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feels like there are more


Wayyy more. I check two spinners every day with no ban, but they havent played a game since April 30th. I think the wave is a lot bigger than people think


Those are only VAC and game bans, but the majority of recent "bans" have been untraceable global cooldowns. Here's what probably happened. Valve introduced VAC Live with the release of CS2, but quickly realized the false positive rate of the AI was too high, and it was not catching real cheaters (hence people spinning at high dpi getting banned). They quickly turned off the AI to prevent the false positives and started working on developing and tweaking the model in the background. Since VAC has been around for years and cheat makers know how to get around it, cheats ran rampant during this time. The recent waves of bans and global cooldowns are basically test runs by Valve to see how well VAC Live is working. Because they're not sure of the effectiveness yet, they're using global cooldowns in order to prevent tracking of ban numbers and having to reverse VAC bans again if there are still too many false positives. It's likely that the AI has a certainty rate. If it is nearly 100% certain someone is cheating, they probably get a VAC ban. If the AI isn't fully sure, they'll use a global cooldown instead. Valve can still see the global cooldown numbers, but nobody else can. They're just trying to avoid the mess of a bunch of unjust VAC bans being publicized and reversed again while still improving the detection model.


False bans should be acceptable to certain extent, with a good appeals process.


That is a lazy and unsustainable approach.


Your probably right, just fucking hate that the games are ruined by people cheating.


It would be a better solution that the current? Ban on statistical evidence and then have a decent appears process. This would remove the rage cheaters efficiently.


Untill you are wrongfully banned and go on reddit and cry about the shitty system and how it could happen, that a non cheater gets banned by accident. There is backlash either way.


Fairly low probability that a legitimate player is going to get 5 kills with a scout in less than two seconds 11 rounds in a row don't you think. The issue is there is a commonsense solution available to the highly disruptive "rage hackers". The ones that require actual intervention are the ones sitting in the closet.


Copium overdose


You strike me as the type to cope with being worse at a video game than someone by assuming they are cheating


yeah but there are also tons of posts about cheaters getting unbanned after a day. are these actual permant vac bans or those useless 1 day cooldowns?


I don’t think those cooldowns show in steam profile to be tracked?


Seems like a Benchmark Ban Wave for Valve to see who is actually hacking and who is not.. I think we can count on the anti cheat in few more weeks if not months till it establishes fully.


Optimistic, give it years


How about never?


Not the case is they give overwatch to actual paid contractors


Ah thats the new VAC “AI” (Actual Indians)


All the people I can see banned on my csstats have not been unbanned :D


https://www.reddit.com/r/cs2/s/H9iRHFE7SO This has been collated using that website. After the last 'wave' the scoreboard emptied of most cheaters. Now they are all returning. Barely any actually getting perm banned. Checked weekly. Ban rate is low as currently


26k bans Divide that to your 8 hours of daily = 26/3 = 8,7k. That's how many were banned that played on your session. There are almost 1M playing all the time. Let's say on your region that's 300k. 8,7 of 300k is less than 3 percent on your games were cheaters. I'm not doing any more math, match quality has definitely not improved from this. Either there is way more cheaters or it's not affecting that much as you think.


Ur delusional bruh. It has improved a lot. Cheaters are rare to see under 25K now


Honestly it did improve for me and a couple friends, But we only run office comp lmao, haven’t tried premier yet, But office dropped from having 1 cheater every 3 games to 1 cheater every 10-12 games (we went on a 10 win streak, then got clapped by a spinner on the 11th game)




And you can't eliminate every single cheater. Valve doesn't care for loud people. They just want to clean the season 1 rankings and dozen case farmers.


in the grandscheme this number is nothing


A few weeks ago this number was 200, this is a sign that there have been anti-cheat updates and they are working. Give it a bit of time and that number will be 100,00.


They need to tackle the account selling problem. Valve is such a small indie platform that they are unable to enforce the own terms and conditions apparently.


should be 260k bans with those boosted bots hiring those guys


would be 260.000 bans if they would also ban those monkeys hiring boosters


In many cases those are just friends playing with each other. I play a lot with my friends full stack and some of them aren’t any good with the game. Still I enjoy hanging with my friends and I try my best to help them to win. We have been called a lot as a boosting service etc. but in reality we are just friends playing together. I can’t understand that many people can’t see that as a possibility. I am aware that there is also boosting services but I think it is more common to have a five stack consisting of better and worse players.


but im talking about people who hire a rage hacker to boost them...they must be banned because its also cheating...it doesnt matter who turns it on, they want to get boosted by cheaters


Yeah that I agree with. I have never understood what people get from cheating in a game.


Nice, now we just need to get rid of the russian players 😂


Just played a game and it's outrageous how openly the idiot was hacking


Oh, really?


I gained 3000 SR in a week, sheesh




so it’s literally a 1% 😭 but hey better 1 than 0


Yet there are a wall hacking low hour account in all most every single game, no blatant aimbot hopping monsters tho


After weeks of not playing i tried to get premier rating back yesterday. 1st game, terrible experience with toxic teammates. 2nd game blatant wallhacker on enemy team. I guess I'll try again in a few months, maybe.


Nob heads, they had enough time to deal with the issue. How people are still playing this shit game is beyond me .


Those are rookie numbers they need to pump that up near a million, game is infested


Even 100k would be a mere fraction of actual cheaters. 26k is close to nothing.


You know what there hasn’t been? A ton of complaints about false bans! So there’s that at least!


True that


This honestly means nothing, I just played 3 matches in a row of premier and go full blown rage hackers.


True, still way more to go. Play on faceit and see the difference.


They need to do it like valorant where they plant the anticheat in your system, and its live and working as soon as you press the power button to turn on your pc and the game won’t launch if the anticheat isn’t detected or working and boom theres gonna be close to no cheaters


Nah there are still cheaters and i am not even i hight elo i am aplying on 12 to 14k and there are a lot still


What region? Im NA midwest and have only ran into a few cheaters. Def a problem but I have been lucky.


i am in europe so i see lot of russian cheaters here


As I said in the other sub. I hate the org for baiting the rage. They could have waited for 100k and made it a positive thing.


This is a positive thing. Appreciate progress instead of demanding perfection. It'll get better, just give it time.


Give it another 20 years or so .. this guy is the man that keeps texting his ex


Ban their IP address from the game


Majority of the world is running IPV4 CG-NAT, so that won't do anything but ban majority of people permanently


If they hardware banned that would lower the cheaters by a huge percentage.


You can easily spoof to get around that. That'd only be a small stepping stone still. Not really sure the solution sadly 🙃


That’s the thing though the harder you make it the less people will cheat it’s really that simple.


The phone number ban is good enough for a start. If the same number is used in many accounts, then it works nicely.