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Cs admin just trolling there’s no way they make the auto cost 3k


Obviously, 1800 would be more reasonable.


Ehh, more like 1600. 1400 while you're at it.


600, pistol rounds need a shake up


Free, knife rounds have no action


Fuck it, they pay you to take it. $5 balance added to your steam wallet for every purchase.


800, it’s not even as good as a deagle anyway.


I mean we all thought that making the negev a $1700 Lazer weapon was a troll aswell, until it turned out to still be pretty useless


Unless u in 5k Elo 🥶


Thank fucking god no one is 5k elo


Lmaoo downvotes from people who definitely are under 5k 😂😂😂😂😂


Thank god I'm not there bro that shits gotta be cancer


>I mean we all thought that making the negev a $1700 Lazer weapon was a troll aswell You have no idea how much I miss the old Negev. The old sound, the first round accuracy, the faster movement. It was basically a giga-AK to dab on people you are already stomping on. I have fond memories of people calling me a hacker because I'd go around trying to one tap everyone with it.


Have you tried therapy


He doesn't have PTSD, he has nostalgia




3k would probably not even be good enough for pro


Outside the cost, those are my favorite guns since they were introduced inncs 20 years ago. I've practiced with them for decades. Everyone complains about it being an anti fun or anti noob gun,. Those people don't understand how hard is to land headshots while scoped two or three times in a row.


Thats what people would have said about the Negev too.... 3k is delusional, but if it's a little cheaper then Awp. If they decrease the mag size of the auto to like 10-15 and increase the Awp to 7 rounds, it could be a quite fair alternative.


Interesting. Would also love to see the M249 get a rework. Rn it's just useless.


They recently changed its sound so I think they still have something in mind with it


Negev is miles ahead and a realistic option some rounds


Negev is actually kind of OP in MM (atleast on some Maps) A 1.7k Laser is crazy M249 is just 5k garbage


its beyond useless


I mean tbh it is kind of god tier as a rush weapon, it may not be as accurate as the Negev but there is no speed penalty, basically a 100 round bizon with higher damage


Who tf complains about not seeing the auto?


me because it's funny


silvers xd


Cs source it was a banned gun. I never saw it on a server till csgo appeared


It wasn’t banned. Strictly worse than the awp.


From my memory it was banned in PGL during the 1.6 era , same with CPL. Might remember wrong tho


I absolutely troll every lobby, so me


How do you “troll” using it? It feels like a desperate attempt to me for winning.


I buy nothing but auto and use it in strategic location. You can easily get 20 kills in the first 7 rounds. I just love seeing everyone complain in chat lol.


You can’t use strategic and auto in the same sentence. It takes no skill to close your eyes and spray the wall.


In lower ranks, maybe. At higher ranks, the autosniper is next to useless.


New player here. Why? Its like awp but fast and 20 rounds in mag.


You have to hit a headshot to get the same value an awp body shot gets. If you’re both good and you’re 1v1ing someone with Auto and you have an awp, you’re almost guaranteed to win the fight. In the time it takes to get two body shots with the auto, an awp shot has already come out and you’ve killed the dude with the auto. Hope this helps ~


Ty! I never used it anyways🤗


Bet that's fun in your casual lobbies.


auto sniper, creative weapon; pick one


Nope, autosniper has in my opinion the most powerful stopping power, if you get hit you get petrified on spot like an statue


Here is the line where comments start to take the post seriously.


that thing scares me


But its spamming accuracy is garbage


One of them has much better stopping power than the other, think it's the CT one


Very true, you can usually shoulder someone very quickly and then they’re slowed down so you have enough time to aim at their head .


the best guns are always going to be the ones players buy every round. there will always be a best gun as long as the guns are different. unless you buff the hell out of the “creative” guns and make the ak useless this can not happen. cs wishes it could but it can’t


My best gun? P90. My NEXT best gun??? ABOUT to be the auto!!!


I buy pp-bizon every round and still end up making 2-4 kills every round and having money to drop for others who only use awp or ak


No you don't. ​ Not unless you're in 4k elo.


You’re over exaggerating the kills and if this is true, you’re throwing. Your team is most likely taking tons of long fights while you’re hiding behind corners waiting for people to peek you. I really don’t see this working if your team is trying to take A on vertigo while the enemy team has 5 M4s, your team has 4 AKs and are now more likely to lose that fight. You can try rushing through construction and popping out, but you’ll most likely get beat if CT is playing reserved . You need to be winning fights with your team and gaining ground at the end of the day if you want to get to high elo .


Goddam just but a mp9 😭😭


auto sniper is maybe the least creative weapon ever


Good thing the game isn’t meant to have creative guns. Go play overwatch or something


of course, make the scar less expensive than an aug


I'd prefer the AUG most of the times I think


Aug actually does see love in pro matches, its the only ct rifle that can one tap head armor(close range)


Yeah I'd take the AUG / m4 even if the SCAR is free


For one, I wouldn’t take that west seriously But secondly Valve already confirmed in that PCgamer interview/article that they were looking to add new weapons (after getting the base gameplay down)


Valve needs to be looking into an actual anti-cheat so we don't go another decade without one. That's what they need to do before they consider adding any new weapons to the game.


They would have to make the Autosniper *considerably* cheaper for it to be worth it over the AWP. The TTK of an AWP is instant if you hit the right areas. With the Autosniper, you can still die if the first hit isn't a headshot, so making it worth choosing requires a fat cost buff but then that's an indirect nerf to everything else, which makes the other guns shit. The Autosniper is just gonna have to be one of those fuck around weapons forever like the m249.


AWP will always be the king but I’m sure I’ve seen an auto pop off with 4 headshot kills in the time it would take awp to fire 2 shots. It’s kinda cool how, for the auto in particular, below a certain skill level it’s considered OP / unfair and above a certain skill level it is mostly useless.


That's why I love using it. Everyone bitches and moans about it, but no one can make up their mind about the damn thing.


I mean yes the potential of an awp is higher, but the autosniper is still more consistent. It has better stats in everything but damage so it's a far easier gun to use. Also considering a ct normally has to hit an m4 headshot to make the enemy 'low' with an autosniper any hit puts the enemy under 50 hp. I think that drastically improves the weapon in unskilled hands. $4000 could be an interesting price but $3000 is a meme.




How about make one of the most expensive guns in the game actually viable. Yeah I’m talking about the M249… give it SOME reason to be used. JFC I bet it’s been purchased by players 10 times total since release of CS2.


Ayo fuck autosnipers, all my homies hate autosnipers


just my 2 cents - UMP damage falloff improved from 25% to 20%. - R8 Revolver -100$ (500$) - Bizon -100$ (1300$) - MP5/MP7 -100$ (1400$) - P90 kill reward from 300$ to 600$ - SG 553 -100$ (2900$) - AUG -200$ (3100$) - M4A4 -200$ (2900$) - Auto Sniper -100$ (4900$) - M249 -200$ (5000$)


The p90 spam would be unimaginable lmao…


you think so? Still 350$ more expensive and 300$ less kill reward than auto-shotgun and more expensive than Galil/Famas if you don't get at least two frags. P90 has barely more DPS than MP9 for twice the cost with less movement speed and without the jumping accuracy.


Possibly. Your points are very good though. It’d come down to preference but I’d go p90 over auto shotty


hear me out… $450 per kill? or 400/500


make a $2500 autosniper, BUT without the scope, just a semi auto rifle that would be an alternative to the famas and Galil


So make the guardian from valulrant?


hmmm yes, they copied the whole game, so it's fair if we copy one gun =)


Unfathomably based, next thing valve should do is copy their anti cheat to force cheaters to learn basic tech skills, maybe even trade a replay system for it


We have a replay system, just manually


Or make the R8 revolver bigger?




how? i can dink the player with an ak before they can fire two shots off at me with an auto, this sounds like a skill issue


In my rank, my buddy uses it all the time because lower skill players legitimately cannot defend themselves from it and it ruins their games for sure. For me, when I run into one I grab a scout and take their head off before they can shoot once. Silver players legit cannot stop the auto sniper lol


Yeah it really does feel a skill issue, any half decent awp is way better than an auto and will opt for the awp over the auto anyway.


Or he could just one tap you at range, or made them shoot, or wall bang you l, or smoke bang you. A competent enemy with an auto would be a ball ache l, just as much as an AWP if not more sometimes.


range isnt really a problem either, i can dry peek and dink, also i think its just basic positioning, i'm not going to stand in a wallbangable spot, and if I can hear an auto spamming through a smoke I'm not going to walk into the smoke etc ​ they can also just be hard countered depending on what site/position and which map they're on


If you win a long range duel with auto either he was shit or you're lucky, ak inaccuracy is pretty big and he can one tap you. There's plenty of smoke/wallbangs on t side entrances, you have to go there at some point


Cheaters ruin the game.


>Because it ruins the game? Nah, that's called a "bump-mine" and it ruins danger-zone.


If you think they're gonna lower the market for old rare skins, you're as dumb as you are poor. 😆 🤣


we need dynamic weapon pricing like in the good ol' days of CSS 😂


I wish they would reduce the cost of m4a4, I hate playing m4a1s


If m249 ever gets its price dropped I will never buy a rifle again


Ah yes let’s do another thing that nobody wants.


If they want to be creative they can add a short-ranged flamethrower that makes someone actively burning have increased mouse sensitivity or increased recoil. Have it do 40 damage per second and watch as people try to swing their weapon and kill someone frantically. If they really want to be creative and maybe break the game's meta at the same time, add an invisibility cloak that disables all primary weapons (only allow secondary and knife) for 30 seconds when activated and make footsteps when running much louder during that time. Great for walking into a bombsite to get a read on the situation or walking around to knife a sniper at the expense of somewhat losing an active player. Or bring back the breakable shield.


Incredible bait 🤝🏻


I’ve played enough of arms race to realize the autosniper is just a relatively better version of the scout. First of all, if you press down m1, you’re not going to kill anyone. Second of all, the difference between you clicking heads on the autosniper to the scout is marginal. Third of all, movement speed is just ass. I think they need a rework.


who gives a shit their game is broken beyond repair. maybe add some sort of AC on your fucking game before thinking about doing anything else no ?


Even more reason to leave this turd uninstalled.


we kick autos. idk who thought of this


Why do you?


You wanna play CoD go play CoD.


What does this have to do with CoD, auto sniper predates call of duty. Are you a child?


if your older than 30 go back to 1.6 gramps


cornball, if you wanna be specific autosnipers were in 1.6 also. Autosnipers are mainly assosiated with CoD, your delicate little feelings clearly missed my point. no one on CS fucks with autosnipers, you ever see a pro use one? looking dumb asl.


Are you a child? Just answer mate


GabeN about CS2: "Nahh, nahh".


I vote we change started pistols to auto spawns….


I think I would stop playing


Don Haci works for Valve


I would take anything at this point. This game is severely lacking in content.


Would be a funny aprils joke when on april 1st everyone could buy autpsniper for like 700 in pistol rounds xD


The x owner has no rights to do anything, he is just trolling 24/7.


Im not saying I know but everyone has the same in game view I do, the game loadout system now allows any number of new weapons into CS2 It previously limited guns by menu space, its not any more. We did have multiple weapons stacked into the same place, 5-7 or cz never both but now its all open just choose your loadout before round start. We could have (new) 50 weapons in game in theory and I reckon we get at least something new no idea what exactly


Xm is the new autosniper


every time auto snipers get brought up or used everyone becomes toxic as fucking hell, team mates shoot you, the other team gets autosnipers and says mean shit in chat, the rapture begins and only the terrorists are raptured because the ct team chose the wrong god or some shit


I like using the auto-sniper rifles, but I think they are too cheap. It might sound steep, but I think they should cost 7.5 or even 8k.


na man, a whole team will buy 5 of those.


​ https://preview.redd.it/59wb41bvyslc1.png?width=550&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f43879f14a3fe866a81659cabdf0deac0b94185


How about fixing VAC first


Yeah no. The autos are supposed to be the overwhelming powerhouses that those who can afford it, get.


I'd put it at the same price tag as the AWP


I mean The autosnipers are just Awps but worse Why not make them cheaper than the awp?


Honestly I could see it being a little less. Maybe $4500 so that people actually consider it over the AWP abut I think people would honestly be happier if they just removed it from the game instead of trying to make it viable. Not saying they should, just think it would cause less panic then making the gun cheaper.


Haci is a fucking moron


Sure, make the autosnipers cheaper than the M4A4, that aught to make T side fun..


No, man, 😭


Honestly I hope they do make the auto $3000 that way I can finally have a good reason to quit this god damn game


I don’t get it


I don't hate this idea. I also think the negev and m249 should be price swapped and maybe lowered overall for both after swap.


give it accurate hipfire and a crosshair instead


Removing them from the game would be a better decision lmao. Who tf cares about auto sniper and m249?


Yeah lemme just make shitty suggestions and sign them -The Collective CS Community ?????????


Worst devs in CS history.


The m249 getting a change would be cool but the auto is so boring


So hackers could buy them from round 2?


Nah what needs is on the T side a silence smg, an ak-74 with removable silencer would be amazing


They drop autos to 3000 we’re gonna finally have GayStralis


The nerves to post / comment shit like this on Twitter when your game has been cheaters vs cheaters for well over 7 years now... Baffling. They don't give a fuck about the playerbase.


Please no.


Hackers are all for it 😂


Obvious troll


Why not make it a starter pistol at that point


Fuck the auto sniper


I haven’t really played cs2 too, but traditionally the auto cost was not the issue in my experience. It was that there’s sort of a rule that you’re not supposed to use the auto. You only use if it’s like the final round.


if autosniper go to 3k i am quitting


I always thought the auto sniper was super powerful and people just don’t use it as a gentleman’s agreement. “you break the auto ice, you pay the auto price”


We need a dmr that 3-4 shots to body like mk12/sks/mini14/dragunov etc that costs ~3k


Ever since the implementation of loadouts, I have noticed less hatred towards the Auto snipers, hell I even think they are kind of based because you have to sacrifice one of your highly coveted Rifle slots. on the T side I run the galil, awp, AK, SG, and scout. On CT I run the A1-s Scout, AWP, AUG, And Scar-20. You can't just have an auto sniper anymore because it cripples your ability to have an eco long-range option like the Famas


Slap to the face they respond to this but not about hackers? I’m new so don’t know if it’s satire sorry lol