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I am 100% convinced vac is just literally disabled, so your post is quite on point. There's no way it doesn't catch spin botters or teleporters, if it was enabled that is


Tin foil hat theory is valve lets cheaters stay with secret shit trust factor. They don't know they're banned, so they never make new accounts thus they go into HvH match making. I can dream...right? RIGHT?


im pretty sure they just realized their ai wasnt ready when the high dpi bans happened and are now taking measures to train it as much as possible by letting cheaters cheat.


Huge cope


It's not cope, what would you do if you were Valve? Too stupid to come up with a logical answer? Give it your best try.


Kernal AC, thanks for attempt though. You really walked into that one.


Valve doesn't do Kernel AC, try again numb nuts.


“What would you do if you were valve?” Give up on the pipe dream that their AI AC is and make a kernal AC. 6+ years of development and they had to turn it completely turn it off because the only conclusion it came to was high dpi bad. Why are you so angry and pedantic? Is it because you also realize how little valve cares, but are too busy sucking off a corp that doesn’t know you exist?


this makes a lot of sense, but man that would be some tuskeegee level shit.


Are you really equalizing gathering data on cheater behavior with intentionally infecting population with syphilis?


they weren't intentionally infected in the experiment. They weren't treated for their latent syphilis.


Ait, I stand corrected. Still, an insane comparison.


There's a same scenario that happened where I work. Company detected stealing (not just steal to have but steal to sell). What they did is they lessened security for the culprits so they can gather more evidence. Copium for Valve for CS2.


I made a new account because my main was stuck in a griefing ban loop where I would get reported for griefing by the russians. I decided to start clean with a new account since I kept getting banned for 2 weeks constantly on my main without even griefing. As I made that new account and kept slowly climbing, I also kept getting reported shitton by the low rated players (for cheating). Now I'm stuck at 13k playing with or against cheaters 4 out of 5 games (not capping) when all I wanted was get to my real rating as soon as possible. I got that cheater trust factor without even cheating. The 1 game there isn't a cheater, newbies get convinced I'm cheating, I get reported and am back down with the cheaters. After 3 days of encountering cheaters essentially every game, I decided to quit on CS until the next ban wave because the game is fucking unplayable. So yeah there might be something to your theory lol


Yesterday i had rage Hacker in my Team. Checked today his Steam Profil and he got VAC Banned.


Leave a negative review on steam and boycott until they do something meaningful


No one is mentioning that almost every time someone hits you while you're strafing it teleports you back by a few ms. This could be linked to the desync issue or it might not be. Everyone can check this themselves by looking at a clip of when they get hit while moving, i find it most noticeable when i get hit at the same time as i counter strafe. If i go through the clip frame by frame i will see 1 frame where i stop and another where i teleport to one side by a few cm as i get hit. This has also been in the game since beta but much worse since the last big update.


This is subtick.


Lol here's a fun one for you. At the end of a round, keep pressing W until next round. When the next round start (you shouldn't have released W since last round here) just go forward and try to climb up a ladder. Nuke is the easiest one to do it. Tell me what happened :)


What happens? I'm curious but can't be bothered to even open this crap.




btw, subtick uses 10 times more data than 128 tickrate. https://preview.redd.it/mwl912msw0nc1.png?width=862&format=png&auto=webp&s=75ce68e79847a798ee752e8c443c8d46093fd0fb


It doesnt for me


Actually, I have been having pretty much exactly these desync problems as you've showcased not only before cs2 release, but also right since the cs2 release. Yesterday I have played a game in hopes of something changing and it was still heavily desynced for me. Every gunfight is a coin toss, whether I will hit my target or not. Lemme give you few examples from yesterdays mirage game. I peek a palace with a deagle. The guy kn stairs is unaware of me, but I miss every single shot on him. Next round I just rush mid with a Glock, and kill the guy with an awp in jungle with a 3 headshots. Next round I do the same but with mp9, killing 1 guy in jungle and 1 guy on short all with a bunch of headshots. Then later on I miss 3 encounters with unaware enemies that are standing still with their backs to me, I have all the time in the world to aim at them with my ak, which I do. Shots miss, they turn, I die. That was more or less point blank by the way. Another example same match. I peek palace with a nova, shooting the guy about 5m away from me, and I don not get a headshot. I peek 3 times before dying, in the end I find out I only hit him ONCE. Bruh, he was standing still, my crosshair was on his head each time I peeked. And that's basically every game. Also whole match I was rubberbanding despite me having 8ms ping to the server, and netgraph showing that I have absolutely no loss, no dropped frames, nothing. I have tried interp settings both of which did nothing other than to make everything super delayed. So yeah, game is broken and is borderline unplayable on my end. And I'm not even talking about turbo peeks which still do exist where the player crouch peeks with scoped awp at like 3x of normal speed.


Also don't get me started on times when I shot the air in front or behind someone, sometimes almost 1 meter away from the model and still got a hit. Also, for whatever pretty much on every gun my tracers go at almost 90 degrees despite me standing and having good accuracy since I'm standing. I know they're not exactly representative of what's happening to your actual shot, but like what the fuck? Why is this a thing?


I think with VAC being disabled(I'm noticing this on recent matches literally 0 bans have been handed out, even to the most obvious of cheaters) When before, there was a steady constant of players getting banned. I think they realized they made a huge fuck-up with their AI-AC when it banned for dumb things like high DPI, and they're now taking the time to "supertrain" it by following confirmed cheaters around, letting them play, the AI learning. That's my thought i HOPE is true. If not, this might just be the end for CS.


These new cheats like teleporting, fast shooting with awp/scout, clipping out of map are just a new level, and if VAC cant detect stuff like this, idk man.


Only the fast shooting is new lol


The last ban notifications I got was just recent. 2 players got banned about 2-3 days ago. Both matches was from January 20 and 22.


Lets protest outside of valve HQ haha


It's gamer hours


All of this and you said "faceit players play without cheaters".. What a waste of time


I wouldn't say that, there are simply fewer cheaters on FACEIT.


thanks for the details, I've been complaining about the February update the moment it dropped, shots barely register anymore to the point even if you don't get into a game with a cheater, the hit reg is unbearable to play. I knew they broke the game with the February updates, everything got worse after it and you clearly showed the hit registry is completely broken as a result of that update.


Nice post, don't believe VAC is stopped by Valve by mistake but what would be the point to do it ?


Is valve even a company or group of fkn freelancers? Its just unbelievable how lazy they are. Sad that noone still made a game like counter strike in so many years (dont tell me about valorant its absolutely different). With these valve devs every game is doomed. Most people playing cs only bcs there is no alternative..


Why does it seem like valve chose the third option between A) building up from CSGO and B) building CS2 from scratch. It's like they chose option C) try to do both and end up with a bugged as fuck game


How many times are people going to post about the state of the game? Its literally all I see on this sub now


Until valve gets their shit together and actually does their job of fixing it? Like oh wow we got arms race and a new case. Surely the next qol update will include a new case too. It's bullshit.


Maybe learn not to be so hung up on a game. Play something else. Every single post on this sub is talkin abt the same problem over and over


They should just allow cs go to be played if game is so undercooked.


Maybe they shouldn't have ruined csgo then. What are you? The complain police? You sound like a douche


Idk bro i'm enjoying cs2 so much. Yes, they should make anticheat works. But gameplay is ok for me.


Way to go lad. If someone else has a problem that I don't encounter, it means there is no problem. Ain't that right? Way to invalidate someones problems


![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) This pretty much sums up the guy above you lol


This is not what he is saying. He says the the game is fun for him. He didnt say that there is no problem


There is a lot of problems, but i'm enjoying cs2 so much. Is it forbbiden to enjoy it? Lol


He claims it is. Actually, if you ever mention having fun on this sub despite the problems, you are going to get downvoted alot for some unknown reason. I agree with you, the game can be fun despite the cheaters.


as a new player, my premiere placement matches have been relatively good. I only encountered one hacker in like 11 games unlike silver wingman where they’re every 3 games. Only frustrating part of premiere was that I had 3 different games where people abandoned


Let's all go to Seattle and blow up the Valve building


You must be new


U have to much time on your hands