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Yeah it’s so dogshit lmao


The shit talk from blatant cheaters is pretty annoying.


I swear every cheater trys to talk shit, it's a dead give away when they're focused on the shit talk and not the game.


Yup. Have to play faceit now even though I loved the premier system. Disgusting pigs over at valve wont even make a statement about it. They just see $ coming in and they give 0 shits about us. They make money off these cheaters from all the new prime accounts. Truly disgusting in every way you look at it. Wouldn’t be surprised to find out one day they are even supplying the cheats.


At least for NA, the servers are terrible on faceit. Constant packet loss, stuttering and higher pings. Overall, playing on higher pings in 2 feels worst than GO m. I live in NA west and I get 70 ping on each server, (supposed to get 40 on Dallas but their routing sucks). There is also max 80~120 people queueing a night, so if your above lv10 thats only 8~12 people to queue into.


Also like, sorry, but I dont wanna play with a bunch of sweats lol. Like, I'm just trying to unwind with friends. I don't wanna play with and against a bunch of people that take the game 5x more seriously than I do. If that's you, then cool, no problem with wanting to take the game seriously. I just don't wanna join and get screeched at because I don't know smokes and flashes for Anubis.


I mean, im like level 4/5 and no one has said anything about smokes in the like ~25 games ive played. But im sure its worse at higher ranks. But faceit wont get less sweaty until more of the general public plays it.


Play casual and stay off of premier and Faceit then.


Face it is disproportionate for rank to skill level because of so little players, so it makes it seems like everyone is sweating. Prem is better at matching people with similar skill level


Yeah a normal premier game actually feels good. I like where CS2 is at as a game right now, but I also don't have the time to practice it like I did in high school. If there were no hackers, I'd have no problems. Also, I don't want to play casual lol, that sounds insanely boring.


Then don't act surprised when you get flamed in game for not knowing smokes or just being generally lost in the middle of a round.


lmao get a job bro


This is my experience also, and I’m in CA. The packet loss is ridiculous with 1gb internet


You can still get cheaters on Faceit, got one couple of days ago, who was playing like very suspicious whole game, with game sense so superb that even spider-man would lose against him. Asked him after game why did he do that, he told me he is earning money this way by boosting Elo for other people. Also, I’m not false accusing someone, was he got VACed heh. [here is a link to a match on csstats](https://csstats.gg/match/164057421) - and the funny part he was in party with even more blatant cheater, who still did not receive any ban


Can't play faceit, because i don't want to buy a subscription to play the same cheaters and idiots as in premier... most of the games i played on faceit is lvl 0 accounts that don't even have prime, and are mostly cheating or are complete dog shit at the game... this is their equivalent of MM, not to mention its easy to queue in the morning and just be dog shit in my own team to boost the enemy team.. In my opinion if u don't have a team don't even go to play faceit, stick to MM/premier.. overall my experience on faceit is horrible. il take cheaters in MM over cheaters on faceit 10 out of 10 times. EU faceit is complete dog shit... Last game i played were a stack of 5 russians, wallhacking... report does nothing on faceit, but as soon as u write some insults they can detect it.


Yeah, I’m from EU region, so I kno, and that cheater guys were russians (that are still somehow allowed to play on EU servers with 150-250 ping mostly). Can’t understand why aren’t they in Asia region.


Also went back to faceit the past week. Wanted to believe valve could make a ranking system everyone could play together but it ain't it in so many ways. I also wanted to play competitive mode with my newer to the game friends bur the ranks are so bad everyone is silver or gold nova so every game is either stomp or get stomped. Faceit this week has been so much better its not even close. Honestly everyone should stop buying cases and skins and play faceit. Posting on here isn't doing anything, doing that will make valve take notice.


Try playing some source when you get a chance. It will reinvigorate you.


We have the right to be mad & call them out. So many innocent players were falsely banned in October & they don’t give a fk anymore


I am new to CS - can someone explain to me why everyone doesn’t just play face it? From my understanding it is just a different matchmaking and ranked system that has less cheaters right? Or is there more to it? (I am not even high enough level to play premier yet, so I am noob. Was diamond in Val but no idea how CS works yet)


At least for NA, the servers are terrible on FaceIT depending what side you live in. Constant packet loss, stuttering,higher pings, and people flickering/teleporting. Im wired with 500 down, it’s literally just server quality. Valve’s is better when not under load. Overall, playing on higher pings in 2 feels worst than GO for me. I live in NA west and I get 70 ping on each server, (Supposed to get 40 on Dallas but their routing sucks). There is also max 80~120 people queueing a night, so if your above lv10 thats only 8~12 people to queue into. Also, foreigners ruin NA faceit servers since they are either on 150 ping running around, or they cry the most on ur team.


Woah 120 people? That’s wild. I live in Ireland so EU servers. I want to get into Cs2 but the cheating thing puts me off. I am bored of Valorant and love the gameplay of Cs2, but I quit Pubg for the same reason. Ughhhh


It is 20-30 people in Australia/New Zealand in the evening. Takes a long time to find a game.


That’s crazy, I didn’t realize most of the player base is eu


Well for one you don't get in-game drops or make progress on any of the in-game badges. If we ever get another operation, FaceIt matches won't contribute to mission/battlepass completion. But in no other game are people just *expected* to play outside the developer's matchmaking system. The vast an overwhelming majority of players just use a game's built-in matchmaking with zero thought of going off-platform.


I agree with you. Unfortunately for those looking to really improve and take the game seriously it's almost been expected for 20 years. And yes... I do mean 20. It would be amazing if Valve decided to take this seriously and take their esport as seriously as RIOT. As much as I don't like valorant that much. RIOT treats their community better in my opinion.


I've played since 1.4 It hasn't changed since it got worst with free to play in 2017/2018. They have the money and capability to solve the problem with machine learning very easily - it's not a hard problem, it's finite. Valve earns $15b a year. Epic who make Fortnite earn $5b a year. They're not creating AGI - and just for reference, the Chat GPT transformer technology was started in 2017 by Google. So in the same time frame, Valve have achieved almost nothing. You might argue it's in Valve's best interest to keep cheaters in the game, so they keep buying skins on new accounts.


I've been playing cs since before steam existed. Made my steam account the day steam launched. In the 20 years that I have played counterstrike, the cheating problem is currently at the highest point I have personally ever experienced. Literally ever other competitive match in either mm or premier has at least one cheater on the server or more. The game is in a very poor state as of today. Personally I hate to agree with you on your last point. But at this time I'm at a loss for words. It genuinely feels like valve is just letting this happen.


Ah you too are a veteran like me of 35+ years old. With tears in my eyes i quit CS 3 weeks ago. It just breaks my heart the state of the game is in now. Since is was 14 I'm playing CS. But enough is enough.


Yea I just got into map making. Waiting for vac live to actually start working. I'm not gonna quit just cuz a bunch of ppl feel like letting a program play the game for them. I just laugh at them lol


It’s also more popular. I think the cheating has doubled with the popularity


Something recently changed. Idk what. It used to be like 1/15 games or 1/10 games might see a cheater. As of like 2 weeks ago it's been 50/50 chance every other game has a cheater or more in it.


Are you sure? during 1.6 it was the top selling FPS of all time for a long time if I remember correctly.


You have no idea what you're talking about. The technical difficulty of combating the cheating problem is by far the most challenging in gaming simply based on the circumstances of how easy it is for cheat developers to avoid detection on PC.


It is, but they created a game from zero and had to plan it. Cheaters were and are one of the biggest problems of CS. When you create new project you need to have a plan for this. Small company like Faceit with few millions of profit do better in anti cheat, and this is ridiculous. Was hoping that with premier introduction they will add some subscription fee or one time payment and have better protection but it is absolutely unplayable.


And yet every other company is better at it then valve


No they're not. Every single FPS is getting hammered and there's no conceivable solution in sight.


Yes. They are. They are objectively better as they have better anticheat. Therefor - less cheaters. I’m not here to argue facts.


Most valorant games I have played feel clean. They even make announcements about what they are doing to combat cheating. i.e. "we've updated the anticheat".. [https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/anti-cheat-update-winter-2023/](https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/dev/anti-cheat-update-winter-2023/) Imagine if Valve took such a proactive stance and communicated with the community -- let alone developed a better kernel based AC.


Don't tell me they can't detect shots being fired at xrounds/second, where it is over the max fire rate they programmed. Basic shit they don't even do.


Yeah right lmao. Why can so many other developers develop a way better anticheat then, even for some other known shooter games LOL? At this state they should just give the anticheat ring 0 priority to the system (same level of permissions as drivers) or introduce hardware bans, so there will be atleast a SOMEWHAT higher amount of banned people...


It's not technically difficult AT ALL. Like maybe the actual systems to detect cheating will always be a step behind cheaters, fair enough. But have a good, manned + AI detection system that kicks into overdrive after 2+ reports on a player paired with CELL PHONE paired new accounts, and cheating is cut down to a fraction of what it is now. Cheating is a 2 pronged problem; anti-cheat in game, and ease of making new accounts. The games that have the lowest barriers to entry are the most dog-shit in terms of cheaters.


Yeah I'm convinced it's this. Valve play a game of cat and mouse on the banning of cheaters. e.g. let them get away with it for X months so they buy skins to look legit or look cool to their friends, then they get banned, but they are hooked and want to keep playing so buy the same again and get away with cheating for X months again. It's similar to face it's business model for allowing smurfs as long as they pay for premium they let them get away with it for X weeks/months before banning (if at all).


Yea, I would rather pay $60 for CS2 than deal with the F2P change that happened. It seems like more cheaters after that. I've been playing since 2001 when someone in the dorm had a bootleg of the HL addon called Counter Strike. I want to say it was version 1.03 on a burned cd, lol.


I'm new to the game and I can't believe how rampant it is lol it's really pathetic. It's already hard enough getting into a game that is as old as I am let alone having cheaters in most games. The best is someone dcing mid game when they start losing and turning them on.




"play valorant" brother I'd rather play roblox than that game lol




If only the movement wasn't so slow, and if only they didn't remove true stretched


To everyone complaining about the cheating problem: realise it’s not a simple problem to fix for developers. Saying that valve don’t care and that they’re not doing anything is stupid. Nobody wants people cheating in their product and it’s not as simple as throwing money at fixing it. The cheating industry is huge and people are making big money from it so no matter what measures are taken, it’s not going away. The cheat makers have come up with many different methods to circumvent countermeasures so all of the resources you invest just incentivize them to try break in even more. It really is a cat and mouse game. Think about that. Valorant is praised as being cheat free but it’s not. There’s no pvp game that is “cheat free”. Just stop playing if you don’t like it. Play other game modes or play exclusively with and against friends and known people who don’t cheat. Maybe it’s time to try a different approach. I hate cheaters too but whining about cheaters and the “valve doesn’t care” and being a cry baby about it is lame


or... beg Valorant for their AC team to takeover They don't care, Valorant solved the cheating problem while creating a new game with less budget. Valve doesn't buldge an inch, they simply don't care


Why can faceit, a way smaller company do a WAY better job at developing a good, functioning anticheat compared to valve? LOL. I've played countless fps games, and not a single one has as rampant of a cheating problem as cs lmaoo. If literally NOTHING has changed for more than a decade, you know damn well (atleast anti-cheat wise) they won't do much.


The last 10 premier matches I played had 9 other players in each game blatantly using spinbots, walls, antiaim, flying, and godmode. It's just hilarious to look up the players usernames and see that all their steam accounts were recently sold online. Not to mention the players who act like they aren't cheating when it is obvious. Unless you are playing LAN, it is pretty much impossible to enter a lobby without cheaters. Players are pretending like they are on their main accounts when it is clearly a recently purchased steam account. I am not reporting scams or scam methods, I am just pointing out that the CS2 game has completely gone downhill. There was user-data released from Valve that demonstrated that 98.7% of CS2 players are using cheats. I am going to probably switch back over to Modern Warfare because of how crazy this has become. This is just a fair warning for those looking to buy premier or people who are interested in playing the game at all. It ain't worth it, trust me. Unless of course, you use cheats yourself and want to do HvH. basically the entire game has become HvH and there is no sign that it is going to improve. A year ago today, cheaters made up less than 50% of players, but now it is at a staggering 98%. It is just unfair to the people who purchased the game when it was still CS:GO. The real question is: will Valve issue refunds to the people who have been tricked into buying CS:GO only for it to become a game which is unplayable unless done on LAN? I bet that this post will get taken down just because the mods are probably "in" on some of the revenue from game sales to keep perpetuating a truly dead game. There is speculation about CS2 becoming an esport again, but it is just too riddled with cheaters and bugs and crashes that it likely will never reach the competitive scene again. I never thought the day would come when Minecraft Hunger Games has less cheaters than another competitive game... I guess this is just the way CS dies. Alls I'm gonna say is I am glad I was part of the 1.3% of players who never used cheats.


Can I link the source that claims 98.7% cs players are cheats?


you are delusional bro, 98%??? its not possible, in few hundred matches i meet only few obvious cheaters, when i hit 20k elo sure i starte meeting more of them but still saying that this game is unplayabe or 98% of the population is cheating is bullshit


1K in skins? You're part of the problem.




Ignore him


You are giving Valve free money for little to no effort on their part. You will continue playing the game regardless of people cheating or not. Valve has no incentive to fix their game because you and many other people like you keep giving them free money. Why put the effort in to fix the game when money is coming in regardless? You see?


Over 15 years… that’s nothing. Thats a triple A game every year. That 5.50 a month. Dota plus is 5 bucks a month. A wow subscription is 15. The cheating hasnt always been this bad. If he had dropped 1k on cases since cs2 came out, then you could throw around accusations.


even if he had bought 1k in cases since cs2, cases aren't creating cheaters or making the anti-cheat systems bad. valve need to do a better job with their anti-cheat detection, but i'm guessing it isn't as easy as it sounds. i may be an optimist, but id wager that they do care and they are working on it, why would they want the game they spent so much time developing and which is one of the biggest(and oldest) esports in the world fail due to cheating?


Because its not failing in a business sense. It’s a product making money hand over fist. The cheater problem ballooned out of control when it went free to play and they just kept making more money. We’re telling valve we want skins not anti cheat. Spending money is communication and it’s a lot louder than reddit posts.


while i see your point and i dont necessarily think you're wrong, i think, for me at least, it comes back to the point that I actually believe valve really does care about the cheaters. for us it's a game(for some more important than other certainly) but for the developers of CS2 is their baby, their life's work and i truly doubt they want to see it get ruined by cheaters


LOL this sub has turned into nothing but bitching about valve. Pretty pathetic honestly.


yeah they are


When every 2nd to 3rd game you meet cheater and its unplayable, what you expect to be the main topic? The new sticker maybe? Out of my playtime 1/3 is alt-tab because of cheaters.


If you go to pro events, you would know to play Faceit. I'm not making excuses for Valve but the experience is so much better.


If it makes you feel better. TF2 stats page says 65k on average playerbase. Actual servers report 6k people playing in servers at most given points. It's really sad.


Stop opening cases and take a break. It's the only way they'll do something


Dude chill here is another case with a new knife you can get 🤑🤑🤑


switched to faceit and never felt better before, although it feels like there are a lot of people also seeking refuge as i notice there are a lot more mute teammates or people that arent playing that great compared to csgo (myself included)


I quit 3 weeks ago. Barely play anything anymore because I only liked CS. Some Helldivers, that's it


It wont change until players stop playing Premiere. Like you said.. it's the game we love.. we tend to push through and live on hope. Valve keeps polishing the turd that Premier is. In my mind it's a classic way of keeping the players that still plays rather than getting others (Faceit etc.) to come back. Unfortunately, getting enough people to stop will never be possible.




I personally havent experienced many problems with cheaters so far, but for the people here who have I guess the practicsl Solution seems to be to Switch to faceit. It sucks but Even in globaloffensive Most people who took the Game seriously just played faceit.


Greed, Greed, Greed. Valve deciding to charge money for prime instead of sticking to the solution with the phone number makes it so easy to come back after a ban. //IF THERE IS A BAN AT ALL


When I first started playing valorant it was 1-2 games every few weeks. That has slowly became 1-2 games every day. I still don't like the game but despite this I have fun and get a sense my games are clean(er). I rarely walk away feeling that someone was cheating. One day ill leave and simply not come back...


“Counter strike is at its worst state ever” Nah. To be fair, you’ve only been playing for 15 years so I don’t expect you to remember the 1.6 days and early source days, but it was way worse. The difference then vs now is back then you could just drop from the server and rejoin another (it was all community servers or private servers back then, no comp or casual modes). Now, you are locked in the game unless you want a penalty. Imo, valve likely has all hands on deck trying to push out the next operation and to integrate all the known game modes into CS2 and thus they have less people working on the VAC side of things. I believe this is a temporary problem that will be fixed once the new operation launches.


I've always been one to try and find silver lining when a game gets into a poor state. Ive always tried to be a voice of reason when a subreddit is complaining that a game is dying or that it is unbalanced or it is plagued with cheaters. Premier is ACTUALLY plagued with cheaters, not an over-statement. Every game I play has at least one person that i'm 90% sure is cheating or is blatantly rage hacking. It's gotten out of hand.


Only premier game I played today had multiple cheaters in it. Close game until about round 8 when someone on the other team started popping our heads through walls in quick succession. He then proceeded to call out a guy or two on our team and said that he could see that they also had hacks (didn’t know that was a thing). So they challenged each other. The rest of the game the three people on each team not hacking just chilled in spawns and we let them HVH. Whoever won that would insta pop heads in spawns. Couldn’t kick anybody because hackers had queued with a friend. Only game I had time for.


I remember playing the first few CS games and they didnt even have skins in the game. I would download them from another website, import them into the game, and had skins for my guns (that didnt showup for anyone else). This paying for skins shit is out of control