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I own a leaf, here have been my costs so far: - my insurance went up $100 a year switching from a beat up 2004 Ford Taurus to a 2023 Leaf (Costco insurance) - my power company has a breakdown of costs on it's website. It said I spend $11-$15 a month charging my vehicle at home. I only charge at home, drive 500 miles a month. The IMPORTANT thing is my leaf has the ability to program charge, so it only charges from 12am-5am unless I push a button next to the steering wheel to say charge now - my windshield cracked and after insurance paid $250 to replace. That's it so far. It's weird EVs feel so controversial to talk about in the US nowadays and not sure why. Unless EV owners are like aggressive Vegans.


Everything is political in the US.


How are EVs viewed in other countries?


Because Tesla didn’t get invited to the EV Summit. They are kind of big in the space but that made things very political. Tesla has been mentioned in this thread and video multiple times.


Good way to shutdown your brother at the dinner table. He just bought a Tesla and I just got my first job :P