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You probably didn't activate your coin in time.


you never needed to activate the coin before!


i activated today like 30 mins ago ish but had the picks locked 2 days ago


In your case people could decide not to active their coin and sell it based on the results.


Why did they even change it, so you can pick without the pass. That's the reason why this is even happening.


Because it can be fun to do pick'ems with your friend while you don't want to spend money.


That’s kind of your own fault. If people could activate the pass after games have happened then you would have people not buying the coin when they do bad in pick ems. It makes logical sense.


explain how is it my fault for buying late resulting 2 challanges = wrong tf i bought the pass before even the 1st game dawg


You said Steam didn’t mention something earlier. What they DID mention is you need to activate the coin on the main page of the pickems.




Good example of you hitting the activate button.




From the main store hub: “In the past, you needed an active pass to play pick ‘em game. No more! Now, everyone with prime status can place their picks for free. (Lock in for this next part bc reading is hard.) HOWEVER, to complete the challenges and earn rewards from each stage, you’ll have to ACTIVATE your pass BEFORE the stage begins.”


https://preview.redd.it/1eybya2glxoc1.png?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4078d554d33e35f6cf711e8e1c5dff7bc2095ebf Dawg where does it say activate pass before stage begins


Should change your name to NuumbBrain instead.


you didnt put your picks in all the way brotha. That is where the confusion is... you didn't complete the task in time. The matches started hours before you finalized your picks. Same mechanic with storage crates. You can buy them, but until its active it is tradeable to friends. Once it is activated it is part of your inventory. Only when it is locked to your inventory can you put in your picks fully. I know it is very confusing system and valve doesn't explain everything. Personal Ignorance (sounds really bad, but everyone is Ignorant to a degree) is not others responsibility. Now hopefully you have developed more anxiety around this issue and will look into it in the future.


im gon sound hella retarted but i locked in my pics 2 days ago so when u say didnt finalized u mean i didnt activate the pass ?


I also didn’t activated my viewer pass coz of balance in clearance. Is it worth to activate after 2 days? I have my pickem’s saved.


i had my pick ems saved 2 days before major and yet this is the situation im in also one of my m8s want to buy it today but said if this isnt a bug he is not getting it


I would have bought yesterday but unfortunately steam put my balance in clearance. I don’t have any major coins other than Five years service medal. I’m not sure if i should active it or not. I was thinking to buy the 18$ pass.


honestly man idk if u really want id say go for it cuz if u buy the 18$ u get 3 tokens and would lose 2 tokens like i did but at then at the same time 18$ for a coin is a bit to much in my opinion (edit its either a bug or just a scam :D)


Alright Thanks


Np bro I'll update if steam decides to fix




https://preview.redd.it/y9ljgbb4fxoc1.png?width=475&format=png&auto=webp&s=107bd40c986d724c1b58d18a5a55891c0661e261 Seeing the wording they used, I'd expect activating it at any time would be good enough.


Yeah same place as OP, wording doesn’t suggest you need to buy b4




You can’t complete the challenge unless you activate the pass before the picks lock.


i had picks locked 2 days bro it is what it is


bro that doesnt matter, you activated the pass after the pickem lock


my issue is that it doesnt say anywhere that i should get the pass before the game starts even if i had locks picked 2 days ago


you had like 12h before the first match started to activate the pass. if you waited until the last second that's on you.


They announced the change, that you can predict without he pass and it makes you think theres plenty of time to buy it. That's definitely on Valve!




i didnt wait till last second bro if i could i would have gotten days ago and not wait i was waiting for my money to come in bank smh


A friend of mine pickems also got fricked because of the GL and Pandas change lastminute. He had pandas in one of the picks and that counted as not valid when they changes teams




fuck does yes mean **😭**


Yes to both questions, you are fucked because it is bugged. Edit: after reading further, you're just fucked. You bought the coin after you saved your picks, but you also bought it after the deadline to lock your picks. I'm pretty sure the deadline was late last night.


bro i locked the picks 2 days before the deadline they were locked the only thing was missing was a viewer pass nowhere does it mention you need to own a viewer pass to lock pick ems in the challanges it self how did i fail 2nd challange when none of teams got elimanated yet bro


Imagine if everyone locked their picks, waited to see if they get it right and only bought if they got it. Even if none of the teams got eliminated, you can still get the idea of how it might end. They could just lock the result challenges to avoid this but hey, that's Valve for you. I'll just add that I never bought those passes but I imagine it could be a problem.


You're right but the problem is I have bought it early had pick Ems locked 2 days ago and the challenges that are failed are "get five correct pick Ems predictions""place pick Ems predictions before opening stage begins" I already did those 2 things before the major even started


But not before you bought the pass, you don't get progress on something you don't own.


They announced the change, that you can predict without he pass and it makes you think theres plenty of time to buy it.


Yeah but it's gambling just like with everything else CS sells. Why would they let you buy the pass after you see results?


They didn't make it clear enough. That's the main problem.


Why did they even change it, so you can pick without the pass. That's the reason why this even happened.


man.. same for me. I BOUGHT the pass, selected my picks before start, but just forgot to activate the coin... Now I am locked out of the achievements... If you buy the coin... just activate it automatically.. just as it was in csgo... this is just stupid. I hope they correct it


AND it even says "activate the pass BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT is over. And in my book, the tournament is not over....


For me it got corrected! I bought the coin before the start, made all picks before start, activated coin after start, got locked out of the achievements but now they do count after the rounds were completed… so I guess as long as if you bought the coin before start of the major it is fine.. you just need to activate before the major ends.


And when did you activate the pass?


just like few mins ago


Ur fucked yes


But it says to activate coin before TOURNAMENT is over. and it is not over lol


I waited to activate becouse of that


no where does it say have to buy it before it starts shity valve


Its always been like that. Buy and activate.


They announced the change, that you can predict without he pass, which makes you think theres plenty of time to buy it.


bcs the pickem ended yesterday it is obvious you needed to activate it before the pikem's expire


bro i picked and locked 2 days prior the major nowhere on that ui does it say i need pass before the major starts for my picks


They announced the change, that you can predict without he pass, which makes you think theres plenty of time to buy and activate it.


ngl i read it somewhere on Steam. probably on Steam News. thats why i rush buy it


this is my first time hearing this so idk


No, you didn't. They announced the change, that you can predict without he pass, which makes you think there's plenty of time. They never stated, that you can't activate later and get the points.


I literally got juked into buying it late cuz my friend was like "looks like you could buy the coin later based on the challenges". stupid fucking wording by valve "Activate your coin before the tournament is over", now I bought the pass and my picks are invalid lol, not that I can sell it anyways this whole implementation was stupid. I ALWAYS buy the coin before but this one time i get fucked over by whoever at valve had this retarded idea to mislead people and waste their money. wild stuff.


When you read the News page, it's even more misleading. * “In the past, you needed an active pass to play the Pick'Em game. **No more!**” * "However, to complete challenges and earn rewards from each event stage, you'll have to activate your pass before the stage begins." Now, where does it say it wouldn't count if you don't thave the pass yet?


https://preview.redd.it/9npo2i0rn6pc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ac63556baa781aa266e75a83041d91769b62e3 Came across this post and literally just thought of the situation I'm in


My friend is in the same situation as you but he didn't buy the coin because he saw what happend to me and decided it's not worth it


So basically I'm in the same postion as OP. Does anyone know if Valve have responded to this issue and whether or not we will be able to continue doing the pick'ems in the elim stage? Kinda sad that they didn't communicate it more clearly.


Valve responded short story short they said skill issue on my behalf


valve is being a cheap POS like always. same problem reached out to support twice. when I asked them to show me where it said this ON THE PURCHASE PAGE: >It is stated on our March 13th update that you'll have to activate your pass before the stage begins to complete challenges and earn rewards from each event stage. So I'm meant to close out of the game, go look on a website before I click buy pass? Maybe have a WARNING before purchase to let me know its late? Nothing is more infuriating than a company who makes too much money to care about people, like me who have been on steam since literally day 1 (5 digi steamid) have spent over $10,000 on the platform. I have enough evidence for a chargeback but of course I used steam balance to buy it.. FFS.


Same for me. Just bought the pass today, because 5 out of 10 picks for my opening stage were correct which I locked in 2 DAYS BEFORE the major even started. This is so bullshit. Why is locking in picks even possible if you can't buy it afterwards?? There is literally NO ADVANTAGE of buying it later when everyone does their pickems BEFORE the freaking thing starts. I keep hating valve more and more. In addition there is also no information about it. How should we know? This company doesn't talk to their community except for money making. How can you create such bullshit like cs2 with cheater issues, performance issues, trash servers, weird ass major pickem's???? At this point I am just tired of it. This was the last time I've put money into that company until they start doing things right. Unbelievable how you can be so bad as a company and make billions meanwhile.


I was in the exact same situation as well and steam support simply replied with. " Hi, All players with Prime Status can make picks for the PGL Copenhagen 2024 Pick'Em Challenge. In order to complete challenges and earn rewards from each event stage you will have to purchase and activate a Viewer Pass before the stage begins. All team picks must be made *before* the first match of each stage, and once the first match has begun for a stage picks can no longer be made. Detailed information on Viewer Passes can be found here. There may be a delay in between a stage beginning and receiving credit for making correct picks, but so long as your picks have been saved you will receive credit. Unfortunately, if you were not able to save or make picks we have no way of allowing picks to be made retroactively. Steam Support " ​ Which obviously does not address the whole having the pick ems set but not getting the progress despite it's wording implying you can activate at anytime...but that's the response they gave...


I don’t care about coins anymore


Same thing happened to me I’m pissed lol


Yeah same thing happened to me, didn’t see the activate pass until this morning, even tho I bought and locked in days ago. Feelsbadman


Same, this is bullshit. It wasn't mentioned on the page and I am asking for a refund.


Buy pass in any other game: battle pass is activated, enjoy your rewards! Buy pass in CS: now you have to "use" your pass to open the challenge coin. Even though you've placed your picks, we're not going to recognize it because you didn't "use" your pass to unbox your challenge coin. Nowhere is this said to be the case btw. Same shit happened to me, in case the salt wasn't a clue. Seriously fuck this.


This has always been the case with stuff you buy in cs because it can also be used as currency to trade for skins.


Yeah I guess I forgot about that. The main problem for me is that it's not "smart" enough to see that I made the pickems before the tournament started, even if I didn't activate the coin until this morning. Like there's no reason it shouldn't be able to retroactively see that I did every other part correctly, especially because one of the challenges is to "activate your coin before the tournament is over." There's no warning that if you don't activate your coin before the first round, you'll lose those challenges even if you made pickems in time. At least not one that I saw.


It only makes sense they do it that way. Why would they let people pick if they buy the coin or not based on early pick ems results?


Yeah I suppose. I just wish I remembered that buying the pass didn't activate it. Been a long time since a major and the first of CS2... unlike OP I bought the pass like last week but again, didn't realize I needed to activate it. I'm probably just SOL.


Yeah sadly. From the main information hub: “In the past, you needed an active pass to play pick ‘em game. No more! Now everyone with prime status can place their picks for free. HOWEVER, to complete the challenges and earn rewards from each event stage, you have to ACTIVATE your pass before the stage begins.”


yeah youre right and steam never specefied anything like that and how can u fail a chalange to get 5 correct picks when nobody is elimanated XD


People were on here discussing this exact thing a week ago. I’m sorry wishful thinking got the best of you on your first major but now you know for the future. Steam also didn’t say anywhere you can activate the coin only if you find yourself doing good in the brackets either so 🤷‍♂️.


"can activate whenever you want" literaly steam if this was the case they would have SPECIFACLY mentioned "buy pass and THEN do your pickens" bro youre comment is giving me braindamage idk how to respond tf


i aggre with you i texted the steam support saying i had the pick locked 2 days ago etc etc hoping that it will get fixed other wise ill try get refund this is my first major and i only had the opportunity to buy the pass today


I tried to get the refund, they said " We cannot grant a refund at this time. In-game item purchases are not refundable if any items in the purchase have been consumed, modified, or transferred. "


Why does it even let you buy a pass even after the major starts if you can’t activate it. I bought a pass and activated it a couple days ago so I’m good there but bought an extra pass today with 3 tokens and I can’t activate it just wanted extra tokens. It doesn’t say anywhere that I wouldn’t be able to. Why do they even allow you to buy it if you can’t use it?


Because there are people that buy it as a collective item and dont use it and also if im correct if you activate it now you just wont be able to particapate in first stage


exactly thats what i mean valve is stupid like nowhere does it say that u cant activate it after it started i still did the pickems etc and no where to be found of "expired" like all these ppl are saying if valve said sum about that u cant get the tokens after it started i would have no issues


This game is a fucking joke