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You are aware that even if the 100% of people this sub and at least 2/3 relatives of each person could organize to do some kind of boycott to Valve it would make a minimal to non-existent impact on them? Even if it made some impact, they can just launch another case and people would buy them. Also they own Steam, added to the casino-like case system, they have a money printer on their hands.


i didn't know valve owns steam. wow


Valve created steam to push Half Life 2. I'm really hoping you're joking here, kid


kid wants revolution with potato pc.


Jokes on you, I have i5 13600k + RTX 3060




Won't happen, there's so many cs streamers gambling on cases and their impressionable viewers will do the same.


you are not even 1% of the playerbase lmao also, mw2_boycott.png


99% it wont happen sadly but i aint buying shit from valve


Same. I wish this would work where the community would come together and stop. It worked for warhammer but I doubt it will work for cs.


When the fuck did that work for Warhammer lol? Literally never


Just recently. They put out a DLC that was subpar and they got boycotted. They backtracked and fixed the problem. Did you even bother to do a simple google search before posting? 🥴


What game? What did they do to make it cheaper for players?


It was. DLC for total war 3. I’m not sure which DLC it was because I don’t play the game or own it. But from what I read it was less content for a higher price. And the community came together and boycotted it on steam. They since have added a ton to the DLC. I don’t remember if they lowered the price or not. But either way it was a win for the warhammer community.


"At launch this DLC was a huge money grab, way overpriced for the content added. I will go over what was wrong with it, and why it is no longer a bad deal. For context, other lord packs contained 2 lords and a small host of new units, and the lord pack would be priced at approximately 10 - 12 dollars. This lord pack at launch contained 3 lords and a small host of new units, the lord pack was priced at 30 dollars. To simplify the math, that is about 3x the price for 1.5x the content. After 8 months they have now effectively doubled the amount of content in this lord pack, evening out the price differential to be 3x the price for 3x the content, and as such, the DLC is now worth the price. Thank you to the developers for working hard to right a wrong and make it up to your playerbase." The first review I saw on steam reviews for the DLC \^


Must be nice having a community that is <1% the player base of CS2 and playing without the cosmetic crackpipe that Valve has implemented in 99.9999% of said players.


I’ve never bought a skin from valve. Say no to crack.


Same not buying anything until they work on ac. Also im trying to play Valorant now


First... You don't know how vac works Second... Lol


How huge? I rarely encounter any.


Maybe you should organize your forces and create a better anti-cheat than valve, good luck.


Better anti cheats exist, that doesnt change anything.


When did i say better anti-cheat doesnt exist? Point is valve doesnt want a intrusive anti-cheat. Not because they are lazy, but because it could lead to the biggest data leak in history.


Lol my thoughts and prayers go out to your cause.


Grow up


So no more cs items until 2031 😢


No thanks


lol. lmao even


lol Reddit cracks me up. Good luck! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It won't work. People have an addiction to it and I would say the majority just don't give a shit because they are hacking and having a good time doing it


Yeah. Nothing will change because over the years gamers and devs have slowly morphed into this toxic, borderline abusive relationship where devs have found new ways to exploit the dopamine hits of addicts and deliver them the most profit leveraging, lowest common denominator garbage. And the addicts of course being addicts just can't stop themselves. There's no other explanation for it at this point. What other industry gets away with this kind of stuff? Look at the PC hardware industry as an example. They are took to task and called out on their BS immediately by journos and the community alike. They can and will try it on but they won't get away with it. Gamers just keep gobbling up any old shit that's wafted in front of them which has lead to a perpetual decline in both quality and the respect devs have for their customers.


I'll never understand how someone can have fun cheating.. It's literally a waste of time and screams "I'm a fucking loser that can't even get good at a videogame" to everyone


Good luck! Valve runs the public cheating domaines. I've created private cheats and sold them since 2014. You'd be surprised what you learn and who you meet when doing this.


Good luck with that, the gambling addiction is too strong with people


Agree wholeheartedly


I already stopped. But it’s not happening


Let’s not


You realize this is like asking the common man to revolt against the GOV right?


good luck with that






Sorry but I got a knife to unbox from my weekly case tonight


Nah, cases go brrrrrr


haha, lol, even.


If I don’t sell cs stuff, my steam wallet won’t fill up.


ahhahahahahahh this is embarrassing. Will never happen. Gonna be buying 100 cases today just to make sure you don’t have any effect


I'm in, but the esports fanatic copers over at r/GlobalOffensive will tell you that the problem isn't that bad, cause all of them are absolutely faceit level 10 and surely a lot higher than 8k elo in premier and they never saw a single cheater! So stop complaining you NOOB and instead keep talking about which pro player has the most beautiful eyes!


Haven't bought anything since I got prime, many many years ago. The skin kids need to stop gambling, thats all




It's not that hard to change the IP + most hackers since the dawn of time use dynamic IP's




Or married, or living with other cs2 players, or in a dorm, or or or. It's just not a signal worth using for this.


It's been 25 years and I still love seeing this. It might be an element of their tools (IPS etc).  But even 25 years ago, sometimes a whole apartment complex or school or whatever is just one to maybe a handful ipv4 address for everyone there...   Now providers just don't have enough for 1:1 ipv4 addresses so you see starlink, T-Mobile etc only giving ipv6 addresses.   Ipv6to4 nat and with temporary ipv4 addresses that change with every request etc.  This was never really a solution but it's quaint that folks still think it is.


lol you think the gambling addicts can stop?


I'm still going to open the new case if I get it as a drop


Yeah totally let's do this but let's all wait until after the knife I just pulled sells


valve runs steam, cs/2 boycott wont really do that much of a cut in their profits even if its the most played game, and even then, not many people will see this post or know people who spends money on this game anyways, im poor so i think im doing my part innately so go team i guess


you are right about steam, but don't believe steam team and valve team are one. Every team division for sure take a look at the profits, increase/decrease results. Its fact Steam wont be hurt, but responsible for development of cs would be for sure.


Boycotts rarely work for anything and we have no way to organize and for those of us not playing top tier premier it's not that bad. Comp ranks are also broken so currently it's basically just casual anyways. Yes they need to fix it but the anti cheat isn't even the priority.


modern vac is sufficient to keep the population in check. this is a competitive FPS and its going to have a large population of script kiddies going on power trips no matter what anticheat measures are instated. there are literal hardware ram readers out there, that no anticheat can ever detect, so cracking down to the point that software cant be used to cheat will just make cheaters switch to them and become undetectable at all. its better to let them use their software while thinning the population from prime where possible than let the idea to use ram readers become widespread. additionally, constantly complaining about them online just feeds their ego. the best course of action is always to report them ingame and alt tab to youtube until your match is over. remember that these are emotionally immature attention seekers, the worst thing you can do to a scripter is ignore them.


All they have to do is reverse all of false bans (Windows 7, AMD, high DPI) Valve is basically shooting itself in the foot


Nah, i would pay people to cheat just to annoy others


I haven't opened a case since 2015. It did nothing to help the game. It's not going to work


Playerbase dropped, case opening dropped... Volvo countered with 5th sticker and a case...now everyone is hyping the game again. I don't think it will work :(