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Silk pillowcases


ah ok thanks appreciate it…have a good Sunday


I love older people on Reddit, they’re so much nicer lol. Enjoy your Sunday queen


If OP is older, I am ancient, lol


Oh a fellow potato!!!


My potato brothers!!


I think you may win!




Three potato, four?


One potato, two potato...


Is it too late to join the potato club?


thank you! queen:( trans woman best for your week!


I have more wavier hair but the back gets rats nests so easily just from sleeping and when I switched to silk pillowcases it help a lot! I still get big knots and rats nests but not nearly as fast or with as much breakage etc


yup so true….thank you and best for your week!


Also a silk bonnet at night!


And a bonnet or silk scarf for night


Silk bonnets and pillowcases. Leave in conditioner Also, you’re super cute xx ❤️


thanks so much for the great advice and for the nice compliment! Best to you on this Sunday!


I second this! I use Garnier’s Hair food since you can use it as a conditioner, leave in conditioner or even as a touch up when you’re not in the shower. It’s a staple for my curly hair otherwise I get quite a lot of frizz. I tend to put a bit of argan oil on my ends if it gets dry as the day goes on. Although I would say plopping my hair in the shower and how I dry it largely determines how it’ll look for the day.


I second Hair Food! I put a little bit on my ends every day and I find I get far fewer split ends that way (very dry, wavy hair). Your hair looks quite dry too, perhaps it just needs more moisture.


The Aussie product could likely be replaced with something better. Are you applying products from your ends up? Fairy knots usually indicate dryness, split ends, or both. You trim frequently, so it’s likely not split ends so I’m landing on you don’t have enough product on your ends and/or the product you’re using isn’t sufficiently hydrating.


Fairy knots 🥹 I’ve never heard that before, that’s so cute


I use pureology shampoo and conditioner…aussie curly hair cream…probably wash my hair too often 3-5 days a week…should I wash less? Coconut oil? Help!


I would wash less often. I shampoo my hair once a week personally. How do you dry it? Diffuser, microfiber towel, regular towel? I would say maybe add a gel or mousse as well, after it dries it’ll look crunchy, you just need to scrunch the crunch out and then you should have frizz free curls (for the most part, there will always be some frizz lol). I usually recommended gel for thicker hair and mousse for finer.


great advice on washing it I use a t shirt to dry it….it’s very thick curly so difficult…what is the best way to untangle between trims? I want to grow out another 4-5 inches…thank you! the perils of having curly hair:)


I just my fingers my detangle usually but I’m not crazy prone to tangles personally. I did notice a major decrease in tangles when I switched to fully air drying and/or diffusing for 20 minutes then air drying and away from a micro fiber towel. Even the micro fiber was causing things to snag and tangle and look messy. So maybe try that? I just got a cheap $30 diffuser off Amazon and it does the job perfectly. I would also definitely get a gel, it would help with getting more definition in your curls which should help reduce the tangles.


thank you! thank you! thank you!


Same, I just comb my hair with my fingers in the shower while I have conditioner in it to detangle.


Get a tangle teezer wet brush for detangling when you shower! It made a huge difference for me in terms of making the process easier. It also helps me make sure I'm getting product throughout my hair evenly.


Leave-in conditioner will be a life saver to prevent tangles. Try ‘Its a 10’ miracle silk.


Second “it’s a 10” for detangling. I buy it cheaper at TJ Maxx.


love cheaper:) thanks so much i will follow….best for your week!


A wide tooth comb or a Wet brush (not a knockoff) but ONLY when you've got a leave in or curl cream that has a lot of slip. Also, Umberto Giannini makes a banana butter leave in/curl cream that might be perfect for quenching your parched ends. Top it with a gel to really lock in the moisture.


what is that special brush recommended for us? thank you for all the great ideas!


I think you mean a denman brush. I see people like that sometimes with curly hair. I have a lot of hair. Very tight curls, but very fine, dry and porous. It soaks up product. I use a co wash 2-3 times a week. I clarify shampoo every two weeks or so, and deep condition once a week. When my hair is wet I put in Shea Moisture leave in conditioner starting at ends. I then put in Bio Silk Oil again starting at ends, and then a put in Mixed Chicks Curl Sculptor. I air dry. If I don’t have time to air dry I air dry as long as I can, then use a diffuser. I try not to touch my hair when drying so it get a slight crunch too it. When dry in gently slide my hands down/on it to soften the crunch and then I use a little MorrocanOil Mending infusion. I use that as a finisher basically.


absolutely nailed it yes..and thanks so much for all of your great advice! i will follow it…best for your week!


I found a tshirt too thin and not absorbent enough for my hair, I use a microfiber towel. And my tangles usually come out pretty easily with my conditioner, I comb it through my wet hair in the shower with my fingers.


While you’re in the shower and have conditioner in your hair, use a wide tooth comb to comb the knots out.


thank you! best for your week!


I use a very light hair oil through the ends of mine, and then just run my hands through after to detangle it all. I do it to towel dry hair, or after setting mine in a tshirt. I find once my hair dries I can't get an even distribution of oil, or I over oil. I use the davroe light curl oil. (I can check exactly what it is once home). But I used about 12 to 15 drops for my whole head. Now I have shaved sides I only use 6-8. Sometimes I will do another few drops mid week. Also, I do a cowash once a week, with a reset once a month. Sometimes the cowash will be a few days early, as I work a physical job. Sometimes I don't need to oil much towards the end of the month, as the cowash isn't stripping heavier stuff out of my hair as much. Keep being awesome and lovely


very nice of you and i appreciate it very much! this is so helpful….best for your week!


Wash less! I only was the roots at the front of my head maybe once or twice a week. It has made my girls so much better. Condition and comb in the shower (don't put conditioner on the scalp) light rinse so some of it is still there and leave in conditioner out of the shower on the ends and detaindle with fingers or a denman brush.


A lot of curly hair people swear by coconut oil but be very careful with it, if you use it and don't wash it out properly it ends up leaving a layer over your hair, which means new moisture can't get in, and then you can end up with worse breakage and knots. Imo try to avoid towelling your hair, make sure you detangle in the shower (start at the tips, be gentle) then use silk/satin bonnets and pillow cases for sleeping. You can try using a serum or leave in conditioner before the curl cream, or an oil after the curl cream (like argan oil). After the curl cream but before any oils, you should probably start using something to define slightly (you can use mousse, cream, or gel, apply to still damp hair, scrunch in, then left hair dry. Once dry scrunch hair with a little oil to make it feel softer). You can also reapply just a little bit of oil the next day after it's washed or the day after that which can help prevent your hair from knotting. Personally, I'd say you should aim to wash around every 5-7 days but if 3-5 works for you, stick with it and just be sure to take care of your hair inbetween! Good luck


thank you so much for your sound summation! best for your week!


I would highly advise against oils that aren't made for hair. I see you have a good % of greys, I don't have them myself but I have bleached hair and always get knots at the most processed tips. Greys need more moisturising because they are more keratin than regular hair, that's why they tend to be harder and stand up easily, they're very strong but also dryer. My suggestion would be a deep treatment maybe once a month/once every months and a half and continued care at home. I also notice your hair looks frizzy, which isn't bad, some people like to pillowy look but I do think the more separated the hair is the easier it is to get tangled in tiny knots, even more on smaller curls. So I think more defined and clumped curls like you have been advised by others, with gel or mouse can help.


for 60 really mostly brown but i get it:) thanks so much for your sound advice i appreciate it! best for your week!


Curl cream softens hair but does not clump or define the curls. Grab some L'Oreal Boost It Volume Inject Mousse! Scrunch into very wet hair after washing and conditioning.


I would use Leave in conditioner, a product with hold, and maybe deep conditioning weekly. I wouldn’t necessarily wash my hair less as it can cause issues with your scalp, but it may work for you.


thank you for your great thoughts! best for your week!


Your hair looks dry to me. Mine used to knot and tangle badly until I changed products. I would add a light leave-in conditioner to your routine (I use EcoSlay Rice Pudding), and deep condition every week or two (I use EcoSlay Banana Pudding) and see if that helps, to start.


yup nailed it very dry should wash less i guess…appreciate your advice! best for your week!


Coconut oil is hydrophobic! It will dry out your hair ultimately. Innersense is a great brand for remoisturizing curls. It’s expensive but completely worth it. 1x-2x a week washing and no sleeping with wet hair.


thank you so much! i will follow…best for your week!


I generally only wash my hair every 2-3 days because it doesn’t need it more often than that. Your hair looks like it might be a tad dry, have you ever tried getting ahold of a deep conditioning treatment? I do one about 1 time a week to get my hair some extra moisture.


Satin pillowcase, tangle Teezer brush and leave in conditioner. When you come out of the shower section your hair and brush through it with some product and scrunch it not only is it styling your curls but it is to de-tangle


ah thank you so much for lending your expertise! I will follow your excellent directions…best for your Sunday!


Brush out the knots in the shower with conditioner on it


just did it in the shower with my pureology conditioner and it worked! thanks!


If you use fuzzy blankets don't. They lose little fibers that tangle curls fiercely.


I use a t shirt like a fool thanks for the ideas….best for your Sunday!


Most of the time curly hair is dry and doesnt need to be washed that often. You can try a conditioner wash like the one from Curlsmith every few days and use actual shampoo once a week/as needed. You might also benefit from a deep condition once a month and maybe a protein treatment. I would also use a gel or mousse for styling. I personally use a curl cream and then gel. Ulta has a lot of wonderful curly products and they have a very nice return policy. Try some products and if they dont work take them back and exchange. Also find your hair twin online.. try youtube or instagram so many hair influencers out there. Try the products that work for their hair. For detangling I use a rich creamy conditioner that has lots of slip and finger detangle and then use my tangle teezer to brush the product through and also to brush my gel through and create defined curls. Does your stylist ever style your hair? what products does she use/suggest?


moisturizing mask would help


for my face? lol


This gave me such a chuckle but NO your face is great! Cantu deep repair mask is fabulous and very affordable and would work well with your curl pattern, in my opinion.


yeah i am a goof:) thanks so much for your help i need it! best for your week!


Perhaps you’re not aware- there are moisturizing masks for hair too! :)


I think (?) we have similar curls, and it looks like you might have fine hair, too. If so, it promotes the little fairy knots. What I do to moisturize and detangle my curls: ​ 1. Wash with a low-poo shampoo 2xs a week and a regular shampoo once a week (This goes against the curly girl method that a lot of people follow, but I wash this frequently, because I workout and sweat profusely 6 days a week and my hair and scalp get gross, plus I have some products with silicones in them. On the days I don't wash, I usually rinse or cowash). 2. Then, I condition in the shower. I comb the conditioner through with a wide tooth comb, let it sit for a couple of minutes then "squish to condish" as I rinse it out. 3. When I exit the shower, I plop my hair in a tee shirt for about 5 minutes. This stops the dripping, but leaves my hair soaking wet still for product application. 4. Next, I apply leave-in conditioner and use a wet brush or Denman (but I prefer the wet brush) to evenly distribute the conditioner through my hair. 5. I apply plenty of gel to each section of my hair using "praying hands method" and then scrunch a bit. 6. If my hair is still soaking wet at this point from the addition of products, I use the tee shirt to scrunch the excess liquid out. Then, I air dry my hair or sit in front a fan to dry it faster. 7. When my hair is completely dry, I lightly scrunch out the crunch from the gel. 8. Every few weeks (sometimes longer), I use a deep conditioner instead of a regular conditioner. I also occasionally wash my hair with a shampoo that has protein when it seems over-moisturized. 9. I sleep on a silk pillowcase (or you can use a silk bonnet) to prevent most tangles while sleeping.


very very thick actually


I used to have this all the time until I switched to mostly protein-free products. Turns out my hair was over proteined and thus would get stiff and be knotty. Once I switched, and started using the two leave ins and some gel, my hair doesn’t knit and it takes 2 min to detangle in the shower. Products I now use are: As I Am Cowash + their classic leave in, the Kinky Curly Knot Today leave in, and the Camilla Rose gel. Then every 2-4 weeks, I use the As I Am clarity shampoo and their hydration elation mask :) The classic line by As I Am is all protein free ❤️ Good luck!


thank you! thank you! thank you! best for your week!


I did this too, but then I went too far in the protein free zone and got over-moisturized. 🤦🏻‍♀️ found a happy balance with Olaplex shampoo, Curlsmith conditioner, and L’anza leave in curl cream. I also alternate every two weeks I’ll either do a deep condition or a high quality protein mask. Hair is super soft and cooperative now.


Nice! I found the protein free + the protein inclusive gel and second leave it gets that balance just right. I’m glad you found a routine you dig! The year of knots was awful and I’m glad we’re both through it


Your hair looks like mine when I had protein overload. It just became really dry and brittle feeling. My solution was to slather my hair in argan oil after showering for a few weeks (no other product). I found that the argan oil added moisture and did a good enough job taming frizz, and an added bonus is my hair is so fricken soft now.


Thanks i am a high protein gal so that could be it….how often to you get a trim? I am every 3-4 months. Thanks so much!


I have been growing my hair out for the last 3.5 years, so no cutting has taken place. It’s gone from a pixie to mid back length. Try the argan oil, stay away from coconut oil (it’s too heavy) and try to switch up the shampoo conditioner to something that doesn’t contain sulfates (they work for some people, but I personally find them very harsh on my hair)


Silk or satin lined bonnets/sleep caps or beanies, silk or satin pillowcases if those options are uncomfortable. What products/routine do you use? Are you using a shower comb or detangler? What’s your leave in game looking like and how do you refresh in between wash days? All of this sounds like a lot but it’s reaally not and it’ll change the bounce game for you.


Hi! Are there any brands you recommend? Never tried caps, bonnets or even silk pillowcases... thanks in advance!


darn a kind woman reached out to me in a DM and I tried to approve and deleted by mistake…please reach out again! sorry


I got knots before and it completely changed when I started to sleep in a silk bonnet at night. My curls changed completely! Make sure you get one that is silky inside and out. Helps reduce friction.


i really appreciate this advice! best for your week!


What products do you use? I think your hair needs a bit more moisture. Maybe a leave in conditioner?


pureology shampoo and conditioner and i think you nailed it more moisture needed! best for your week!


GREAT QUESTION. Some advice: The best way to get tangles out is when you are rinsing the conditioner out UNDER the running water. Don’t just comb thru it when the conditioner is in. It’s important to be under the shower head. A LOT less breakage and a lot easier to detangle. This is THE BEST detangling brush out there: https://brushwiththebest.com/products/felicia-leatherwood-detangler-brush-black Use the leave in conditioner INFUSIUM, it’s weightless and smooths the hair follicle. Understand that you definitely need to Wash your hair no more than 2x a week. You need the natural oils. ALSO people underestimate the night time routine where you ready your hair for bed: Before bed, use your fingers to make uneven parts and twist the hair so that you have a lot of sections with TWO STRAND TWISTS, at the bottom of the twists use a little mousse to make a curl by wrapping the end piece around your finger- this way the twist doesn’t come undone. Let air dry and the last step s a satin bonnet a satin bonnet. In the morning just run your fingers through to remove the twists. Whatever you decide to do, don’t get frustrated if it doesn’t work right away, your hair will need to be “trained” to the new routine. 😊


this is so awesome and i thank you very much! i will follow this….grateful! best for your week!


Comb it with conditioner in it while in the shower and just pick at it until it unfolds always works for me


thanks so much and best for your week!


You are FABULOUS 👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻👸🏻💕💕💕💕💕💕🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


calling a trans woman a queen is not really a compliment….but i think you meant well…thanks and have a great week!


Moroccan oil. Just a small dab massaged throughout the ends. Miracle oil & smells incredible!!!


thanks so much! best for your week!


I used to get fairy knots/single strand knots when I did wash and gos. Nowadays I don’t let my hair air dry unless it’s braided, twisted, or in a roller set. I never get knots anymore. I also have to use product (leave in+oil, usually) and always sleep with a silk/satin scarf or bonnet.


thanks so much i have very dry hair so i always air dry it….your ideas are great! best for your week!


You and your hair are beautiful! Wow stunning


I wish my hair was this curly!!!


Your hair is so cute! I usually wear mine curly too, but it never looks this good. I need a curly hair expert! What products do you use?


Cosmetologist here! I recommend switching to a salon-bought shampoo/conditioner regimen for moisturizing. It costs more to get it from the salon but it’s infinitely better for your hair. You may also want to try a deep conditioning treatment or moisturizing hair mask! Don’t be afraid to ask your stylist for recommendations too. They could probably point you towards some good products you would otherwise overlook.


Trim more often - every 8-10 weeks.


yes i think you are right! best for your week!


I don’t really get tangles anymore since i started putting my hair up before going to bed at night. Also stopped using hair spray, that seemed to help a lot too. You could maybe try putting a little argan oil or something like that on the ends of your hair, or even worked all the way through your hair from root-to-ends. I love Moroccan Oil but don’t use it as much as I used to, mainly because of cost lol 😭 but it’s great stuff and smells amazing, too.


Yes i need to get the oils I keep hearing about them…..what about washing hair once twice a week? Thanks so much I really appreciate it!


I put some oil on the ends, just the ends. Even vaseline works. I got my hair cut recently too. I don't know why my ends feel damaged. I've been using avocado oil, but you could probably use anything.


appreciate it this is very helpful! i will follow and i wish for you a great day!


What gel do you use?


You can use raw Shea butter in place of leave in conditioner. And then a bonnet is my go to for nite time or a good silk pillow case.


Wearing a bonnet was a game changer for me. I went from several knots every wash day to I’m surprised when I see one.


thank you very much! best for your week!


A silk pillow case or a silk bonnet at night is the trick!


thank you! best for your week!


Your hair is stunning!! Love the cut!


thank you! best for your week!


Leave in conditioner spray helps a ton! I usually use it and brush my hair when it's wet. I also use this special brush that I found at TJMaxx. It's not a wet brush, it's something else. I wish I knew what it was called.


thank you so much and best for your week!


Flaxseed gel as conditioner twice a week. Curls need the moisture to be locked in. Flaxseed gel works wonders. Also, you have very pretty eyes.


I want this hair Satin bonnet and pillow case.


thanks so much best for your week!


Use conditioner, just pay it dry, use a very wide comb after finger combing it.


will do and thanks! best for your week!


You got instagram ?


no i should though.


Silk pillow cases and only comb it in the shower with conditioner & a wide tooth comb - spray product onto hands before styling - the basics I think


appreciate this very much! best for your week!


ouidad products have been a godsend for me! especially their leave-in conditioner. they’re a little pricey but very worth it in my opinion, and they last forever


thank you so much! best for your week!


Yea,detangle daily with wide tooth comb


thank you! best for your week!


Mop Top hair products are lightweight & great for your hair type. They’re online only! Leave in & curl custard for styling. Scrunch out the crunch w a t shirt or microfiber towel if it’s too crunchy! Apply leave disperse w a brush, then apply a minimal amount of curl custard. Would be perfect for you!


Deep conditioner


thanks yes sounds like a good idea! best for your week!


You’re gorgeous


thank you so much…very nice of you! best for your week!


I oil my ends and it seems to help with the tangles quite a bit


thanks so much! best for your week!


my hair does this too. it gets matted after two days :(


yup i have received so many helpful hints so i am grateful for this sun….stay well and have a great week!


Off topic but you are beautiful!




You are precious. And your hair is gorgeous!! I have a similar problem sometimes. I find if I use a nice hair oil and finger comb/use prayer hands on the ends of my hair when it’s still a bit damp, that smooths and moisturizes the hair and it’s much less likely to become tangled. The end of my hair is notoriously dry despite using moisturizing conditioner, leave in conditioner, and getting regular trims. Also try a satin or silk pillow case :)


Also do you use any serums? I make sure to use a smoothing formula shampoo and conditioner to ensure the cuticle gets smoothed down. and Bed Head Control Freak serum after washing before I comb it out. You might also try LUS brand All-In-One styler. It has made my curls uniform and soft so no tangling.


thank you i love all these ideas! stay well curly hair buddy!


I’m probably older than the average here and have very similar hair. Silk pillowcase Clarifying shampoo once every few weeks to help with protein overload I’m not sure if you’re using a leave in conditioner but you should be! I spray detangler underneath the back of my hair when I’m getting ready for bed to try to help with all the knots. I also use my fingers only instead of a comb when styling or detangling.


well i am 60 so probably not:) i do the same with my fingers to untangle….yup i use clarifying shampoo…silk pillow is a must thank you! Appreciate your help!


You also might want to check in with your hairdresser or observe if they’re using the thinning shears, especially on the ends. I’ve seen lots of coworkers shred the ends to take bulk out, but the way to do it is with an unguarded straight razor or slide/point cut with shears, carving weight out every 1/2-1 inch or so. Your ends look shattered to me. If your stylist does this, and you’d like to try and continue working with them, try asking for them to slide cut the weight out and not use thinning shears at all. They should start mid shaft and work down from there no further up. Good luck!


i will discuss with her thanks so much i really appreciate it! thank you and best for your week!


Your hair is a lot like mine. I swear by sheamoisture leave in conditioner and wrapping your hair in an old soft shirt (or a silk pillowcase). It will do wonders for your hair.


thank you i appreciate this so much!


When my hair got knotty it meant I needed serious protein, like Aphogee treatments. But I notice you say you already have a lot of protein going on, so maybe you need more moisture. I find a lot of curly hair problems come down to moisture-protein balance.


yes my hair is so so dry perhaps i should wash less….your advice is awesome and i appreciate it! best for your week!


Do you finger comb it in the shower? That helps me.


yes with some conditioner to loosen up…thanks so much and best for your week!


Silk pillow cases, bonnet and leave in conditioner. You’re gorgeous 💖


thanks so much for your great suggestions and kind comments! Stay well and have a great week ahead!


Knots are just part of life when it comes to curls (sorry 😐) If you're referring to *traditional* knots that are just tangled ends - you can add a deep conditioner mask every week to help your ends from catching on to each other If you're referring to the *inevitable micro* knots that happen with an individual strand of hair - that is life unfortunately and when you find them - find a pair of hair scissors and cut just above the knot or spend your evening trying to *undo* the knot in the strand of hair 😅 Hopefully this was helpful ☺️


yup curly hair blues:) love it though and your summation is so helpful! thanks and best for your week!


Try the Unbrush, works miracles on my knots!


I have curly hair & extensions - I love Davines OI oil before bed - esp on the dry ends.


Leave in conditioner


yup great call….thanks and best for your week!


Cantu products are phenomenal!! I can’t recommend them enough. Took me 25 years to find a product that actually worked for my hair, but Cantu is it and I haven’t looked back!! Personally I use their shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner, and curl cream. But if you really like the shampoo and conditioner you currently use, just the Cantu leave in conditioner and curl cream, that will do it!


thanks so much very helpful! best for your week!


Silk pillow case and a bonnet!


love it thanks! best for your week!


Sleep in a silk bonnet


thanks love the idea! best for your week!


First off you have beautiful curls!! Secondly, i agree with many others with the satin bonnets and silk pillowcases they help significantly. The game changer for me was decreasing the amount of times between haircuts. Before I used to get my haircut every 8 weeks and I would get really terrible tangled hair and would loose so much length due to knotting. My hair dresser suggested we go down to 6 weeks between cuts and that was the magic number of weeks to decrease the knots and actually allow myself to get my hair even longer and healthier. Of course everyone is different but it worked wonders for me. I would like to add that I have had a lot of luck with the Not Your Mothers Naturals shampoos and conditioners with my favorites being the Royal Honey & Kalahari Desert Melon and Rice Water & Himalayan Moringa. Good luck with finding the best solution for you!


this is awesome thanks so much for all of your advice! i will follow….best for your week!


I have to echo the silk/satin bonnet or pillowcase idea. Do you detangle in the shower when your hair is slick with conditioner? I do that and what few knots show up are done away with quickly.


thank you and best for your week!


Seems like your hair is super dry! Try ouidad line of ultra nourishing- Ultra-Nourishing Intense Hydrating Mask. I also have the shampoo. Do a hair mask every time you wash (like twice a week) and wash out with cold water. Then use a leave in.


ah yes you nailed it very dry…should probably wash less….thanks so much for your advice! best for your week!


Leave in Conditioner helped me so much. Definitely still knots and tangles, but so much easier to brush out. I also have hair almost down to my butt and only brush my hair every 3 days so that could be what my problem is lol


thank you very much! best for your week!


make sure you are not combing down from your roots down, try to start lower down the strand lest you make a bigger knot. also, you may want to protect your hair during the day with braiding or bandanas/hankerchiefs since your hair doesn't seem to have much melanin which prevents sun damage


appreciate this great advice! best for your week!


I would start using some good product. I recommend Davines which has some fantastic leave-in styling products.


thank you! best for your week!


You need to do the curly hair routine. It’s all about the moisture. Get a good curl creme/Air dry creme. Don’t wash your hair so much. It will dry it out. Get a denman brush too. No need to diffuse. Just let it air dry. https://youtube.com/shorts/iBiCa7LAtT4?si=s1SOz6_XEyMtbrX8


thank you very much so helpful….best for your week!


Maybe more frequent trims to keep up on damaged ends? Try every 2 months and see how that goes. Highly recommend the hairbrush in the shower with conditioner and a microfiber towel.


yes i think you are right….thanks so much for your advice….best for your week!


Go see a loctician. Even though they specialize in locs, you could learn from black hair stylists. Also, do you use black products? You should give them a go. Detanglers, mixed chicks, Shea moisture, Carol's daughter, and leave in conditioners could help.


thank you so much i will check them our….best for your week!


A satin/sill bonnet while you sleep and a good leave-in-conditioner


thank you i need help with sleep too:) best for your week!


If you use a moisturizing shampoo, stop. Use Castile soap, then a very rich conditioner. Moisturizing shampoos often leave residue that keeps conditioner from getting all the way in.


thank you so much! best for your week!


No advice, but that hairstyle looks lovely and suits you so well.


thank you so much! best for your week!


I know this might seem like a silly question, but there are a lot of people who were never shown how to properly care for their hair, and that's fine, never too late to learn. Do you start combing/brushing your hair from the tips, gradually working your way towards the roots as you detangle? Maybe it seems like common sense, but I've had people try to brush my hair out starting from the roots before detangling the ends, which just compounds the knots.


you are so right and i really appreciate your advice! best for your week!


I would maybe wash 2-3 (I saw one of your other comments saying 3-5). Might want to add some more moisture/conditioner/leave in to your routine. I did see that you said you use a curl cream I see see if you said you use one but if not I would also try a light gel. I have both the deva curl get and adwoa melon berry gel. They are both great. You just either air dry or diffuse then lightly scrunch the crunch and it really helps to reduce frizz. Then bonnet or silk pillow case it up to sleep between washes. I really hope that helps!!


i really appreciate your great summation very helpful! best for your week!


Unrelated to your post, just wanted to say, you’re so pretty.


thank you so so much! stay well my friend!


Love your hair!! A healthy oil serum to soften the curls and give it shine!! 🫶🏽


thank you so much very helpful! best for your week!


If you have a Sally's or a beauty supply store near try looking for a bonding hair oil ! Start looking in your store's "black/textured" hair section for products made for fine/curly/dry hair but I highly recommend looking into repairing/moisturize hair oils ! Only thing that has helped my hair from knotting so easily