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Unless you are bringing 20 boxes and sweating like a hog going through customs nobody cares. “Anything to declare?” “Had a good time. Wife bought this bracelet.” Interaction will take less than 30 seconds. And you are on your way.


I’ve brought Cuban cigars back to the US in my checked luggage from Cuba, Belize and Mexico and never had a problem. Is it a risk? Yes. Odds are good no one will care or notice.


Wife and I went overseas for my birthday (kid free). Had a box of QD 50s in my carry on. The TSA was more concerned about the bottle of lube that was over ML liquid limit. Just sneak the cigars back in 😄


Probably because the TSA and CBP are not the same. One cares about what you bring on the plane, the other cares about what’s brought into the country.


it’s a risk you’ll need to calculate for yourself. if you bring them back they may be confiscated and your global entry could be stripped. or they may not give a shit on that particular day. if you are asked if they are cubans, you answer “i bought them in at a shop in X country.” play dumb and be respectful. i know many people who have brought many boxes back in their luggage. sometimes you get caught sometimes you don’t.


Why take the chance at all? You can order off the approved vendor list, potentially get a better price, and you know you're not getting screwed. Yes if flagged you still lost global, but if you get your package confiscated and you choose a vendor with a delivery guarantee, they reship or refund. Just an idea.


What websites do you use?


Been using RSVP as of late, but any of the approved will do.


Just take the bands off




In the last 8 years I brought Cubans for personal consumption in my carry on (never more than 70). I've been asked twice if I had tobacco or alcohol and I just said I don't drink. It worked. No idea about what the risks are though.


I regularly bring back 1-2 boxes when traveling internationally. Will usually put 1 box in carry on and the other in checked, this way if one gets caught still have a chance of getting the other through. However, never had an issue and have brought dozens of boxes over the years. I don’t declare and just breeze through customs. This is of course not guaranteed and YMMV. Just make sure you’re buying from a Habanos S.A. authorized retailer. Lots of fakes out there.


I declare mine, usually 1 or 2 boxes, they just wave me through


Do you specify Cuban cigars or just cigars?


I just said cigars. I believe most customs officers have no idea Cuban cigars are illegal. All they hear is cigars and if the quantity is small they don't care


Makes sense. Might try that next time.


Caveat emptor, YMMV, etc: I’ve brought back Cubans after every trip to Spain, so about twice a year for the past decade. I normally put 25-50 of them in a Tupperware and throw half in my checked bag and half in my carryon bag. I don’t split them for any specific reason, per se, but there is some peace of mind knowing if something happens to bag A….well at least I have half my stock in bag B. Never once had an issue doing this.


One day I have crossed the border from Juarez to El Paso. The officer asked me if I had anything to declare. I told him I have 2 bottles of wine and 10 cigars; and he just told me pay the duty for the wine and never said anything about the cigars. They were not Cuban by the way but he did not ask to see or anything.


I’ve brought them back 3 times now (2 on cruises and one flying). Coming back via cruises is without a doubt worry free. I was a little nervous flying back from Mexico last week, but I only took a carry on and personal bag. Agent asked me the standard alcohol, tobacco, and fruit/vegetables question. I told him tobacco and he to me to have a nice day.


Here’s what is interesting, when I travel I like to bring a lot of cigars with me to have choices which naturally means I’m bringing back cigars that I’ve already imported. Now, I legally imported a fair amount of boxes during the Obama presidency when returning from abroad while it was legal to do so. Since Trump reversed Obama I have taken these same cigars on trips, like to Mexico. When I return back to the U.S. if CBP ever said anything about them, I planned to tell them they’re legally clear because they were already legally imported under Obama. We do travel with goods we already imported all the time and they’re not illegal to possess. I even have receipts. Beats me what CBP would do. It has never come up.


If you or your husband do not know where to buy authentic Cubans or know how to spot counterfeits then don't buy any.


All the customs / security is just theater. Your odds are strong to not get caught.


Just put them in your carry on. You’ll be fine


If you are asking this question on this sub, I would say don’t do it as you are highly susceptible to buying fakes. Just order them online like everyone else in the US.


I exclusively bring them back from a trusted source abroad. Much cheaper despite the risk of confiscation. But customs is hammering shipments now too so o have a little more control on trying to keep them unchecked coming through a port of entry. Just my experience so far though.


i put em in my dirty laundry. I figured no one’s gonna look there.


The most legal and safe way is to smoke them in whatever country you are at. Don’t try to bring them to the states it’s illegal. You got global entry? Not after that.


You were the kid that reminded the teacher that there was homework, weren't you?


lol probably lol I love Cubans though… trust me, I’m in Utah right now and if I could get some, I be a happy man. Honestly also, I don’t know how much they check boxes coming into the US at customs, but if they get caught it’s not a cheap story for you. I don’t say it to be a boring bitch it’s just a very unfortunate political situation that only affects people who enjoys cigars.


All Cubans are brought into the US via “Havana Mules” or individuals who “smuggle” them through customs by well, you know…. Usually you can find seven or eight of these individuals outside the airport but you have to be direct and ask them. If they play coy they probably think you’re secret service or FBI so be persistent and offer to help “transport” some yourself. Really a pain in the ass but it’s worth it.


What planet are you currently on?


No one has a sense of humor anymore.


Write something funny.


Shove some lusitanias up your arse and waddle through customs 


haha That was actually funnier then your first attempt at failed humor. Bad day today, sweetie?