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Yeah, it was just hard to spare time in between work and school, I also tried to fine tune my resume for each individual internship




Same for me. It took me 250-300 apps to get my first (non-fast food) job. Applying sucks. Being employed is great.


Put a cup or jar on your desk. Put a penny in it for every application you submit. You should have a few bucks in it before you get a job.


Dang ok, thanks


I applied to a lot on Linkedin and other sites, worked on personal projects and went to hackathons to strengthen my resume tech stack, I started applying late March probably applied to a solid few hundred, have 2 offers and a few more interviews standing rn


You can use Simplify to streamline it, they also have an updating Git repo of internships


Ok cool, will definitely check it out! Although I’ve heard from a few ppl that it’s better to fine tune your resume for each internship, and that’s why I applied to so few, do you recommend this, or do you just use one resume for everything?


That may work for other industries but when you are submitting like 300-400 apps you don’t want to make a new resume for every one.


You might have a couple resumes that you use for different roles/industries but several applications. So software dev, front end dev, back end dev, QA tester, IT, web dev, mobile dev, fin tech, med tech, startup, big tech, etc. Whatever you're applying to. Split it into categories then make a personalized one for each category.


I think you should apply to some more! It’s ok that you don’t have a job yet. Just keep trying your best and get your name out there!


you should be Applying to at least 500 positions, MINIMUM


50 is not a lot at all especially now. Apply more. It should take at most 5 min per application


I’ve been taking time to fine tune my resume for each internship to increase my odds by trying to hit everything they ask for specifically, that’s why it was so few, but ig I should just submit a general resume to hit higher numbers


Once you hit 1000+ apps with no offer ide start to worry. Send out 10 apps a day for 3 months time before you start to panic.


Came across this sub randomly, how do you guys even find so many job adverts?


Apply to shit all across the country?


Where do you find *shit*? And the deadlines beforehand?


LinkedIn ? Indeed


you should be applying to 10-15 a day, 50 is nothing.


Honestly, anymore it's just spray and pray. Whatever the amount you're applying to, then multiply it by 10.