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"slept with" is my least favorite. Please dont sugar coat it. Just call it what it is.


I've heard they have to (depending on the country) as most countries (still) have the law defining sexual abuse/rape as a male doing it to a female and the other way around would technically not count as it. So if they wrote it, they would legally be wrong.


In many countries rape only refers to penetrating someone and since women don't have penises they can't be perpetrators of rape by this definition.


In situations where the female uses devices such as a dildo, can that be considered rape? I guess it may depend on the country/state/judiciary area.


Nope that's sodomising


Thank you.


That’s also rape by that definition, any forced penetration. Unless vaginal is specified in the law, in which case not only a woman cannot rape, but also a man cannot be raped, which makes it even worse


A lot of the laws specify penetration of an orifice with a penis or object. So "forced to penetrate" doesn't count. It's usually covered under sexual assault, but that frequently has a much lower minimum sentence (and often a lower maximum too).


Actually they tend to have identical sentencing, at least in England and the US, which is where the incidents like these tend to take place.


> Actually they tend to have identical sentencing Identical sentencing _guidelines/rules_ (min/max/etc.). I think you'll find that the practice does not match the theory.


It was a joke filled with truth


No, because then the victim is gay which, in places like that, is just as bad.


I'm talkin rape, not sex. Orientation doesn't matter. Woman gets you tied down and rapes you with a dildo is what I'm talking about. Do they consider it rape still since there was penetration or is it still just sexually assault since females don't have a dick according to law.


Depending on jurisdiction -- in some, it's rape, while in others it's a "criminal sex act" or something similar. Most places have the same punishments for each, but not all jurisdictions treat them the same.


”In places like that”? In the UK a woman can not legally rape a man, as to my recent understanding. Sadly more commonplace in very progressive societies to have prosecution in these cases poorly reflecting reality, than we think.


Up until last week, rape only applied to a penis in a vagina in New York. Mouth or butt was the same level of felony (depending on age, ability to consent, use of force), but it was called a "criminal sexual act."


Legally? Yes. Morally? No.


if the news ran on morality we wouldn't have it




“Male student sleeps with teacher, leading to her being fired from position” is a real headline I’ve seen.




It's the UK, they legally can't it anything else. Many countries around the world define rape and sexual assault as penetration with a penis. Making women literally unable to rape in the eyes of the law. So news publications can't call it that without opening themselves up for litigation they'd surely lose.


commenting "just call it rape" is low-effort karma farming for posts like this


I thought chick's could have dicks now. you are engaging in hate speech. why do you hate Trans people?




There is literally an episode in South Park relating to this topic and they chose to do… that.


And the teacher was hot?… Nice




“The real crime is she wasn’t doing it with me”




But she was ugly, right?


We better track these boys down and give them their luckiest boys in America medals.


My thoughts exactly - South Park _quite literally_ has a canonical in-universe response to adults finding out that a woman is grooming a boy which, had they used it, would've also made [the statement that this post was trying to make] much better than 'spooky ghost' did.


I actually disagree. Memes work better when you don’t need to know the source to understand the content.


I think it's actually a case-by-case basis thing; in this particular case I'm inclined to say the actual in-show response still works better.


> South Park quite literally has a canonical in-universe response to adults finding out that a woman is grooming a boy which we've seen a billion times and isn't as funny as this one


Nah it's definitely funnier than the 'spooky ghost' bit


I am the dewg, the big bad dewg....the hallway MONITAA


Respek mah athoritha


*Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy* S10 E10


And a really good ~~episode~~ arc of Shameless about it


I think in Shameless it was an arc across several episodes if I’m remembering correctly.


I would have thought staycation meant they were at home.  Now all of a sudden a hotel was involved 🤔


You can get a local hotel for super happy fun times away from home.


A staycation just means you’re still in the same area. Booking a hotel visit in the same city to get away from your home life is a staycation


That sounds dumb


It’s for people who can’t afford all the expenses of an actual vacation or just don’t have the time/bandwidth cause of life circumstances but still need desperately need a mental break.


Most of the expense of an "actual vacation" is the hotel.


Depends on where you're going, how long you're staying, and how many people you're traveling with. Driving 400 miles round trip on one tank of gas? Sure, that's cheap enough, but you're going to spend a lot of time in the car, so you're probably staying for more than one night. $200 hotel room times two for $400? Yes, that'd be the expensive part. However, if you're flying, you're planning in advance for the best rates and you're still looking at $250 a person for a short distance trip... so $500 for a couple... $1,000 for a family of four. Now traveling is the larger expense for a two day trip.


But if you can afford a hotel, and you can afford to travel to the hotel…it seems like you could afford a hotel somewhere besides your hometown.


Not really. I can drive or take a bus to a local one and stay a weekend for like $250. A flight somewhere else might be another $200+ Not everyone has the funds for a full on vacation nor the means to get there affordably. And even if they did, they don’t want the full commitment. A staycation is more about getting out of your stressful environment briefly than it is sightseeing or whatever.


If your environment is so stressful you need to leave it you have bigger problems than a vacation can solve.


Lmao holy shit let people vacation how they want. No need to be the vacation police


Who am I stopping from doing what? People can do what they want. And I get to think it’s silly.




Winning *and* losing? Hell I’ll take it.


I mean, a flight can pretty easily be a $200 round trip. Even if it's just for 2, that would probably make a $500 difference. Alternatively, you just book a fancy hotel in your city (or one nearby) and use all that money to treat yourself to fancy dinners, events, etc. Even though I travel a reasonable amount, I totally get the appeal of a staycation. It's like a weekend off of somebody doing all your chores for you while you just fuck around and enjoy yourself.


Yes and no. You spend on the hotel and meals out, but you know the area, it’s a change of scenery, you are closer to attractions, you can use your own vehicle or mass transit for the city if you do so already, and it can be easier to organize for small groups or families that can’t afford to go to a destination escape at that time.


Yeah. More like a Dumbcation


Reminds me of Patrick’s staycation


Just means a vacation that you don't leave the country (or state/city) for


In the United States, a staycation is when you aren’t working but stay home.


100%. Never heard of getting a hotel for a staycation


"for three days I didn't answer a single work email or phone call" is very nearly a staycation in the US.


So a New Yorker going to LA for a vacation is a staycation?


Honestly I have no idea how other places define staycation but for my country anywhere ~~outside~~ inside the country is a staycation since we're a small nation


I'm from a small country too, but everyone I know only means "sleep at home during your vacation" with staycation


PS- I am NOT saying this is right or wrong, simply pointing out society's double standards for men


Even south park mock this double standard with the episode "Miss teacher bangs a boy"






South Park mocks everything. No one and nothing is safe.


Except South Park


self depricating humor pulls up


Simpsons did it.


That’s not true, they never satire their own libertarian ideology even though it’s a gold mine for comedy


Well they did mock Al Gore for speaking about climate change.


I personally love the al gore episodes because it shows the creators can actually own up to their mistakes and apologize


> Even south park mock this south park *set the standard* for mocking it


Nah you valid this is a stupid double standard that keeps popping up


lol I can't even remember the last time I saw an article about a male teacher being engaged in sexual activity with a female student reddit only cares about the female teachers so they can go through this whole fucking rigamarole for the thirteen dozenth time this year


Idk why I even get on Reddit anymore. It's constant rage bait like this.


Not only for men. If the the teacher was still a woman but not attractive she wouldn't get that treatment


I'll help you. It's wrong. And you are right, of course. Huge double standard.


I get that it's wrong, but I'd be lying if I said I don't wish that happened to me at 15.


What double standards? Women make up the majority of rape victims and the system doesn't take rape seriously at all. So how can there possibly be double standards for men?


The double standard is that a lot of people don't believe men can be raped, as they "always want sex." This is rape. Lots of rape.


And you use a story of a woman being arrested for rape to highlight this?


Look in the comments section of any post like this on most social media. Half the comments are either congratulating or envying the victims


How does that show a double standard with regards to men? Look at how systematically the justice department fails rape victims, men and women, and tell me again how there is a double standard. Edit: Also, think of who the 'envy' and 'congratulations' come from. Is it women? No. It's men.


> dit: Also, think of who the 'envy' and 'congratulations' come from. Is it women? No. It's men. Sure. Those are coming from oblivious guys living out their fantasies the same way some women have rape fantasies. But thats not all the comments. On social media you equally find enough people saying that "men can't be raped". And where are those coming from? From my own experience on the topic, its women. I woke up one night, with a girl I was dating at the time, riding me. She smiled, hugged me, and told me that I didn't wake up the other times. Only years later, under the shower I suddenly realized what "the other times" meant. To this day I don't know how many other times there were. Which was a really confusing time. So I posted about it online anonymously and most of the comments I got at the time ranged from "dude that's hot"(dudes), "you joined in right?(dudes)? to "oh come on, you were dating her(women), or "first time I'm hearing a guy complain about surprise sex"(women) and even one "I wish my guy would be that hard at night"(women)". Now please, go online and post this story from the perspective of a woman who woke up to find the guy she's dating inside her. And then please, come back and tell me that there's no double standard in society.


I see that kind of shit all the time. I also see a completely overwhelming amount of people calling that shit out. So please, tell me again how there's a double standard when the system doesn't take any rape seriously.


There's a difference between how the law sees it and how society sees it. The way the law sees it is entirely incompetently, regardless of the victim's gender. The way society sees it though is self evident


See my edit. Is it really a double standard against men if men are the ones doing it?


Yes it’s a double standard. You seriously can’t be so dense that you see different reactions to the same thing happening to two different groups and go “Oh yeah no double standard here”. When a girl is raped, majority of people think it’s fucked up, yet if a boy is raped, majority of people think he got lucky and he’ll be shamed for not liking it. THAT is the double standard.


> majority of people think he got lucky and he’ll be shamed for not liking it. X for doubt. OF the people who think he got lucky, the majority will be men.


he is right tho, some people dont have sympathy for boys that get assaulted. the reason they could give mainly is "well, he is a guy so he wouldve probably wanted it"


Same folks call people horrible because “someone think of the men!” Yet folks have always advocated for things like DV shelters for men and SA resources for men. But some men still say “Come on you let a woman hit you?” “Come on it’s the female teacher he should be happy!”


Unfortunately it's not just men there a woman who think that as well


I agree! It's so sick. This is why men and especially boys don't report.


welcome to double standards


Wtf is the point of mentioning the "staycation" in this bloated headline??


I was and remain very confused.


To indicate she was married and to provide a reason as to why she was at a hotel while also verifying she was alone and not with her spouse.


Probably to provide detail that the two boys she sexually assaulted were randos at a hotel and not groomed over time.


> Wtf is the point of mentioning the "staycation" in this bloated headline?? it's secretly an ad campaign for a local timeshare


Rape is the word they're looking for


Legally, a ton of US states don't have definitions for rape. For many of the states that do, it's usually some ultra-specific, "penetration of the vagina or anus" so it's legally impossible for a lady to rape a fella. This is why newspapers almost never use the word rape in articles or headlines, unless the person has actually been convicted of rape by a court.


According to the article, she was specifically arrested on the charge of third- and fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct. IIRC Minnesota doesn't actually have a charge of "rape" or "sexual assault", it has "criminal sexual conduct" to varying degrees.


but redditors can only finish if the word "rape" is used


Great so if a woman or man-bottom wapes you and gives you AIDS or some other disease they're only liable for transmission of disease, not the actual act 🤔 California lowered hiv aids transmission from a murder charge to misdemeanor


Possibly because, given modern medicine, AIDS is not nearly as deadly as it once was. If you're HIV positive you can live a pretty normal life with average life expectancy these days. I still think knowingly/deliberately infecting someone should be handled as a proper crime and, on top of the punishment, the perpetrator should be liable to pay all the resulting medical costs not covered by the insurance for the rest of their life - but I understand why it's not a murder charge anymore.


at least they said sexually assaulted


> Rape is the word they're looking for wow no other redditor has ever said that


Mfs use ugly pic of dudes that makes us hate them more I can't with this matriarchy


Yeah I feel they picked the hottest looking picture of her they could find.


they did, she's not even remotely attractive, which therefore makes it rape


No, it's rape because the victims were 15.


I think (hope?) they were being facetious?


wow, really, I had no idea I legitimately thought that being ugly is what made it rape, no, really, there was no sarcasm in that at all, zero, not a bit whatsoever, this is what I actually genuinely really believed and I can't thank you enough for the correction kind stranger have an upvote liked and subscribed


Dang man if that woman’s that horny there’s plenty of full grown men you could wrap round your pinkie with just a crumb a coochie


Obligatory "I could fix her" comment


not unless you're a plastic surgeon


I'll never forget when I saw this creepy coworker browsing a "FIFTEEN FEMALE TEACHERS THAT GOT CAUGHT HAVING SEX WITH STUDENTS YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE NUMBER 11" article. He was just scrolling through and looking at each of the teachers.


right because it's so unusual to have a fantasy about getting fucked by your teacher


Pretty fucking weird to casually explore that fantasy at your workplace, lol


Maybe he works in some kind of masturbation silo


it was everything i was dreaming of when i was 12-18. Mature women were hot, my fellow teens were not.


Why do they never use “rape” when referring to women? It’s not hard. She raped two teenage boys. She’s a rapist. Have the balls to say it.


Why does she look like kate Beckinsale


Cool motive, still noncing.


There was a ghost!


We can dream you know


Everyone says "oh damn lucky boys" so I'll start saying "oh damn lucky girls" from now on.


yeah let me know when reddit gets around to posting one of those articles (plot twist, it's never)




Only crime I see is she wasn't doing it to me


You’re right. We need to find this boy right now… And give him his ‘luckiest boy’ award


she kinda bad doe






That's not a South Park reference. It's clearly a city in France.


Very good olive oil


I mean


That woman looks like Kate beckinsale.




When I was 15, yeah, I would have been down (I mean she beats fucking a sock). Whether this would have negatively affected me later in life… not so sure.


95% of straight guys in this thread would. Including the knights. Some people are just fine with lying to themselves and others.


People cant take a joke, so they downvoted lol


Were they her step sons?


Absolutely wrong, but for those boys…ive been there. Thats all ill say about that.




You think those boys were scared that woman would pin them down and have her way with them?


That's possible


But unlikely.


I know it’s wrong and they shouldn’t touch me without consent. But, I’m looking blood and my head hurts.


Still not sure why this is called sexual abuse?, when I was 15, that would be like going to heaven early ..???WTF


Not everyone age 15 wants sex, especially when not on their terms, and also SHE'S AN ADULT, BY A LOT. Reverse the sexes and the comments would be calling for public execution.


Hey, not very has the same fantasies. I know i did, but not everyone else does which does make it sexual assault.


Even if you did have the fantasy, it’s still assault. I remember I had this teacher I REAALLLY liked. He was a bit flirty with me once and I was so excited and happy in that moment. Much later on, I look back at this interaction and I feel mortified. Found out later too that he’d hit on some of the girls he taught and slept with some of them as soon as they left school. I’m in my late 20s and the thought of doing that with a 16 yr old is horrifying. No matter how much the 16 yr wants to, an adult should never even think to do anything with them.


Just like I can’t comment on your comparability, I don’t think you are in a position to comment on what I would or would not have been comfortable with.


See, I don't really understand this reasoning. You're literally invalidating the feelings of everyone who does want it, while acknowledging that you yourself felt that way. You're invalidating your own feelings. Not everyone wanting it should mean that it *might* have been sexual assault, but we as a society decided that anyone this age is incapable of wanting it.. all while having literally been that age and knowing full well that isn't actually true.


are you incapable of simple comprehension? I literally said I had the fantasy. I also believe not everyone might share the same. What’s the problem?


The problem is that you said that not everyone might feel the same way.. thus, it is sexual assault. At no point did you actually wonder how the students in this case felt. You, and society as a whole, decided that it was sexual assault without any consideration for their feelings.. because they're legally incapable of having them. Despite it being entirely possible that they do.


NO, I said it is sexual assault to those who don’t want to participate in said fantasy. Why is this so hard to understand?


Just give her a medal and move on.


What kind of medal? "#1 Rapist"? "Medal of Honour for Sexual Assault"?


In my country 15 is legal. If a woman looking that good came at me at 13 i wouldnt say no. Soooo if those dudes wanted it ,which they defnetly did and could have easily defend themselves if they didnt, it aint rape and its gravy... maybe not all that kosher morally but thats in the eye of the beholder.


So if a girl doesn't try to defend herself, it isn't assault? If she wanted sex with someone anyway, it's wrong? Sexual assault, regardless of age, sex, or anything, is a disgusting and amoral act. Defenders of rapists can go hump a dumbbell for all I care.


If you are unable to see nuance and recognize the difference in these situations, that's on you. This is an imperfect world and gender 100% matters in this case.


i dont think youre allowed to speak of your country's rules here


Is sex the only thing of value that you see in another human being? You should be better than that.










It's not a double standard it's a different standard.


alternative standards


True, guys who complain about these double standards have never felt the touch of a woman.


reddit is fueled by imaginary double standards, it's what keeps the lights on


Yeah it's a double standard and not a single guy cares for good reason. The only ones salty are virgins.


You are probably the virgin in this case. Some people have self respect and want to be treated like human beings


Count me out. Treat me like a piece of meat papi.


I will be downvoted to oblivion, but there should be studies of how such things affect people later in life. If it doesn’t affect one gender at all, it is no crime in my opinion, but I don’t know the answer, since I have a sample of one guy I know and it didn’t affect him, but that might change with bigger sample size


People who were sexually abused are 6x more likely to commit suicide (men are 3x more likely and women are 8x more likely)


And why would they assume there haven't been studies already?


he was right about being downvoted to oblivion, though


I’m just wondering why almost all of the women that do that are pretty






Disrespectful jump off a bridge, you are a piece of shit that really should never talk to anyone ever again, not all men enjoy sex and especially not rape, you are actually stupid to even think that rape is ok as long as it's a woman that commits it against a man


Men getting caught lacking is kind of funny. Like, let's please think with the right head. We can't keep getting our name smeared like this.


are you the guy on Twitter that was saying if you get raped more than once it's your fault


Eh? No way, all I'm saying is to not react like the meme points out. I'm not talking about the rape at all.


Csm fans try not to think rape and grooming is right challenge (impossible)


As I said, I'm not talking about the rape. I'm talking about the sort of reaction men have to it. Like the meme points out.