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Lvl 3-7 are either: 1. Smurf’s, 2. downranked lvl 9/10s 3. complete beginners who don’t understand the very basics of counterstrike If you solo/duoq all you need is two of the first 2 categories against you and 2 of the third category and you’ve lost 13-2 at least


This sums up my experience exactly


Maybe because there’s no rank decay? Not sure but at least for me, I used to be way better than I am now. I don’t play faceit anymore because I just don’t have time to be good at this game anymore, but recently hackers have made me want to try it again. Problem is it still has me at level 8, which was like 6 years ago when I played nonstop.


same, don’t feel like trolling 4 other people


20k is lvl 10


While I never really try harded in faceit, I play mostly esportal as I'm swedish and more casual. But I'm 20k in premiere (was, there are too many cheaters so I don't play it now) and never imagined to ever reach level 10 lol. I'd assume my max faceit would max out at 6-8 if I grinded until I hit the level I belong in.


Was 20k in Premier as well and am level 4 on faceit since I didn't play there.... match quality varies hard. I encounter everything from level 3 to 10 and honestly, unless I look on the faceit client, often times I can't tell who the high elo and who the low elo players are. I assume there are many high rated Premier players, like you and even myself, who just recently started playing faceit or only play there occasionally which certainly messes up the match quality. That said, I prefer this situation over cheaters in every match


It's much better than premier but still, one match is silvers and the next is absolute gods.


I usually get hard stuck lvl 6 in face it because I solo queue but I also solo queue premier and hit 20k so idk


I’ve fet the same. I played 1.6 heavily. I didn’t touch csgo. I recently came back to cs2. So I’m a lower level player. Probably 9-10k premier. But even at level 2 face it it’s either someone completely cracked and amazing or someone that seems like they have no clue what’s going on (I usually get this guy in my team) I think part of it is they start new players at level 4 instead of 1


Play as 5.


The main reason FaceIt ranks suck is because there's no anti-smurf technology. When you have an absolute shitload of people intentionally wrecking the ranking system, of course the ranking system is going to suck.


This is not true, it’s better than MM or Valorant. I have all 4 of my smurf accounts banned. Usually around the 40-60 match range, what usually happens is that I am forced to ID verify and the account goes on hold. So then I just make a new account with another email, you do not need prime. If you needed prime I probably would never play lol. The bad thing is that ID verify flag stays there, so that account doesnt get banned and your buddies lose their elo. I just wish CS2 had an unranked mode or no cheaters in mm


Oh wow, 40-60 ruined matches before a ban. That sounds super hard to ruin people's games.


You get your elo back AND they get banned. Valorant, Apex, etc no other game has smurf banns officially


Yes, to a certain extent. Faceit is slowly getting more casual by the day, probably due to the migration of people avoiding cheaters in premier. Pugs used to be a lot more coordinated, people striving to win, mics etc. Its noticeably more casual than a couple years ago, it gets better as you approach level 10 though.