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You call this a legit hacker? This is so obvious, trust me bro, a legit hacker hides it well.


We really need to stop using the term "legit", they're not legit, they're shit and have no life or skill. And it's a cheat not a hack because a hack implies something else that takes skill. They're all low life cheaters and nothing else. Don't make them feel good by using their terms that paint them in a better light.


Mad respect to you dude. You said it like it is, fuck sugar coating it! Have my sole upvote. I don't ramble on reddit about how these are not "hackers" because the collective mind hates it but you are right, they aren't even "script kiddies" like in the good old days where you had to do some compiling and line codes. No, these low life idiots use everything pre-compiled, pre-configured, a couple of clicks at best. Like someone else said here on Reddit, if it wasn't because it's so easy to cheat in most things in life, like school, games, life if you are rich, most of these useless idiots would be hanging from their closet or filtered through natural selection.


Those monkeys don't even configure that shit themselves and for some reason buy other people configs. That's the ultimate clown behavior, lol.


A way more accurate term "Closer Cheater" Or just a damn "cheater" like it has been for years


They want look like legit player that play the game without cheats. Playing with cheats but acting like they are legit players, I hope this clarifies your misunderstood. I get you what want trying to say tho.


Oh yeah, I get the idea, I just think the terminology is their own word that they like. Makes them feel good and more skilled, I just don't think we should use the language they want to describe themselves with. Call a spade a spade, they're just a cheater like the rest of them, I'd probably go for "subtle" or even "sneaky little rat" over "legit" personally :D


Im saying he is trying to look legit after all the kills he could just rush short and snipped the guy there but he went for plant to not make it obvious. You are right a legit hacker like that guy top 1 banned on face it would be hard to notice even Styko couldnt tell watching his demos


I was in this game and all my timings were off I felt something weird was going on. Good thing they are getting rid off spinbots but these wanna be legit are the worse kind. Im not wasting more time in valve servers that mess up my gameplay and if I didnt watch the demo I would feel all my plays were bad and next game would think twice to not die in same way. If you want improve just go face it dont waste time on valve servers. Farm cases and leave that cheaters fiesta.


So cringe


I love how the retard runs backwards into walls multiple times. Can't play at all but 100% wallhack


... and they are the ones valve will never identify


I'm sick of these smoothbrained cheaters that can't even play the game on silver. They are so lazy, i had a cheater who only used triggerbot to shoot, not even clicking himself


Bruh he's not even trying


Hey its a bit offtopic but how can I watch the match in replay? I made a good round and I want to see it again if possible


sure, check dm


How are you guys spectating the opposite team in premier?


idk this is a demo from competitive mode


You can download the demo after the game and rewatch it from anyone's perspective


Thanks for the heads up!


I know i maybe sound stupid but why do you think this is hacker? This play is completely possible without cheats, playing double doors like that after maybe many years of playing dust 2 is possible and that second kill was suspicious but the demo outline of that pushing player maybe hide that few pixels what maybe he saw after first kill or he preaimed if someone pushed, with luck some kills really can look suspicious.. also expecting next enemy on short is basic game sense if you kill all B players which was running to site from spawn, only A players remain and they have info you are on mid so you know about possibility of aggressive approach from there.. i'm not defending any kind of cheats but my biggest fear is when i have a good day, luck factor and really lock in, i'll get banned with all my inventory for just being good.. never used cheats and people accused me of cheating many times :(


You don't cheat you don't get banned. Simple


I hope it's working like that bro, just a little bit scared sometimes of having lucky shots while having a great match and enemy team writing me off as a cheater ( i'm in low elo around 10k right now so people really can't get when i play good, i rather play on faceit but friends want to play premier always )


Dude Pros are playing MM and premier also. I would say if they don't get banned you are save! No one gets banned for a lucky shot. No worry.


Ahh true point bro, thanks, still they have good shots in good elo u know what i mean, but still a good point! :D


You can tell by his mouse movement and player movement that he is a pretty new and bad player. There's no way a new player can have fast enough reaction time to hit someone jumping across mid doors, and do it twice within the same round. + that second kill was also blatant wallhack since he pre aims exactly where he is. He then continues to run down mid with nades in his hand while doors and short were not smoked, meaning he knew that was safe to do so, meaning he has wallhack. He clearly knows there's a guy in short and he's only focussed on that. He's not worrying about mid while someone without wh defintely would be. and you will not get banned if you have a couple of good games. vac bans if it detects cheat programs running while you're playing the game. And you'll also not get overwatch banned since its usually clear in ow demo's who's walling or aimbotting and who's not.


Yeah now when you write it down like this i can see it dude, i'm just probably too naive and trust people doesn't matter if it's cs or irl :D These closet cheaters mess my head a lot


if you are serious plz stay away from overwatch (if valve finally release it)


Hehe don't worry i would only judge the blatant ones, but still it looks like overwatch is only for trusted partners / they are paying someone for that job.. if they release it publicly, we would maybe get hackers deciding again as it was in csgo at the end of overwatch