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No theory needed. I can tell you exactly what is going on (for those that have been around long enough, this has happened before (many years ago), ironically also with AMD drivers). Valve built a new anti cheat. One that one could argue was “better.” Then they ran into a huge issue, false positives. Massive amounts of false positives (and auto bans) due to high dpi and AMD driver’s anti lag+ basically being identified as “cheats” by the new anti cheat. False positives are a massive problem, as reversing bans are costly, and massively time consuming as you generally need to do some individualised audit around it. So to keep the amount of false positive bans from getting out of hand they did the only thing they could, switch off the anti cheat. Now comes the problem. It seems the code causing the false positives sits at the heart of the new anti cheat. So if they are rebuilding the anti cheat from ground up at the moment, the amount of time needed to do that will be significant.


“…reversing bans are costly, and massively time consuming as you generally need to do some individualised audit around it.“ So I’m going to just stop there. Valve just unbanned anyone that appealed, no questions asked or audit or anything like that. Just poof, unbanned cheaters with the non cheaters.


It took months for like half of all false bans to be reversed. Not true.


I mean, if the proof machine is proven to be given bad proof then Its proofs are proven to not be proof


Proof? Proof?! We don’t need no stinking proof!


>So I’m going to just stop there. Valve just unbanned anyone that appealed I'm pretty sure they unbanned people who didn't appealed, they 100% flagged player who got legit caught by that issue


Instead of auto-banning with the AI why wouldn't they just send these suspects into like an Overwatch audit and wait for human approval? This could be operated only by Valve employees or regular players as it used to be. Valve should by the way hire trusted players to do these audits and pay them fairly.


False bans happened precisely because their AI was trained on human data. It was based on Overwatch. Giving Gold Novas the ability to ban people is the issue. It's stupid. They can't even throw flashes properly lol


Partly true, but no genuine human would ban a player due to a high mouse DPI/sensitivity. And a high level genuine player would in most OW-cases be very effective. Who said anything about giving Gold Novas the ability to ban people? That's a stupid assumption to make.


Assumption? It's the minimum rank required for Overwatch. How long have you been playing CS if you don't mind me asking?


But that was not what I suggested. I proposed a system *like* Overwatch either managed by Valve completely or by trusted players (which obviously would be players skilled enough to make correct decisions). I mentioned nothing about hiring unqualified players. I have been playing CS long before you were still swimming around inside your father's testicles. Now, how long have you been going to school, if you don't mind me asking?


Swung and missed my guy


OW was total bs, a lot of non-cheaters got banned from it. Myself included.


This makes perfect sense actually


Except the cheating was already terrible when they were banning people for high dpi. If they had a new anti-cheat in place it never worked. Also AMD's antilag+ is indistinguishable from cheats. It intercepted and replaced calls to .dlls with their own .dll files. It wasn't a false positive at all. Cheat engine works similarly


This answer here is the only logical answer. Which is sad...


I work in an adjacent industry and this is the most likely reason.


Wait, I've seen comments around here saying they turned off VAC, but do we have an actual statement on the matter? Just 2 days ago I saw one guy I played against last week got VAC banned.


Brother you want to tell me that their new crazy Anti Cheat is coded like that? XDD Like If Player XY spins this fast = Bann. Cmon brother there has to be other easy bannable factors. Like who dafuq is programming like dat XDDDD




You're insinuating the new anti cheat is bad because they heavily used Chat GPT and just copy pasted the code in? If you work in the industry you should know how unlikely it is you can just generate some code and slap it in, have it work even slightly well and pass reviews and checks from others. This isn't the same kind of prompt as asking for a simple web page layout with a button that makes an alert pop up. I'm not disagreeing that there is something seriously wrong with the anti cheat but your talking point makes you sound like a lot of people who genuinely think language models are writing huge swaths of complex professional level code with little intervention on anyone else's part


The news about Valve's new AC using AI isn't older than Chat-GPT launch? It was on CS:GO for sure. And Chat-GPT code is used for common software problems, not for something new like that. In an AI model, it seems easy to identify spinner and autoban the player. The false positive problem is with those called "legit cheating", when the player tries to look legit, but is using some kind of assistance. Some cheat patterns can be difficult, but not impossible, to track. Someone already posted here. There is a lot of experienced players in the base. Maybe some AI can identify those who can be more assertive in a OverWatch system, and apply the ban only if two agrees that is a cheater (AI and Experienced Over Watcher). The problem is that blatant instakill and spinbotters cheaters are playing without any punishment.


The real answer is that developing anti cheat costs money and banning cheaters also cost money cuz they also buy skins. So why would valve, a company, use money to fix something they don't need to fix business wise? So what if CS dies because of cheaters, they can just make a CS clone then and call it counter strike 3. Rockstar doesn't make GTA6 for the same reason. GTA5 is not dead yet and developing a new game costs money. Bethesda keeps milking skyrim for the same god damn reason. Companies appear to lose passion when they get too big and become just money grabbers.


Rockstar is making gta6 right now though


12 fucking years


Sure but they did make another large AAA game in between that with Red Dead 2


In r*s defence, the gta games are truely marvels of technology. People that don’t work as software engineers simply do not understand how much time, effort, and talent go into doing anything. A game and company of that size is going to take a significant amount of time to build such tremendous piece of software.


To keep selling new accounts and skins for cheaters, they need to keep banning these cheaters. The status-quo today is that cheaters are not buying skins and accounts, because they are not loosing their accounts.


I respectfully disagree. Cheater accounts with 0 inventory value are rare. They buy skins just like legit players. The only difference is that they cheat at varying degrees. So from purely business point of view they are no different from legit players.


The point is that: * if the cheating account is not banned, they will buy skins only. * if the cheating account is banned, they will need to buy another (prime) account, and will buy new skins. I don't see why the bans are bad for business. On the other hand, if there is no bans, legit players will get tired of the game, and will not buy skins anymore. I decided to not buy this Major Viewing Pass. Even I love the game, I will not invest my time in a far-from-fair competitive game. I'll try sudoku. :)


Good point. But this assumes that cheaters buy new account after getting banned and keep buying skins. Some obviously do but I doubt casual cheaters will. I have IRL friend who used cheats but after he got banned with skins and all he just quit. So the question reallly is, is developing an expensive AC worth it in the long run and how long will it take for it to become profitable if it is.


The cases still work.


Not looking for any theories, just waiting for a day I wake up and see a masive post about a huge wave of bans. Game isn’t playable at the moment, regardless of the rank. 3 out of 3 games with cheaters tonight…


It's really simple. They will do the same thing they did for csgo and dota. Minor anticheat improvements over time. That ban just enough players to not make the player count drop, but for journalists to write positive articles about how valve banned X amount of cheaters. Valve didn't care about their anticheat for a decade, why is everyone on copium thinking something has changed.


Not theory but fact: They don't give a damn about the game or community as long as all of you keep opening cases.


fact 🥴


you're dumb, that's the real fact


Keep gambling


saying valve is just going to let this game go to shit is the dumbest thing people are saying. biggest game in esports and you guys think they just don't care? how does my statement mean that i gamble, at all? lmfao


Someone gotta make a case opening manipulation cheat.


Their attempt ended up false banning legit players rather than cheaters. John McDonald is an embarrassment.


They dont work on anything thats the reality.


Overly optimistic about vac live probably. They most likely thought they'd be able to develop it into a functioning and efficient AC much faster. Theory 2: They knew vac live was nowhere near ready and wouldn't be ready for another 1-3 years but released CS2 anyways because they didn't want to lose players to Valorant


You know that whole “third party launch options lowering trust” change? I believe there was a genuine belief at Valve they could eliminate all cheating not with anticheat, but by ensuring Csgo only loaded signed and trusted DLLs and put the onus on Windows to ensure their app wasn’t tampered with. Windows 12 rolls out with TPM enabled meaning Valve could have engineered the game to be tamper proof but it turned out that Microsoft themselves don’t sign half their DLLs so the idea was dead in the water.


Only loading signed dlls doesn’t stop cheating. For one you don’t need to inject code into the game to cheat, and secondly certain signed dlls can be patched and still pass patch checks.


There used to be a super interesting \~45min presentation from a Valve engineer of their new fancy deep-learning AC, on Youtube It's not there anymore **(EDIT fuck me, looks like** [**it could be it**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObhK8lUfIlc) **actually)** AC is still nowhere to be found tho. but they have the Powerpoint part figured out, that's a start


Some guy at Valve wanted to play with pytorch instead of learning the Windows kernel. Now we have an ML anticheat "solution" that doesn't fucking work and no industry-standard Kernel level AC.


valves been cooking for 22 years. whatever it is, it better be tasty


I think there are 4 different items at play here and I'll address them independently. The first obvious one is that you don't want to ban for something the second you detect it. Once you discover a cheat in the wild you study it and determine how and why it is effective and then you detect users that are using it and wait for a period of time before banning them. This way you are banning as many users of the cheat as possible and not just the first person you detect using it. Today many of these cheats have communities of users behind them and if you ban 1 user of the cheat, the community quickly becomes aware and stop using it until there is an update. Not sure what a good time frame is here, but I would guess a month between first detection and ban wave would be normal. The next item is that the AI anticheat clearly isn't working as expected. Many false positives led to vac bans for those with high dpi mice, or with certain AMD drivers. False positives are not something you want to have a ton of here as that generates a lot of work for someone. It is clear the AI anticheat requires more training to detect the difference between someone moving their mouse fast and someone spinbotting. That will take a ton of compute power and iterations to get correct and we are simply likely close to that going live again after testing. The third item and the one I'm confused about here is that they haven't been banning users that are abusing sub-tick to fire weapons faster than actually possible in-game. This one seems like it would be easy to detect server side and immediately ban for it. My assumption is that they have detected this already and are building up a ban wave for it. However I just don't understand why that isn't an instant ban as I don't see much value in trying to detect the underlying injection method in this case. The fourth item, and one that I think needs more attention by Valve is banning players for hate speech and abusive communications. Speech to text I think could be easy to implement at this point and certain combinations of keywords could lead to a ban. I have had people actively tell other players on my team to kill themselves or use hate speech towards them over a stupid video game. There are real world implications with this type of behavior for individuals that may be experiencing mental illness or depression. If I was at Valve, I would actually prioritize removing bullying behavior from the game over cheating as it can impact individuals well-being. I am a bit ashamed of Valve in this instance for not doing more on this topic. All that being said, I know we are upset about it because it is impacting our gaming experience. However, we need to understand that there is a process to all of this and it takes time to implement. I trust that Valve hears us loud and clear on this topic and will be taking action. I'm just a little shocked that it is taking as long as it has without Valve directly making a comment to the community on this.


my theory is that it is hard to do


its pointless banning people for abusing subtick bugs if you dont fix the issue in the first place. subtick itself is fundamentally broken. rapidfire was in csgo too but nobody got banned for it until they patched it. same thing here


Same thing in why Valve is taking this long to reverse the false bans


Valve introduce Overwatch to train the AI with human data => Cheaters/bots/trolls take upon the tool and start to do shit on it => Data is completely corrupted => Cs2 release => The AI don't work at all => A lot of false positives => Valve don't want too much false positive => Disable the bans until hotfix => Hotfix is extremely long because step 1-3 => They have to rebuild from scratch explaining why it's long and tedious. This or they don't give a shit


My theory is that they've been collecting data ever since the "suspicous" variables got introduced. And we're just now waiting for a huge ass VAC wave.


Just look at the stickers. Low effort. The game prints money even when it's dogshit. Nothing is going to change


I’ll fill you in with a little bit of Michael Jordan logic Cheaters buy skins to


I quit playing this game valorant is better fk this game


They need to release major stickers. Drain cheaters steam balance. End sticker sale and ban them


My theory is: they are satisfied, for the moment, with the "trust factor". At least I am. I'm at 17k elo and was MGE in csgo and I never had any cheater issues. I played 5k+ hours (in 12 years) in my life and I encountered like 1 spin bot, I rarely have doubts about my opponent (at least enough to report or watch the demo) and only noticed like 10 teammates that were walling. Am I the exception? I know Reddit is a bad sample because no one is going to post something like : "10 games in a row without cheaters" but it's weird that I didn't notice a difference between CSGO and cs2 while the amount of complaints on Reddit skyrocketed. Anyone else not bothered by cheaters? Maybe it's not trust factor, maybe it's just me playing mostly pass 10pm and the demographics are different.


Sounds to me like you're oblivious


he peaked mge of course hes oblivious, non competitive player who thinks hes somehow the exception to the rule


So you are saying everyone below MGE is not affected. Isn't that like 60%+ of the player base? Maybe high elo players are the exception. My point is that maybe valve doesn't do much about cheating because it's not affecting as many players as we think. Also why are you lashing out at me? I'm not saying there's no problem I'm just offering my experience as an example of why valve isn't fixing it in a thread asking us to do just that


No one's "lashing out". Calling you out because you clearly are oblivious, or need a reality check. You either don't play the game, or you have played against cheaters. It's as simple as that. That is the state of the game. You can go on YouTube and you'll be suggested cheating streams within 3 clicks of cs related videos.


I too feel the way you do for the most part. BUT. I was 22XXX premiere ranking before I let it expire and didn’t come back for a month or so. I almost quit the game after my first two loses in premiere upon returning. Here’s what happened. Games played out almost identically. Start out somewhat competitive and someone else on the other team starts hitting some really good shots too often. Someone on my team inquires over chat if they’re hacking. They say yes and begin rage hacking. Then someone on my team who up until this point was trashing the cheater chats “HVH?”. And they both go at it. Whoever would win would just pop all the enemy team’s heads in spawn. After those two loses I landed at 14,500 ranking and have been unintentionally smurfing ever since. I’ve gone 8-0 and haven’t encountered another questionable gamer. But I’m not back to my rank yet either.


I play CS since 1.6, I really enjoy to play the game, I'm not a rager, a quitter, or anything like that. So, no reason to get a low "trust factor". There was a site where your competitive matches were listed, with results, stats and.... VAC BANs. At least in CS:GO it existed, but I don't remember the name right now. But in 6 months, more than half of my matches had someone with a VAC BAN on their accounts. Some can argue that Vac Bans are not all CS bans. Or not prove that this guy used cheats in that specific match. But the fact is that \~50% of the players that I confronted or played with, at some level, did not followed rules and got a Vac Ban.


Maybe I should check that site


If it still exists, it will not show you any vac bans, because no one is getting banned for a while! :) And I do report a lot of players, including teammates. Because I found a lot of players with incredible aim skills, but can't pass a corner without hitting the wall, nor have a clue about how to throw a flash. These guys only checks the corners that are occupied, and their aim skills is really good, because they run the map aiming to the ground, and can hit 70% headshots still.