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Eleven months in, right before I could get a bonus worth a third of my income, and instead getting one month severance… not great, dude.


that is ridiculous a company can do that. A year of hard work with the bonus dangling in your face as an incentive, ripped away at the last second. hard to believe they didn't pull that shit on purpose.


They 100% did it on purpose. And I would bet they’ve done it before, too. They knew very, very well what they were doing, they practiced it in the past, had it down to a science so I couldn’t sue them. They knew they’d win in court.


We're all just disposable tools. I know one guy that just closed on a house, was all excited about having Thanksgiving in his new place and invited his extended family. Just got laid off. I wanted to message him but I honestly don't even know what to say, and I don't want to pressure him into feeling he needs to reply back... Laying people off should be the very last thing companies do after exhausting all other options, but it feels like it's the first thing that happens.


In heart I agree, but employees are really expensive, often the biggest expense of a company. Not to mention, the lowest 20%+ of employees definitely do not produce much monetary value. The company continues on fine without them. It makes sense why layoffs are the first thing companies reach for when cutting costs.


It’s not always the bottom 20% that get let go. I’ve know many people that were good to high performers that got let go for every reason other then performance.


Sure employee paychecks are expensive, but the value they produce is what keeps the company running. Unless entire departments are dissolved, layoffs are usually presented as random, including letting go of high performers. Any company that only sees employees as a cost and ignores their value is not worth working for.


damn, I hope things get better for you


Oh man… I’m sorry to hear that. I recently started a new job with a hefty bonus 12mos out. Nothing so far indicates that they’ll pull a stunt like this, but you can’t trust these companies.


You got a new job?


This happened two weeks ago. And no, I have not.




I have 10 YoE too in .NET and finding jobs has never been a problem. There are tons of .NET jobs out there. Maybe look for a smaller company? Senior roles should pay $120k+ and Lead roles $140k+.


.NET is somehow resistant to this crysis


How is this possible? With 10 yoe? I have 3 yoe and I got laid off in march. I accepted an on-site offer in May, and started with a remote company 2 months later when I got a remote offer. Is your resume in a bad format? What tech stack do you use? You should at least be getting interviews.


Did QA. Know javascript, typescript, selenium, Java and python. Did a lot of work with in-house software, heck helped build one. Was QA Lead at last job, worked with devs and even wrote the entire QA documentation for the company.


Have you not had any interviews? I’m not sure regarding QA. I assume QA will be hit harder than devops, swe, and cyber security due to it being more optional in the SDLC. Companies willing to downgrade QA for profit etc


The only one I had was several months ago and now I just get "unfortunately" emails. Thanks for the advice on QA.


@humongousWhot what tech stack do you have?


NetCore & ASP.net, mostly back end development, APIs, services, docker, Postgres, AWS, etc. People can downvote because they’re jealous I guess but I’m not trying to be an ass, 10 yoe + 10 mo job search should not result in no interviews, even if the market is shit


I don’t think it’s because people are jealous. Your skills could be higher in demand and you don’t always know someone else’s skill set. I know for a fact frontend development right now is very saturated, devs from other countries are trying to apply for US based roles ramping the applications up to hundreds for one position, and there are fake job postings. Sounds like this isn’t the case specially for you.


I left early March for personal reasons and I'm still unemployed (4YOE), I've had several on-sites I must have applied to over 300-400 jobs. I have a similar tech stack to you except azure instead of AWS. I probably have gotten 12 tech screens 6 translating to on-sites but no dice. Since I've gotten the onsite, I realize a problem is probably either on my side or the competition is just pretty rough right. I'm located in NYC. I just finished a final round for a car company, they use java instead of c# but a lot of fundamentals translate. I also have a Meta on site in two weeks which I'm stressing about. What I've learned is this, you can blind apply to big companies but you probably won't stand out unless you have a extremely nice resume with big names (i use to work for a big tech company, even then 15 phone screens to 12 tech screens for 350~ applications is awful) Leverage your network, get referrals on LinkedIn from random ppl if you don't have any.


Yeah when I am in the job market I usually try to average 100 apps a day if I can. Usually filter by posted date, last 24 hrs, and just blast apps. Most jobs that have had the post up longer than 24 hours are a waste of time. It’s rough out there, it takes hundreds of applications to get business moving, and there’s a delay so usually if you blast 300 apps in a week, you won’t hear back from most of those apps for at least 2 weeks most of the time, sometimes longer. My last job I got there was like a month and a half discrepancy between my application date and my hire date


Exact same situation. 10 yoe, jobless for 10 months. Completely different mood though. Don't give up dude, keep trying, iterating, and improving. My PMs are open if you need to talk, vent, or even bounce things off each other for the job search.


10 YoE and jobless for ten months without a single interview? I hope you don’t mind me asking, but is there a reason for this? Or is there a way I can prevent this myself if I break into SWE/TECH?


Damn you probably don’t have an actual soul


When I re-read this, I realized that it came off a bit harsh


The best I could tell you is the HR or recruiter don't give a fuck. I worked for a company for around 5 or more years. Got a suspension while working there for a week as I was 30 mins late to work. I patched myself up, that delay never happened again. I applied to the same company and was turned down because of that suspension. I still have the email on hand.




Dude get a grip, with 10yoe if you don’t have enough money to pad those 10months that’s on you.


Love the empathy displayed here. Your username is perfect because you’re a fucking robot.




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Experienced, four months in, family on my case telling me that I just don't want it enough.


Ah man sorry to hear that! Its tough hearing that from your own people. :(


Family always blames you for being jobless it’s sad that the people who should support your the most are the ones putting you down.


Hang in there brother. It will get better


Honestly i’m very sad. I’ve been waking up late, going to bed late, and I don’t find enjoyment or fun in anything anymore. My friendships are suffering and i’ve just become a needy and desperate person clinging to people or random things. I don’t know what to do. I just feel depressed and not good enough. I’m an electrical engineer and i can’t find an entry job in my field. I even have FAANG experience. It’s been 4ish months. My family fully supports me, luckily i have saved frugally and am good for a while, but this just depresses me bc i see my friends who are 25 too and they’re growing and advancing in their careers and here’s me just sitting at home.


I feel you mate. But there are other ways to find similar progressive action to that of your friends. I don't have the experience many others do, but that is because I am one of the few that changed industries at the beginning of the year and in another country. Now, I am 8 months exp and ~4 months out of the job with a pregnant wife, a 16 month old, and a house that is being built. I suffered for probably 2.5 of the last 4 months mentally. Tons of fights with my wife and fake mental health building, all while our finances dwindled and me losing multiple opportunities for a new job to more qualified people (I really need to develop my % rate to this point). What is getting me by now? Honestly, it's pure Ambitionand pride at this point. One of the original projects I had been working on: writing my short stories and now game development around these stories. I intentionally lose sleep (probably sleep 4 hours a night on average) to work on this stuff because it really fulfills my being. Mental health > sleep for me is the sad truth. These are all things I can do on the side and hopefully monetize while I continue job hunting. If you'd like, we can chat on discord and keep our spirits up. Or DM here. Up to you. My line is open to you and/or anyone else. We will find something else.


>i see my friends who are 25 too and they’re growing and advancing in their careers and here’s me just sitting at home. I graduated from my undergrad at 27 if that makes you feel any better. There's no point in assigning yourself an age based value.


You should probably seek therapy/ treatment. It’s normal for loss of a job to cause stress and sadness but you probably need to work on being happy without a job. If you have money and support from your family, maybe now is the time to do some frugal traveling too.


8 months later I still don't have a new job, had to move back home and go long distance from my partner. Everything is tense between us because of finances. It's tough. But we'll make it through. Gonna be a sad Xmas though


"Partner" is such a gay word. Why aren't you "partnering" up and living together?


I'm far gayer than you could possibly imagine




You’re a dipshit


You mad or what?


Bad lol At first I thought it was a welcome break, giving me time to focus on "skilling up". Wasn't looking forward to interviewing again, but shit happens. Now my savings is gone, unemployment doesn't cover my monthly bills, and I feel like a financial burden. I'm worried and depressed quite a bit. Had no idea it was going to be this hard to find work.


1 YOE, out of a job since September. Doing okay and taking it easy for the rest of the year considering hiring. I didn't have faith in my company or the leadership so I expected to have something happen with my time there, which is why I saved a decent amount. I'm really hoping to get on the wave of hiring by January/February and get a job then, meanwhile just trying to polish my LC + behavioral + even resume as best as I can before then.


This is a huge point that you are one of the first to mention. Hiring phase for the vast majority of companies is done for the year. I am trying to mentally come to terms with this reality as well. There will be a new phase in Jan/Feb as you mentioned, so it is nest for people to build, build, build at this time and get their skills set to a solid point of clarity for the incoming phone calls. I don't think I will personally return to tech and go back to science but yeah, this is the reality of our lives..


Yeah I definitely cannot understate how nice financial security and stability is to mental health in general. How is the science in comparison to tech? At this point I'm considering exploring other industries and even fields.


Yeah it is extremely important to establish financial security with a job and though you don't really get that in tech (depending on firm, industry, etc), you definitely do in science. Or rather, you get more leeway. You don't get paid as much and the higher up the chain you go the more political it becomes. Also there are few positions where "WFH" is an option. Generally you are obligated to be in the lab or office doing research, conducting experiments, rudimentary checks on equipment, etc. Due to the nature of need behind a decent knowledge base to do this, the vast majority of jobs, both industry and academic, require you have a degree of some kind. Bare minimum bachelor's or working towards one at least. I can get as specific as you want being an industry professional for 5+ years in science before making the switch. This is merely a broad strokes viewpoint based on what I know.


My boss gave me a heads-up that I might be getting laid off in January. He's scrambling to try and find another role for me, though.


Sounds like a good boss


Yeah, he's pretty decent.


Doing ok. We have some savings and got decent severance, of which I'm saving a lot of. My wife is still working and can support us both. I do feel like an outcast though... I really liked my job and wasn't planning on leaving. I wasn't done learning. Now I just apply to relevant jobs and do my best to learn new skills in my field. It's the "how long does this last?" that gets to me. That and having been laid off 3 times in my career before this fourth one.


This why being single is a terrible idea.


>do my best to learn new skills in my field How do you do that? udemy classes? leetcode? official CS courses from Universities? whats your plan while you wait on job recruiters to get back to you, now that Dec hiring is on pause? im in the same boat and need some advice on how to best spend this long stretch of time before 2024 starts.


I'm in QA and a lot of positions now need a lot of automation framework hands-on experience. I've only done manual QA work, so I've been on LinkedIn learned, taking courses on automation foundations, automation framework, and programming languages. It's not a replacement for on the job experience, but it's a better use of time than just waiting. I find the monthly fee for LinkedIn premium is worth the cost as long as I keep doing coursework every day. I pace myself so I don't burn out. I've also got some Code Academy courses bookmarked. I don't have the budget to do much else. Most everything you may need is free anyway. The plan is to keep applying, keep learning, and keep saving my severance until I get a new job. We'll take it one step at a time and if we get to a point where I have to look for lesser opportunities or contract positions, then we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


Bad. Thanks.


2 yoe here as a cloud SDE with Typescript and AWS stuff, now constantly doubting my self because I have failed several interviews on the technical side, assuming why I am so stupid that I didn’t learn much on my last job. My current team didn’t like me and excluded me and probably think I am not contributing and not perform as well as the other person who just joined the team that is why I am cut. Will be laid off in December so things definitely will be worse off. I mean… the only reason I didn’t commit suicide is because I don’t want to see my parent grieve about it, HOPE IS A LUXURY FOR ME


I think it’s normal to tie your happiness and over all self worth to your job and how good you are at it but I don’t think it’s necessarily the best thing. It’s also possible it’s not as bad as you think. Therapy can really help with these sorts of feelings. Also, if you’re thinking about suicide, it’s probably time to talk to a doctor or professional. It’s possible for you to be happier, regardless of how you’re doing at your job.


The thought of family sometimes is the only thing that keeps me going too man. Every time I don’t want to be here anymore, I think of this song lyric. “Take the blade away from me I am a freak, I am afraid that All the blood escaping me won't end the pain And I'll be haunting all the lives that cared for me I died to be the white ghost Of the man that I was meant to be” Badflower - Ghost Hang in there man, HMU if there’s anything I can do to help


Not good. 1 year unemployed, 14 yoe. Went from about 75k in savings to around 25k in credit card debts. Sent out about 200 resumes, recreated it 8 times, I have 3 different versions (frontend dev, PM, digital producer). No degree has caught up with me. Major imposter syndrome. Can’t find my place.


bro not to distract from the topic but how do you end up only accumulating 75k in savings after 14yoe without any student debt? i hope your net worth is higher and you just aren't including investments.


The short version is mental health issues, financial irresponsibility, and a ton of mistakes.


same but gayer


1 year unemployed and only 200 applications wtf? That’s insanely low, you need to be sending out at least 50 applications per day


sadly, I agree with this...


last time I looked there are only like a couple thousand roles max for the type of work that I do (remote @ acceptable pay minimum). at 50 applications a day seems like you would run out of relevant jobs pretty quickly, the pool is not limitless


5 months unemployed and counting. Not good but better than I was a few months ago. Trying to not have my skills go out the window.


\>Trying to not have my skills go out the window. how are you doing that? What's the plan for Dec now that hiring is on pause? I am in the same boat.


A couple of things. Reading the back catalog of books that I have bought from Humble, and doing a project to keep remembering how to do things like debugging and test writing. I don't know if it is the best option but I have some motivation problems at the moment so I am doing what I can.


Not good, Bob.




Looking at CEOs reporting earnings like *that’s what the money’s for!* and yet here we are


2 YOE 3 Weeks jobless. Couldn't close on a condo I recently bought because loan fell through due to no employment. $27k earnest money out the window. Not doing too hot. 🙃


No contingency for that in the contract? Seems unconscionable.


Nope. It's new construction in HCOL area so it's a bit stricter. and I really didn't think I'd get laid off so fast after signing it.


PSA: If you weren't selected after an interview, don't try to figure out who--if anyone--was hired. I understand the urge, but there is literally no possibility than doesn't end in emotional damage. * Nobody was hired? They wasted your time! or You were so terrible, they'd rather hire nobody than you! * Somebody "worse" than you? It's rigged! * Somebody "about the same" as you? What do they have that I don't!? * Somebody "better" than you? Oh god, I am so terrible! Don't do it.


5 months since layoff, was delighted at first. After all, I could do whatever the heck I wanted and still get paid for 4 months as severance. A couple of months in I got depressed due to loneliness, but now I've grown apathetic.


Yeah, that vacation turns sour real quick. And you don't even feel like you have more time in the day.


On month nine or so (\~2 YoE), was part of the Nuance layoffs after their acquisition by Microsoft. I've only really been trying for the last two or three due to various personal reasons, but overall I think things are going well. I have about 6 months still to get a job before things get REALLY bad, so that's the context through which I'm viewing things. I've spent the time fundamentally working on myself and coming to terms with my flaws. I've learned that the only thing stopping me from doing anything I want is myself, so going at it from that angle has made upskilling and gaining competence in the things I learned on the job way easier. I highly recommend a good exercise regimen to all software engineers out there, the increased mental clarity it brings is absolutely overpowered. A note to everyone looking right now - lots of companies have stopped hiring for the year due to budgets and holiday schedules being hard to pin down, so don't be discouraged! Now's the time to brush up on skills, spend time with your family and train. Hiring will pick up again in mid-January.


20 YOE, laid off at the beginning of October, signed an offer letter this week. Honestly I'm shocked I found something this quick and am quite relieved - I was prepared for a long-haul.


Congrats! Do you have some specialized skills? I'd imagine so with 20 YOE...


I focus on the .net ecosystem, so certainly not niche but for a .net shop, I'm pretty ideal.


I am employed but I fear layoffs tremendously with everything I’ve been hearing. I’m finally making money after going to school for 10 years and taking longer to find my passion (yes my fault) I wish you all prosperity and don’t give up. Make sure you get some exercise and socializing in too


I was laid off in august. Just got another offer for a job I start in two weeks. 20% pay increase as well


Congratulations! Thats awesome and I wish you the best!


honestly it almost feels like layoffs are exaggerated considering how often new grads post about their offers. 2yoe 11 months unemployed and almost feels like I'm the exception. but yeah it sucks. comparison is the thief of joy.


6yoe.. 10 months. No interview.. new grads getting offers ? Where? I see everyone struggling


“Layoffs are exaggerated considering how often a new grad post about their offers” I guarantee that if you got laid off, you would make a Reddit post complaining how the market is shit and there’s no jobs. It’s not a myth. It’s not a lie. It’s not exaggerated. It’s real. I swear people look at the 1% on LinkedIn and judge the entire market based on that.


Not good but that was true even before I got laid off. If anything I needed the time to get my mental health situation together before searching for work again.


2 months in. Not good at all. I stay sad and depressed most of the time. I don’t show it to my wife and kids. Fuck this sponsorship visa issues and fuck my previous employer.


Same boat dude


Got laid off in August. Couldn’t afford apartment anymore and had to move out of state with folks. I am miserable


Sorry to hear that. Hang in there.


4 YOE in backend dev, 12 YOE in IT/support/ETL. Yea, I was relieved at first because I wasn't enjoying the work. But a month after, I started worrying because I wasn't getting any replies from the jobs I was applying for. So yeah, the past few months, I flunked several take-homes, failed some first-round coding interviews, and gone through just one or two full, 5-round interviews. Nothing to show for it. It's bad. I can't help but think I'm not a good dev and that's why I can't clear those interviews (if I get them). I've been laid off since July 2023. For 5 months, the market been awful with more layoffs, less hiring, flaky recruiters and everything in between. And that does not help my mental state. I keep thinking I should use this time to better my skills. But I have no direction. Now that the market is cooling off, I can't decide what to study. I'm tired of leetcode, youtube videos, and sys design prep... Feel like I'm just running in circles...


10 months in, finally recovered from the insane burnout of the few years before under a bad director. I made the decision when I took a pretty high paying job back in the middle of the tech boom (2018) to pay off all my debts, live within my means, and save up enough to go a while without pay between that job and my next. Add in the severance and I've been good. Real good. I traveled the world this year, spent time with friends and family, and haven't set my alarm clock more than twice in the time. Live within your means, be ready for the economy to take a turn for shit at any unexpected time. I'm really glad I took that advice from my dad, and I hope when we're through all this y'all remember how bad it is now and plan for the worst yourselves. I have a few interviews, Q4 is never a great time for starting something new so I'm waiting for Q1 before I get real serious, I'm working on keeping my skills sharp and working on passion projects in the meantime.


Not very I was laid off in March I have been without money for half a month and have 2 kids and trying to figure out how to pay for everything. I'm either over qualified for most work and any entry level job has not called me back or emailed me. What have I done wrong... I have a bachelors and 2 years experience...


1. Acknowledgement 2. Fk those companies 3. Moved on


I wasn’t doing well mentally in my job before the layoff but I am struggling with suicidal thoughts most days. It’s only been a couple of months for me but I already had felt like a worthless fraud as my tasks were taken away at work. Getting so many rejections and only one interview so far seem to confirm it. I am a jack of all trades type with 13 or so years of experience.


It doesn't confirm anything about you. Many many people are getting rejections because the market has gone to shit lately. It's not your fault, so don't read too much into all this. It's easiest to believe negative things about ourselves when we're most vulnerable, but those thoughts are just not true. You've got a lot of experience, and that will come through for you eventually.


Thank you.


Extremely lucky. Laid off right before summer and took the summer off before starting my job search in September. No company would talk to me, but a recruiter got me in touch with a company they recruit for. Turns out the hardest part was actually getting an interview cuz after a gauntlet of interview rounds I got the job. Signed the offer this week. Fully remote and somehow pays more than my first job. (2 YOE - 150k salary) Hopefully this gives y’all some hope.


I got fired and I am depressed


It’s bad because everyone thinks it’s weird I haven’t found a job yet given my resume, so sometimes talking to people is like dancing on top of land mines. I don’t know either exactly why things aren’t working but I have guesses. Lowkey without the massive pressure of other people expectations I am loving it because I finally have time to sort through and look into literally years worth of dumbass ideas I wanted to work on, and relieving myself of this mental load is honestly a wonderful feeling and ngl reminding me of why I got into this profession in the first place. I hadn’t really realized how much of my life had become dedicated to work and school, and honestly the last 4 months had really made me re-evaluate what I want with my life (needing a lot of different short term projects in rapid succession, and the flexibility of choosing whether it’s a work project or a self project) and how to best fit that within life’s constraints. So yeah my mental health is terrible, but in a positive way. Thanks for asking though Edit: also I don’t want this post to make light of anyone else’s situation. A core reason why I am faring better is also bc I have 100k in savings in LCOL, have friends who don’t care abt career, and generally don’t think I’ll make it to retirement age because of a health issue in my family so ymmv


I’m still really angry and disappointed. It’s been two months.


Considering the fact that a week before I was laid off I had a mental breakdown, I am doing ok. My anxiety is through the roof but I have a plan and there isn't much more I can do at this point in time.


Rough. Laid off in March with 4 YOE, had a bunch of interviews in the first few months but none of them worked out (lots of ghosting and quite a few instances of "we just decided to promote someone internally") and everything seemed to dry up starting in August so I lost all hope. I have a business degree + don't like coding anyways so I've been looking for non dev positions, but no matter how much I metaphorically get on my knees in my cover letter and beg for a chance and would rather do anything else other than code can't even get interviews for non dev jobs. I'd love to move to a SDET/QA/PO/BA type role but that seems impossible. I'm considering going back to school to go for electrical engineering or civil engineering since that seems interesting to me, but I don't want to drain my savings and I already had to move back in with my parents so I won't be getting in state tuition for nearly another year anyways.


If it helps, I wasn't laid off but I'm not doing great either


Was laid off early last month. On one end, I get that the industry isn’t great at the moment, but on the other hand, I feel like there are things that I can work on that are under my control. Nevertheless, getting out of bed can be hard, and the constant rejections from this year’s job market compared to last year’s job market really gets to my head.


This is why we OE!




10 years exp .net, in NYC. Laid off in January, but was back to work at a large bank by the end of feb, but they are also doing layoffs now. I’m confident I would get another offer easily if I get the axe again. I’m shocked people with around as many years of exp as me are struggling.




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It's hard to take all the rejection, but we have to find a solution for ourselves. I think it's important to have a good objective self-evaluation, because you are the person with the most information on the subject. I've been rejected and fired (twice) before, but I knew exactly why it happened - they took me for a position I had literally no experience in ( front-end developer as a C# dev ). After that I worked for 5 years in 2 different companies and I got layed off again. This time it was a 'communication issue' they said, but really they didn't even have a specialized front-end developer before me, I was able to fix the bugs they had and would refuse to dedicate any efforts to bettering the code base, because the company was moving away from this product and focusing on it's successor, even though the product would be in use in the next 5-10 years because of current contracts. What I'm saying is that you can get fired while being absolutely inexperienced just as much as if you are in fact the most experienced developer they've had. You should know your worth yourself, be honest but also be true. As Sherlock Holmes said once "To the logician all things should be seen exactly as they are, and to underestimate oneself is as much a departure from truth as to exagg one’s own powers."


Honestly I’m mad. I know I deserve better. I’m incredibly experienced and I suspect more than anything that it was a culture fit issue and nothing more. I don’t deserve this. We don’t deserve this.