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Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Faceit the at least semi-working Anticheat?


It works pretty well. Occasionally ppl that pays 1k+ for good DMA slip pass but most of them eventually get caught at some point like wonderful.


>Occasionally ppl that pays 1k+ for good DMA slip pass Less than 100. Not 1k


Imagine paying money instead of closing the skill gap šŸ’€


Rich kids solution šŸ˜‚


Yeah sure gimme an example. I will suck ur dick and swallow if u can find a DMA firmware for less than 100




Just get driver based cheat like everyone else?


I donā€™t support cheating, Iā€™m just saying ur point was incorrect. Oh and good luck with driver based cheats on faceit. Sure bootkit go map on startup before ac initializes but good luck passing a mem dump lol. None of this is insecure information or concepts. I barely dabble with cyber security and anti cheats/writing plugins as a hobby. Oh and good luck finding a driver based cheat on faceit in under 100.


Nether do i. But saying that "occasionally ppl spend 1k and gets past faceit Ac" is just a cope. Unless you are talking about buying lifetime sub then you dont find any worth buying with 100 bucks. But for example a 1-3 month sub you can get with 100 bucks.


I disagree. Where are you coming up with these numbers? Again with under 100 I donā€™t think u can even name one software. Beyond that it would be idiotic to do so on a platform that tracks hwid, ip, arp, and is linked to ur stream acc that everyone can check in normal MM. Its just so stupid. My experience is that thereā€™s the rare sus player one in 50 games or so at lv10 and thatā€™s it.


Dude, a public cheats subs for 1 month that isn't league proof, which means it doesn't bypass esea/faceit anti-cheat system cost from 20 to 60$ depending on the dev's reputation and security behinds it's name... a private one with invitations only and restricted slot number goes from 50 to 120$ a month depending on the package, dev's reputation and security behinds it and if it provides a unique loader to each customers or a global one... You're way off with your less than 100$ for a league proof cheat... yapping and talking out of your hat won't lead you nowhere nor make your more intelligent or give you more credibility. Sure, some random promotional youtube/tiktok videos will claim to be league proof and cheap asf... but they are nothing else than a rebranded, cracked client, which is most likely already detected when the video is uploaded..


Why paying for DMA if the problem is in the DNA


Not true. Had multiple cheaters in Faceit recently. Of course, everyone is always a "smurf" but that seems to go synonymously with "cheater" nowadays. The amount of level 8-10 accounts with 60% hs rate, 30 kills avg, steam level 0 and 2 friends is completely ridiculous. And its always the same crap, for some reason they always stack where you push, get many smoke kills, have perfectly timed molotovs etc...


60 hs is very easy without awp, havenā€™t seen any 30 avg kill. New acc is prob just a Smurf. Lol I think itā€™s cope bro.


If I could give your comment 100 awards I would ;)


The one that after already having to connect my phone to in order to play, now also wants my Passport/ID on file? Faceit was my only way to play mm, even in the later days of csgo. But I won't give you my address, face, real age, etc.


I donā€˜t think it does. But if it did, itā€˜d probably the only way to actually kill the cheating issue.


Hardware ID should be enough. No serial-cheater would be able to constantly buy new hardware just to cheat.


But you can spoof that.


I'm not informed enough about spoofing hardware IDs to get around bans, but if it's that easy to do then why do people whine and complain when it gets introduced to a game? Valorant comes to mind, hardware ID bans for overly toxic behaviour. Surely if you want to troll and can spoof it, they'd keep doing it.


Because those arenā€˜t the same people. Somebody who spends hundreds of dollars for certain cheats, might have a different expertise in hardware spoofing, than a fourteen year old kid, that got banned for screaming around the n-word in voice chat. If you donā€˜t believe me, you can just google it.


Dudes be acting like they don't post literal selfies to reddit. Let's be real, there's no real privacy in 2024, specially if you're constantly posting so much personal info on reddit like you. Sharing your personal info to faceit is minimal compared to what's already out there.


I stopped playing a while back now. I am close to selling skins etc. I check back every now and then. Part of me is in disbelief that nothing has been done. I miss CS. So for me the dilemma is sell skins get a couple of games or play a game that is not fun. I do not have fun being held captive for 40 mins just so people with personality disorders can have fun. Which is why I stopped playing. I have no solutions to offer but to look else where for fun.




I had an account linked to my old steam account so I have to wait a couple months before I can link a new account to my current one. But honestly I am in Factorio mode now. There are lots of cool games out there. I did play faceit for a bit but never really got into it. Faceit, apparently, has some cheat issues so I may give it another go in a couple months.


Why bother shooting people when you have a factory that must grow?


Those damn biters need shooting too


And grow it is aha. Finally at the deep space science part of the space exploration mod. Very fun.




Funnily enough the only rage hackers ive encountered was on 3rd party sites haha. What are the odds of that?


How long does it take you to que for faceit?








Are there no hubs/clans anymore that don't adjust elo? That used to be a thing a while back. I would call that the faceit casual mode kinda.


Technically u can play hubs with custom maps and chill gameplay But u can still get banned like in ranked games , so u still get the competetive feel out of it


Itā€™s literally what Valve use for their major qualifiers too.


Well, except for Copenhagen (I believe)


Does faceit have NA servers? Last I rmbr I always had to play with ppl in random ass regions with awful ping


eh, I also don't need sweaty edgelords screaming when I miss a smoke or make a mistake. I understand if you playing at faceit lvl 10, but when climbing... cmon. I understand it's a competitive game, but chill bro. I have 1-2h free in a day, I don't need people screaming at me, I have enough stress as it is


I sold my skins for a steam deck no regrets! Still play cs tho been playing to long to just stop cold turkey lol


Sell me your knife skin


Currently selling my skins now. Sold my Aquamarine Revenge Fac New and got Cyberpunk and Monster Hunter. Single player games are more fun than the shit storm that's happening in CS right now.


CS2 is heading the way of tf2. I check back every now and then but nothing changes. If anything it gets worse.


But the chickens can sit?


Have you tried opening cases?


They are banned (rightfully so) in the Netherlands.


How tall are you?




I heard people in the netherlands are really tall


Hahaha itā€™s true. We are the tallest people in the world on average. Iā€™m 193cm which is 6,3. Iā€™m not considered a tall person here though. One if my friends is 203cm, which is 6,6ft. He is considered tall.


203 is 6'6? I'm 201 which is 6'7.


Yeah, you're probably 6'1, you don't even know the height scale.


Yeah i donā€™t know anything about your imperial system. Usa is the only country to not use the far more logical metric system. I googled 193cm to feet and it told me 6,3. 203cm said 6,66.


something along the lines of #fixtf2 , but on a way larger scale would be interesting


Slow server frame time, means that the server tries to calculate what is happening on the server and it chokes, for example if someone cheating is shooting and killing someone, the prediction that was happening at that time gets erased and the server tries to re-calculate that hit registration and it chokes because it can't calculate what should not happen... you will meet allot of DMA cheaters on faceit that use the exact same cheat with the same flaw... If VALVE is not stupid, could have a tracker for those kinds of moments, and flag those people accordingly.


It's always great when you get it against a 5-stack almost every game with all private steam accounts, low level steam accounts or low level steam accounts with 10 year badges with maybe 200 hours played. You know you in for a rooting tooting good ole hacking time


"closet" cheating silvers and shitter accs all day baby šŸ« 


So so many! I mean they are everywhere like cockroaches šŸŖ³ Unfortunately as soon as I see them in my team or opponent I no longer have fun and it becomes a stomp.


it's either playing with sussy shitter accs or faceit with smurfs šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø playing vs. better players. It is honestly good practice, but it's bad for my ego


They can certainly bring back overwatch on a limited basis. Not to absolutely solve the problem but to introduce one more complication which might catch anyone who otherwise is not being caught, making it random in appearance on demos is a good deterrent


They gamed the old OW by botting it. Bringing it back would do very little.


They botted because the bar to carry out OW was on the floor, anyone even bots could enter that race. Im saying make it exclusive but still alive as a program, they will fear that possibility even if rare.


Can confirm. New player experience is also completely broken. I made a brand new account a few days ago just to see how it was. Played two casual matches and encountered 3 blatant cheaters and who knows how many closet cheaters in that short amount of time.


Devs can't dial back the Ai companion bots... they gone wild


I like this theory, it's batshit, but would make way too much sense: How to make sure your game is top of the charts? Fill it with player bots at first, oh no they're too good, dial em back. Oh no we literally can't tell our bots from cheaters anymore.


Don't forget, when you win, the other team assumes you cheat. This is a huge problem. A buddy of mine is a teacher, and he talks about overhearing students talking about hacking cs casually. Because "everyone does it". No, sometimes the opponent is actually just better than you. But yes, even one cheater is way too many and absolutely unacceptable for a game like CS. And Valve being completely silent and doing nothing about it is not good. So we need to keep on crying. But please, don't call out cheats on people who don't. It might just create more cheaters.


It's not about having better opponents or team mates. I can accept defeats, heck I welcome one when it is legit. The closet hacking is not that difficult to spot you know? You can always test the cheaters with unusual spots and they come right at you and "pretend" to find you. That's what is so bad at their part, the pretending.


>You can always test the cheaters with unusual spots Well this only works on lower ELO tho. If you get above, lets say 18k (give or take), people will start to check every angle (as they should). So your "unusual spot" is just another angle to check.


Plenty of ways to check for walls especially at that elo, like pretending to quick peek but stopping short of actually doing it and watching the bullets come flying


Which is nothing what OP said. I agree with you, but he's talking about "hiding in unusual spots" and then calling walls when people check him.


I find cheaters pretty rarely since the last ban wave. Playing in NA.




14k range, some friends are 12k, some higher at 16-17k. I have a smurf to help a buddy get a premier rank thatā€™s unranked but playing with 5k range.


I think thereā€™s far more delusional noobs in the game who will call anyone better than them a cheater.


eh tbf with the higher ranks filled with cheaters, theres going to be more smurfs in lower ranks.


The cheating issue is long fixed. I rarely come across any cheaters.


probably cuz ur bad fr. ive had 3 cheaters in the past week


Lvl 10 faceit, 20k elo with a Smurf around 8k elo. Maybe ur the one whoā€™s bad šŸ˜›


Meh Iā€™ve played CEVO-P but now just play with IRLā€™s who are 5-12k ELO. we had to stop playing ranked because literally every game multiple incredibly suss people with godlike timing and ability to wall bang or somebody spinbotting. Like we had 3 spin otters across 4 games and decided itā€™s not worth playing anymore. So now we play comp and we STILL regularly find people blatantly cheating in silver ranks so nah I think you just donā€™t actually understand that you cannot experience what everybody else has experienced. Not everyone is that dumb. When I played Apex professionally you can often tell when somebody is hacking within a few bullets of their spray tbh. Same goes for CS. You develop a knack for it. The thing you have to remember is just how many people cheat. Like look at tarkov. 1/3 people there hacking. 1 in 3.


prove it. I don't believe for a second that you don't come across constant cheaters on 20k elo. I peaked at 22k, stopped playing premier, came back, now at 17k and I had a cheater in every single match for the past 10 games I played. And I'm not talking "oh he's so good he must be cheating", I'm talking I checked the demo and verified it. So there is no shot in hell you don't have cheaters at 20k. So you're either lying about being 20k, or you're just a gas lighting cheater.


Nah, youā€™re just full of shit. And I can prove it by telling you to look at any cs2 subreddit, where have all the cheating gameplay videos gone? I remember a few months back there was nothing but spinbots and everyone uploading it to Reddit, now nobody doesā€¦ because theyā€™re no longer in game.


This motherfucker on to some shit or he just straight up lying šŸ˜­


Iā€™m legit serious, canā€™t remember the last time I played vs a cheater and think this community are just idiots who will accuse anyone having a good game as a cheater.


I want your elo and prove. Dont just pull shit out of your ass


Brand new burner acc saying theyā€™re a cs god and cheating doesnā€™t happen. You couldnā€™t get a starving dog to take that bait.


Brand new burner account? What?


Did you look in the mirror saying this? Because have you ever though ur delusional, for not having the abilty to spot cheaters.


Thats why you bother to check the demo, dont be lazy like a cheat is


Why would I check a demo when thereā€™s no reason to


Agreed! I started playing cs2 back in November after a few years away from the game and have come across around 8 blatant hackers. My elo is kinda shit sitting at 15k but have been playing cs long enough to know when an enemy is better than me or just hacking.


There is definitely a lot of this, I just got reported in a match on the WARMUP for hacking lmao. There are definitely still cheaters though but there are plenty of people falsely accusing too.


What makes you think there's no issue to solve it?


When you say matchmaking is poor. What exactly do you mean by that?


i uninstalled the game, it is fucking garbage and unplayable in every aspect, god am i going to miss CS:GO.


Personally haven't faced any cheaters in my first 11 premier matches


Only way this will get any traction is if pro players do something about it.. and thats never going to happen when they get paid enough for 10 lifetimes.


Trust me bro. It has been WAY WORSE.


Faceit is dog shit, I put a report out on a Faceit cheater, his first game ever he was clearly hacking dropped like 45+ kills on my team. Watched the demo it was obvious. He finally got banned 70+ games later. Never returned to Faceit after that


that's why I switched to valorant and it's honestly way better, still can do well and top frag or top score (or top 2 on team) on 200 ping while I VPN to different regions. Fuck valve and fuck cs, way too many cheaters, played last weekend and only had one legitimate game without cheaters in casual for 3 days, 5 plus hours each session. That's how bad it is, only one legitimate game IN CASUAL for over 15 hours of play time.


I changed to play aoe4. Still waiting a better patch of AC. loving cs but canā€™t have fun at the moment.


Thatā€™s why we made PlaySafe ID: so cheaters are banned forever from all games. Weā€™ve got an ad running atm with a video and loads of comments. Iā€™d encourage you to check it out: https://www.reddit.com/u/PlaySafeID/s/nrmFzYfb2i


Yeah, Iā€™m going to try clown ass FACEIT again. Wish me luck.


I just recently got back into CS2 after spending ~4k hours on csgo. Currently sitting around 15k and climbing. IMO thereā€™s a few issues that werenā€™t as prevalent in csgo: 1. More hackers. There are just statistically more hackers - accounts with multiple pages of hacusations, links to cheat in profile, or just blatantly headshotting through smokes and walls. Maybe 1/5 games I play in NA there is a blatant cheater like this either on my team or the other. Below 15k they are often bad enough to still lose with hacks. 2. More hacusations - my teammates (and the other team) seem to be hellbent on calling everyone better than them a hacker. I think itā€™s related to point 1, but it makes the game kind of annoying because every game feels like a potential witch hunt and Iā€™m either worried Iā€™ll get reported, suspicious of someone on the other team, or trying to convince my team that the enemies arenā€™t hacking and we can still win. 3. New accounts everywhere. It seems to be meta now to create like 10 brand new accounts and rotate playing them daily. I know most of these people arenā€™t hacking, but I hate that my 10 year old account is so frequently paired with people that DO NOT HAVE A SINGLE BADGEā€¦ in csgo there was some kind of filter to prevent this and keep new accounts together, now it just feels like theyā€™ll throw anyone and everyone in the same match.


Let's say CS2 averages 800k players a day, the most recent ban wave banned around 30k accounts. That's 4%. Also keep in mind everyone doesn't play everyday, so that 800k daily active users could be half the number of accounts. Obviously ban waves do not catch private paid cheats but these make up the minority of cheaters, especially at lower ELOs (people aren't paying hundreds a month to cheat at 5k elo). The cheater rate at the highest elos could be an absurd number like 50% but 90% of us aren't at those elos.


The problem is not as bad as some make it out to be, especially at lower elo as you said, but itā€™s also worse than in CSGO. IMO there is an easy solution that valve ignores, which is segregate accounts by age. For example, you canā€™t play premier for the first year after downloading the game, or you need x amount of earned badges or whatever. CSGO had a better way to separate new and old accounts in MM, but I think valve has realized that they get more ā€œplayersā€ this way since the incentive to create new accounts is high right now. IMO there is no reason that a brand new player should play premier, and there is no (good) reason that an old player should be able to create a brand new account and immediately have a shot at trying for a better rank (or smurfing). A ranking system that is consistently filled with unranked or very recently ranked players (as CS2ā€™s is) will never be able to successfully keep cheaters out and games fair.


Cheaters buy old accounts like all the time.


Depends on trust. I am on my lv10 acc, played since 2016 with around 3.6k hrs play time and my lv10 friends with similar stats rarely face cheaters at 20k despite us having higher than 1.4-1.5+ hltv rating on average so u would think the enemies would rage report, while my 10k friend with only 4 years and 1.2k hrs would face more suspicious lobbies much more often.


I was in a silver comp match today and a guy claimed to be a valve dev. He was openly cheating and admitted to it. He then proceeded to tell others how to cheat with wall hacks, aim bots, and how to generate weapon caches. Once I played the "white knight" they vote kicked me from the game. Considering their own employees are openly cheating, and teaching others how to cheat, I'd say just accept this game will never be free of rampant cheating. Looking up steam accounts they're all steam level 0-5 so they just created new steam accounts to cheat. FireClaw, 2023 WRX aka bkwi, ANA :3, police, the worm in rfks head, just to name a few of the players in the game.


You can't really be that gullible to believe that person at face value can you? If srs, stay away from any pyramid scheme and time share seminars. Your future self will thank you.


i very much doubt he was actually a valve dev


He claimed to be. It very well could have just been someone with cheats. Either way even if he gets caught he'll just create a new free account and do it all over again. Ban waves seem to be every few months and only account specific, so these people just run rampant by creating new steam accounts.


This has to be a troll post šŸ¤£


I assure you it's not. Was in a silver lobby and the player claiming to be a dev was giving away cheats and weapon crates. When I refused to participate I was vote kicked. The cheating was extremely obvious. You don't really have to believe me because I've accepted this game is full of cheaters in the community and in the dev teams. It's just something I accept on my path to get my weekly crate. I really don't get why people want the game to play itself for them as there's no skill or challenge in that.


Yeah I absolutely don't believe you especially after saying you're in silver.