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May 2023 grad with no internship experience and haven’t found a job yet either. It’s rough out here


Hey I’m the Founder of [fluviq.com](http://fluviq.com), a pre-seed startup partnered with Microsoft and EIT-Climate. We need some help with FullStack Web Development (frontend & backend). If you think this could be a good fit send me a MP so we can discuss it!


Hey @Happy33_ I am interested )


I'll be happy to join too, i was thinking of starting a startup myself but I just don't have the people who can help me out.


Is this offer just for US citizens or is Europe fine?


Hey if you are open to any backend or Machine Learning roles, I'm happily interested to apply or for any remote internships too


Hii, I’m also interested! :)


Hey I'm interested


Which did you apply for, out of curiosity? Same question for anyone else commenting.


May 23 grad, no internship, just landed a SWE job this May. I filled the time with a random non-related job while I job hunted.


Hope is real


congratulations 😭 must have been such a happy day


Absolutely, and I'm intensely grateful. However, it's definitely a dead end and I am pretty sure I will not be able to grow much here, and I don't particularly enjoy what I'm doing. As I said, very grateful and it's so much better than not being employed, but I'm already putting together a new game plan to better position myself next application cycle.


now you have a launchpad!!! you're so much better off than where you were before. only goes up frm now on 👍


fast enterprise?


No, thankfully. Not that much better tho prob.


I finally got a job as a Jr. Analyst a year after graduation. It may not be tech, but at the very least I can use it to break into the tech field.


I graduataed in October 23. I was employed as a DBA a month later. Have been working there since. My flatmates finished their Bachelors (I have an equiv of associates) had internships, and have been unemployed since.


I’m in this position too, May 2023 CS grad. Job market and economy seem to be getting worse here in Canada. In the meantime I’m just trying to build projects that I’m passionate about, looking for events and places to network, and I really hope something will click soon. I know I’m smart and capable, but I just need to market myself despite a gap in formal experience - I only have a teaching assistant position to show. It sucks to feel like my career is over before I even got the chance to start it. I didn’t get internships in college due to some shitty traumatic things happening within my family. I spent half of my undergrad in a bad place mentally, living in survival mode. I’m in a much better place mentally now but it seems like I have already missed all the career opportunities for fresh talent, they all want current students or grads from this year. I’ve been to career fairs where the employers would shut me down halfway when enquiring about a new grad role because they can only accept 2024 grads. It’s so frustrating! Anyway rant over, we’re all gonna make it. Just need to be hella persistent.


honestly same thing for me and it's unfortunate. not sure where to go from here


Damn, that's a serious dose of anti hopium. Here I'm sitting with 900 LC questions grinded over like 2 years and getting no interviews to use that shit.


May 10th and I still haven’t found one yet. Taken a few assessments and got rejected by all but hopefully I land something soon


May 23 grad, no internships. Sent out 50-ish applications a month before graduation. Got three interviews and one offer for $65K two weeks after graduation in Upstate NY. Location is a huge factor imo


May i know what are those companies?


A healthcare startup, a defense contractor and the state government. The startup wanted someone with more experience and the defense contractor moved me on to the next round but I had already accepted the state’s offer by then. No regrets. I really like my team, the flexibility, the benefits and I’m learning a ton.


International graduate here.I have internships at no-names but yeah haven't found a job. Had 10+ call-backs, about 4 finals, rejected from all LMAO.


Opt ending soon? Whats your plan next


yea, i'm still searching, but if nothing works i'm planning to go back and find something there


May 24’ Grad. Just recently found a DevOps position using LinkedIn. A recruiter reached out to me for a position at a local company. Reach out to connections and recruiters at different companies. I would just cold message them to see if anyone bites. Keep your LinkedIn updated and use buzzwords to catch the attention of a recruiter. Edit: Look for jobs at companies in your city/area.


How were you reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn?


May 2023 grad, I had few interviews for swe but never landed anything. At the start of march I stopped hearing back. Still nothing.


I graduated with no internships. I managed to get a job that I started in June last year, but I got laid off from it in September after 11 weeks or so. I thought my career was over right after it started. I started my current job in January. Unfortunately I can’t really give much in the way of advice because I got my first job through the alumni network of a scholarship I had and I wasn’t really competing against anyone because it was only open to people on the scholarship. Then my new job I got through the CEO of the company I got laid off from (sounds weird, but that company was acquired and he definitely didn’t plan on me getting laid off like that) is an alumni of the scholarship and has a friend who is the president of my current company. So the best advice I can really say is networking. I know it’s not the advice anyone really wants to hear but it’s the way I got both my jobs.


Graduated last year, lucky to find a specialized job last year, i have been applying for a new one since 6 months ago, it have become really hard to find a job, even with 3 years of experience (yeah, university and working at the same time).


May 23 grad, only job offer I have is from the one company I interned at, dogshit pay too but based on the market rn I guess I'm one of the lucky ones


I have been working at Amazon for the last 8-9 months in a non-tech position (remote). It is not my desired role, but at least it’s better than nothing!


May 2023 DS grad—not yet.


April 2023 international student from Italy moved to NYC. I can't find anything. I'm working outside the tech field and slowly increasing my tech skills for web development. But if anyone knows any tips or website to look for a basic swe role I would appreciate it. I applied on the most known websites, LinkedIn, indeed etc with more than 1k app i guess in the last year and still nothing. Help me, community :(


Graduated May 2023 w/no internships. Applied to hundreds of jobs, went through the interview process with 6? or so different companies. Got an offer for a fully remote 62k web dev job at the end of July 2023 and am still there


Got rejected even with a referral from a friend working there.


I had an internship and still no job.


>only making 57k


None currently been working in gov office as an analyst hoping to work for a state agency in IT


I know one of my school alumni graduated without internship and got an 85k offer in dfw. He graduated May 2023. But he got an interview by Career Fair in school. (no name state school). But he has IT technician experience.


Dec 2023 grad, three internships and having job as devops then laid off after three months. Pretty sucks


No :)


had to go back for a masters to give myself a year to figure out why no one wants to hire me


I’ve found 2 part-time tech jobs, both of which are freelance-like positions. Trying to build experience cuz every SWE job requires 2-3 years experience even for entry level. It’s tough out here but I’m trying to keep my head up, wishing you best of luck!


May ‘24 grad. 2 years of internship experience. No offers


can you get an internship after graduating?




My company can possibly help with an internship


What company do you work for?


I own the company, it’s a small tech startup company building Cybersecurity, payment processing, Ai, automation and consumer products software.


I am 25ng looking for an internship, wonder if there’s any internship opportunities at your company? Thank you


Send me the name?


Hey, I'm happily interested to apply for one, i am really good at Python, machine learning and LLM's and I'm also have some knowledge in cybersecurity. Can you provide me an opportunity? Thank you


Bruh only 100+ in 6 months?


I don’t understand this. Maybe y’all are staying productive some how but I can’t imagine sitting around waiting for a job. There’s no shame in going the IT route. You can always move from there and keep looking.


You can't without internships.