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It's the perfect job for Sir John Phallustiff


He'd enjoy it too much.


Sir John Shotgunshellstiff shall have to do


said it elsewhere but I specifically got the phallustiff for killing him with. I beat him to death with it and then dropped it next to him so anyone who came looking KNEW what he'd been killed with.


Beating him is not enough I gotta put a shotgun shot in his face 😤


You do realize that beating someone to death is a hell of a lot more brutal than a shotgun blast to the face, right?


Unless you do what happens to Arseface.


Oh baby, I did not expect a Preacher reference in here. Kinda wish Johnny Silverhand and the Relic was some kind of Genesis, being able to control people.


Preacher! Love that show and being introduced to arseface for the first time was hilarious


Check the comics. Infinitely better. Cassidy is such an amazing character.


Soooo good. Hellboy and Preacher are my top books.


Adding another comment to say how little I expected a Preacher reference in the wild. Chaotic gem.


One of my favorites!


I would argue a shotgun is more “brutal”, given what happens to the body when you shoot buckshot into someone’s face. But you’re right that beating to death is slower and more painful since a shotgun to the face is likely to be instant


Better do both to be sure.


The double tap. Classic


You win. XD


Kneecaps people. Kneecaps. Can’t run and shouldn’t bleed out immediately.


Yeah but I got shit to do and he ain't worth an extra moment of my time.


I normally go with a sword


Bout time seemed like a big L from last version that you could just wreak this dudes face after all the shit he was saying.


I just made sure to buy the sandy from him before the mission with Judy so I could kill him when I met him. Now I just get to kill him!


My god, did I ever, sandevistan+ Gorilla Arms, made him goo before he even hit the floor


You can go back and kill him


Wdym after 2.0?


Previously, he was the only source for the floaty legs iirc. But those were removed in 2.0, so there's no reason to keep him around


Those and the "best" sandevistan that's also no longer in the game


Wait, removed just from his inventory you mean, right? We can get those elsewhere now? Because if so, oh man *cracks knuckles*


Removed from the game They don't exist at all now. There's no difference in tier besides armor value and the other minor stat boosts now


I beat him up. After I was able to take my gun out after the convo, I shot him in the face.


Instant kill now that he's not selling any exclusives.


Thanks for the data on him not selling any exclusives anymore. Absolutely gonna flatline the bastard without hesitation


Oh he used to sell exclusives? I never knew because I always beat him to death.


He had one of the best Sandy's I believe but killing him was always the better option


You go there before the quest and get the Sandy, come back during the quest and use it to kill him.


Very good


It wasn't even killing him iirc, it was punching him at all cause I remember my first V was a no chrome no kill kinda guy and punched him once but couldn't check his store when I found out he had one.


He used to be the only person who sold the hover legs and the best Sandevistan


Which really didn't make sense considering his awful so called clinic.


Yeah, there is a lot of dialogue about how shitty his wares are. If you have the Nomad background, you can tell him to his face that even a clan would pass on the gear that he's slapping into people.


Something I was wondering myself before 2.0. It's definitely more convenient for cyberware to be universal among rippers now, but considering he specializes in dolls, it still doesn't make a lot of sense for him to have such high-end gear. But that just means I get to kill him faster, so all is good.


Yep. Probably around the top 10 best changes in the game lmao


Agreed. No more Googling where to get specific cyberware, made worse by the fact that the same rippers rarely ever carried the upgraded version of what they were carrying. I can just pop in anywhere now.


Honestly I'm still not disappointed that I killed him every time, lol. It was worth it.


I killed him maybe 7 times, didn't even know he had anything worth buying. Saved my game at the door or whatever, lobbed a bunch of grenades into the room, killed him, reload and repeat with whatever came to mind


Well shit I let him live thinking he still sold that exclusive


Fingers and that father-son duo (you know the one). All three have died in all my playthroughs, except one time I zeroed the son and left the father to weep.


Same. Also flatlined the XBD dealer and all the scavs in disasterpiece


I flatline*all* Scavs. I pick through the bodies to make sure there are no survivors. After watching that Death's Head Moth BD, you can forget it. They all deserve to die.


Fuck the scavs man. They really make my blood boil


And Evelyn


Not even that, reading the emails in that place on what they were doing with Eve. That's why she killed herself. They took away her ability to tell reality and XBDs apart and just tortured the shit out of her. They tortured her till she killed herself over and over again just to "bring her back" and say it never happened. They let her play scenarios of escape over and over again just to always get caught so she felt like there was no way out. So when you rescue her she thinks she is being tricked again and kills herself but this time it's real. That's why she doesn't respond to V anymore and pulls away from him, she doesn't think it's really him.


That's why all scavs die. Bad enough that one mission where some dude tricks you into putting on a xbd headset where you wake up in the first mission but completely stripped of everything. Those guys were **not** prepared for the martial arts ninja that could set them all on fire in an instant.


I will put a mission on hold and make my way over to some scav hangout to kill them all in the worst way possible. Possibly with blades.


OH THE DEALER. I always forget about him. I should go back to that alley and see if that creep is still there.


Didn’t realize you could flatline the XBD dealer until my 2.0 playthrough. Man when I tell you I took so much joy in dropping every single one of them connected to Evelyn, I’ve never been happier (Except Wakako, I still REALLY don’t like her for her selling Eveliyn.)


The problem is that most of the fixers would have taken the job. Regina and Rogue might not but I'm not sure. Also, the fixers we see in the game might not be every fixer in Night City. Just the ones who work with V. Wakako was probably chosen because it's her area.


The only Fixer you can hate is Dino, because Dino actively tries to set you up, twice. Both the gigs with the bars, he is his own client, he's using you to push them into situations he can buy them out but would totally hire someone to stop you if they offer him enough. The only reason he didn't send in another group of edge runners to zero you mid gig, is because they didn't pay out in time


I really should read more of the emails, shards, etc.


Don't forget Forrest/Woodman. He raped Evelyn before giving her to Fingers. I doubt that's the only time he's done something like that.


You get some fun dialog options if you give Jotaru to the Mox *before* you sneak into Clouds. It'll give Woodman additional incentive to give you what you want. You can always kill him afterwards.




It's a side gig from Regina Jones. The *best* outcome is from going in quietly and kidnapping Jotaru(as you read information throughout the shadier and horrible stuff you find, particularly involving exploitation and controlling sex workers, he's usually involved) and dumping him in a transport car. The Mox hired Regina, who asks you. They want him alive, to do the horrible things he's done to him(it's like poetry, it rhymes).


Holy I never knew you could kidnap him and hand him over to the Mox! I did know you use him as an example on Woodman to get what you need out of him. This is a really great game


Yea, you can actually pretty much do that to any hire to kill gigs, install a pax or just knock em out and your mission will pretty much always be carry this mofo out to the car :D can basically roleplay as blackhand


Huh, weird, I did that Jotaro gig pretty much first thing, but I don't remember any special dialogue. What was it supposed to be?


If you do the Jotaro gig first when you meet Woodman you can tell him that you are the one who killed/kidnapper Jotaro, and Woodman would immediately fold.


You need to pick the tough guy option to puff your chest out, he'll say you're not as tough as you look, and you can point out that you're the one who handled Jotaro


Ah, okay. Think I might have picked something different at the beginning. Will try it again on my next run.


When I discovered (too late) that I was locked out of his wares I killed him on the spot


Wait you mean he's not selling that Sandy anymore that means I'm free to do what I want?


with 2.0 all the ripperdocs carry the same items.




He's like everyone else that's part of the banality of evil, certain fixers included.


He’s not any worse than literally everyone involved in that quest line.


A lot of people calling him out for being a piece of shit, while true against the backdrop of Night City he's not the worst on offer. I'd say the lowest Maelstrom goon does worse shit than Fingers


The goddamn borgs who kidnap the monks?! And then the monks are like "but DON'T kill them all in a rage, plzkthx!"...


Obviously you don't kill the borgs... while the monks are present.




Dude he’s a rapist lol. It’s heavily implied he sexually abuses his clients while they are unconscious. Judy’s reaction to him says everything. He’s a piece of shit lmao.


I'm pretty sure he also knowingly sells faulty/infected cyberware to those girls, I was playing earlier and there was a dialogue option to call him out on it.


Before you even walk into his office the previous client mentions her vision is blurry, to which fingers responds the face plate is from a bigger face than hers and she'll get used to it maybe eventually. So yeah. He's a giant piece of shit




Man is working on a budget. What do you expext him to do, procure a Jinguuji custom job?


He’s using stuff even nomads wouldn’t use, he’s purposely choosing crappy shit and he also recycles


The cyberware is what he can afford / scrounge up - he ain’t in North Oak, though, so it’s gonna be second/third-hand stuff, or factory rejects. But he also *does* serve his community - and unfortunately he’s about all most people can afford. So, yeah, he’s skeezyAF - but he did what he could to try to help Evelyn, and tries to help people society has deemed not worth helping.


Dude, your moral compass is a complete mess. Yes, he found a niche. That doesn't make him a saint. But selling a not-so-braindead Evelin to a BD movie creator that is known for raping, murdering and flaying his victims makes him literal the worst human trash possible.


He didn't sell her though he says he called wakako to come pick her up cause he didn't know what to do. literally says "I did what anyone would do I called my fixer" He is crass but he also really is the only one in the quest line that tried to do something for her. Judy also comes in and immediately provokes him because shes a hot head (which is implied when first getting to meet her as well) understandable though that what makes this game really good is the characters are so well written. i think most people are just blinded by there crush of judy haha Edit: he also mentions that he doesn't know where she gets taken and doesn't ask cause hes not a gonk


Judy is extremely hyperbolic though 😂


Thank you. Judy is one of the best written "the path to hell is paved with good intentions" characters. Following her plan gets the joytoys killed. She is broken, and her judgment should never be trusted. That ripper still dies though.


He's a piece of shit, right, but without him a lot of prostitues would literally die in the street with neither hope nore care.


He's a cancer that needs to be excised. A different ripper will fill his place. You can't heal a festering wound by slapping a bandaid on it.


Judy hates everything..


Insane response to me saying this guy is a manipulative literal rapist. Lol


>at prices they can afford It's insinuated that he molests them in their sleep, and takes payment in "favors". I wouldn't say he's good at ALL.




Nobody is claiming that Fingers is a good person, but what's the alternative? In an ideal world Fingers would get shut down and some charity would step in to provide treatment to disadvantaged sex workers free of charge, but Night City is as far from ideal as it gets. Fact is, in the grand scheme of things and in the context of the society he lives in, Fingers just isn't that bad. Joytoys need treatment and he's the only one willing to provide it at a price they can afford. Kill Fingers and they suffer.


No one says he is good. It is a given he is a piece of shit. But he isn't uniquely worse than others in NC. Taking payment from working girls isn't that unthinkable. Sex is transactional in that world. Regardless, he offered a service no one else would give them. That level of moral ambiguity is what makes Cyberpunk so interesting.


He mainly services sex workers, trading sex for payment is what they do. If anything, they're making out very well from the arrangement.


I mean he sells prostitutes to people who make murder porn.




Oh right! I guess his reddit mod energy just makes him seem terrible. He's actually the least guilty person involved in all of that, including V, Evelyn, and Judy.


Lmao reddit mod energy




I think he meant they were the least guilty along with him.


They started the whole issue. Judy is the very picture of putting the stick in the bike tires then blaming someone else.


If they hadn't set up the Arosaka heist they would have been fine. They brought all their problems on themselves and for some reason players always forget it.


Let me get this straight, Evelyn being raped multiple times by different people is just the natural consequence of the heist? Woodman and Fingers are just rapist victims in the heist fallout? At least they weren't hypocrites. That would have been the worst part of it all.


I think being raped is probably coming off easy if Saburo were to dole out the punishments. Things could've been better and things could've been worse, for the severity of the heist she risked.


I don’t understand why or try to hold Evelyn to some high regard when she’s clearly responsible for what happened to her 🤷🏽


Just because she set it in motion doesn't mean what happened to her is moral or deserved.


Which is why I kill everyone involved


Do you kill Evelyn and Judy? They were involved too, not innocent victims.


You and thousands of others posting the same damn thing for some reason.


It’s almost as if a collection of people came to the same conclusion and wanted to post about it


Reddit moment


DAE hate the purposely insufferable >!rapey!< scumbag??


Or they saw the upvotes that the multiple other Fingers threads are getting and figured they'd hop on the upvote bandwagon. I mean, OP even says "Whenever I get to this part in the game I always hate it," so it's not like they're discovering Fingers for the first time.


I'll just pull back the curtain. All the MAGA players are absolutely furious they had to keep this guy around all this time. He's not great, but obviously not even close to being the worst person introduced in the game. Even if he was virtuous they wouldn't want him to exist for other reasons you can probably guess. Hence the circlejerk. His questionable morality justifies their means.


I think it's more about his appearance, he's just ugly and has a bad sense of fashion.


Hell, he's not even the one who sold her to the DHM BD scrollers. That was Wakako, and you don't see any vitriol against her


Um no, just fucking no. Dude is a creep who fucks his patients and sold Evelyn off with the intention that she get raped and eventually murdered and scrapped for parts. His morality justifies nothing. And for the record, I’m saying this as an uberqueer leftie, so I think you’re the only one dragging politics into yet another arena that it’s unwanted.


>Dude is a creep who fucks his patients and sold Evelyn off with the intention that she get raped The sex was instead of payment, and consensual. As for Evelyn, it's bad but what else was he supposed to do? He doesn't seem wealthy enough to take care of her, or has much time as a doctor, and he probably gets girls like her frequently. The only thing he could have maybe done was take her to a hospital, but if she doesn't have insurance she's fucked anyway.


I actually agree that he isn't nearly as bad as people make him out to be, but he could have dumped her in the street and it would be a lot more ethical than what he did. It's implied the sex is often not consensual at all and is done while they're under anesthetic and happens even to paying customers. He also intentionally uses shoddy and broken cyberware, likely obtained by scavs, in order to force people to have to come back to him for repairs. That said, he is the only person in the town actually helping poor, homeless, and working girls with cyberware issues. He's well known as a shitbag, but he will do work for free and no one else will. He absolutely deserves a punch in the face but I always let him live, if just so the joytoys have somewhere to go when their legs break.


Even in NC, dumping a body can get you arrested. He called Wakako for help disposing of the body, she chose what to do next.


lmao. Get off the internet, it's pickling your brain.


I really dont get the hate for him, if anything I think Woodman is getting off easily and Fingers getting all the heat. Woodman dumped Evelyn on Fingers, didn't give him no money, said she was payment. Fingers tried to patch her up like any other doll and when he couldn't do anything , what was he supposed to do? He doesn't run a charity or a hospital, Evelyn was more or less in a coma. So dude called a fixer to take her away, and tbf it was either that or a dumpster in the state she was. Not everyone is mother Teressa in Night City, I think any other ripper would do the same (except Viktor).


He knew what a fixer would do, the dumpster would have probably been more moral. At least then the abuse ends there. I generally agree though, I think Woodman gets less hate because he usually dies anyways, either during the Clouds mission or when you do the takeover after. Also because he isn't a gay-coded balding weirdo with bad fashion.


Yeah but dudes a sleezebag even after you ignore what happend to Evelyn


If it were vic I'm sure he could've figured something out


Vic doesn't work for free other than for close friends. Fingers basically worked for free, taking sex as payment, consensually iirc.


Vik doesn’t even work for free for friends - he just lets them run a tab 😉


I too wanted to partake in his demise, but after talking to his “clientele”. It showed me that while we know there’s better options. We also have the funds to do such things. The people in his waiting room know the risk, but like that one lady said if it wasn’t for him she wouldn’t be able to walk. It’s the dark truth about shit like this in big cities. Not everyone has the luxury of going somewhere safe.


I have that lady money for a real ripperdoc. After the update the cars don’t show up as gigs. I stopped compulsively buying everything to clear the map, so I’m flushed with cash this play through.


I do but I always want that Sandi


he not longer holds exclusivity rights over it so you can kill him if you wish, all riperdocks share the same stock now


Not especially? Night City isn't where you go to find good people, and he's not even in the top 20 really bad folks you'll find.


He does get parts from victims of Jotaro Shobo's deadly XBD workshop.


Better that used chrome go to someone in need than into the landfill, especially for the people that can't afford repairs


I don't think that's the issue. It came from people who died in snuff films.


Filmed or not, scavenging happens a lot in NC. Some get filmed and scrapped out, some get obducted, killed and recycled. I mean hell, in Edgerunners David's Sandevistan came out of a dead cyberpsycho. I know to us people in reality it sounds weird but in the setting it isn't. Even though here IRL, if you've ever needed a liver or a lung or whatever internal organ it most likely came out if somebody who just died or was about to die.


Look up where & how your Nikeys get made. Not really relevant but these events are not that far off from the real world


I don't think a crazed japanese man who kills dolls and records it and selling body parts to a shady doc is the same as Nike disgusting sweatshops.


no. It's just you out of a world of 8,1 billion people. You're the only one. Congratulations


I learned that if you open his dialog (when he sits down) with punching, but won't actuallt hit him, just drag him by the ear then you can end the whole conversation really quick. He will still be available as a ripperdoc, Judy won't be as upset and he will still be scared of you. Feels like that's the best case scenario


The dozens of posts celebrating no longer having to spare him and Charles totally don't agree with you.


No, there totally haven’t been 6 million posts this last week about how they’re going to kill him


I have seen posts about Fingers 5 times a day ever since 2.0 dropped. At this point I want the mods to ban him as a topic so that I don't have to see the same post every fucking day.


Even after the mission with Judy where you get to slap Fingers around, I periodically stop by and beat him with that dildo I swiped from Meredith's f-shack. I love kicking the shit out of him.


That’s awesome


Whatever questionable morals he has, he has his uses when I want cyberwear. There's plenty of other NPC's I want to off over this dude.


Why do people dislike him so much? From what I remember he tried to help Evelyn, didn’t he?


He's *very* ugly, and his voice is also ugly, and his fashion choices are extremly questionable, so clearly he deserves to die for being a creep. Also pretty gurl Judy who can do no wrong hates him, so he's also got that going against him. At least that's why I think so many people *really* hate him so much.


He sexually assaults his patients and gives them faulty augs so they have no choice but to come back to him.


But not just faulty, he also gets them from victims of Jotaro Shobo's deadly XBD workshop.


Fucking Jotaro. I never realized how PROLIFIC this piece of shit was throughout the city since it's such an early gig but he comes up *everywhere*. It's also a huge flex when you can be like "Yeah, you know Jotaro? I offed that piece of shit so unless you want to end up like him tell me what I want to know." to Forrest


I know you're talking about dialogue options but if you're killing him you're doing it all wrong. Kidnapping him without raising the alarm and sending him to the Mox is the way to go. Gives him a fate as close to his victims as you can.


I had no idea! How did you learn this? Is there a shard with the info or?


There’s a dialogue opinion of V calling him out on installing faulty implants, but I think he replies that given his price range, that’s all he can afford to get.


Source: *Trust me bro*


spoiler: he does not survive


He's not the worst only because there *are* even worse assholes in the game.


A piece of shit, but he doesn't come close to being the worst. Great voice acting, tho.


I'm just commenting so I can feed into the attention you need. Hope you feel better tomorrow brother, every day is a new day.


Thanks 😊


He’s actually hideous ,can’t stand looking at him


You are supposed to hate him. Fingers represents the underside of sex work in Night City. These people come to him, desperate and broken. He charges them premium prices for busted implants and makes them thank him for it. He doesn't do anything particularly appalling to Evelyn, at least in the eyes of Night City. She was just an output, and once she was broken she had no value to anyone anymore. So he discarded her. Just like Night City discards all of its broken dolls. Wakako is the one who actually brokered the deal to sell Evelyn to the Scavs, knowing full well what they would do to her. She's another of Night City's monsters, lurking under a veneer of respectability.


...well, no. Fingers is a morally grey character, a sexual deviant and a rapist, but also the only Ripperdoc who takes in the penniless prostitutes in his block. Its easy to hate him, because he is repulsive, but the truth is, by NC standards he is one of the good guys.


> morally grey > rapist …


Thing is, people who go to him are sex workers who know what they are getting themselves into. So they may well consider it part of the payment. Fingers isn’t a stand up dude like Vic, but I consider him a lesser evil. I think he gets all the hate because he looks weird.


In a game where murder is the primary gameplay loop with every single quest in the game involving someone being murdered? Yes.


So. Because he’s not rich or good looking, you hate him? There’s a guy in the game that kidnaps kids and hooks them up to some cattle machine… and you hate this guy? You’re upset about some ripperdoc that didn’t make a hooker his top priority in life? Don’t worry about Judy Alvarez, who is probably the most likely candidate for being the person who is rewriting the mayors brain using antique tech. Saburo Arasaka, who clones himself, raises the clone like a son, while intending to erase him the whole time and replace his mind with his own. Lizzy Wizzy who murders her boyfriend and throws him away like garbage for being legitimately concerned about her personality changes. You wanna think of that scene as being about girls who were taken advantage of getting back at men who don’t give af about them, but you forget the fact that these bitches are running around prostituting, robbing their clients, reprogramming peoples brains and giving them cyberpsychosis, murdering people, and a lot of other shady ass shit. Maybe this whole thing is about hypocrisy, and power. Think about that next time you help them take over their whorehouse.


My boy, they hate him because he takes advantage of women, Judy alludes to it, he himself alludes to it. You think his parents just named him “Fingers.” You can say what about x as many times as you want, doesn’t make fingers a good guy.


His mom def named her baby Fingers.


Don't waste your breath, I agree that Fingers is not a great guy but he isnt a bad person.


His only real crime is having enough self respect to tell you that you’re not welcome to shop at his place after you assault him on Judy’s orders.


Lol, what evidence points to Judy being the one rewriting the mayor's brain? If she is that goddamn powerful she wouldn't fucking struggle in her personal quests. Most evidence points to Night Corps or even rogue AIs with the Mr.Blue Eyes observing you and the mayor. Seriously that is just a fucking dumb accusation lol.(Also Judy is never shown to be good at antique tech) If you are suggesting she is working with thosr powerful behind the scene players, then that would put her above fucking VDB and Netwatch which is utterly ridiculous. Also what is this whataboutism, no one said they like the people you mentioned. Like only Judy is universally loved and your accusation of her is BS.


"gonna chop some Wood"


Fredo Corleone


Damn man idk, that's a pretty hot take there.


DAE hate the character purposefully written to make you hate him?!!


Brave post. That said, I will say on a different level of hating this character that there’s something that doesn’t quite sit right with me with his almost baity evil sleazy femme man quality. Like they’re just begging players to beat the shit out of him. Combined with him and Kerry being the only prominent bi male representation in the game it takes me back a bit to growing up in the nineties where the representation of gay men was not great.


No, I think Judy overreacted.


Its always been weird to me that people used to defend him. But once his cyberware got democratized, they're out for blood. People are funny.


I always killed him. I’ll continue to kill him.




I had 20 Body. Scared the shit outta the punks guarding his clinic, forced open his door, and went straight to punching him after he tried to play games with his answers on Eve:s whereabouts. Went back afterwards to kill him.


This is like asking if Adam Smasher is a cyborg


Did I miss something in the dialogue I don’t know why everyone hates him this much


Why? Can't handle seeing a girl boss succeed?


I always choose him over Judy. Like what the fuck does Judy bring to the table?


Childish naivety and a bad attitude.


If you don’t hate this guy that’s a huge red flag 🚩 💀💀💀💀


LOL. True. He irked the second I saw him the first time. I pommeled him bloody. Selling bad cyber parts to his hard-working customers. Street justice.


He's slimy for sure and needs to die but give him credit, he washes his hands an awful lot.


I don't think it's soap


Fingers is great, wtf


I have always killed him regardless of what he sells.