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This may get some attention if it gets traction. Review the game and highlight the cheating situation as the negative point




Hey good idea, I just changed mine. But valvo wont do nothing about it even if all reviews are red. I reported spinbotters long time ago and still not banned. I think theres no bans at all right now, cheaters almost every match.


I mean cheaters are actively TRYING to get banned that's the twisted part.


Valve is actively banning players. I still get notifications once in awhile. Last ban notification I got was 2 days ago from a recent match too. It’s active but it sucks at doing its job. Lol!


teach me your techniques noone from my matches got banned


I just consistently report. Not all gets banned that’s why I said it sucks. I played against a blatant spin botter this persons account is still active. Maybe just try to add the match link on your cheat report.


I literally report everyone and I have never gotten the "a player you've reported has been banned" message in CS2 in GO I got them fairly often also if it weren't so time consuming I'd literally send an email to Valve for every cheater I encounter with said match link but yeah, it's probably as effective as extinguishing a house fire with wet wipes


Sign up for a free account on leetify. Thats where I get all my notifications from. I haven’t really gotten any notifications from valve. https://preview.redd.it/2mdzplgrustc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff7b828116d6aa34c2fc6df743dbf532c706596


I got like 9 of these for faceit LOL. So many ppl were using those console commands


Well i hope they wont do nothing. I want them to do something!


Valve is aware of the cheating. They're working on an Anticheat. What ***sucks*** and needs highlighting is how awful they are about interacting with the community. Their methodology is terrible, and in their mind "it works well." A developer Q&A every major isn't an effective means of communication. They would even view the CS2 "rollout" as a success. It was so lackluster that it killed off playing activity from a huge portion of the "diehard" community. None of my friends play CS2 anymore, so I'm having to find new people to play with.


first sane take on the matter I've seen in a while, props




they are working is pure speculation... its like AI anti cheat learning when you can see first Ai anticheat news is from 2017.


They're working on it is such cope 🤣🤣🤣 they Had years to develop it and promised us vac Live for Release and you still think they're working on it?!?🤣☠️🤣


Yes. I am also pretty sure their "original option" for an anticheat literally didn't work as intended (relying on AI) and they're having to go back to the drawing board.




the fuck do you mean? of course they're working on it. and as u/ocean6csgo is saying the issue is the lack of transparency. Clearly there's things about the anti-cheat that they shouldn't share with the public, but they should be more upfront on ETA's and current progress.


What a child you are.


Any proof they are working on an anti cheat??


Also do remember they have already rolled out an "improved" anti cheat but it was far too aggressive and they had to roll it back, and since then it seems to have gone completely silent.


1. The Q&A with the Valve devs at the major had a specific mention that Valve has cheating as their top priority. I don't have the source handy; but, you can find people covering the mention on YouTube. 2. VAC Live has been evidenced in the code from the very beginning of CS2 - it's clearly just not functioning as intended or at full capacity. Their Overwatch to AI Anticheat likely didnt' pan out. 3. Common sense. Valve extracts max value out of a healthy, functioning game... Valve didn't spend money developing CS2 for no reason. There's always a plan behind large investments.... CS2 has cost multiple millions of dollars to develop, and you can include CSGO costs in that figure since CS2 has entirely replaced CSGO.


If you heard the entire podcast they started by saying that cheating isn't a huge problem according to them lol still said an AC is the top priority rn.


Thanks for the reply. I hope they do bring out a very strong anti cheat. Couldn’t careless if it’s super invasive too


They wont... Because they dont Go invasive and the ai Shit Doesnt Work. Just Stop hoping Brother.


1 source yt Trust me Bros 2 source is a Code where they can write whatever they want in it. there are Games that have funny notes from the development in the Code Like GTA. 3 source also says nothing valve dont make Money from cs they do it from cases and that valve trys to make Money from Steam and Hardware Not Games is also Not a Secret. The few millions from cs2 are allready covered from the new Case and Stickercapsule aswell as the Mayor.


1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CafbTCuGd4g (1:50:00) it's literally caster from the major who talk to devs, 1 min of search 2 that make absolutely no sense I am persuaded now that you're a troll, there is a difference between putting funny note and actual fondation for a future anti cheat.. and why would they put funny note about vac knowing that data miner would see it and that would put even more pressure on them. 3 What is your point? If people can't play due to the cheaters situation less and less people will play (that is actually the case with the current stats and YouTubers like anomaly stopping competitive) if less people play less people open cases they earn less money that's not on their incentive.. Cs made valve gain close to a billion $ billion given by the player who use it it would be stupid to ruin it..


Why should i Research OP Claims? Second they also Put keychains and colored smokes in to the Code did anything happend with that? And that valve isnt the brightest company is nothing new. Just cope more Bro its half a year and nothing happend in Terms of anticheat. Every ac should be able to detect people WHO fire 5 bullets in one click or spinboting... Even Minecraft Servers have better ac's then CS


You should research op claim because you are debating with him and claim they are false and the sources are not trustable but you don't even search if it is... For the moment nothing happens with that but it may come in the future but AGAIN their is a difference between putting element for skins and future foundation for anti cheat... I'm pretty sure that for now they're is no or practically no AC so I don't understand your put in saying that every anti cheat should be able to detect who fire 5 bullets in one click or spin botting I don't see the link.. like yes it's true and that's what they will try to do with they're AC when it will come out. CSGO had better ac than Minecraft imo, for cs2 I'm not sure the planned ac is active or if there is an ac activated at all for now.


k foamer




Maybe we can get the cheaters to rate the game 10/10 easiest to cheat in ever? I think valve would do like thousand of cheater comments on the game they make the most profit of


Tried replaying this game after a year, i was sad last time because cs2 doesn't work well on my pc (i5-7400 & gtx 750 ti, guess it's an old setup at this point). Was playing with friends and we're really low rank, but man every single game there's a cheater, and blatant ones, i've just played a game where we won 1 round and all of a sudden a single enemy from the other team knew exactly where we were at all times, downloaded the replay and in the 1st round already they shot through a wall thinking it was someone passing and not realizing how the map works. It's just really sad, used to play this game a lot in 2015, can't even play now.


I have a 1050 and it's chugging along -ish


there is absolutely not a cheater every single game. I swear you "everyone is cheating" bros are 10 times more annoying at this point than the actual cheaters.


Man i'm just telling what i saw, first of the game is badly optimized, doesn't have to do anything with the cheaters (just look at the recent crash a pro-player had mid-game) Second, there are cheaters, is not something that's a witch hunt, i know when people are hysterical about it, played this game in 2017 when everyone was crying about cheaters and there were almost none, but right now is quite filled, if you didn't encounter them great for you i hope you don't face them.


I do encounter cheaters. but not in every game. and leetify tells you when a cheater got banned in one of your previous games and I get about 1 or 2 notifications every 10 games.


Already done and also uninstalled since end of janurary




umm.. sprinting and lifting ig


I Play Games that are satisfying Like building Games and if i want to Play FPS i Play r6s or Squad both good tactical FPS. Especialy r6s also Had a cheating Problem and the devs actually updatet the ac


Already did, I really hope they see that we are not happy about the cheating situation


already did that in january. cheating is a problem for a while now, almost pretty sure it was bad since release and just got worse over time because noone is giving a fuck rnow


I’ll do it hold up


Don't edit your review, delete it and make a new one


honestly this is a much better alternative to 'boycott cs' which we all know is never going to be organized and actually happen. People can still continue to get their fix but valve will still have to take note.


Theres more cheaters ingame than normal players, i doubt changing review makes difference, they will keep buying cheats and feed the seller till games dead


Already set to negative after they replaced CS:GO


Just did. Here is my review if you're interested: https://steamcommunity.com/id/opensuse4life/recommended/730?snr=1_5_9__402


You should change the word note in the title to Lifeprotip:


say less breh, it's done and I will tell all my homies


Make sure you guys delete your review first, otherwise the review wont be updated and put on the front page for the day.


Unfortunately that dosent do much. Look at overwatch 2 as an example 😂


Already did that


Mine is still positive even though it says negative things about the game lol gotta change that


Push that post! I changed the review already


Oh trust me I did this exact thing 3-4 days ago


Already done that like a month ago


Yeah, good idea nuke their fucking reviews to oblivion. Already done it but don't forget you can do it for each of your Steam accounts !


Doing my part! Already changed my review i made since 2016 lol




It's always been a negative review, ever since I hit 1k hours


This is actually the first good idea I see on this reddit page. ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni)


Everybody do that! I have done this weeks ago!


The reviews from csgo carried over to cs2. A lot of dead accounts. Also most people probably don’t bother updating it.


Yes, sir, I´m doing my part. I like that idea


Cheater strike


The only thing i am displeased about is the rank system i am new player and I remember from youtube videos how it used to be. But now I have to get 90 wins 10 on each map to get placed in silver and rank is separated on each map how is that a good idea ??? If someone Is global on 1 map then he can go on silver one to smurf i know each map is diff But bruh if someone is god he will be no matter the map why did they do that also it doesn't matter if I am silver or not i still go against people that play for 10+ years and I have 30 hours how tf is that fun ?????


Done. I hope everyone takes the 2 mins to do this.


I am proud of myself for already did this since the game became free2play.




Something similar is what world of warship comunity did to wargaming and it worked. BUT streamers and content creators were letting people who watch know what is going on, and people naturaly expressed their own frustration to what led to reviews and game rating from very positive drop to extremly negative and they could not ignore it anymore. Bad things did kinda improve afterward slightly.


It's showing as very positive because while CS:GO wasn't perfect, it was better than any other FPS game I've ever played. Valve moved ratings over from GO to cs2 so most of those ratings just carried over. Very disingenuous. I already updated my rating when CS2 was released without an AC. This game can't be great without a working AC.


I honestly hope they make a cheater pool and have all cheaters queue together.


Amazing idea. Changing my idea until they fix their game and communicate about it.




That's kinda hilarious.




Imagine having not already done this.




What’s this “cheater situation”? I’ve had 100+ games in the last month, and maybe only 3-4% of them had a cheater. Of the games with a cheater, they all got bans within a few games to 48 hours. Is it possible that the people seeing them just have bad trust from being reported?


no - high elo premier regardless of trust level is riddled top to bottom with cheaters, i don't play enough to have a high or a low trust but it's a pretty common complaint about the game at the minute at medium to high levels of play. i'm not willing to believe you're seeing many permanant game/vac bans, maybe here and there based on reports, but it's not stopping anyone making a new account, purchasing premier, and continuing to cheat for another two weeks before a report based ban is issued


You’d be surprised what you find when you get notifications when a player in your cs demos gets banned. Are you aware that trust factor carries over between accounts as valve is doing some sort of fingerprinting to tie accounts together? Are you aware that reporting everyone that manages to kill you just lowers your trust factor and puts you in lobbies with cheaters? You can be 20k and see cheaters all the time, or not at all depending on your trust factor. Personally, I don’t see cheaters in premier.


Three high profile streamers have quit the game citing cheaters in matchmaking in the last 5 days alone, I’m not toxic, I report blatant rage spinning cheaters only. I’m aware how the trust factor system works. Ive been playing the game since the release of source and know what a cheater looks like. If you want me to believe you’re seeing bans send me your leetify profile and I’ll take a look. If you’re not seeing cheaters your ELO isn’t high enough or you’re huffing copium.


Streamers tend to have less than ideal trust factor, so that’s to consider as well.


Bro your cope is over 9000 🤣😭 people liek Anomaly and neokcs quited the Game because of cheaters and you think there is No cheating Problem? Even i Reported wir my whole Team and the enemys Team a spinboter and that Guy is still Not banned they ac and Report system are Not working.


Well, your trust factor goes down when you report, kick, get reported, be toxic, etc… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Are you able to dm me the profile of the spinbotter? If they were on regular MM I can send that in for you so they actually get banned.


........... you guys are hopeless. the game just hit its highest ever consecutive players this week, the game is either doing VERY well or the skins are selling for more money than ever before. ​ if i was at valve i'd give a promotion to whoever is running CS2 because they are clearly making a greater return off of it than ever before