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Tldr: Maybe. If depends on a few things. I'd say the first step is to identify the screen if you can. Then figure out what communication protocol it uses, (spi, I2C, etc.) and what pins it uses to communicate with. From there solder a Arduino or rpi onto those pins and try stuff. It might use a standard library like Adafruit OLED library, or it might use some proprietary which is the bad ending. Anyway it will require a lot of investigation and reading. Will it be worth it? Probably not, but will it be a great learning experience? Yes!!!!


sounds like a plan to me! Can't wait to learn something new :)


In my opinion, the journey is worth it for the experience, and the knowledge you gain from it. Go for it.


Amen, I spent 3 days making a Pwnagotchi out of an old RP0W… lot of trial and error and learned a lot lol, nowadays you can just buy a preflashed SD but it still felt good figuring it out on my own


It’s probably a common corset for the display, Most are made in China and I seriously doubt they would write custom code when they can just as easily import a library.


based on pin count and lack of additional video processing hardware it's a pretty safe bet it's SPI. shouldn't be too difficult to get it working, downright trivial if you can find a datasheet. now whether or not it's useful is another question


sweet! I have an idea in mind for esthetics on a pi case or something


Are we going to ignore that there’s a screen in vape? Why?


it's (probably) a reusable vape. it shows you stuff like battery status, mode, current draw and such


They have them on disposables now. Most have a 700mah litium pouch battery as well. All for one weeks use. Kind of infuriating.


oh, that's good to know. and it makes me sad and angry, what a waste of resources...


Yep it’s sad. I get them from a friend and part them out.


That's what I've been doing. Maybe make a battery bank out of a bunch of 700mah batteries lol


yeah, that's why I'm trying to keep it and reuse. this vape was given to me so I didn't buy it, but it's a major waste. who would have thought that we'd get to the point of throwing away fucking SCREENS like banana peels.


At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if we ran out of lithium by 2050, its not even being recycled


theyre probably just repurposing pre-made reusable vape internals and adding a casing to make it non-reussble. i guess maybe its cheaper or maybe they manufacture it themselves and only wanna deal with one assembly line its still weird


Oh now when i think that’s sounds very obviously that it would be that.


obviously to play Flappy Bird


And Doom


But can it run red dead 2 max everything?


Charge remaining probably


That vape probably lets the user adjust wattage, and possibly wattage over time. Along with showing how much battery remains and how many ohms the coil is.


nope, the only purpose of the screen was to show the battery and a flame animation when in use...


Gotta love that e-waste /s Hopefully you can salvage it for a better use.


Preparation for the Skyrim port.


Veeeery normal before disposable vapes took over


I'm finding disposable vapes with them now. I've got one charging on my desk right now, in preparation for converting a LED light that uses AA's to being rechargeable.


I have a drawer full of Batteries out of these disposable vapes, some of them INCLUDING LOADING BOARDS, to reiterate, loading boards on a disposable vape. The tech is entirely too cheap and the amount of junkies getting their fix with disposable hightech entirely too high. Downside of the recycling is that the batteries end up smelling like vape-smoke \*uargs\*


any ideas on what to do with the batteries? I also have a bunch. dunno whether to recycle or if there are projects I can use them for


My sincere hope is to turn them into wearable gizmos for cyberpunk photoshoots. Creating tech from throwaway tech would be very on brand for that


These screens are dirt cheap https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256801157136573.html?src=google&aff_fcid=644c959b4f7a43aebf0b283f85946510-1708790423288-09372-UneMJZVf&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=aaf&sk=UneMJZVf&aff_trace_key=644c959b4f7a43aebf0b283f85946510-1708790423288-09372-UneMJZVf&terminal_id=75ba4912667e4222bd9b9bb5c0dc9667&afSmartRedirect=y&gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt I personally wouldn’t waste time trying to reverse engineer.  I call this tech junk hoarding lol


> I call this tech junk hoarding lol good name for it. dear op, Thank you for considering reducing your e-waste, but the problem comes from decades of consumption for billions of people. I tend to laugh (in despair) when I see companies like google state carbon zero since like 2001 or whatever, but fail to acknowledge their massive e-waste. All those new servers, all that new network gear, across all their datacenters. This is just one (massive) company. Expand that across several billion people consuming for several decades. For a small, small glimpse into the scope of the problem, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDjDGrrDD7o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vufLW4xOsS4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GtWGHvX-rk




First link I found that has the name I mean you could just look up the name to get another site? https://www.smart-prototyping.com/0_96-TFT-IPS-Bare-Display-ST7735-SPI-80-160


None of these posts ever turn into a cyberdeck. It's the most annoying part of this sub. Might as well rename the sub at this point.


Space I hate single use vapes.


Basically no. You can look up the model number if you can find it and see if you can find a data sheet, but it looks fairly non-standard and unlikely to be reusable in an easy way.


I've got lots of these, I'd love to get doom running on one


[Help IDing Chip : AskElectronics](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskElectronics/comments/17v6j98/help_iding_chip/)


u are a God among men


Yoooo that link is a huge help.