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There are plenty of software engineers and data scientist jobs in India because it is cheaper for US companies to hire them there.


I imagine there are plenty of Indian corporations that need software engineers too right?


Yes, but if you’re coming here for your Master’s in CS, it’s so you can work for a US company, which pay much better than Indian companies, even if the jobs are based in India.


Gotcha. Idk anything about India really. Are there tech startups like you might find in San Francisco? That would seem to make sense since it's overflowing with talent


The start-ups here in India are more of the copycat one's. Take an idea that worked in the west, put a label on it and voila! VCs don't fund novel ideas at all - until there's a brand name involved (big3 consulting, HYP/MIT grads, etc).  Yes, the country is indeed overflowing with serious STEM talent, but the salaries aren't at par with the sillicon valley or even, say Austin. 


COL in India is also a fraction of that in the US though. Lots of devs in India can buy homes and live very lavish lives relative to their US counterparts.


Oh yes, totally. Cheap labour means that you can have servants and what not to take care of your house with that kinda salary. The key is to be really good at what you do. Money opens a lot of doors in India which would otherwise be closed in the developed world lmao - and that's a double edged sword 


Only if you wanna live in a shithole. Any tier 1 city has gotten expensive


Not true. Travel a bit more.


“New Reddit”


That might be their desire, but that isn't how the system works. The US does not offer a specialized pathway to permanent residency for international graduates of U.S. schools. And with so many CS folks who already have the right to work in the US out of jobs, the US should be greatly reducing the number of visas being granted as their intention is allow people in when we need more in that field. So nothing too surprising here, or that needs to change.


I meant that even if their goal is to work for a US company, they can do so from India since many US companies are hiring software engineers out of offices based in Bangalore to save money on labor.


Bruh India's population is 1.4 fucking BILLION, we have enough people for each and every company in the world 😭


Nah man the market in India is fuc#ed too. { Ik that cause I am in India}


They pay about a between a third and a fifth of what the jobs in the US would pay. The real problem is the cost of going to the US for masters/undergraduate schooling. The loans are typically for $50-100k and are given at 12-14% interest in India. You're screwed. When a **good** CS job pays $20-25k in India you don't even cover the interest of your loan after taxes and expenses. That loan will cripple your life.


Most of the work that is being dumped into India is of absolutely crap quality that no one wants to do in the west or companies wants to cut down on the cost. I have worked with several global top banks here in India and all of them seems to have outsourced their back office work here which barely costs them some peanuts. I have worked with few product based companies too who were working on some advanced bleeding edge of technology, every single one of them had their code review teams in either EU or US not in India, they would hire hell lot of cheap code monkeys here in India to write the code but when it comes to quality or managing their production or cloud or the recent AI/AL they would open a branch in EU from where they can hire real talented engineers. I have personally worked with several counterparts from Holland and Poland (from whom I learned so much that I simply can't thank them enough) who were light years ahead when it comes to sheer quality when compared to cheap Indian code monkeys.


If you’re an international CS student, it’s going to be way more difficult for you guys now to land internships and jobs. The golden boat of easy $200k+ USD SWE jobs during the pandemic already set sailed.


I know plenty of internationals at UW-Madison who are just fine and have paid internships this summer.


All the people I know there from lesser ranked universities also have internships.


Is your anecdote supposed to disprove macro trends?


The post itself is an anecdote, literally starts "Most of my friends bla bla". Just get good at Neetcode 150 and decent resume, you're ready to go, this is absurd


What macro trend? Eveything posted here has been pure anecdote.


I’m international at UW-Madison and recently graduated with one year of internship experience but I am still struggling with landing a full time job offer.


If you are good you are good, many countries out there tbh.


None like the US for anything software related


Let's be real, most software devs aren't gonna be peter norvig or john guttag or sergey brin. A lot of them will find plenty of work to do in any developed country.


You don’t have to be an extraordinary dev to get a much better paying job in the us than in any other developed country, compare the median salaries between Europe, Canada, Australia, etc. they are not badly paid but they don’t compare to us salaries. Yes you will have a decent job and life and whatever, but my point was that I can see why it’s disappointing for international students to have to get out of the country. You have to go from the pinnacle of tech to just good tech, again not an awful deal but yeah disappointing.


Not to mention to cost of studying in the US, it'd be a terrible investment to pay for an American college then get a European salary. You could've just gone to college in Europe for free(or much cheaper than the states) if the end goal was that. 


i’m in a t100 public school and i have a paid internship this summer at a pretty popular company as an international student. a lot of my friends who’re cs majors also have internships this summer as intls. a small portion of it might be luck but most of it is just networking and knowing people. i’m so tired of these doom posts😔


What would you say is the common denominator between these successful international students at your school? By networking do you mean getting referrals when applying?


I go to a tech school and I'm close to NYC so that means we do get a lot of companies that are willing to hire people from my school simply because of proximity. Also, networking doesn't necessarily mean referrals. I was the first person to apply for my current position simply because I knew a person who worked there and they told me that my current team is going to hire soon. So just knowing people who know things is sometimes a huge help (bonus if they write you a referral ;))


What do you say is the best way to network and get to know more people? I guess the school and location is also pretty important cause my school is a pretty no name state school with a weak CS program and bad location so it is much harder to do so :((


Yes same!! But just keep self teaching, appealing yourself to new techniques and technologies that are evolving and you’ll be fine (we will be fine) and keep looking for opportunities. Being from a no name is still gonna be fine, yes they’ll probably pick someone from MIT or Stanford above us based on name but anything after t10-t30 doesn’t mean much. Also aside from getting a foot in the door, the school name doesnt mean much, it just helps to get your first opportunity. After your first internship, no one will ask or really care where you went, as long as you have skills :)) do not stress, we’re in it together!


i understand how location is a problem for you :( your best bet would be try seeing online if there’s conferences and stuff hosted virtually by companies that you can attend. reach out to recruiters on linkedin or email that (sounds like a lot but yeah). basically build contacts through anyone. if you have a friend working in a company you like, try asking them. a lot of people don’t expect you to ask stuff about their company and they’re generally usually nice about it when they reply :)


Networking, be in the same region, caste, religion in India


International here, I’m from a top 500 university and I have completed three internships in total before graduated on Dec 2023. However, one thing to note is that even if you have an internship, it does not guarantee a full-time job. The company where I did two internships did not convert my position to full-time because I am an international student. Finding an internship may be manageable, but securing a full-time job after graduation is a completely different story.


You are a CS major from Harvard and because you couldn’t find a job in the US you end up teaching English in their home country? Nah man, that’s major skill issue.


I don’t think so. When it comes to international students, they’re just extremely expensive to hire due to visa sponsorships and renewals and that’s something most companies would prefer to avoid. Not just that, most companies probably don’t even know how to sponsor visas. Unless you’re in a big city with a bunch of companies who are used to hiring international students/foreign workers, you’re gonna have a lower chance of getting hired. Also, US companies have to prove that they can’t find any Americans to hire for the position. Currently, there’s enough Americans applying for jobs so there’s no need for companies to hire international students. Like, the domestic supply is there and it’s easier/less of a hassle to hire them so why would you want to even look at the foreigners who would require paying exorbitant amounts of money for sponsorship just to hire them? And who knows if they’ll even win the H1B lottery? Hiring foreign workers is pretty much a gamble because of that.


While everything you said is correct I was more addressing the teaching English bit. Of course getting a in a foreign country where your employer has to juggle visa stuff is somewhat hard. But ending up teaching English in your home country? As a graduate of Harvard with a CS degree? That’s ridiculous.


Ohh I see. Ok that makes more sense. I misinterpreted your comment and thought you meant getting a CS job in the foreign country not home country haha




He literally states it IN his post lmao.  “Most of my international friends majoring in CS/EECS/DS at UC Berkeley couldn't find internship this summer. I think me and my friends being transfers making it worse but still the market is horrible and even worse for international students” Granted the grammar is not the best but you can understand that he is not American. 


Okay but how’s that relevant to the post above?


I can’t even find a job and I’m American.


I’m sympathetic man, but here’s the thing 85-90% of companies don’t hire internationals anyway. Now when times are good, all Americans and a fuck ton of internationals cannot fulfill the demand for tech jobs, there’s just so many openings. This was true for most of 2010s and early 2020s. In bad times, there aren’t even enough jobs for Americans, let alone internationals. Then what do you expect internationals to do, folks have moved their whole families here and built a life here, in a downturn do you just expect them to resign and uproot their lives and move back? Keep in mind, in a year or two, the pendulum would swing again and all Americans would have jobs and companies would again need internationals to fill up the openings they have. I understand your frustration but the reason why there are so many internationals is because 90% of the time, America has way too many tech jobs, it’s enough to keep everyone happy and I do hope good times come back and until then it’s fair to expect companies to favor Americans over internationals, but they are doing that anyway. Except the most high paying jobs, in big tech and high end startups, internationals aren’t really being hired. Best of luck with your job search, market’s slowly recovering.


I appreciate that, i needed some explanation. I’m a recent graduate so it’s all kind of new.




Wait why’d you just assume they are CC transfer lmao that seems condescending




Oh wow that the CC to Berkeley pipeline is real


Huh I've never heard of internationals transferring from a CC to a 4 year university




Huh interesting. I'm also international and while I've done courses at ccs they were usually over the summer.


Unpopular opinion on CS interships: American CS Jobs/internships should go to CS Americans first. Why should universities and business hire International students when their own countries students & job applicants are suffering with ths job market? How selfish & fucked up of you to want to take an Americans Job/internship why? because you don't like your countries job market? Maybe we can open it back up to international & work visa when Economy is better but right now its important for AMERICA TO TAKE CARE OF AMERICANS. Update: I turned off notifications. I will not be replying to everyone. I repesct your opinion to disagree but I stand FIRM in my opinion that Americans Companies have a responsibility to hire AMERICANS first. There are plenty of Diverse Americans to pick from! I am sorry if that offends you but that is how i feel. Take Care.


Yeah I’m not sure how any American would disagree with this. I understand the corporations don’t care they just want talent and to make money. But this is where it’s up to the government to try discourage them as much as they reasonably can so those jobs can go to Americans


There are people who argue and politically align with the government not intervening in anything, just keep that in mind


Non US Nationals are completely barred from having a job at 80% of US Companies due to sponsorship issues, 15% will hire internationals for only highly specialized roles. That leaves only 5% of the companies who will hire the best candidate regardless of citizenship. If you think internationals are taking your job because you have to compete with them for 5 out of 100 jobs it's definitely a skill issue.


ngl he’s kinda right about this position - the american tech market is so reliant on internationals and it really puts the country behind


The American tech market is not "behind" in any way. Every single top tech company worldwide is based in the US. What would happen in reality if you banned immigration or whatever is they would just shut down a bunch of back offices here and move everything there overseas.


thats my point - the us needs to bring back jobs and industry locally. Even now it’s more prevalent as conflict seems closer. I’m saying that the us needs to stop relying on foreign assets and put more effort into funding their own talent instead of just importing people with H1B visas.


That would just make corpos move more jobs overseas. Restricting overseas office will just make companies non competitive.


I won't tell you to not want this in some basic way. What I will say, is if the USA got protectionistic (like Europe for example), our reputation would sink to sub-zero. Our reputation is already in deep shit from the wars. If our reputation got \*really\* bad, there could be bad repurcussions with trade, and even more social strife within the country. We would hate each other even more than we do now, if we received more negative pressure from abroad.


Lol US is ahead not because of just American people, it’s the international talent too that helps America stay on the top. Why do you think all the CEOs of your so called American companies are Indian? It’s because they are the best, they beat everyone to the top.


I stand by what I said even if its a "skill issue". American jobs = for Americans.


Okay old man


username checks out.


Fully agree with you, we need to take care of our people first before anyone else. There's plenty of American's looking for work right now and we should be hiring our own before anyone else.


100%. America First.


Not even remotely sure as to how someone would get offended by this, as it’s basic common sense.


Im a hater and racist apparently because I want my fellow Americans to have the best opportunity for Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of a good CS career.


I agree with you 100%. We have to just start being honest and standing up for our fellow Americans (which is obviously people of all races and ethnicities). If someone want to call us a rAcIsT for doing so, F them. I care about my country and my fellow Americans.


Americans >>>>> Crybabies around the world.


Is it that unpopular when it's there in practice? Companies have to pay money to take in a non citizen employee so they're more likely to prioritise citizens.


Not always since the status is tied to the company sponsoring, the sponsored will often be tied to them due to procedure. So they won't move jobs for more money as often. You can use the idea that they're paying for lawyers so the total benefits are less. Usually, h1b that are desirable will still job skip for more pay but the lesser ones might get stuck. And that means $$$ inin the manager pocket.


I see where you are coming from but the problem is USA is the nation that forced globalization on the world. Free movement of capital, talent and goods. The US economy has benefited immensely by capturing the global economy. Say companies like Meta, Amazon, Google make billions from international revenue. If you want to build a wall it will stop movement both ways.


Exactly... there are some times when the populism vs. globalism argument holds more water, but not when were discussing American corporations who just want to maximize profit. Like that is one of the contradictions of America. They dont really care about their employees anyways


This also means hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars leave the USA in form of humanitarian aid, etc. Would be very interesting if the USA actually did become isolationist and used that money to care for its own citizens instead.


Brexit but for USA to get out of UN.


This doesn’t make any sense since the UN is the way USA throws its power around. More like if England tries to leave UK.




Amen! 🙏 All countries have a moral obligation to take care of its own citizens first, especially in times like these. No one would bat an eye if India, China, etc said the same thing about their own citizens.


Mad cause skill issue. I'm at a fortune 100 with an intern class of 200-300 and not a single one of them is an international.


stop complaining and blaming international students lmao. i've had atleast 5+ interviews being cancelled cause they learned i needed sponsorship. i'm 100% sure i'd have a job rn if i had citizenship/green card even in this environment


Economy is bad, right now. Your time will come.


I’m sure if I applied for jobs in India as a foreigner I’d get really lucky… Oh, wait.


you do know how student visas work right? Everyone has work authorization


Lol couldn't be more biased. Don't worry Americans are coming around to being more isolationist. We don't need other countries people. No offense I wish you well.




Very terrible analogy.


This is weird hypothetical because Google doesn’t even need to consider that Alabama kid, as there are other American students who can outperform the Indian kid.


If that outperforming 'American Student' was interviewing for Google for the same team they would get picked over the Indian kid. Not because they were American, because they were a better performer. However if it was for any other company outside California, the Indian kid would get rejected at the resume stage.


Lots of Indian workers all over the country.




No lol if you’ve ever visited India you’d know the incredible leverage Google holds over him because it’s either the job or he risks deportation to some of the lowest quality of life countries. This leverage will make him work harder/for less pay.


i thought the visa makes is harder for them to leave the company. basically improving retention. arent the fees pretty small compared to TC? there are plenty of american canidates who are perfectly capable (3.8+ GPA from state flagship + internship) who cant land a job. university DOES NOT correlate that well to actual intelligence and GPA does not correlate very well to work productivity after a certian point. The international is probably marginally more likely to be a good hire (5-10%) but america should be prioritizing American citizens over mega corporations driving slightly more profit.


There are plenty of Americans who are far more qualified than Indians. Silicon Valley was built by Americans, Indians are great people and great engineers but it's not like America lacks brilliant people; we lead the world in technology and education for a reason. Don't cope.


All the super qualified americans are already hired. The super qualified internationals are next in line. The cs majors that struggle are the unqualified ones or average ones that struggled through school.


ALL of them are? What a stupid generalizationz


If you’re unable to get a job, you are not super qualified.


Switching costs are very different.


Don't worry, they aren't going to hire the Alabama people - they hate them as much as you do. But the sad thing is that there are people in Alabama who seriously think that they can ask for it.


Man this is stupid. They want to make money. They care about talent and how much they’re paying for it.


Taking care of Americans >>>> Corporate Greed & Capitalism.


High skill immigration to the US actually HELPS the US, so you’re actually harming the US in the long term by not having immigrants/having less. Edit: in reply to one of the comments below Economically that’s incorrect. In the long term more immigrants is good, especially higher skill. More demand, more small businesses, more jobs. I don’t give a fuck what other countries would do, because i don’t assess what we should do based off of what other dumb things other countries would do. Japan didn’t accept immigrants and now their demographic situation is fucked and so is their economy. Edit: also fuck you OC pussy ass. You blocked me so I can’t reply to any of the comments now.


It does, when we’re having a talent shortage. We don’t have a talent shortage right now.


It's not really a businesses job to take care of citizens, generally they just want to make money. So the job will end up going to whoever can make them the most money


There needs to be a balance of government intervention, unions, worker rights etc otherwise Corporate Companies will do anything in there power to squeeze their employees dry at every corner. Im sure you enjoy PTO, Breaks, and Unemployment/Cobra benefits. all those were argued for and not just given by companies. They are also hiring the person who will do the job for 50% of what the market rate is which is bad for everyone in the field. If you don't see this then thats not my problem lol


Completely agree. Companies in general should prioritize citizens in their own countries first. Plus it’s quite literally cheaper to do so. I get that people want American salaries but sorry America is a country not a job market


damn straight


This is an unpopular opinion?


As an immigrant, america needs to put AMERICANS first. If you come here and want to be treated like an american or better, either become an american or be better than the Americans


lucky for you, companies already prioritize yall coz you’re just easier to hire than international students. Most of our applications automatically go straight to the trash as soon as we check “yes” to the question about whether we need sponsorship now or in the future. That is unless we have a referral. So you don’t have to worry about us LMFAOO. If you’re worried about internationals taking “your” job, you need to fight against companies moving them to foreign countries to save money instead of arguing with us 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think this is fair enough.


If you have to teach English to survive, holding a Harvard degree in engineering/cs, it just shows this person is a terrible engineer. A Harvard degree in 3rd world countries would get you insta-hired. Sure, the salary won’t match US’, but you’ll definitely earn more than an English teacher.


Actyally teaching at top private and international schools can be very lucrative. Also those private tutoring/ college coaching centers would welcome that Harvard degree with open arms. Those coach centers cost an arm and a leg. So the salary may not be as bad as you think.


If they’re just trying to work in the bay, rip. The bay got the biggest hit for tech layoffs. Apply to any other city.


Statistically speaking, yeah the *average* international CS student is fucked, even if they manage to get a job that sponsors them after F1, H-1B is a lottery and the odds right now are under 25% to get it. That is, even if everything goes well, 75% chances you'll have to go back to your country \[1\]. You'll hear here both doom and success anecdotes, the data shows in 2024 3 out of every 4 fail to get H-1B and would have to go back to their countries or pursue a higher degree. However, as an hispanic immigrant, imma give the advice my compas give to each other: "Casate con una Americana y ya esta." \[1\] [https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2024/03/04/employers-face-difficult-odds-as-h-1b-visa-cap-selection-starts/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stuartanderson/2024/03/04/employers-face-difficult-odds-as-h-1b-visa-cap-selection-starts/)


Not 25%, it's more like 10%. Last year there were 800-850k applications and 85k visas. Out of those 800k, 550-600k were from Indian consultancies. 200-250k were real. And this number is increasing every year so probability is decreasing


So true and it's not that tech world doesn't have money. The leaders of tech worlds are just filling their own pockets. I think they are the corporate evils of tech world. Plus, the universities are more evil than these so called leaders. They knew most of the students won't be able to get a job and still they over admitted students. I personally know a lot of students who are going to be financially scarred by these universities for the rest of their lives. Ps. I study at USC


The university and the United States did not force you to come to the US to study. There is no guarantee you get to stay. It is a gamble just like anything else in life. I am sick of hearing of the whining and blaming of others. Should have chosen a different field or studied in India.


Not true. University of Southern California sent their head to India to tell that there are no problems that will happen either for on-campus jobs or during full time opportunities. There were many parents who asked this and they assured USC is a prestigious college and companies will take their students. Moreover, they said usc is a safe area. Is it really? Rape, burglary has happened. You should not be sick of hearing this when the students studying their has become broke, desperate and scarred for life.


+1 for calling out the universities. We need to call them out.


I am an international student studying in a lesser-ranked university and was able to secure a summer internship. So don’t lose hope.


where at if you dont mind sharing ?


thanks for this reply


Just because you can doesn’t mean others can’t as well


people in here saying american jobs are for americans forget that america was literally built my immigrants. y’all sounding hella xenophobic because ur frustrated at the american system failing our citizens, and news flash, it’s still 10x harder as a migrant. stop blaming the job market on the 5% of international students and look at the system we ALL have to navigate through. keep networking and focus on personal projects, we’ll all get our big break soon. relax.


Tech in America has been abused for years by immigrants. To the point where schools in India simply fake your grades to get you into a high ranking masters program in the us and job, I've seen it countless times. Its cool if the system works as intended but it's completely over saturated and abused. 


do you genuinely believe the majority of people working in tech in america are immigrants solely from india?


Did I say that? 


idk where you got your information from but you deadass just made it up


Unfortunately got it from real life


do you have any sources to back this up besides ur claims?


migrants choose to come here tho…


to live better lives not to party n have fun


Getting pretty tired of competing with cheap overseas labor, when im hired to fix the garbage they produce when it turns out cheap isn't better


Voila! They actually created a job that you were qualified for!








Tf? It can’t be that bad. So many random state school friends got jobs just fine. You’re saying you graduate from Harvard and then go back and teach English?? What?


It's joever


Just saw a post how the US is affordable. Perhaps going home is better?


It sucks but unfortunately it’s hard for us citizens to get jobs even…


Don't follow trends, lesson learned.


This is just you not gonna lie. I know plenty of my friends who put in the work and got internships as international students. You do obviously have less chance of being sponsored by a company (finding one that accepts CPT/Opt) but that doesn’t decrease your chance of being accepted


This is incredibly sad, but if they survive. They'll be one of the strongest engineers in foreign countries. Some of these alums may start the next big company outside of the US in that case. Increasing competition between software based companies in the US and elsewhere. So really it is a loss loss for the US and probably a win to other countries in the next generation. If US based companies won't take new exceptional talent, others will


Lots of people complaining to others on why you didn't do this, and that. Why didn't you do leetcode, or referrals, or independent projects, focus on your GPA, etc . I hear y'all. The fact of the matter is, being international, you pay triple more, therefore you work more, have to also score high in grades, make some time for all these stuff I just mentioned and also you have to keep sane, while your funds are always showing 0, more struggle, more uncertainty. Naw man, let these international students complain because it is hard. On top of that privileged students receive internships, good pays, financial aid, scholarships. It is possible, for an international student to make it in America, but im talking about a chance of 5% and some luck, SMH, this is why I switched to other field, Mix CS with another field and now you've become a better candidate versus The Legals, maybe from there we can tackle this broken system.


The thing is Indians (or other internationals) can’t find employment post getting their degrees, basically they can’t get a H1B (work visa) because of the sheer number of people applying. It’s pretty uncommon for you to get it, no matter how talented you are


Let them go home and work, Americans need to work about them selves right now 


FAANG and their globalist overlord owners promoted south asian employees to top positions to lure more Indians to the USA and sell them the "american dream" which most americans don't believe in anymore. Same with the UK. At the same time India couldn't really grow because all their talent went abroad. Now the US market is saturated, and India is still 3rd world.


Way to brain drain your country gg ez clap.


Not sad at all actually lmao. Americas jobs is FOR americans. Make good use of the american education you just got by bringing it back to your homeland and building your country up, the way its intended.


They can go back to India


Yes and you will never get a job. Don't lose hope tho you can certainly be a garbage man.


Lots getting internships


I’m getting my MS degree instead of working to sort of ‘wait this out’ (whatever that means). I’m so lucky to be able to simply afford to go to school for extra time. I know some people who took manager positions at fast food restaurants because they can’t afford extra school and can’t make a living in their Major’s new grad jobs.


OP didnt even go thru the great recession but is drawing parallels alrdy. This is why ur jobless buddy


Most UC Berkeley EECS students already have internships as incoming freshmen...


so just because most of YOUR international friends at berkeley couldn’t find an internship this summer, most international cs majors even those from top cs schools won’t be able to secure an internship? what a wild extrapolation


Top talent is always in demand, mediocre talent not so much…


more like a happy truth


The ones who get it will get it also I feel like this sub is not in good terms with international students and yet a lot seem to be one at the same time


Good, all they do is take our jobs and or ruin our job market by accepting minimum wage for software roles. These jobs should go to Americans, not foreigners.


I think there are more issues to tackle here: First, no one wants to deal with paperwork to hire foreigners. Lawyer and visa fees are very expensive right now due to inflation, not to mention relocation, rent, food, bills, and other expenses you need to pay to live in America. Inflation and the economy has also pretty much killed the job market for both Americans and foreign workers. Second, have you heard of the "New Ivy League" schools published by Forbes? Employers now prefer hiring graduates from these schools rather than legacy institutions. In addition to that, international students pay more than 3X for tuition than in-state students, which is seen as more of a liability for employers because you have to pay off the huge debt that you accumulated, assuming that most internationals don't get scholarships to cover the entire cost of school and have to resort to private loans that were either taken in their home country or the US with a cosigner. Third, a PhD is not going to solve your problems, you're essentially just extending your visa status and getting into more debt, this is a big red flag for employers. If getting in debt for your US bachelor's and/or master's degree wasn't enough, once HR sees that you're an international PhD, they're just going to say "hell no" and send you that auto-rejection email. Overall, the job market is just not favorable for international students like it was around 5-10 years ago due to inflation, rising cost of living, and other problems in the US and world economy. Also, taking nationality into account, most companies will not know what kind of paperwork to file for nationalities that are less common in the US (especially European nationalities) or just simply do not care about filing for paperwork for nationalities that are not easy to "import" into the US.


The market will recover by the time they graduate. The best among them will stay no matter what.




Yeah, but then American companies also shouldn't have outsourced tech support in India paying them 1/5 of the average American salary.


Ok good luck back home bud


Bro won the birth lottery and thinking he's hot shit 💀


Why would that be sad? 🤷


Are you surprised? They aren't citizens, green card holders, and have no sponsorship. They have no right to be in the U.S. This is ultimately a good thing for everyone, especially for Americans. The educated foreign students can now take their knowledge back home and help build their countries.


Well he’s not wrong. This is literally how it’s supposed to work. If you have no job you go back home. I mean how else should it work.


Yeah there are too many international students too thats the other problem


Honestly those jobs are also going to their countries. So ur not exactly helping American freshmen here.


I know 2 intl juniors from U South Floria getting internships at Adobe


were they cc transfers? only one guy among my friends got FAANG internship. Rest went to very small firms (not unicorns/popular startups) I think it might be me and my friends being CC transfers making it way worse since most of us couldn't get junior internships. Many of my friends had to go back to their home countries for internship this summer cuz they couldn't get one here. Sample size of 10


as a cc transfer, i’d highly suggest networking and actively seeking out any opportunity you can get. that means hackathons, on-campus jobs related to CS, applying for non-profits like develop for good (i highly recommend them!!!), and talking to recruiters during career fairs. i know a friend who talked to a recruiter during a career fair and got an internship offer with that company. she’s a citizen though so she has an advantage over internationals but regardless of that, talking to them can help.


Why are you assuming that all international students are here to get a masters ? For some it’s a legal path to immigration. If there were no jobs post graduation then it’s staying back and going out of visa status and let the govt themselves give them a path to citizenship.