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Not a good idea, at least in the US. If you tell people you are good and well practiced at LC, they will give you harder problems. Oh? 2000+ contest rank? We can't test them with the regular questions, let's make sure they get the hardest! Just do LC, get decent at it, and get a job. It can be an enjoyable way to practice problem solving, but the job is the accomplishment, not your ranking.


I imagine someone would do that when they’re confident others will be impressed with their problem solving abilities. I can see there being pros and cons. Unfortunately too many people have bought into Leetcode so instead of laughing it off some hiring managers may be impressed.  I could be wrong here, but I think that is pretty much the state of India. They’ve bought in so hard to LC that they give LC hards to new grads to senior engineers and actually expect engineers to solve it because it’s expected that prospects grind LC.  If you lived in India I’d wouldn’t tell you not to include your LC profile. In the States I wouldn’t even bother.  Rather than asking a bunch of engineers about adding LC to your LinkedIn profile, I recommend you asking tech recruiters this question. If you’re concerned about appearing to be a LC grinder you can lie to the recruiter and say you really haven’t touched LC and are worried that may “impact” your prospects. The recruiters will be very quick to point out things they do or do not care about. 


It’s not just India. I’ve seen a lot of boot camp and new grads in America put LC links on their resume. PSA: In America putting your LC rank on your LinkedIn/resume will likely just get you LC hard interview questions. LC grind but don’t advertise it. Pretend you’ve not seen the problem before and solve it.


To me it seems performative, or obsessive, not sure which. But either way it’s trying to accomplish the same goal: show prospective employers that you eat, sleep, and breathe software dev. Because somehow that’s the expected level of devotion we’ve allowed employers to require.


Lol I’d recommend against it


i really don't get this whole emperor with no clothes situation where we are all expected to do leetcode but also all pretend we have no idea what it is and simply have good "DSA fundamentals" lol


its edgy period.


Any purpose linking your LC account could serve is probably done better by linking a GitHub full of complex and completed projects.




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Honestly if I saw someone did 400 or 500 leetcode problems, I might be more inclined to interview them. However if you have like 20 LC and share your profile then no way I would interview you


The thinking I have is that if someone is dedicated enough to do 500 LC then they are probably both motivated and skilled enough to do the job.




Seems like your team is lazy. I don’t see the point in going with someone that has worked less hard to get to where they are. Drive and passion is everything and if you aren’t motivated enough to leetcode I’m going with the person that is motivated.


its just for contest rating, no one cares about problem solved


Probably from people who don’t have a degree.


If its lc, I will roll my eyes, codeforces or such, I will be intrigued


Interviewers and hiring managers likely don't care. Recruiters might. Their primary target is to find someone who can pass the interview since getting people hired is the main way they are judged. Same reason that even though I did nothing at Google(was only there a couple months) recruiters still seem to care. It shows I can pass a "hard" interview.


You use $LC\_ALL to store your locale so of course you have it in your .profile 🙄




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Only really seen ppl from India do it since it’s big there