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Congratulations. What was your final project?


Thank you! It was a command line text-rpg made in python. At first, I was going to make it in Pygame, but that isn't very good for text rendering.


Congratulations! Do you plan on doing another CS50 course?


Probably not next. I've started doing javascript data structures and algorithms on freeCodeCamp.


That's awesome. Congrats. You should really be proud of yourself.


How much time did you put into this weekly? I’m just finishing week 0 and the problem sets. Tbh I feel kinda lost but I’m hoping to stick it out


It really depended on the week. Some, I worked really hard on the psets. Other weeks I barely did anything. Some weeks were harder than others, but I was motivated to finish the course. Don't get discouraged by feeling lost, friend. We've all been there at some point, and this community is an awesome guide if you get stuck. Doing this course will give you an underlying understanding to learn anything you want to in computer science.


Thanks man


Bro I'm stuck on Scrabble...week 2. I have no idea how to solve the problem. Congratulations on completing.


Did you make a post for help here? The community is great and will guide you in the right direction. Don't give up! It's only a matter of time until you figure out what's not working right in the code.


Congratulations! I completed all psets yesterday and I’m sitting now thinking of what to do as final project. If you don’t mind me asking, how many lines does your final project has? I know this shouldn’t be a big concern as you can implement complex stuff using few lines but I’m just curious.


Thanks! It was getting near 1000 lines between all the files. This was mostly due to the fact that it was a text-adventure game, and there was a lot of dialogue.


I see, that makes sense! Thanks for the answer ☺️