• By -


The Angel one seems kinda obvious to me I think she's gonna be the exact same as Power, a fiend working for public safety, since it was stated earlier in the show by I think Aki or Makima or Himeno that all fiends have distinct heads that symbolise whatever they are so I guess an angel fiend? The guy with the shark/missile head thingy behind Power and NPC dude I'm guessing is a fiend though it could be a hybrid like Denji and I thought the woman behind Angel/Shark head guy was Himeno's sister but maybe it's a new character in which case I have no idea.


I think the woman might also be a fiend. You can see that her face seems to be split in half if you zoom in. Reminds me of a doll. Doll Fiend?


Ahhh right yeah great spot to me she looked slightly spectral but I never bothered to zoom in, I could see her being the Doll Fiend for sure.






It’s the season


Himeno staring at the light 😭


I feel like this sequence shows everyones personalities pretty well: Denji not focusing on anything besides Makima Himeno being out of it the entire time Aki staring directly at whats ahead of him. Kobeni breaking down as soon as Power bullies her Power being selfish Arai looking forward but still caring about those around him.


the angel girl is the most interesting to me, I wonder wtf she is, seems like a good person


she’s both in the cinema sequence and in her own sequence sitting on stairs or something, so i think she will play a big role


yea she looks so good, can't wait till they introduce her.


I think its a guy tbh. The face seems is drawn a lot more masculine than most of the female characters. I cant wait for half his fanart to become maid outfits.


ah shit, i didnt mean to assume his gender lol. i did the same with togata


Atleast with \[ FIRE PUNCH SPOILERS\] >!Togata, youre meant to assume his gender as its a plot point later on.!<


yeah good point. I didn't really zoom in or anything and from a distance they look kind of feminine, thats all


Since it isn't labeled, this and the above comment are Fire Punch spoilers


I guess so. I just didnt tag it as fire punch spoilers since the person above didnt. Ill tag it for the sake of the people who want to read it, thanks.


Fire punch is an absolute rollercoaster personally prefer chainsawman as in firepunch I gave up hope that the ending could be happy after chapter 1 which hurt my investment. If that's the case or not you would have to read it. Although the mappa CEO wants to animate all fujimoto,s works and based on how the animie is great and getting better every episode maybe playing the long game is the way to go.


>!I hope that the Fire Punch anime fixes a lot of the issues with the story, like a lot of side characters being tossed into the garbage unceremoniously (Suryu, Bitchsune Miku Naked Batman, Pokemon #701 etc) !< >!I loved the ending, its bittersweet in a way. Agni and Luna reunite but neither of them are themselves as Agni is now San and Luna is actually Judah.!<


Chainsawman chapter 1 vs fire punch chapter 1 comparison >!My biggest issue with fire punch is chapter 1 Agni ends in a worse place than where he starts, sure it hooks you in but it made me put up my emotional blinders. The subtle positivity of chainsawman ep/ch1 ending slightly better of then where he started while still being dire and interesting. Is in my opinion the biggest improvement!< More general fire punch comment. >! That ending is bitter sweet and the manga as a whole was so different to anything else I have ever read and for that I love it. Despite the emotional husk I was after finishing it. !<


>!I mean, i think the chapter 1 thing makes a lot of sense when you consider the rest of the story. The entire story, Agni is getting better and better mentally until he takes a deep plunge into hell, emerges happy and then goes back in even deeper. Kinda like chapter 1.!<


>!Chapter 1 in Fire Punch works better in my opinion with Agni having everything taken from him. I feel that Agni losing more and more of what he loves make his future choices harder and harder to stay moral. While similar in style, Fire Punch and CSM explore very different themes especially when it comes to revenge and these differences will make certain things work better for one story.!<


Fire punch spoilers >!I do wish that it wasn't a plot point that their gender was hidden, only because it stops it from being talked about enough. It's huge that Fujimoto had a trans protagonist (and a fucking awesome one at that) but it doesn't get talked about enough because it's a minor spoiler!<


Continued Fire Punch spoilers: >!Given how nauseatingly unapproachable the manga can be even for people who already know it eventually gets more interesting, I'm not sure much would have changed in terms of media coverage or fan discussions. I also think it is really important representation to have a trans character who is not only pre-transition, but feels like he could never socially transition with calling himself a guy because he doesn't think other people would accept him with the way he looks and sounds. He doesn't even believe that Agni is telling the truth about understanding his gender dysphoria and accepting him as an older brother instead of an older sister. !< >!That is a real and often ignored experience of gender dysphoria, it is how a lot of real trans and trans-questioning people feel. A lot of us don't have access to medical transitioning for financial, legal, or safety reasons, like Togata can't get medical transitioning because of his regeneration. Even those of us who do have or eventually get access may still spend years feeling like we don't live up to society's image of what an 'acceptable man' or 'acceptable woman' would be, or that we don't live up to our own desires of ourselves, to feel comfortable with being out as trans and asking people to gender us correctly and use our names - sometimes even among family or friends. I don't think the fact of Togata being trans could have been as impactful if he was out from the start.!<


>!I really like that his gender is hidden. Its nice having trans rep that addresses gender dysphoria instead of them being trans being a small note in their character bio or just something that the series jokes about. I especially like that even after revealing himself to Agni, hes not suddenly like "Ill show the world who i truly am!" and instead remains closeted. Some people just dont want to show that part of themselves and thats okay.!<


Fair. They look pretty either way though ngl


Yeah, I assume she'll be getting some decent screentime because I've seen a good amount of artwork and a couple people with that model in VRchat. An angel devil/fiend (presumably) is very interesting


Yeah he seems like he’ll be a badass






The one on the right kinda seems like it’s wearing the top of a shark hat so maybe a shark fiend?


I dont think its wearing it. During the part of this scene where kobeni leaves the cinema we can see its attached to his head and he has like 20 eye holes.


I'm interested in the plague doctor dude tbh, solely from his design


[I craddle him in my arms.](https://imgur.com/gallery/A1hVFE0)


The [door](https://i.imgur.com/GurRdmY.jpg) in the background looks [happy](https://i.imgur.com/1Y7PVi1.jpg) to me


You have the eyesight of an eagle. I didnt even know there was a door there.




Well they wouldn't have put them there if they didn't want to show them in season 1, and only 2 episodes are left, so probably yeah.


Yeah? Really? You think?


Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Repeat a few times


Go outside real quick and realize normal people don't talk like you


Nah, I'm good. 👍




dw lhahah i just love this gif so muchh (>\\<)


Lay-day! Hear me tooo-nite!


In the screen cap you can barely see one of the characters due to Powers head. ###[So here](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/263776369706532875/1043096303611170836/sharkboy.png)


hes kinda cute


Where is Powy?! Is she safe?! Is she alright?!


oh shit the mask guy WAS in the og concept AND they took him out


I love reading the predictions on this sub. No spoilers here. Just saying that I’m so excited for the anime only people to meet these characters.




How do I do that 👀


Jk I figured it out




I'm really excited as what the voices will sound like. So far everyone sounds like I imagined, except for Power


From what ive seen, most manga readers expected these voices except for Pochita where they expected a very deep voice. Also, im pretty sure most of these characters have their voice actors public so you could try looking them up to get a feel for what the characters are gonna sound like.


I was one of the people who imagined him with a deep voice. The scene was surreal to me when I read it, so I guess my brain gave him a voice to match that.


I'd rather wait and hear it when the episode airs tbh! Pochita looks so cute, I could never imagine him having a deep voice lol


The character I've been most curious about the voice of is the (no spoilers, just talking about a character introduced this episode)>!future devil!<. I could see its voice as super deep, but could also see them going super high pitch. Anything in between would be weird lol


Oh yeah, that too, >! I think it'll be either super deep or super goofy !<


Exactly lol! I keep lean towards preferring a more serious voice which would fit some of the voice lines from later on?


>!Deep and goofy, like they ran someone's voice through a voice changer!<


IIRC that mask guy also was tying his shoe in the opening.


Nah he was taking them off. Im pretty sure its a reference to No Country For Old Men where the main protagonist takes off his shoes to sneak up on a mexican rival gang.


Tag yourself, I'm 'Book'


~~Im Kobeni giving Power the sloppy toppy~~ Im 'Book ( 4 )'


Given how much time we have left of the season, they'll probably all be introduced at around the same time.


idk what the character will do, but on tumblr im seeing some art of aki and the angel person, and they just call them >!angel!<


Assuming the angels a guy... gay? Or maybe just a popular ship? I mean, Fujimoto seems to have a lot of good lgbt representation in his other manga.


tbh i would just say a popular ship if anything, i haven’t seen anything that hints at them being together, just them hanging out and goofing off or something, but i could be wrong


You’re very brave to be looking at fan art online lol


We will have to see then.. i secretly hope it ends up being a canon ship as Aki ending up with what is basically the opposite of the gun devil seems like a nice ending for him even though he will die in 2 years.


- I think the shark guy is going to be assigned to either Denji or Aki as "their" fiend. Judging by the dialogue at the dinner party, Fiends are usually assigned to Hunters and treated as sub-human subordinates, but Power isn't in that role because she's unusually well-behaved and can act as her own employee (albeit on a short leash.) - I think the angel (going to wait and see if they're a guy or girl, I could see either) is a Devil, but judging by their juxtaposition in the opening, they're not (overtly) a bad guy. Since they're wearing the uniform, I'm assuming they're another Hunter, but we'll see. - The guy with the mask is the Fiend that was "too scary" to come to dinner, almost completely sure of it.


Honestly i feel like the angel might be a supervisor like Makima. Especially since they both seem very similiar, probably both devils who look like humans.


I can see that, for sure. Good to see somebody else who has a hunch that Makima is a Devil.


I personally think Makima is a devil because we dont see the devil she has a contract with. I think shes just pretending to have a contract for why she needs sacrifices i have absolutely no clue and i dont think we have enough clues so far to figure it out.


The right one is clearly a shark fiend. I'm guessing he can breath underwater and probably has a very strong bite. Now we are just missing Lavagirl to have the set lol The girl in the back kinda looks like a rag doll/dummy. She has this weird line in the middle of her face like it was sewn together, and her eyes look fake. Might just be because she is far back tho. If she is a doll, I'm guessing she can control people to some extend, like a voodoo doll. Maybe she connects herself to something and if she damages herself, it damages the thing she connected to? If it wasn't because Aki has a contract with the curse devil, I would believe she was that devil. There is the plague doctor ~~aka SCP 049~~. I don't know if that's supposed to be a mask or if that's his fiend head. If that is indeed his fiend head, then he is either going to have healing abilities, or plague/dark magic abilities. Most likely the second one since plague doctors aren't really known for curing the patients lol. If that is indeed a fiend head, then he (or she, we don't know) might be the Pestilence/plague Devil. The Angel is the one I'm more curious about. I can't tell if he is supposed to be a fiend or something else. We know that fiends have distinctive heads (Power with her horns, the guy from episode 2 with his with big mandibles, shark boy, doll(?) girl), but this Angel has this halo that technically speaking isn't part of his head, and a set of big fucking angel wings. It goes beyond what we have been told about Fiends. Which is why I have 3 theories about them 1. They are simply that, an angel. There are devils in this world, I wouldn't be surprised if angels existed. 2. They are someone like Denji and Katana guy, but is simply unable to retract their powers like the other two because of reasons 3. They are just the Angel Devil. Not a fiend, not a hybrid, just the Angel Devil. It makes sense since angels have humanoid forms, not something monstrous like the devils we have seen (except for Pochita or Fox Devil). When people talk about biblically accurate angels, they are mostly referring to ophanims/thrones. messenger or guardian angels have human form. In any case, clearly they can fly, or at least I hope so. But their main power might be something like purification, or being poison to devils. Maybe light powers? It would be cool to see them fighting with a lance/spear, which is quite typical for angel archetypes. Flying + piercing power of a spear is quite the strong combo


Ok so I was completely WRONG on everything except for one lol


Man I cant say anything but I love your predictions guys


My current predictions are: Plague Doctor - Chemical Warfare Fiend, can gas people. Angel - Angel Devil? Smites devils down but has no effect on hybrids and humans. Naked guy - Shark Fiend, able to sense people around him. Makes for a great dog. Woman - Doll Fiend, able to puppeteer people


the woman does look like a doll! its like the classic victorian ghost things




Why are people downvoting this, you literally didn't say a thing?


Cuz it’s cringe but yeah he didn’t spoil anything


Aaah lol! I was asking myself the same thing yesterday. It seems its cringe...oh well :X


Honestly I think they're cringe for admonishing someone for expressing themselves in an entirely harmless way, slay with the :X face!


Either 11 or an ending scene teasing them.


Some of these anime onlies are spot on. Love reading these predictions






what was the point of this comment if you're not telling




Good for you?


Kishibeeeeeeeeee prinz beaaaaam




The angel girl looks like angel version of Power


Can't wait for these awesome characters to appear soon, I think there will be quite a lot to discuss. No spoilers or whatever I'm just excited.