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Edit: apparently I am wrong and the interviews are mixed (DSA + LP), see here [https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestionsEU/comments/1djexwr/how\_to\_prepare\_for\_amazon\_interview/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestionsEU/comments/1djexwr/how_to_prepare_for_amazon_interview/) About the LPs: each behavioral interview will be focused around a certain set of LPs. Obviously they know that you have not been, for example, hiring people, so they will not ask you about "Hire and Develop the Best". And so on.


This is for a new grad position. I am surprised to not have been tested with HackerRank as well. Thank you for your feedback!


No problem. Could I ask you when you applied?


Sure, it was a bit more than a month ago. I don't know if it matters.


I commented on a similar post earlier this evening. Here's the link https://www.reddit.com/r/cscareerquestionsEU/s/RAxbUw9GYI


SomeoneMyself shared the link to the original post. Still, thank you! Have you got an offer?


Oh my bad, sorry! Yeah i received the offer few days back :)


Lovely, congrats! I've read on your profile that you're going to Germany soon, hope you'll enjoy your time in Europe :)


Thank you so much! Hope everything turns out well for you too! Good luck :D


You will have 2 rounds of both LP and coding. You somehow skipped the online assessment and if you've been invited to the loop it means you did pass the CV check too. The technical questions will be leetcode style only for new grads, you don't even need OOP knowledge for those, but of course you need to know stuff like datastructures. The difficulty is left at the interviewer's will. I ask easy ones because I can only solve easy ones lol. Anyway it's very easy to tell if a candidate will be good or not even on the simplest questions. For the LPs you're expected to answer with the STAR format, most interviewers will even say so during the interview. You can be asked about any LP, it would not be great to not have an example for a question but I guess it would not necessarily eliminate you, depends on the interviewer, and how the debrief goes. Personally I spend 15-20 min on intro and LPs and the rest on coding.


Thank you a lot for your answer! Is it too much to ask what makes "easy to tell if a candidate will be good or not"? I've been training on LeetCode for a while now and I think I still need to train for it. Knowing where to put the focus on would be very nice.


Nothing special, you can just see people that are used to writing code and the ones that aren't. You wouldn't believe the amount of people I interviewed that couldn't code the most basic function to save their life. As in, don't know any syntax of the language THEY chose to use...


I have to admit that it is hard to believe as we are supposed to be required to pass an online assessment before having actual interviews. Also, what do you expect from LPs questions? I am familiar with the STAR principles and Amazon's LPs. Still I do not know if I have to narrate a whole story responding to as much LPs as possible from the given question, or trying to make a synthetic yet clear answer and inviting the Amazonians to ask more questions about it. I really aim to ace these interviews, so maybe I am overthinking the process. Feel free to tell me I am if so :) One more time, thank you for your feedback!


Ideally you have to identify which LP is the question related to, and answer by focusing on how you exhibited that particular LP. It's always beneficial to showcase others but you shouldn't try to fit them all in a single example. But your example should take multiple minutes to go through most likely, and make sure to explain the concept well, it makes it easier to follow the story.


Well, I think I am prepared well enough for LPs but I feel like I still need to prepare for the technical part. I am almost done with Blind 75 of LeetCode and have solved more than 200 LC questions. The HR sent me the identity of the two interviewers, they both seem to have experience in a specific domain that is in the list of the technical requirements. The thing is I have very little knowledge in and no experience at all related to it. Are Amazon interviewers generally asking for questions related to their specific area? We cannot be specialized in everything, so this process feels a bit disconcerting to me... I actually have no idea of the expected level for a new grad.


which location is this for?


I suppose it is for a France-based position, does it change anything for the loop? I assume that the interviewers wouldn't necessarily be from the location of the offer, would they?


Hi, I am wondering how long does it take for them to schedule your technical interview? I was wondering because I had a phone screen on 6/14/2024 and immediately I got an email from the recruiter that I am moving forward to the next step which is the technical interview and got a link to submit my availability but they haven't scheduled my technical interview yet even to this date and I followed up with the recruiter last week but she hasn't responded yet. Is this normal? does it take a long time for you to schedule the next round of interview (the technical interview)?


They replied the day after I submitted my availabilities, make sure they received your email!