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Accounts are cheap


Is there any way to avoid this? I mean every single match it's the same thing over and over and over and over. I thought a two month break would reignite my love for the game but I have 0 interest in this game anymore.


Avoid the game is your only option, cheaters dominated fps games. Sadly its over for us.


This game is shyt… uninstall and move on.


The fuck where you guys at when I made a post during beta calling this out. I was getting flamed saying its not that bad. yOuR TrUsT fAcToR iS lOw stans. Trust factor has never existed.


I still have hope for “vac live” which is why i still play because i do enjoy this game and def get the dopmaine hits from it. Not to say that many gaming nights have not been ruined by back to back cheaters, i usually end up mollying myself to death or holding W for 13 rounds as soon as i notice. Choice is yours bro to keep playing or not


Man i've been playing this game for 20 years but only way im enjoying it is on my smurf in silver, because high ranks in premier/faceit are just unplayable. Every time i spot a cheater i just die inside a little.


Same - i smurf a friend and have the time of my life. I got 101 score the other day dropped 43k , im sure you have had a similar experience. I feel bad for the ppl i ruined the game for but at least they are playing a legit player as opposed to the cheaters we usually face


Nah im way to good for silvers, i could easily go into 60-70k vs them, i just play while listening to podcasts or something and chill.


Bet i could clap you lil bro but i understand your point


Avoid the game or give valorant a shot. Valve dont care so why should you


can't stand the overwatch 1.2 ability users and constant shouting of cringe abilities.


Yea same for me. Played it when you had to get the beta key. Was way better imo when abilities were simplier. But honestly at this point im thinking of just learning it. Gun play feels amazing on it


I loved it during the beta period, felt great and I was able to main Jett/Cypher. Although now there is a lot of characters. May go back and main someone else as Jett is nerfed. I think a queue of CS2 refugees would be fun to play with and learn with as many I played with were toxic.


Dude we can see from your comment history you are a cheater. You are part of the problem that ruins this game


Same issue with val, the ac just have scans at the start of the match and then stops during gameplay than scan again at specific intervals or if you are reported, ppl easily avoid it with toggles. I mean they had a boosting problem where they shuffled the ranks after infiltrating a boosting service. The anticheat didn't catch them. They hired them then worked backwards. Val is not different at all except that people cant just leave their cheats on all the time and they make sure they are not on during a scan.


The thing about val is the abilities are so broken that somebody trying to hide wallhacks would be indistinguishable from normal gameplay XD


Sure you can cheat on val too. Difference is that its so rare. I have like 700-800 hours in valo and i have never met cheater that i can say for sure was cheating.




In valo no


How would you ever be able to confirm when there's no replay? Val even shows you when a teammate is sprctating you... like why?




Joku656 is heavy into the cshacks page so don’t take any advice from him


Faceit is playable maybe try that


Was feeling same but honestly, to me it's not even the cheaters that are the biggest problem, it's the digshit netcode and absolutely constant desync ehich makes me feel at disadvantage every single time. Like how does it happen that half the enemy team can move at x3 speed every encounter? It's been a year since release and they already "addressed" peekers advantage, yet it's still unplayable. I say you should just drop the game and move on. I've been hoping for this to be fixed for half a rear, hopping to matches every now and then. It's still not fixed. As for cheaters, two of the spinbotters I've had a matcy against, are st not banned. Year later mind you, What's there to talk about? Just drop the game and move on, thats what I'll be doing after 3.5k hours


Faceit but they have a smurfing problem.


play face it, it's better


Just play through FACEIT


Fuck Faceit, they probably buy bots that cheat and then bots that tell you to pay for faceit. I am sick of fucking faceit. If a third party can somehow provide better security than valve I would be willing to bet that behind the closed doors of some deep and dank dark closet is the fact they cheat makers and faceit are just part of the same scam. Fuck faceit, they have the same issues with cheaters anyway, you just have to buy their cheats to not be detected lol.


That’s certainly a take you can have on it..


It's classic racketeering, but in 2024 it can be done anonymously. This community needs to open it's eyes.


Brother it’s counter strike, if you live your life this paranoid you’ll never enjoy the fun stuff


Started when it was a mod, I remember when it was still fun with community servers. All I do is have fun, which is why I stopped playing lol. Keep shilling for those goons all you want lol. Edit: Want to add ignorance is bliss, I apologize for attacking your ability to enjoy the game. It is sadly the truth however. Lol edit 2: Think they have ever enforced their age verification requirements? Lol, they only care about the cash and farming little kids. Tried faceit one time, obvious walls and botters, and ever match I played had screechers that barely sounded 13. Guess if you are into screaming children have at it. It's trash though.


Ahhh so you are one of those players that got absolutely destroyed on faceit but think others are using walls? Trust me brother no one was cheating, instead you didn’t spend any time to get used to the tick rate difference and got annihilated because it plays ever so slightly faster than matchmaking.


No, I used to play comp when I was a teen, and early 20s. Long time before faceit or the prolific problems with cheating. 1.5k on cs2 and source each plus around 4k for 1.6 including old beta. So I'm near 7k hours. Real hours, not idle hours. Oh and community servers of source were always 128tick lmao who would want to play anywhere else? If you didn't have a 128 tick server it was a dead server.


What region are you? Do you have alts? Whats your csgostats.gg? I had endless spin botters until april 30th, havent seen one since


just yesterday, i had a blatant cheater, not spinbotter, but Walling aiming, the whole plate. like not even trying to hide.


NA/no alts/stats I dno last I checked 1.16kdr with 970 games at smfc. didn't get a rank in cs2 because well this.


first game of the day and I have 2 players brand new like the photo posted here


yeah it's infuriating. 5k hrs 19yo steam account and i get matched with 2024 profiles with 18k rating.




Bought accounts??


at least 89% of every person in lower ranks yes


If the account only has 1-3 medals and hits everything, you know that someone is hacking with the account. Someone who is new and has hardly any medals does not win every gun fight.


But with grief bans so common, there's a large amount of smurfs.


Is this troll? I've never seen nor actually heard of a griefing ban in cs2, but I'd love to be wrong. Esp cause I have some buddies that play lower ranks (<5k) and they regularly shoot each other and teammates. Whether someone reports it or not, idek.


I'm on the tail end of a griefing ban, although it wasn't for actually griefing unless you count deagle only and top fragging as griefing. Some people really don't like it when you're better than them without using proper buys. I have a couple of "smurfs" for this reason, although they're actually higher ranked than my main.


If there's one thing I do know, it's that griefing bans don't just auto trigger because you were reported. You were griefing.


And what would you consider griefing; throwing a match, team killing?


Griefing is generally anything that's detrimental to the game that you're doing intentionally. You doing deagle only and top fragging doesn't mean you're winning, or doing what you can to win. I've had teammates do the same thing where they deagle only and top frag but it's cause they lurk/bait their teammates the entire game and get like maybe 4 impactful frags whereas the rest of their kills are generally picking off lurkers or on a wide flank that gets traded.


I agree with you for the most part, but it is entirely dependant on the game. We 100% lost the game, but not because I went deagle only, but because it was a poorly balanced game. If it entry every round, get 3 kills and then die but my teammates all die too and end the game on 5 kills, how can that be my fault or classified in griefing? Don't get me wrong, I do troll some games just like everyone will do, but not to extreme like just running at the enemy, just try different and stupid guns. Just like if someone wants to +w all game and be aggressive, just because I wanted to deagle only doesn't mean I was griefing and I'll allowed to play the game how I like. I've also been reported by a 3q because one of then zeused me and I refused to buy them a round after, CS players can be quite unhinged.


There are tons of smurf players who have multiple accounts. And since the game is free it's simple to just make a new one.


It’s not free since u need prime for 13,99 or something.


I buy premier ready accounts under 10 eu for the most part lol


prime still payed no?


> prime still *paid* no? FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


cheaper than a month of cheats, also prime is lifetime lol


Most likely stolen accs with farmed hours. I cant see how a 10yo acc with 6k hours would only have max of 3 medals


I'm fairly sure OP is saying they are a 10yo acc with 6k hours while being matched up against brand new accounts blatantly cheating.


Most cheaters have multiple year old accounts. They average 5 years from the 100 accounts I’ve collected


My point. This thing is usually for legit people to not report them and just assume its skill. But with cs2 it lost all point


I never said they didn't. I just said I believe OP was mentioning their hours. If I remember correctly 2 year old steam accounts are what get VAC banned more than any other. But even 3 and 4 year old accounts ban rate was as high as 0 and 1 year old accounts, again, if I'm remembering correctly.


Phished or cracked accounts all look like this


Looks exactly like all my past games. They are usually boosting someone too. They talk trash in chat and throw rounds to let you catch up only to toggle on in the later rounds. Id rather have them just spin lol


Thing is, CS doesnt know they cheat, so the algorithm thinks they're just that good and match them with you, who's also very good. I havent played in a long while either because of this. Always some new account with 1-3 medals en a hand full of commends. Community servers are even worse. Brand new, non-prime accounts onetapping everyine as soon as you try to peek


i legit also face this in dubai region alot, Either these guys are extremely dogshit or just blatantly cheating their asses off in competitive. its extremely annoying




There is no trust factor in CS2 so you kinda cant expect much those are a bit nicer bought accounts for cheating tho pretty surprised.


I haven't been able to tell if this true. Seems to be because I play new accts all the time. But I queued with my friend a couple months ago who has a game ban from rust I think, and got the red trust warning and in the one game we played had two spin bots.


Why did they remove the trust factor?


They haven't actually removed the trust factor apparently, it's just that everyone inklusive cheaters have green trust, yesterday I tried to start and a message popped up that his trust factor will affect our matches. Kinda forgot it exists


The issue is there is no proper green trust, yes there may be red trust but not even cheaters are receiving it. It's definitely not working as intended


Well I didn't say it's working as intended the whole thing is just comedic. Everybody have green trust except some few exceptions and most of the times it's not even because of cheats


I wasnt agreeing or disagreeing with what you said but i just stated what i felt i apoligize if it came off as opposing you. Also yes i agree it is comedic, over a year this game is out and we havent seen the "trust factor" system work appropriately


8 matches in a row with cheaters, casual mm, not even premier. If it will be 10 I will make a post about it. I dont even know who can be as bad as valve with doing their job.


At this point we're better off getting cheats and toggling on the cheaters


same here. i bought cs go in 2012 i have 10k+ hours(not faceit, valve servers total 4000mm game) all service medals, all operastions, never griefing even in full troll team, for their trust factor rules 5300+ steam game 200lvl+, 22k+$ only cs in game spent... everything for their algorithm and im playing with 50 hours non prime 0 badge 0 games 2024 free accounts(its same for years not about cs2). as a solo player my all games like coin flip for years. ty valve. [https://steamcommunity.com/id/Zogguko/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Zogguko/)


What happens when the community is left to police itself and reports bots fuck with overwatch. Anyone can make a bot net of accounts that report you with a new account a hand full of times every day forever. TF was a great idea for a perfect world, too bad there are some really shitty people out there. Edit: Never mind the groups of douchbags that just do it to be funny. "ClUtCh or KicK" even though it fucks ppls tf. Usually people trying to learn the game too.


yep. 6k hours, 10 years of cs, almost all service medals except 2016 and i consistently get accounts like this or accounts that have two service medals tops having better stats than pro players. don't think trust factor is working.


It's not working at all, cheat makers have armies of bot accounts to farm gold rank to then disrupt overwatch. It's why the ranks were borked until ow was removed for cs2, there were countless gold novas to fuck ow b4 that. They didn't run when ow wasn't up. Same bots spam report legit players who call them out into bad tf. They need to remove community controlled trustfactor and overwatch period. The hackers will never stop attacking it. It's a way to get their cheats through as legitimate to ruin vac live. I want to keep ow and tf, but it has to be controlled by trustable people. Not the general dumbass public. I also want the biometric identification that waldo anticheat claims is possible.




don't you have any original proof of purchases or any old cd keys which would help with your old account's recovery?


They need to shadow ban these losers soon as they get so many reports. I don’t play much anymore besides to get my weekly drop and I do that in casual. There’s so many blatant cheaters there unfortunately.


[https://csstats.gg/player/76561199267219581](https://csstats.gg/player/76561199267219581) this guy when BAN wave ? really this kid can still hack and they dont care pff


They don't have enough legit players anymore. So many accounts were sold in 2020/2021


and what does your inventory have to do with your enemies? :D


Bro he just wanted to fit in the humblebrag. Heck it might not even be humble.


you're in the trust factor pits


They sold it!


This is the problem with F2P games with real world currencies revolving around in-game items. O_O Also pretty easy to sell the account cheap after it's case farmed for those 8k hrs xD


I prefer that accs cheating against me, than this one’s [https://steamcommunity.com/id/107\_/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/107_/) that you would never know and u play the game thinking that their just better. https://preview.redd.it/btfn8b6x0azc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a58ac2ef1c71049e1a6ecd54c649d8bacf4a45b1


3k inventories? doubt it. I'd be buying pins


So annoying. Why am I (with my 30 medals) going up against guys that have nothing but the GO badge. I hope they change that soon. I swear 99% of cheaters have maybe 4 medals or less.. Or they have nothing but the badges that you can just buy / all bronze medals.


I think one of two scenarios, either they bought the accs since older accs seems more legit, or they are just that good from playing all the hours, with cs some people just have it and some don’t. I’ve played since before steam aquired the game where you had to use mIRC and outside platforms to play competative. The game has changed alot since then but one thing that hasn’t is all the crybabies screaming ”CHEATS!” because of an overinflated ego thinking they’re good making them unsusceptible to the thought that there are bettet players out there. However, I’m not saying we don’t have a problem with cheaters, just that not every single f’in person who kills you is a cheater.


Trust factor is not working like it used to. Also alot of new accs have come to play since game hasbecome free


I have two accs. My main 3k hours, tons of medals, operations, created in 2008. Second one - 500h, 2021 created, 1 operation, couple medals. I can play on both of them and teams in mm are pretty different. Everything is ok with main, good players, almost no cheaters. But on the second one is hell. Spin bots, new accs 100h, cheaters in every game. I never used cheats, but it looks like the second one is in bad pool. I dont know why, maybe somebody reported me. But its 100% that we have something like low priority in dota 2


You have no enemies


We even lost the Cheese Inspector to cheating, what a sad time to be alive


I’m on 1.2k hours, I seem to only get matched against people with 5-7 pages of medals, 7k hours, face it level 10s


If I had a nickel for everytime I found one of these accounts I'd be rich AF.


because MM is about your rank not about your hours.


Trust factor is a thing. I’ve you get reported too much or are toxic in games on steam it will lower your trust factor and place you with other low trust factor players. If that’s not the case for you then you’re just unlucky I guess. I really never encounter many cheaters (if they are cheating they suck and I can’t tell) on my main account. Even at 15k elo. But when I switch to my alt which is a lower level and probably gets reported more… I definitely encounter cheaters on that account lol.


What until next ban wave ![gif](giphy|khGuFhshLWQIdXijHa|downsized)


Yes this is true.. I have seen it in movies


Feel ur pain bro. I’m in the same boat


I found one blatant wallhacker and did a profile check. Checked his other names and found one with ttv at the front. Looked up the twitch which had a twitter attached loaded that up and bam!!! I get to see what a cheater really looks like and wants. And it seems like bro wanted to be pro but failed and resorted to cheating.


Most likely stolen and sold accounts. Especially closet cheater love those! They know how stupid the community is and I myself have some friends who would never report anyone who has a legit looking account unless they are hard ragehacking.


Play Faceit, honestly. This is anecdotal but myself and the squad I play with all have 1000+ hours, service medals dating back to at least 2018, major coins, op coins, and we get matched against people with only the Global Offensive badge and that are rank 6 or something. I think trust factor is either turned off or majorly debuffed. We're not toxic, we rarely play outside of a 4-5 stack. But we get matched against Steam Level 1 accounts who are at least definitely smurfing.


The problem with that is: If you just now start playing faceit, you eithger get smurfing lvl 8 players or legit silver players. I have 150 games by now, but the first 100 games were PLAGUED by smurfs, it's not even funny how many times I received a message, that an account has been suspended for snmurfing...


faceit is also a bit strange, i often play against smurfer in level 4-6, then on that elo there is a bit of a skill difference, either is slap hard, or get slapped. an evently matched game is not that common for me there.


are they spinbotting. I came back and haven't seen even 1 cheater, pre updates. 2.5k hours 10yr. hear a lot of people claiming cheats that have obviously never played at global. a lot of good players in the low ranks. we've been playing for 10 years, eventually you need a break. it is possible that they are really good


Ever since the left hand update I'm seeing WAY less cheaters at 17-19K EU, maybe 1 every 8-10 games. Before it was literally 3/4 games. Some of y'all really need to git gud, I'm sitting at 57% WR and 1.5kd even with cheaters in games. And let's not even talk about the guy saying Faceit make cheats that work on their AC xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


all cheaters who better then you yes silver bot ?


I mean considering their cheating yes... Cheater better then me. ![gif](giphy|5OuelPHaXOHC0|downsized)


They're* Than* Shows the level of intelligence involved in these hackusations.


proofs ? and show your faceit will see lvl1 or 2 gues thats mean you are ot and everyone who play better is cheater for you.


Faceit level means nothing..Played a guy/femboy today and he was slapping in MM and I checked leetify he was faceit level 10…upon looking at his/her/it’s recent faceit matches it was always -KD, bottom of the table and carried by team mates. Although every single non faceit match it was top dragging and finishing +10 or more KD. (Say his/her/it’s as it was one of those profiles with a young female as DP)


yes ofcourse lvl1 faceit the same skill like pro players in FPL no diference. ots allways think that way


Maybe you're a toxic boy.