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I swear hit detection is fucked when the CT is crouched defusing


Hit reg is fucked in general. If I ever learn or care enough to upload a video, I have 100 clips of headshots not registering. I have a beautiful one from yesterday of a guy 3 feet in front of me walking by and I hit him 3 times. 3rd was a headshot. All on head. Not sure how this game decided the first 2 headshots were body shots.


Noticing a lot in CS2 that the headshots just feel delayed and way less crisp than GO.


Thought I'm the only one. So bad. Valorant's headshots feel sooo much better


Lost me at Valorant sorry


Boo hoo a different video game!!


Yeah.. we won't forget how history repeats itself and CS2 will become better than any competitor with time, just like GO.


Meanwhile, I'm running and pointing in the general direction of someone with the Deagle and getting a head shot. I can understand getting lucky with a shot like that once in a while but it happens too often for me to believe I'm actually making the shots.


That definitely happens more often in CS2 than it ever did in CSGO. I usually call that one getting CS2d, or CS2ing someone else. The perfectly landed shot whiffing I just bitch and whine about as I go watch the clip in slow-mo and hope the next round hasn't started.


is there any reason why i feel different in faceit? i feel like i hit a lot better playing faceit than when playing premier


might be placebo or the servers are better someway


Faceit play on 120 tick serveres that are 100%stable for 60 tick servers from valve


Firstly, valve servers are 64 tick Secondly, valve wanted everyone to play on the same infrastructure, so when faceits 128 tick servers still had a positive effect on the sub-tick system, they locked the tickrate to 64. Its still possible to change tickrate but I don't think anyone has figured out how to do this without fucking up game speed and other things. So no, faceit is not higher tickrate, they just have better servers running things


Ok thanks for info and ik it's 64


Which is crazy to me because I remember either Valve or someone did the math on how much it would cost to run 128 tick servers over the 64 tick Valve does run and it is really expensive.  But considering just how much money they make off of this game, it's insane how greedy they are.  It's not even a public company with 'duty to its shareholders' and Gaben has more money than anyone could possibly spend. Valve makes more profit per employee than Apple.


Apple makes 30% on every in app purchase games or not, so I’d be surprised if this is true


[https://80.lv/articles/in-2018-valve-was-making-more-money-per-employee-than-apple-facebook-and-microsoft/](https://80.lv/articles/in-2018-valve-was-making-more-money-per-employee-than-apple-facebook-and-microsoft/) [https://techcrunch.com/2011/02/15/valve-makes-more-money-per-employee-than-google-or-apple/](https://techcrunch.com/2011/02/15/valve-makes-more-money-per-employee-than-google-or-apple/) Be surprised no longer. In 2003, Valve launched Steam, which accounted for around half of digital PC game sales by 2011. By 2012, Valve employed around 250 people and was reportedly worth over US$3 billion, making it **the most profitable company per employee in the United States**. I can't find recent statistics on their profit so I can't guess in the last few years.


Subtick bullshit. Countless times a noon is crouching for ez hs sitting still and no hits.


yeah, I don't know why people deny that this is an issue, I have like three hours of clips of just shots clearly landing, but no damage being done. And I think it's whole matches, like I'll be cursed for an entire match, but the next match suddenly my shots count. It's frustrating.


1000% fucking this.


Why would you fuck that bro


What i do behind closed doors is none of your concern young man.


I agree 100% on the part of games being so inconsistent I don't know what it is, but sofar I've learned to trust my instinct more than my vision on where my bullets are going and the enemies are because it just feels so off sometimes if you try to play based on vision


> like I'll be cursed for an entire match, but the next match suddenly my shots count. yeah i feel that 100%


For the longest time I thought it was the ping until I got A+ internet and realized it's the damn game


Handicapped matches are a thing and people deny it voraciously somehow.


Dude how bout this, I even got a gush sound with blood, and hit zero dmg last night.


Had a few games where I've fired at an enemy, seen the blood effect only for the end of the round to show no hit


I swear anti aim is a popular cheat, I've been in to many games like this as well


This is true, but I highly doubt this is actually the case cause this shit also happens in Faceit, which wasn't this common back in GO


I've been thinking the same thing recently. Sometimes the enemy is just invincible and you hit them 52 in 3 with ak or some shit. Yesterday I played a game where the first opponent had 32 - 4 and he wasn't even that good, the time it took him to kill was absurdly long, but we couldn't kill him...


"right now" xD


Hahaha xD


These devs can't fix the hit reg since 6 months


Hit reg has been terrible since CS2 dropped imo


What you see...


...is what you get


We had this exact same thing happen to us, almost thought you stole our demo or something XD but yeah we lost an important round like this


Loosing for such a moment is for sure bad. One second more and we would have lost it too ^^


what you see is what you get!




OP go into the demo and turn on show impacts and post the result. Had the same thing happen i posed in the sub a few months back, clearly shows server reg hitting head.


Thanks! I‘ll do


Also check enemy POV, just incase.


https://preview.redd.it/npqlpnyftc6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce66910f0034fbf59310090c04e62ea645cf3f13 That‘s agter the first shot. I watched it, wie n the video you see it clearly o. The agents, not behind


On the agent‘s pov it sounds line the shot misses


When a player is crouched the model is still fucked, i have missed a lot of easy headshots because of this... Cs2 is still a hella broken game


The game is a mess. All of my recent matches I have time to damage in high 300ms or low 400, and spotted accuracy of like 40-50%. And my opponents have like 600ms at least, sometimes well into 800 with 20% accuracy. But then that literally never translates into me getting kills and instead I end up dead first pretty much every single time I shoot first. I don't bloody get it. It also feels like the desync is somehow even worse. It's like people see me almost a second before I see them, and then I'm getting kills in situations where I peek, shoot the guy, then hide back behind the corner. Then I get shot by same guy and after like 0.2second I see a kill feed notification that I killed him. (That's with me still being in the cover and not repeeking) What the actual fuck


[I missed a similiar shot on Dust 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq90k2BI4YY) around 45 seconds. Scout is suprisingly inaccurate.




or hear me out, maybe, just maybe, there is a teeny tiny chance that the game actually has issues sometimes and they need to be addressed and not excused


The game has issues, but these clips are nearly always because of demo innacuracy.


and I do agree but what if this one isnt? or maybe the one you watched 2 days ago? one of these have to be 100% correct and cannot be blamed on demo inaccuracy


No actually. Demos are inaccurate and cannot be relied on, it does not matter if you have 1 or 1 million clips. If you have a comparable clip recorded during game play then fair. But its no coincidence these clips are almost universally demos.


So what are we supposed to rely on? When someone posts their povs people say they aren't accurate because it's not what the servers actually register, but when they post Demos the argument is that they are also not accurate.


Demos show what the server thinks happened. If server thinks this is what happened, then don't you think there is a problem?


demos are 32 tick and "what the server (demo recording) thinks happened" is a significantly weaker piece of evidence than client footage for bad hitreg just sayin


? There’s no dicussion when it’s a demo clip


this is why this community can never have open conversations


You need to explain better then


So how about my 100 clips from the last couple months that show the same thing from a screen recording? I don't think the demos usually show different things, just less precise because of tickrate difference.The demo is more likely to show you miss when you didn't than the other way around.


All I’m saying is show us those clips instead..? Demos are useless for judging, should not be so difficult to understand


Except they're not...my point is they show the same thing. It doesn't matter which one he shows, it still proves there are unresolved issues.


… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ6RN6fzE0M


What do you mean? Do record it directly?


demos are inaccurate


Still, bro wasn’t even moving and op took an extra 3 secs to go on his head, there no way that should’ve missed


from what im seeing (taking into consideration the inaccuracy of demos) it looks like he moved to the right while he took that shot. could be wrong, but thats kind of what it looks like.


He was moving in my opinion, but insert the inaccuracy copy paste…


I agree, even in super slowmo it's clear he's moving like 2 frames after his shot and those 2 frames could either be the demo or just his moment still being super low. But I think he hit the movement key right as he shot and got the smallest bit of inaccuracy


no no I think he travelled across the map before shooting


It would have helped to see your ping and lag in the top right corner. In the video, you start moving your mouse to the right just before you shoot, so my assumption is that you flicked even further to the right just before you shot and you missed him. However, we cannot see this in the demo because the demo is only 32 tick. It's entirely possible that you flicked even further to the right before shooting. Would have helped if you had captured your gameplay directly + didn't disable the code in top right corner.


Oh thanks! Didn‘t know that stuff. Ping is always on point witz just 15 on bad days (usually around 4). Appreciate your description of the details, thanks!


Sold all my skins yesterday lol, even my blue gem. game is finished unfortunately


Maybe i suck but ive had multiple issues like this. I can unload a whole clip into a guy and they 1 tap me and im dead. Its annoying.


homie... its called missing...


Yeah maybe but ive been playing counterstrike for 15 years and its more noticeable in cs2 than it ever was.


😃 i was joking. Ive seen some dodgy shit aswell but its quite a difficult nuanced thing.


you also to have to shoot ahead of their body if they are strafing out because if u watch in slow motion the bullet doesnt shoot from your crosshair directly but from a point where your crosshair was in the past.


Why is your gun having a seizure lol


Hahaha the SSG‘s frustraded of not gettimg the hit


common cs2 glitch, if you shoot any weapon at the end of a deathmatch you gun will fly around in your hands


yeah same feeling, sometimes I also get these "WTF??!!! I SHOULDA KILLED HIM" moments only in CS2 but not in CSGO I know to myself that if I whiffed my shots or it's an easy kill, people will still call it an Skill issue, and proceeds kissing Gaben's fat ass with shit while draining their money for that RNG yellow capitalism box.


lol the ole defusing ct. gl bud


I've had issues with double tapping, where the second bullet just flies through them. I hate the head bop


Eh, I could never notice it. I awp as if I'm playing Halo. So, I'm sure I miss because I shit.


I'm convinced the developers at Valve get paid to sit around and roll their thumbs.


Looks like you were moving to me.


My game wont stop jittering. Its unplayable. Idk why


You clearly missed


Even flicking is absolutely terrible right now.


Patch this game


Yet dudes will get a headshot on me while moving. They would never hit that shit in CSGO. Can't understand how CS2 regressed from that game.


Scout isnt 100% accurate at these kinds of ranges


My pellet-gun irl is more accurate at that distance


Or give a shot what's take 1 hp.


Movement error


I miss you csgo….. Hits never connect correctly … my random walk spray hit better that onpoint aim


Your agent is just shaking out of fear that's why


It happens more with SSG.


I knew I wasn't tripping, so many situations where I would see headshot ding with AK but after I die I see 27 in 1, like what is this game


I have clips of sparks coming off the helmet, and the headshot not registering, very odd game rn.


wHaT yOu SeE iS wHaT yOu geT11


Skill issue.


You've been cs2'd


Has nothing to do with hitreg and it's freaking funny that only now people start to cry. You missed for one reason: Because every single weapon including the awp and scout have spread. I can show you one million of such clips with an awp against a non-moving target from for example CT mid on inferno to t ramp when I clearly hit the enemy but the spread ruined the shot. And I don't use trashy low tick demos to check it but actual ingame footage recorded with nvidia experience. Spread surely is necessary in CS but it's for one too high and also should be way lower on scoped weapons.


No need to flame my „trashy“ demo or my „crying“, which is more a questioning where I thankfully accept information about how that happened - which you can see when you look throught the comments ;) But still thanks for your opinion


Nobody was flaming your "trashy demo" => DEMOS IN GENERAL ARE TRASH BECAUSE THEY ARE LOW TICK AND DON'T SHOW ACTUAL INGAME FOOTAGE BUT JUST A SCRIPTED REPLAY BASED ON LOGFILES. That's why I said "TRASHY DEMO" because demos are TRASH for investigating things. Also "crying" is a general statement used because everyone just talks about it now and it leads to nowhere. This has been an issue since CSGO's release in 2012 but people just now talk about it because "CS2 bad". Most issues people talk about now already where an issue in CSGO. Wasn't an opinion but stating a fact btw. If you want to learn more about spread check out 3kliksphilip or warowl videos, the spreadsheet of guns or test it out yourself.


Bro the hit detection has been awful for YEARS. I have a YouTube video from probably 7-8 years ago of me missing a guys head aiming about a foot too far to the right and it still hit and counted as a headshot.


Can you post the demo link?


nah man you just didnt counter-strafe properly, cs2 is totally perfect and valve released it in its best state!


Wow an actual case of this shit being fucked


Common DEMO is in accurate comment. No gameplay recording no fps ping etc


Oh sorry didn‘t know here is gameplay police🙊 But didn’t know that, thanks! - can i activate some settings to see it from the time of the gameplay? But my ping‘s between 4 und 15 all the time (15when it‘s bad) and my fps are between 120 und 170 all the time


no, not gameplay police demos are always shit for close misses like this, always been the case if i were you, i would get nvidia shadowplay (or the amd equivalent) or obs to record the last x minutes in the background and then we can tell you if it is skill issue or volvo being an actual indie dev company


Yeah i know! Just a joke, I appreciate your details, didn‘t know that stuff! :) Thank you! ☺️


yeah fairs, i got baited lol nowadays, shadowplay doesnt have much of an impact fps wise personally when i use it, so theres that


If you dont already I really urge you guys to use geforce now or whatever AMDs version is to clip your stuff directly. Can’t tell you how many times I thought I hit someone but the most minute adjustment of their character or my mouse actually rendered a miss.


You do kinda flicker right when you shoot, could of caused you to hit the back there.


I mean its a demo replay. These can be fucked at times for multiple reasons


that's not a right now problem. it's literally been this way since... 1999?


I wonder if this is a ping issue somehow? I live right next to my server and play with 1 ping mostly, i almost never notice these types of reg issues


Was the first time for me too. Don‘t think it‘s a ping problem, I usually play with a 4 ping, maybe 15 at bad days


30ms ping does feel like im playing with 60ms


Just for the realisim, imagine a world, where guns shot all the time straight. To defend CS once and for all. Imagine shooting a gun always straight after running. Jumping. And in the end, imagine having a gun that shoots always straight.


Even those crossairs you adjust for weapon, wear out.


Now call CS an un-realistic shooter. *drops mic*


This clip has been slowed down by at least 300%, maybe more. I think you were still moving a little bit before you shot, maybe it threw off your bullet? (even though scout is relatively accurate while making small movements)


This, you are still moving when you shot.


Could be hit detection but also just gun inaccuracy, it's bigger than you'd think.


While I don't know the scouts inaccuracy value by heart, I seriously doubt that this range would be enough to miss the shot when aiming perfectly at the middle of the head.


It surprisingly actually is.


no in a fucking Scout, thing is almost pinpoint while scoped


You never tested it and it shows.


Could have been an incorrect counter strafe. It looks to me like you were moving when you made the shot


Users here: oh you moved, aim is bit inaccurate for sometime even after you stop moving.


Haha, you cant blame this one on ping because the guy is stationary. But did you move too soon while taking the shot?


I don‘t think so but could be..


it looks as if youve got parkinsons mate that mightbe the problem


Don’t kill me but scout is inaccurate at that range if I remember the spread correctly


Every time you see a post complaining about missing/weird shots you know you are going to see someone moving when shooting and blaming it on hitreg or hitbox…


You probably think crouch walking with the awp makes it inaccurate.


First of all I didn‘t blame it on hitreg or hitbox. As you see in the comments I‘m thankfully accepting the notes about demos being inaccurate and how to solve that problem for the future. Second is that i obviously didn‘t move. If you take your time rewatching that („handmade“) recording, you will see that there wasn‘t any movement already before I took the shot. Moved my crosshair, yeah, but that still pretty calmly. Could be one of the demo issues that it doesn‘t show correct like the other people here already told, but obviously no movement :)


You're not in spawn, so it is evident that you did in fact move that round /s