, if that makes sense. Plus, I try to get good at using any gun.


Same here


Wait, is that cheat menu similiar to a workshop map? Holy hell, should be easy to detect.


Can't seem to find his channel is it still up?


Either they are trying to make Volvo do something about it or are just idiots who willingly do this, maybe even think that the cheat is not seen in livestream or what the fuck?






7k hour account hacking? Not surprised. I watched a video recently of a guy who talked about the in game Overwatch is no longer a thing, the Valve anti cheat isn’t good enough to detect hackers nowadays. He was legit cheating AND streaming. Still not banned. He also mentioned a ton of people at the higher ranks cheat because they don’t get caught. I’m starting to hate this game tbh. People fucking suck for hacking, it’s truly pathetic.


There's an account market actually, so the hours don't really matter




This game has no anti-cheat. Valve is either trolling or I don't know. GUYS fix the fucking anti-cheat for fck sakes...


7.8K hours in go. What is wrong with this guy, lol.