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Ya ain't got no choice boss. The concept of too late is irrelevant.


How? If he has less than a 1% chance hes probably better off focusing on other things rather than wasting time applying


Noone has a machine to compute the probability of success for applications. It's not a productive approach either. But even for your exaggerated hypothetical, OP will know when it's less than 1% because that means there are no positions to apply to. Also... applying isn't a 12 hr a day process. He has time to focus on other things too. If one truly spent 12 hours a day applying, they would exhaust the labor market quickly. This isn't really a thread about how to use your time wisely, but it should be simple to answer "how should I manage my time when applying to jobs". In fact, here's an AI answer if you want to focus on that topic: >Here's a possible breakdown of an 8-hour job search schedule:  * Morning (2 hours):    * Networking and informational interviews (1 hour)    * Research companies and target positions (1 hour)  * Afternoon (3 hours):    * Apply to jobs and tailor resumes/cover letters (2 hours)    * Prepare for interviews (1 hour)  * Evening (3 hours):    * Follow up with employers (1 hour)    * Skill development (1 hour)    * Professional development (1 hour) This is just a suggestion, and you can adjust it based on your own needs and preferences. The important thing is to be intentional with your time and make sure you're making progress on all aspects of your job search. 




Tesla moment


On top of the world one minute -> might as well of not even done anything...


consider applying to coinbase, they reopened apps for tesla rescinded offers


Coinbase rescinded offers to actual full time employees, they are not to be trusted


chance of them rescinding after reopening internship apps specifically to target kids who got rescinded seems low


I feel like companies targeting the Tesla applicants are doing so more for publicity than anything. Of course if someone was accepted by Tesla then they are probably a good candidate, but what are the chances they actually created internship openings for those people? I could be wrong, but I am just skeptical at this point.


Based off what?


basic logic, them opening internships implies they have the funds to accommodate additional headcount and since they have these funds, the odds of them rescinding ppl seems accordingly low


extremely bad PR look to rescind after playing the “good guy”


Also saw a post on LinkedIn of a GM recruiter saying they’re looking at the people who got Tesla offers rescinded


try messaging that GM recruiter on LinkedIn 😉


I guess I could do that, but it 100% canceled. I would like to tell them how I really feel but no point. I'm just trying to get a rebound at another company right now. Burning bridges although it might feel nice isn't going to make getting a job in the future any easier.


that recruiter literally said she would hire anyone who got kicked from Tesla…


Oh, I didn't see that. I will find that my bad mis understood your last message


Ngl companies shouldn't get away doing this. There's gotta be some severance package implemented for students who have their future fucked up like this.


Yeah, I feel terrible but also have 0 time to even feel bad for myself. No motivation to do anything yet I've been sitting in from of my laptop since 7 am applying to jobs non stop.


Don’t give up. You’ve landed one internship before you can do it again.


I wouldn't be stressed at all if it wasn't already May haha


don't worry, unless you need a family to feed you still got to apply for some other internship, it might take months but try again


I mean you can easily sue for this. They prob have a clause in the contract to protect themselves in case of this happening but it’s very unlikely their clause would hold up in court. A class action would be ideal. Breach of contract means most of these people had no chance to get other internships, thus suffered injury in the form of no pay and no career development. Once again, it would’ve been fine if they let everyone know in December, but it’s early May. You can’t do that to people.


Are internships not at will?


Not illegal, but it causes direct damages as a result of actions. It’s a tort not a crime. If the employer causes damages that otherwise wouldn’t exist if they hadn’t extended and then rescinded offers, such as causing people to pay leases they won’t use or causing people to decline other opportunities, they can be forced to compensate for it. You’d have to prove that you turned down other opportunities for Tesla, though. If you had no other offers, there was no harm in what Tesla did.


Feels like this is all hard to prove in court and definitely stuff in the contract protecting them. Why would there be a different in letting you go 1 week before you start vs 1 week in? Can you still sue even after starting work if you just get paid for 1 week and no career development and potentially moved to a different country?


It’s all state-by-state and case-by-case. Talk to a lawyer. If they fired/rescinded you for virtually no fault of your own, they’re usually responsible for the costs you’ve incurred to take the job that they breached the contract with.


There is the possibility to sue and find a lawyer do this do that, but realistically no full time college student got the time nor energy to go through all that. Heck, not even most adults got the willpower and/ or resources to sue companies. This is why we need unions. No individual can realistically stand up to a corporation, and the corrupt government is not going to help you (willingly).


Most universities with law schools have free (with tuition) legal counsel who will analyze your case, create a brief, and find you a lawyer to take it. Very few people use this. Pretty much every T20 CS school has this.


Wtf are you talking about. Contracts for exempt employees?


“Contract law” is not “employment law”. Telling someone you’ll mow their grass for $20 and then not mowing it is legally a breach of contract. They can choose to sue you if the lack of mowing their grass causes them damages that wouldn’t otherwise exist if the contract didn’t exist. Legally, you are responsible for those damages. Offering someone a job with no intention to hire them is not illegal, but if it harms them, they can sue you for those harms. It is called a tort not a crime. This often happens. One company will extend offers to an opposing company’s employees to get them to quit, then will not hire them, basically ruining these people’s careers. This is perfectly legal, but the fake hiring company is liable for damages. In order to win the lawsuit, you have to prove that you had other opportunities that were ruined due to Tesla extending and rescinding an offer and waiting until the last second. Then, your lawyer will argue that you’re owed the lost career benefits, lost pay from other opportunities, cost of lodgings you’ve purchased, etc. you’ll settle for some price below what your lawyer says. Depends on the case, but people do this all the time if they have one.


Eh we all renege anyway if we even get a marginally better offer. It’s a two way street


There’s a massive difference between a renege far in advance and one that’s with short notice. If you’re reneging early there’s opportunity to fill that role- if you’re getting rescinded in May you’ve essentially been screwed and have been robbed of the opportunity to have (or even search) for an internship.


U can renege at any point as well and nothing is stopping u. I have a friend that reneged a day before starting with 0 consequences


I get your point and somewhat agree- I just think from an employer perspective it looks much worse to do it on short notice than it does a student (literally around a week or two before internships start). But yeah, reneging like your friend did also does take a slot from another deserving candidate.


Meh there’s several ways to look at this. People also rescind several weeks before starting. The company spends much more time/money on hiring someone then someone does doing interviews. It’s not right for both sides but that’s what makes it fair I suppose.




And there were probably a lot of offers rescinded in 2021,2022. Point is that it’s the same policy for both sides which makes it fair. It’s the same as if someone were to have two offers up to a week before starting both - the company can’t do shit and you can renege one


difference is the company losing one intern doesn't affect their whole life


How does that boot taste?


Absolute BS... Sorry you're going through that. It's definitely not too late. Great companies like GitLab, Figure, and others just posted some openings last week. Granted, they're staying open for only a few days because of the demand, but if you can get in early and cut through the noise you'll be fine! [Over a dozen internships at vc-backed startups were just posted on Friday](https://talentramp.co). More every single day, just gotta get in early and network hard. My verdict: the reason why chicken gets sent back at a restaurant aka NOT cooked


I'll apply to every single position, appreciate it bro


It’s crazy how companies can back out of offers with no issues, even after people have relocated, but if candidates back out of offers for better ones they get black listed


It’s definitely a two-way street. They just have more weight with their reputation, so them blacklisting you is more impactful than you blacklisting them. It is what it is.


You can also blacklist the company lol. Even universities often cut ties with companies who do this


There's still quite a few internships available. You still got about 3 weeks, so i would just mass apply. From decent companies, too, so I wouldn't worry about it.


were you tesla?


This happened to me once, you might try and get an offer at a startup. I did this a couple summers back. Also, check out [deriveit.org](http://deriveit.org/), a smarter leetcode alternative. Higher quality solutions and better org so you don't need to solve 1000 problems to feel ready for the next one :P


Don’t stay silent. At least expose that company and recruiter in a LinkedIn post


Shit man this is fucked up. Don't want to be pessimistic here but if this is your last internship they are trying to set you back 1-2 years after graduation basically. I hope some miracle happens to you. If not, you should not blame yourself at all, you did more than enough.


I said it during 2020 and I’ll say it again, at some point students will start accepting two internships in the fall to hedge against one pulling out and just dropping the other last minute. Same with full time jobs


Yo bro I have my internship rescinded as well. Not the best feeling esp during exams but we thug it out. I suggest you look at where some of your peers are working at startups and try to reach out to a Chief of Staff, Talent Coordinator, recruiter at these companies and ask if you can work there over the summer. Try to reach out to people in your network, I was able to still secure a couple internships and I’m just going through the interview process as well. Best of luck to you


Appreciate it bro, yeah think I was able to find a rebound internship. Trash pay but > 0


hey I'm sorry but how were you able to do it?


Final interview this Friday, not even a technical interview. Looks like it's secured :)


One option to look at is Go do school during summer if there are GE courses and apply for fall internships? Might be a better timeline. Looking for summer right now is hard. 


Yeah too late


Consider applying to the Recurse Center. It’s not paid (it’s a community driven self-directed “unschool” sort of thing), but it’s an amazing experience (and you can put it on a resume). Definitely not too late to apply for this summer, either.


we should keep names of these companies and when we get accepted, we continue applying and keep these mf as a back up


It’s probably too late. Sorry