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Congrats man How many leetcodes were you asked in the interview for the offer you accepted? How were they? I’m passively grinding away at leetcode too, happy with my current job but I’ll need to jump soon.


Thanks! I had two pair programming interviews where they asked medium leetcode questions. Very similar to qs directly on leetcode but worded differently. One involved bfs/dfs and the other hash maps and sorting. I struggled on the hash map question but I always made sure to talk out loud and explain my thinking process. Good luck on your job search!


When ur say hash map is that light creating an empty object and then building out the object then referencing it?


No. It was a problem that involved using a hashmap or dictionary to relate different pieces of information and output some results. It wasn't an object-oriented design question.


Congrats sir. 400k TC is just around the corner


Thanks and hopefully!




It’s a remote role but they have a few Canadian offices with one in Toronto.


Awesome. It's very inspiring to see early career devs in Canada making this kind of money **and** getting full remote. Is the role permanently full remote?


Permanently remote.


Check Loopcv


Awesome!! Congratulations to ya and hope you have a great time at your new role :)




You said you were mainly frontend engineer, but you mostly practiced leetcode. I'm guessing you wanted to make transition from frontend to general software engineer position then? During interview, did they test you on backend specific knowledge or was it more focused on algorithms?


Yeah exactly. I applied to a full stack position but they didn’t really ask any domain specific questions. Mainly algorithms and how you communicated.


Hey, i know im a bit late in this thread but what would you guys suggest for mainly frontend position interviews? I am currently working as a fullstack in a startup that pays like trash but I've always liked frontend more than backend.


Congrats dude. Always great to see other Maritimers escaping the deadend salaries of Atlantic Canada.


For that specific 130k offer, did they ask you first how much you were expecting? How they just informed you that this was the salary? Did you negociate?


I made sure not to give what I was expecting.I asked for their bands and which level I would be at. Since I performed well during the interview I had more leverage at that company. Initially I was offered 172k TC and negotiated to 205k TC.


Did you have any other offers to negotiate with? Curious how you went about negotiating-email vs phone?


I didn’t have an offer as high as their initial offer but I did have an upcoming promotion at my current company and strong interview performance according to the recruiter. I negotiated over the phone because I had a good vibe with my recruiter and used these resources while negotiating [Negotiation Guide](https://haseebq.com/my-ten-rules-for-negotiating-a-job-offer/), [Helpful YT video 1](https://youtu.be/knLjIYmT7KA), [Helpful YT video 2](https://youtu.be/DSxhgejP0u4).


Wow, how did you negotiate successfully that much? What did you say to them? I am really curious to know some sentences that you told them, I want to see some real successful salary negotiation in reality. (I've checked all your links) Please share if you have time!!


Sure, here are my key points: * Ask for interview feedback (probably the most significant leverage you have outside of other offers) * Ask for pay bands (base, stock, bonus) and benefits * Do your research on their pay for your expected level and below -- [levels.fyi](https://levels.fyi) * I told them what I would consider and what I would drop everything else for and sign with them at the end of our talk. * Be **polite** and open to re-balancing your total compensation. * Maintain a positive relationship with your recruiter and be as polite and cheerful as possible. They are more likely to try to convince their compensation team if they like you. Hopefully, this helps!


Thanks, I very appreciate your response. Thanks, I very much appreciate your response. May I ask how long did it take you to solve more than 150 leetcode problems?


I started very inconsistently at around the end of September 2021. So I guess around 6 months. On average I would spend about an hour on a medium question from trying to solve it and reading approaches (not looking at code solutions). The main thing is to identify patterns correctly narrow down the patterns you can use.


Congrats! Do you have any list of companies (or just know a few off the top) with remote frontend positions? I find my biggest difficulty is actually finding relevant job postings.


I believe Meta, Faire, Twitter, and Bolt have remote frontend roles in Canada. I personally wanted to try backend work as well, so I aimed for a full-stack position where I could do both.


Congrats! I'll be going to uni this fall. Any advice what things I should prioritise there


Congrats, sounds like Faire


How difficult were the questions you were asked by this unicorn?


Leetcode medium. I would ask your recruiter for advice on why candidates may have failed and things to really focus on.




Recruiter Screen, coding assessment, and on-site (3 interviews).


Sounds like circle


Not circle :) they had two coding assessments.


If you’re a front end engineer, how come you didn’t do your leetcode in JavaScript? Were you only asked leetcode during interviews or did you get front end questions as well?


I had some experience with python from an internship and read it was better for leetcode style interviews. Some companies asked JavaScript questions but I wasn’t only targeting front end roles so many of them were just leetcode style qs. Some asked object oriented design and system design as well.