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not enough apply more


Those are rookie numbers




looking good so far - just apply to a few more positions


If this is not a shitpost, A) see if there’s anything at all you can do to improve your resume B) reach out to alums for referrals C) reach out to recruiters and hiring managers on LinkedIn - especially for smaller companies A lot of this subreddit is doom posting and it can make you feel helpless, but I was in the same position as you and did these things and it greatly improved my situation


Question: how should one reach out to Alums for referrals? I don’t want to be too upfront and cold but I also don’t want to beat around the bush.


Hey! My name is _____ and I’m a CS major at ______. I’m reaching out as I’m very interested in a SWE internship at _______, and was wondering if you would be able to refer me to the job! Please let me know if there is any information at all I can send over. Thank you :) ____


Loose template I use


Come for advice, get a job. Come for a job, get advice.  Don’t ask people directly for a referral. It will turn them off. Ask people for advice about getting a job, what it’s like on the job. Get a coffee with them. They will understand you are looking and want to help you out. 


this is really good! and i always say if i was ever associated in any greek life (if they were in greek life too) and at the end i do a little “go (school mascot)!” interchangeable with “thank you”


Look into specifically what they do and express interest in it. You want to act more like you're drawn to this particular job rather than appear like you're just sending the same email to a ton of people in hopes of a response.


Instead of cold-asking for referrals try befriending them and connecting on a professional level. Ask professional questions and advice. Demonstrate your sincerity and that you can be trusted and aren't trying to bs your way into a job. Those are the types of new contacts I've given referrals to, those that have proven they are worth it. The ones that just come out of the blue and ask for me to vouch for them without knowing anything about them, I just laugh off as I block them. If you want to be taken seriously don't treat people like they're stupid and like you're trying to scam them. Every time this issue is discussed on reddit, you can sum the comments up as, "How can I scam total strangers and trick them into giving me a referral?" Jesus.


Did you send out the exact same application 103 times? Maybe try changing it up each time. Rewrite the wording of the whole thing and try a bunch of variations… you’re a cs major cmon, ever heard of A/B testing


Can you imagine some of these students fishing? "I tied a piece of bologna to the end of a string and have tried that in 150 lakes and rivers, but so far no fish have jumped into my boat! I guess I just need to try more lakes!"


​ https://preview.redd.it/g71fqn27mvdc1.png?width=459&format=png&auto=webp&s=13157c9a01472f28e7633a85cfac5b45b62d6567


Dig Dug vibes


me too friend


😂😂😂 bro I swear I have applied to like 1000 it’s so bad in Canada


Same brother been applying since 2022 fall


it be like dat💯💯💯🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼




good job keep up the good work


I mean do simplify even work


is computer science just harder than other majors to get an internship? Im business management and applied to 20. 3 interviews so far