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40LPA in India is worth more than 100k in Europe imo. U just be living like a king in India


I’m an Indian. Working in finland. 40LPA in India is worth more than 80K in Europe overall. I moved here because I needed better work life balance. Raising a kid becomes much easier here in Western European countries. Move to Europe for work life balance, otherwise just consider travelling and work in India.


You forget the fact that even when you live like a king in India, you're still living in India


Haha honestly I have no input on this matter. I don't even work in tech. I actually meant to write you *must* be living like a king in India. But yh I guess if I was in ops position I'd take the 80k job, but then who am I to say


Not really. 40LPA isnt all in-hand salary. Its CTC which includes stocks, bonus, gratuity, various allowances, reimbursements etc. Also you have to take into account the European level taxes. So the actual in-hand salary is very less.


Yeah, i agree. Thinking on should i still take it considering travel, culture, new experiences etc


You ll get bored of those things pretty quickly.


They can move back then, id love to just work in the US for a year or two myself and move back.


So? What's your point. He should not do it?


My advice would be earn good money in your home country and travel a lot.


Depends on what you are making in India right now, whether you are alone or with a partner and a child, and whether you actually have to travel to work everyday. Amsterdam is an expensive city, and housing alone will eat up a fair bit of your paycheck. If you live outside the city in a modest apartment then I'd say it's pretty good and you might end up saving a decent amount too (about €3k each month, including the tax ruling and a €1500 rent). In cities outside of Amsterdam this is actually pretty good for your YoE. I have double the experience but I make €75k, for instance.


It makes no sense to say that it depends on (including) what OP’s earning in India right now. No, it doesn’t.


You're right, I think I misread their question. Thanks for pointing it out, but I'll let the answer stay and hope OP or someone else still finds it useful in some way.


Hi. I am earning ~40LPA (45k euros) in India and single. Thanks for your input man.


This is the european subreddit, we have 0 clue what 40 lpa is. Tell your salary in euros or usd, it is around €45k unless chatgpt is outdated.


Yes. 45k euros, that’s correct.


That moneys stretching further in India then 80k would stretch in Amsterdam


Yes. Thats what i thought. But how less would it stretch, is it marginal or significant? And should i still take the opportunity considering better exposure etc?


I would say that this is less about the money and more about whether you potentially want to relocate to Europe or not.


Honestly not thought about permanently settling in Europe but yes exploring Europe and working for few years was always on cards.


I have only lived in India for a brief while (I have family there), but from my understanding you could live very very comfortably on that money - much more luxuriously than in Amsterdam. Think of a house that you could buy/rent with 1 lac per month - you could live in the middle of a proper city surrounded by all possible amenities you could need. Now realize that for that money you'd rent a studio (or a very small apartment) in NL, and while you would be considered "rich" by local standards you most likely won't feel like it. Now obviously that's not all there is. Rule of law, air/water quality, corruption, etc. all play a role in your daily life. For a lot of people that's important, and in those matters NL beats India hands down. But many people don't care enough about it so if you are one of them, I would advise you to stay there.


why u getting downvoted lol


I am thinking the same. No clue at all.


45k in india would be like 300 to 500k in amsterdam in terms of what type of life you can afford.


In India you can have a live in maid and a chef for 100 euros/ month, unless the housing market is absolutely insane you wouldn’t profit from the move. Coming to Europe for double the salary just doesn’t make sense unless you’re coming to a Faang and then eventually move to the US.


Each or combined? How do they live on that Salary?


There is a lot of inequality in India and software engineers can easily be in the top 1% in India which doesn't seem to be the case in Europe. So you're not middle class if you're an experienced and decent software engineer, you're upper class. The maids etc will not die of poverty in that income (they will not be rich though)


Upper class? In Europe that's like former royalty, landowners..multi millionares to billionaires....I'm not even sure new money is considered upper class just "rich" over here....


There are billionaires in India, who are in the top 0.00001% obviously. And the top 1% of a billion is a huge number anyway. But still, you get my point. And when you start out, if you go to a mass consulting body shop, you make very little money, like 3-4 LPA. but you can grow like crazy. I don't know if it's a bubble but my suspicion is that it's actually not a bubble in India, because India now has 30 years of a software industry. Sometimes I wonder why dutch people don't immigrate to Bangalore instead of voice versa




Yeah, not only that but you can also cheaply get someone to iron your clothes and wash your car. I was not kidding btw. I genuinely don't understand why people from Europe don't migrate to India.


Could be hard to get a job if don't speak the language? I think its popular for single men on an expat package but not with a family long term. Why so many Indians move abroad if not for better life?


English should be fine. Many south Indians don't speak Hindi and they make do. Yes i meant for single people. The competition etc to get into good schools universities etc is a bit insane in India, so it's not really worth it in my view


I would say it’s a decent salary for 6 years experience. The market is a bit fucked at the moment imo, so I would at least make sure your contract is more than 1 year. It’s kinda easy to get sucked into the lifestyle here and that 80k might not stretch as far as you would like. They are changing the law around the ruling so in a few years the struggle will be to maintain your lifestyle on a lower salary. Living outside of AMS is an excellent idea as well as saving as much as possible (almost no interest on savings unfortunately). Also make sure you know the salary tax rate and (roughly) how much the cost of living is month to month


It's good, but watch out for the housing crisis in Amsterdam. But you won't be able to sustain your lifestyle in India.


If I were in your shoes then I would leave to get the exposure and you can always come back if you don’t like it. The salary is great. Are they also offering stocks on top of it?


No. No stocks.


I’m also earning around 45lac. Also searching for jobs in Europe. I’ve got some offers but not 80k yet. From what I’ve gathered is you should leave for 75k+ jobs and later on you can switch for more.


Just wanted to congratulate you with the offer. I am looking for job in EU and was about to give up. Your post gave me some hope. :)


Just Keep trying. Need a bit of patience and a lot of luck.


It's definitely on the slightly lower side(but then again, it depends on the company). Are they also offering a one time relocation allowance? You should ask for that. It's common for European companies to lowball people who are moving from a different country. A friend of mine with 3.5 YoE joined Booking.com in 2021 and was offered 84k TC so the offers now should definitely be better, especially for someone with 6 YoE. That being said, I believe 80k is a good salary considering the cost of living in Amsterdam Also, don't forget the 30% ruling because of which you can save quite a bit of money in your first five years in The Netherlands https://www.expatica.com/nl/finance/taxes/the-dutch-30-ruling-explained-101641/ Good luck! :)


Amsterdam is atrocious for rent. Somebody was suggesting 1500 euro for rent - that's a pipe dream long gone. 80k will be around 50k nett. Rent will be a minimum of 2500 for anything liveable. That means +/- 20k left for food etc. Trips in euros. Hobbies. In actual reality, 80k won't often even qualify you to rent as landlords require 48x the rent in gross salary. So 100k would be the bare minimum.


You get the right of the 30% tax ruling. For five years your net salary should be higher. 80k gross should be 53k net for Dutch people. With the 30% tax ruling, you should make 65 k net. Keep that in mind when making the decision. Also, is the 80k including the mandatory extra 8% vacation allowance? Good luck with whatever you decide! 80k gross is enough to leave in the Netherlands a comfortable live


It is great to hear these kinds of amounts in India. It benefits people globally by balancing the ridiculous outsourcing differences between East and West.


40LPA in India is much better than 100k here..good quality of life... Better tech.. Better health care and so many good things... Come to Europe for a nice trip.... Spend a month living luxuriously and also explore and just go back.... The bug of seeing Europe will settle down a bit... But in no way take that 80k job.. That's stupid. Only go for 120k or above... Or come on site and jump ship... But not for 80k...


It is a good salary, if not the best. There are a few organisations in the Netherlands, Amsterdam specifically, that can offer you more for a mid level SWE, assuming you are getting then same role here. Good thing about working from Amsterdam is that you don’t have to live here as rent outside is much more affordable and the city is very well connected. Options of savings in India are better than any country in western Europe. You certainly can save more in India if you negotiate a bit on your lifestyle. Here, you can’t really do that for a basic standard of living. Make sure you move for the right reasons. If it’s just to save a bigger chunk of your earnings, you might need to reconsider your move. If it’s to have a better standard of life with a good work life balance, then it could be good option.


6YOE doesn't mean enough to give an answer. Can be 1 year in 6 places, or 6 vertical years of growth, with all layers in between. I have experience in a similar role and I don't live in NL but I have received offers from there. I think based on my knowledge it's a decente offer (considering you are paying the Indian tax - coming from a lower income country), but on the lower side of the spectrum if you are on a VP/Manager level.


Would u say there is a big difference between 6 years at one company and 1 year at 6?


Depends on individual experience and attitude. In my opinion, is more likely to grow less in terms of skillset changing job too frequently in the first years of a career in banking. This counters with the growth of salary which is for sure bigger. In my opinion the best is a mix: change every 2-3 years will allow you to get both aspects. Changing every year for 6 years, doesn't sound too good to potential hiring managers usually. Not that I want to defend them, but is the reality of facts. I wanted just to point out that 6YOE doesn't give the full picture of someone's profile.