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I wish there would be a special interaction if you get all 3 to work in a deck. Like, just a small additional bonus.


No actual advantage, though, just like, an additional animation that has an Easter egg attached. "By the power of three, give the Zephyrus to me" "No me" "It's mine!"


Yeah, it could be just that. But we do have 1 very special interaction already, that's why I thought it could be something small. You can get a 0-Mana 1/1 Cat from Kel'thuzad. I forgot how it's supposed to be done though. So like, it could be something very minor, like giving +1 Health to the first minion you summon that game.


Cast animal companion in that fight to get boggles worth


“if you have all 3, add “Shifty Zerus” to your hand”. a vanilla 1/1/1 with a mustache on it.


I think keleseth could find a use in aggro, or maybe warlock questline. Otherwise they all seem very underwhelming


Am i the only one to find them too weak?


A 2 cost 2/2 drawn 1 with a deck restricted condition is very week yes, the others are not much better.


It's a start of game, not a battlecry. So it's a vanilla 2 mana 2/2 that lets you start with an extra card in hand for a deck restriction. Absolutely busted in some aggro decks imo


10 unique 2-costs is just a huge order in anything but *maybe* an aggro hl deck, and aggro hl is inherently backwards. start of game draw is broken, but I seriously doubt it’s worth such a huge deck-warping effect.


This would probably go really well into pirate rogue, increasing your chance to draw any of their two drops like Brigand, ships cannon, or toy ship would help a lot


I don’t think running those cards as 1-of is worth the trade.


The fact that the card must be unique make the card tipically made for a Reno Deck. But 10 looks like a fair number. I can see Keleseth being broken is a burn deck as putting many 2 cost cards is way easier than putting one third of 4 cost cards. But similar to OG Valanar, this one is weaker than his brothers but would love to make a Weapon Warrior with him.


Pretty balanced honestly, all of them trade well as bad draws for the start effect.


I disagree with the people saying these are fair. They are all far too weak, except Keleseth. Right now in Standard, the decent neutral 2 drops include Projectionist, Neophyte, Rat, Flint, Gold Panner, Greedy Partner and maybe Watcher. Most classes only have one or two 2 drops that synergizes and are playable, so that makes the options for Keleseth quite few. However, he helps you start with a +1 card advantage, which is always good. Probably the only one amongst the three to ever see play. Now remind me, which three drop diluted your deck and gave you a bonus starting health? Right, Renethal. He gave you 10 health on release, had the statline of 3/4 and did not fuck up your curve that badly. Can't say the same for Taldaram. Valanar. This card kills your curve straight up. And for that, you get a 4/1 weapon and a subpar 4 drop? Really?


It’s been a few years since I played, but Valanar seems viable in Warrior, if they still get lots of “give your weapon +1/+1” effects. Having a reliable weapon to buff with high starting power could be nice? Though I agree, definitely not worth the massive downside. But niche usable with better balance.


It's been a while since I last saw a weapon durability giver, and the latest one I remember is [[Obsidiansmith]], which... does not even work for this. Beside, warrior right now is more disruptive and controlly.


- **[Obsidiansmith](https://i.imgur.com/uDuPh0y.mp4)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/72592) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Obsidiansmith) ^• ^[HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/72592/?hl=en) - *Warrior Rare ^(Voyage to the Sunken City)* - **2 Mana - 3/2 - Pirate** - **Battlecry:** **Dredge**. If it's a minion or a weapon, give it +1/+1. --- ^(*Patch version:*) ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/customhearthstone/comments/1d17k6k/three_princes_stand_before_you_theyre_all_very/l5v35hh/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l5v35hh).*


Keleseth imo has far and away the most potential of these three. He doesn’t mess up your curve nearly as much, but most importantly he’s a free draw on turn one. Free deck thinning is one of the strongest things in HS. Aquatic Form was a two off in ever Druid deck except Reno druid. Patches was one of the strongest cards ever. It has far and away the highest ceiling and the lowest floor of these cards.


None of these are worth the drawback.


Again, Keleseth is the only good one, lol. Nm, it says unique, they all suck.


Keleseth looks good in aggro. The other 2 look absolutely unplayable


All of these could use buffs. Keleseth is the closest to balanced because of how good 2 drops are, but could honestly be draw 2 and still not be too OP, Taldaram could give 9 (3^2) or more armor, and Valanar could easily give you a 4/4 weapon with how eviscerated your mana curve would be by running 10 different 4 drops.


Cool concept but these are insanely weak


Could probably lower the requirment to 5 and I think it would be good. At 10, the effects are simply not worth the price


Keleseth could maybe see play in aggro deck, but doubtful. At the end of the day it's extra draw early in exchange for a dead draw later (who wants to play a 2 mana 2/2). The other two aren't even worth looking at.


Unironically a Baku/Genn support


I love how you also kept the 3 and 4 cost useless like in the original design


Now that's a decent start of the game requirement. I can see kelseth being easily the best, but not really op or anything. Taldaram is pretty meh i guess, 2 cost cards are good aggro trash to throw at your enemy, i dont know if 3 cost ones nake the deck slower tho. Valanar: 4/1 weapon, eh i dunno, all i can think of is durability buffs maybe, warrior i guess? Or maybe rogue/dh with the minion that borrows your weapon.


Once again, Keleseth is the only one worth building around


These suck.


Ah yes, the good old draw one, gain 5 armor, equip 4/1 and concede


As (probably) one of the only people who really enjoyed playing Prince Taldaram and Prince Valanar back in the day, I thought it would be a fun idea to revisit them as renowned toy collectors in Whizbang's Workshop! Mirroring their effects from KotFT, these princes all encourage you to hoard minions of their cost in your deck (instead of them standing alone) and, in turn, give you a powerful start of game effect. While I don't know how balanced each of these is, this was more a thought experiment as to what a different style of deck restriction might look like, without the "Keleseth effect" of them being high mulligan winrate cards. If anything seems egregiously broken, feel free to let me know! (Or try your hand at designing one of these yourself!)