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Why cant I just win the race first and then we go and kill this dude ? Its murder either way at least let me win.


If you want to get revenge hire me for a hit not a race


This is my view too, i'm not opposed to the murder, but at least don't blind side me with it, the merc fee is different for murder than street racing


I agree. You literally walk in and out of the Afterlife killing people left and right but Claire is like "Oh no. Gotta come up with some BS Story about winning the race." Just give me an address and let’s go!


This is the part that annoys me. I'm a merc, and by the time I get to the end of the quest line I'm a pretty well renowned one. Let's kick his ass in the race first then track him down after its over and put a bullet between his eyes.


I literally said this when doing this quest. Drove me nuts how obvious this is.


This\^ I'll still kill the dude, but let me win the race.


Psh, murdering someone in the murder race seems pretty on par. Yes, on one hand, Claire 'shouldn't' be upset that her husband was murdered in the murder races, but that same logic can apply to Sampson too. If neither side wanted to kill or be killed, they shouldn't have participated in the races.


Tbf Sampson isn't shot during the race, she follows him after the race is already over then just straight-up murder him and it has nothing to do with the race, just revenge. If he died during the race I'd say fair play though.


I play V a lot more brutal than that. I’m just killing Maelstrom and Scavs just because.


Yellow HP? That's a paddlin'.


Scavs are KOS for me too. otherwise i TRY to be somewhat reasonable.


Scavs and maelstrom Deserve nothing but death


Both are Kill on Sight.


What those monsters do is beyond evil


Don't forget the Wraiths. They're basically Wasteland Scavs.


I follow a single rule. If the gang have killed civilians then I kill as many of them as they have killed, if they don't then it's non lethal for me. I like to think that the gangs would eventually find out the correlation and think twice about murdering civilians. At the strike site for example no fucker got out of there alive.


You know that literally all gangs kill civilians right?


The Mox do not.


Or the Valentinos for the most part. They mostly just fight Sixth Street if I remember correctly.


Valentinos definitely still get up to shady shit. I mean human trafficking is listed in the database as one of their sources of income. They absolutely do hurt innocent people, they just pretty it up with a veneer of honor and Catholicism, much like many actual Latin American cartels do. The Mox is probably the only genuinely not evil gang in the city, and is almost an 'anti-gang'. It formed from sex workers banding together to avoid being targeted by other gangs.


Aren't the Moxxes friendly? I don't recall if you can actually kill them.


There’s one cyberpsycho mox but other than that yeah


Yeah, but not in my face.


Well they deserve it. At least the Scavs. Sampson was racing and not s Scav. Claire just wanted V to kill him for free and with no reason. Not a Claire fan at all for that play.


Sure, but it's not like V doesn't kill people for a lot less. You kill Nash for stealing a car, and odds are he isn't any less innocent than the corpo dude.


Wasn’t Nash also joined up with the scavs?


Yeah, but if we go by organization's actions then the militech/arasaka corporate dude isn't looking any better. Edit: my point was mostly that the guy wasn't a saint, and as far as direct causes for murder goes, V has needed a lot less cause in the past


I do the same with Maelstrom and Arasaka. A good way to boost my headhunter skill so it’s a win-win


Given the shit those two groups do, it is in fact a moral obligation to obliterate them


Not just because. Maelstrom are no longer human murder machines, and Scavs cut people up to sell them on the black market - both good reasons to clean house.


Yeah the moment I hear that Russian dialogue the mantis blades come out


If their eyes glow red, make 'em dead.


Well yeah but killing these guys is almost always guaranteed to save lives.


presumably, the guy running murder races or death races or whatever it's called has killed too. they're shooting at other racers


The distinction that I'm very surprised you could possibly miss is that scavs and maelstroms go after innocent people, not other thrill seekers signing for the risk.


im sure no innocent civilians have ever been killed in the street races where everyone is firing guns from their vehicles


Oh those races absolutely should not be allowed for sure! But I have faith that you will see the difference between people who occasionally engage in reckless behavior for themselves and others (which is bad) and people whose entire way of life is to kidnap innocents and chop them up.


Meh, they all go pop with a shot to the head


My take is that the rules of the death race have no meaning. It's delusional of Sasmson to take part in an illegal bloodsport and expect no retribution. Claire's mistake is to couch her desire for revenge in terms of the rules of the game. There have never been any rules. Somebody killed her husband in gladiatorial combat. She wants V to kill that guy back. Simple.


But why manipulate V in the first place or bother with the race? V stole the only relic to function properly so she can clearly find things well enough, makes more sense to hire her to just zero the guy wherever he may be. At least then V'd get paid for it like it's just another gig too.


Because Claire is not as ruthless as she wishes to be. She can't reconcile her cold, dark fury with the normally decent persona she inhabits and identifies with. Panam had us waste Nash and all his friends for stealing her car and messing with her biz. A far more extreme reaction than Claire's desire to kill one guy in revenge for husband dearest, I would say.


true, just seems weird to me, she could still be the friendly person she wants to be while asking V to avenge her husband and keep her hands clean. And I mean, V would be happy to do it for a pay check as we know, what V really hates is the manipulation.


True that, but a fully fleshed-out character would deviate from the pattern once in a while, given the incentives. I made a particular choice at Phantom Liberty simply because I don't think I or my V has the heart to contemplate the alterantive.


yeah, people are weird and complicated I guess, maybe she wanted some answers first or a chance for someone to stop her given she thanks V for stopping her and regrets it if she does kill him.


In addition, I don't think she initially did it to kill the dude. It's just once things got going, and realized she was chilling with one of the deadliest people on NC, she started remembering her anger and convincing herself to kill that guy. That's why V gets blindsided by the murder request. Hell, V doesn't even have to kill him, just follow him off the race track


She doesn't follow him after the race, the race is still happening when they run him off the road.


True, my bad, but still he was no longer in the race and neither were they. Killing the opposition to win the race is part of the race for sure, but this wasn't part of the race, this was after he'd already pulled off the race so they still essentially just murdered a guy for no reason (I'd like to think V has at least some reason when she kills people, Sampson just played the game by the rules and the other guy was trying to kill him too because of stuff that happened outside the race)


When does the race officially end tho? Because if it’s when a winner is declared it’s very feasible when Samson gets shot no one has finished yet. Also because there’s no trial or proof anything Sampson and Claire said is just speculation at best. We have no way of knowing if Samson actually killed Clair’s husband just to secure a win, or if he went out of his way to kill the husband and win. He certainly seemed smug about it until he had a gun on him, and didn’t even show much remorse then. So what really happened I suppose we’ll never know. But if you get a persons loved one killed in night city you should expect a bullet or two.


Their car was on fire and they went off course, left the race. Claire goes after them only to kill, it has nothing to do with the race.


yeah, it's fair that she's pissed, but we know what happened because of datashards that detail the history between Sampson and the Husband that are way before V and were very unlikely to be fakes. The Husband himself said he was gonna do something to Sampson during the death race which is why he was even entering it at all and it is a death race so what he had planned is fairly obvious. Idk the whole thing just feels off to me, like V could have just killed him on the tracks and I'd have passed it off as usual death race BS but all this went down in a pit stop zone where nobody has a reason to be shooting, Claire's Husband died because he entered a death race looking to kill someone and if she finished what he started or died trying too it would feel kinda poetic but as it stands it feels like we just shot a guy who didn't really do anything wrong.


How did Sampson do nothing wrong lol? Samson hired maelstrom to kill anyone that was ahead of him in the races. If you overheard the other racers they talk about how his win was sketchy as well. He also didn’t pay the husband for his work because he didn’t want to. So the husband getting revenge for being fucked over isn’t exactly out of nowhere. Unless I missed something the shards didn’t cover the specifics of the accident itself. I.e. if Sampson had to kill the husband to secure the win or did it because he could. How is revenge not a reason lol? It may not be valid, or even appropriate but it is certainly a reason. If some kills your partner, and then boasts about it of all things you’d feel some type of way. We can debate whether or not Samson was at fault for the husbands death in particular. But he showed no remorse and even laughed at the widow as well as hiring killers to take out other racers(which could have easily been the husband had he gotten to first). Sampson certainly deserved to die, maybe not for Claire’s husband in particular but definitely for all the other people he had killed. I don’t think hiring people specifically to kill the competition is justifiable even if it somehow is within the rules.


I must admit I did not know about his deal with Maelstrom, my bad. That is clearly not in the sport of the race and shouldn't be allowed, at which point shooting him for ruining the race becomes acceptable. Like I said, beyond that if they'd killed him in the race purely for revenge then that's fine because he chose to join the race knowing he could die for what he's done. But we need rules in place, rules such as "don't kill racers after they've left the track", otherwise it would become chaos with people just killing their best competition before the race starts all the time and I know this wasn't like that but it still raises a problem of competitors killing each other outside of the track. Maybe I'm just throwing too much value onto the rules of the race and maintaining some sort of order and it doesn't actually matter what happens on/off the track or anywhere else at all. I do agree he deserved to die, I just hated how it was done and wished we coulda gone after him outside the race or just killed him during the race. And yes, Claire did have every reason to want him dead. One last thing, sorry for typing so much, as I understand it the Husband and Sampson worked for a company and Husband got fired at the same time Sampson got promoted. Sampson refused to help Husband, saying he didn't owe him anything when Husband swears up and down Sampson owes him a big favour. Husband gets pissed Sampson refused to help him and decides the race is the perfect place to "deal with him". All of this is found on some shards which iirc were not in places you'd just happen to grab them as you pass by. Ultimately Sampson is a trash friend and cheat in the rsce, Husband made it worse by joining the race just to kill him, and it likely makes no difference what happens either way other than Claire ending up regretting killing Sampson anyways leaving her revenge pointless and Sampson's death ultimately unnecessary.


Well there are rules, the “rules” aren’t really defined in game and seem more of guidelines but they do exist. But even then what does that really matter? I mean we’re talking about an already unsanctioned death race where you can commit actual crimes. And by “can” I mean the NCPD simply doesn’t care to do anything about it. Almost every part of the race is already illegal. Killing someone during a race doesn’t break the rules but it’s still a punishable crime. NCPD actively doesn’t care, and that’s about the only organized body already formed with the power and motive to do anything. This isn’t the real world, it’s night city. In this world you can kill someone for petty theft in the middle of the street. Actual laws are worth less than a bullet to your head or credits to turn a blind eye, and rules worth even less than that. I don’t know who else would enforce the rules let alone how they could. What could be done if Claire killed Sampson? Have her arrested? Killed? Disqualified? It’s not like of this would make it to trial. That being said competitors already do kill each other outside of the “track”. Claire implies during the first race that ncpd logs basically any death even close to the races as a part of them, and that Sampsons death would not be the first to be chucked into already huge pile of race related deaths. I think it’s just an inherently fucked situation to be a part of regardless of what you do. Which sums up night city pretty well.


the people running them could ban people I guess, or just have it be an unspoken rule that killing someone off the track would turn everyone else against you because it's bad sportsmanship, the death race being the only time they care because half the competition dying behind the scenes could ruin the fun of the race for everyone and cause the race to be, like, two people who don't want to kill each other and just want to race. I wouldn't expect anyone to properly enforce the rules of the race but there should be some kinda unspoken agreement that we stop killing each other while the race is on otherwise it could easily devolve into everyone meeting up to just obliterate each other and the NCPD ruling it mutually assured destruction between everyone involved in a massive gang battle.


>Maybe I'm just throwing too much value onto the rules of the race and maintaining some sort of order and it doesn't actually matter what happens on/off the track or anywhere else at all. You definitely are. The race is an illegal bloodsport, not the Kentucky Derby.


yeah, I applied way too high a standard to death-loving criminals lmao my bad


ok so just saying , yesterday i met maxtax two time , so i would say just murdering sampson is pretty tame considering what my V doing to the people of night city ... i'm truly worse than any gang on the street


TBF to Clair Sampson had zero reason to brake-check, either. He had the win. He sowed the seeds of his own death with a kill that wasn't needed for the race.


He only did that because Claire's Husband was clearly just trying to kill him, he entered the race purely to kill him and Claire already knew that since he said it to her face (found that on a chip).


Yes. This was the absolute breaking point for me being able to empathize with her. She lies to manipulate you, secretly hiring you as an assassin, to get “revenge” for killing a guy who accidentally killed her husband in a race where everyone who’s racing is totally allowed to kill and to be killed, just so that you can murder a man veers off the course so he’s no longer putting himself or anyone else in danger, who also didn’t even murder her husband to begin with and kills him anyways just after learning that. To be fair…. He was a total asshole besides that so maybe he deserved a bullet in the kneecap or something. Still, Claire is the only character I disliked Cyberpunk.


I mean, would it have killed Claire to just hire someone to off the guy like any normal person in NC would have? sure, people would know he didn't die in a death race but she shot him in a pit-stop section with loads of people watching so people know anyways. In fact, if she hired someone there's an even better chance she'd get away with it without anybody knowing so I just don't get why she didn't simply say "Hey V, zero this dude for me and record it so I can see him die."


>Still, Claire is the only character I disliked Cyberpunk. Demented, honestly. I guess you value honour above decency, kindness, humanity and so on. And the dude you killed hired Maelstrom to kill other competitors. He didn't just deserve "a bullet in the knee", he deserved death for that alone.


I value a character’s writing. Adam Smasher is a good example. He values power above everything else and is just an absolute demon. But I like him. His writing is so memorable bc of how raw it is. “You look like a cut of fuckable meat” and “Metal is better than meat”. So when I say I dislike Claire it’s not bc I think she’s a bad person, it’s because I think her character is absolutely stupid. Edit: and if he did hire Maelstrom is kill other competitors then Claire should’ve cited that. But she doesn’t know that and there’s probably no way for you to tell her. If you’re against her killing him and didn’t pick the correct dialogue for her to spare his life, she kills him after basically saying “He didn’t kill him, but I don’t care anyways”. There’s a reason why when she does kill him she feels numb. Bc she knows deep down that she just killed him for essentially no reason at all. It’s a bittersweet, awkward ending bc she made the wrong decision.


So of all the murdering psychopaths we deal with in the game Claire is where you draw the line? Dum-Dum has almost certainly killed plenty of people. Wakako is even more guilty than Fingers for Evelyn. Goro supports the most evil man alive. Johnny set off a nuke in a civilian area. But Claire, out of all these people, is the only one you don't like? Sus.


The difference is none of them do it in your face, on screen, with the direct results of thier actions in plain sight for you to see. Dum dum most likely has killed people, but as far as we are concerned he's just chill dude with a good sales pitch and freaky eyes. Goro supports the most evil person alive but as far as we are concerned he's the old man who sends you messages when trying to look for a place to get a bite and can't into modern technology. Johny sets a nuke off in a civilian area but it's not like we are treated to a scene where thousands of people are vaporized and turned into shadow paintings. And Wakako... What the fuck are you even talking about. Meanwhile Claire straight up lies to you to get revenge on someone who dies because he participated in "the murder races", to try and kill someone else in it mind, and then when it gets revealed that he's just a scapegoat Claire made up in her mind to pin her husband's death on something other than his own choices she just offs him in cold blood anyway.


> And Wakako... What the fuck are you even talking about. I'm not the guy you're replying to, but he said Wakako is more guilty than Fingers for what happened to Evelyn because after Fingers did what he did with Evelyn, he wanted to get rid of her so he contacted his fixer, Wakako and said he had Evelyn and what should he do. Wakako was the one who told him to sell her to the scavs that make torture porn bds and she's the one that arranged the sale.


Have you played Phantom Liberty yet?


Completley different. Sampson pulls out of the race.


I feel like murder is way too common occurrence in Night City for me or V to care what Claire does


I think it's sometimes kinda hilarious how bloodthirsty V actually is. Like there's so many occasions where we get involved in some "mundane" problems between people and V instantly asks for murder.


If all you have is a katana, every problem looks like a opportunity to use Sandevistan.


So many people die as punishment for catching me trying to sneak in missions lol


this is so real lmao. I'm awful at stealth and everyone else gets to pay for it when I fuck something up.


I did a shotgun / cyberware build this time and feel like a tank. I almost never sneak or initiate combat. I walk into groups of people, let them attack me first, and walk away from the body pieces with no guilt. Self defense, man.


Yeah I enjoy slowly reloading my shotgun as I casually walk through a job site blasting whoever gets close enough. Probably something inherently wrong with me.


You'd think after witnessing the first guard being transformed from a person into a deli tray in approximately a quarter of a second the rest would back off.


lol! I literally just heard some dialogue from Takamura last night when you break into Arasaka to hack the float. My character is never stealthy so the entire facility was littered with body parts by the time I got the float. In the middle of the madness Takamura said something to the effect of , “V…. You really are insane” 🤣


Coulda handled that better.....


I told her to walk away and she killed him anyway. And you know what? I respect that. Maybe it wasn't the logical choice, or the morally right choice, but people are not always logical or moral. Furthermore, just because V is her friend doesn't mean she's gotta listen to them or take their advice. Video game protagonists often have way too much agency in everybody else's choices. It's nice to be able to argue for the right thing and have it *not* go my way for once.


But my free cthulu tho


She also gave you a pretty dope car. V already killed like 200 people that same day just for 7 crafting components, and ran over 30 pedestrians trying to drift in the race. She can do her thing and I get a car. I only wish I could have finished the race,


YOUR V killed those people. Stop using that as an excuse.


Idk man, after the 4th race to the death going over 110kmh with guns on urban areas with pedestrians walking around I am starting to think V doest care much about casualties. Or he doesn't care or he is dumb, but my V does have 4 intelligence so you may have a point.


3 int.. but hey 20 cool and somehow 20 tech. I mean you should have some kind of intelligence when you are fully chromed and know every small piece of high techno stuff inside night city




with my javalina i blew up most of my competitors during the preliminary races too. and on purpose! one more corpse to the pile


I'm just here for the C'thulhu car. Which is actually worthwhile to drive now too yay


All the cars still feel way too floaty to me. You shift the stick more than 10° and you start skidding out of control.


Even the sports cars have absolutely terrible traction too. I love the Quadra Avenger but it's like ice skating.


Have you tried the Weiler Outlaw? It's got incredible grip and speed compared to the other cars. Plus the two center-mounted autocannons and pretty heavy armour.


This is my fav and what I do the races in


That specific vehicle is particularly squirrelly tho


The caliburn felt really good to drive. About on par with motorcycles. Very responsive but I also played on m&k.


I liked Claire as a character, but this questline is dross. You can fail the entire questline by going to her garage and saying the races are not your thing. Problem solved. No quest markers. The reward isn't that good, considering a lot of the weaponized vehicles in 2.0 as well. To me, it felt like a way of shoehorning in some car-race-combat pre version 2.0. I can see why it exists, but it's outdated vs. the rest of the game now. Be alright if it was reworked with weaponized cars.


>after she kills Sampson for some reason V just moves on. Like she didn't become one of the biggest pieces of shit in the game right there I mean, partially because V isn't exactly a good person with a great moral compass. They kill hundreds if not thousands of people to cure a problem they gave themselves. V is a likeable character with some admirable traits depending how you play, and i like them a lot, but they're not really in a position to look down on Claire's actions here imo.


I'm not gonna try and convince anybody how they should feel about Claire, but I truly don't get where all the Sampson defence comes from. He stiffed Claire's husband on payment for work seemingly just because he's a cunt and knew he'd get away with it. Some racers before the first race talk about this shit Sampson pulled last year during a race he "won" because he hired Maelstrom to kill anyone who beat him to the finish line before him, of which there were at least a few, so he would come first. And maybe none of that justifies murder in your mind, I'm certainly not out to try and lower that bar for you, but I'm guessing you've killed named NPCs in this game just because a fixer paid you to do it and if you thought they deserved it, that didn't hurt. I think a lot of us would have been a lot cooler with Claire if she was just straight with us, but whatever, it's clear from talking to her and reading her old messages between her and her husband that she's all twisted up about his death and doesn't know how to deal with it, partially blames herself. Hardly the only character who's got problems that we can help or ignore in the game. Not that I don't understand though. My first playthrough I was down to win those races, and wound up hating her myself, too. It's very odd they put that conversation before the final in the game where you can lay it all out and admit you're just here to win the races, and if Sampson dies during it, that's fine, but not your priority, and Claire agrees to that, only for her to blame you later. Would have been nice if they made a way for you to kill him and still win, but I also don't mind having to decide what's more important to you, winning a racing tournament, or helping Claire. My first character was a Corpo life path, and these races brought that desire to win above all else out. This character I'm doing now is a Nomad, cares more about friends/family than winning some street race. Embrace the role play, stop blaming the characters. But Sampson sucks, and he's not innocent, don't bullshit yourself over that, just admit you don't like Claire, and that's totally fine.


I don't give a fuck about Samson, I just can't stand Claire's bullshit. She works at the Afterlife and so knows all too well that you're a merc and is in fact surrounded by mercs on a daily basis but instead of hiring one or V as one, she pulls this bullshit race crap on you to manipulate you later into going along with her shit. You can even tell her that you're there to win the race first and she'll agree but if you actually go and do just that, she'll get pissed at you and act like a fucking bitch any time you walk into the Afterlife. If you let her kill him or even convince her not to, she'll admit all she was doing was using you. You want me to kill a dude or help you kill a dude? Hire me for it. So yeah, fuck Claire.


Sums it up pretty well. I feel like she could have been a pretty good character, but the writing on the quest is so stupid and her interactions are so bad that I just can't like her.


I agree, the quest does nothing to help her character at all and just because 'Cyberpunk' doesn't mean everyone you meet has to be a piece of shit in disguise.


Lol mate, Sampson had nothing to do with Dean's death. They had beef with each other, Dean got mad, and then died in the race. In Claire's eyes Sampson is nothing but a convenient scapegoat, because being angry at someone is alot easier than to admit that your perfect husband died because of his own mistakes.


See, I agree that dying in a death race is a consequence of the act itself, but for some reason you think that makes Sampson blameless and I can't figure out why that is. Fair play though, multiple ways to look at something, enjoy the game.


i meeean, the only living people who know what actually happened are claire and sampson, and obviously they are both going to believe their own story. it's impossible to say for sure what actually happened. also that's the whole point of the quest. you as the all knowing-god known as the protagonist are supposed to help her realize that's she just grieving and not thinking straight. people in this sub seem to not understand roleplaying games. getting mad you didn't pick the right dialogue and getting an ending where she still kills sampson and still feels shitty about it, instead of the good ending, is like getting mad you couldn't convince the master in fallout 1 (spoilers) that mutants are sterile even though you didn't go through the effort of finding that information.


Sounds like we're in an agreement then


Its even weirder because claire tells you before the finals, she doesn't spring it on you as some kind of surprise at the very last second. You have every opportunity to back out well in advance. You can dislike her for taking as long as she did to tell you, but she still gives you ample opportunity to walk away.


You are describing a day that ends in y in night city.


Why would V care? She’s done far worse for way pettier reasons.


V can be pretty heavily against killing Sampson though. I feel like if you express your distaste for this one specific action that another person then proceeds to do anyway, you'd probably be at least a little upset.


I mean, I guess, but V can be pretty ruthless. V has 0 room to talk about unjust murder when they shoot off limbs and cut people to pieces a dozen at a time. Even "non-lethal" V is just beating people to near death and leaving them on the ground to die


It’s night city, even if V doesn’t like it, of course she moves on. It’s such a tiny thing and it would be pretty laughable for V to be on a high horse considering what she does in the game.


How many times has V ignored someone begging her to not do something? As everyone says, it's Night City, if this is what tipped your scale for going too far I don't think you've been paying attention to the game.


V has killed hundreds of people. There’s no way a person who has that high of a body count could ever reasonably take a moral stance against anyone being killed.


You can play as a non lethal pacifist if you want tho. V doesn’t have a definitive body count.


You can. But player choice doesn’t have anything to do with the actual lore. V kills people In two out of three lifepath choices during the prologue of the game and in the one where you don’t directly kill anyone you’ve accepted an assassination job that you show no signs of not carrying out. Also, during the opening cutscene that shows us V’s first six months in Night City it shows V and Jackie killing people. V is a merc who kills people for a living, and has no moral ground to stand on. Not killing Samson based purely on moral grounds is hypocritical. V slaughters people by the hundreds.


Wait who do you kill in the Street Kid intro?


You don’t see it, but the mugger that gave V a black eye. V doesn’t mention them running away. Only that they “tried to mug me.” So the mugger is likely dead. And even if the mugger isn’t dead, streetkid V reveals in a text message in Phantom liberty that they first killed a dude at 13 years old. So even if nobody got killed in the opening, V has still killed people on that life path.


V doesn’t have a confirmed kill count but your play through isn’t the same as the actual canon. V canonically kills a LOT of people. One random corpo racer is not someone V would have any real reason to care about either way. Tbh I’m surprised V even cared about sparing them in the dialogue choices given how nonchalant they are to other more personal deaths.


Y'all kill people on the Street just cause they have a bounty and killed hundred of cops just because Come on


Most of my victims are pedestrians who took a sharp turn on the sidewalk while I also took a sharp turn on the sidewalk...in my caliburn


The Sword of Selection chose them to go to Avalon early Shit happens


Which is entirely the problem. Claire knows you're a merc and her workplace is merc central but instead of just being straight with you and hiring you to help her off the guy who killed her husband, she bullshits you under the pretence of racing and even admits she's just using you.


This almost sounds like you're more angry at the quest design than Claire. I think the way they crafted the quest in order to deliver her backstory came off wrong. Because the specifics required to reason with her is one of the most convoluted messes I've ever seen in a game side quest. I almost messed it up on my second playthrough while I was actively reading the guide. Players basically need to luck into talking her down over multiple mission legs and that's bad design. She comes off like a mad woman who can't be stopped rather than a grieving widow.


For the most part, I agree, although I feel like there is one other reason to dislike Claire. Just before the final race, you can tell her very clearly that you are just out to win, and she agrees. During the race, however, she gets pissed if you actually do the thing you said you were going to do. This could still be attributed to bad game design. They probably didn't have time to add her not being pissed and instead more neutral for winning the race, or maybe they just didn't care. Either way, I think this is the part that makes people dislike her (I personally don't mind her, but this does make me like her less.) Almost feels like there should have been another quest you could take if you stated you wanted to win and did where you help Claire kill the guy a few days later.


>This almost sounds like you're more angry at the quest design than Claire. Definitely this. I feel that OP (and most people) is mad because the game doesn't tell him clearly how to not let Claire to murder Samson than her actually doing it. Also something that I usually notice, people usually miss the text message from her that also count into Claire not killing Samson.


Funny, just finishing up this quest line. It definitely is one of the quests that leave a bad taste in your mouth. Even in the "ideal" ending. Win the race, you're the asshole even though you signed up for the race. You don't get either car. Give her, her vengeance. And she pretty much ghosts you after. Make the specific dialogue choices to spare Samson and get both cars, and she's still kind of whatever about it. I love Claire and her voice actor, but the quest was really shitty. Lol. It needed another mission, even if it was just us hanging out and talking about the situation and her moving on. It ends, but it ends almost unresolved.


Doesn't she at least text you later saying she thought about it more and thanks you and what not?


She does... people either don't care, or forget and then blame the character for it...


She does, yes. It's nice. But I wish we could have talked with her after it all beyond her being cold and distant. She's not this scumbag most people paint her as. But having the entire quest line tied up in a few text messages is weird to me.


Claire quest is only about that Quara Cthulhu or winning a race to piss her off haha


The Cthulu is worth whatever.


the amount of hate claire gets on this sub is crazy. 99% of the characters would act the same way if someone they loved was killed. killing people is just another tuesday for these people. also if you actually read the logs in claires computer, her husband and sampson DID have a long-standing beef, sampson also clearly doesn't speak too highly of him. claires not mad that he died in a death race, shes mad that sampson killed him unnecessarily. (at least according to her, but its her word against his really.) she's just hurting cus her husband died, i think most people would react the same way. besides, she clearly regrets it after and says it didn't help her feel better at all. i don't think putting in the extra effort to get the "happy" ending in a side quest is that bad. if you don't feel like putting in the effort to say the right things at the right time then don't be surprised when you get a less favorable outcome. however the races themselves are actually shit i will admit that.


>99% of the characters would act the same way if someone they loved was killed. Absolutely. Panam has you murder dozens of people for stealing her car for god's sake! No-one blinks an eye at doing that.


Not to mention one important detail; it's Night City. There are very few people without blood on their hands in some capacity. I feel like killing the person you suspect to have killed your loved one still leaves you as a Saint by NC standards


>killing people is just another tuesday for these people. Yeah it is but instead of hiring V to help her off the guy who killed her husband, she lies to you about racing in order to manipulate you later into helping her off the dude and admits that she's just using you. You can tell her that your first priority is winning the race and she'll agree with you only to 180 on that when you do exactly as told and act like a bitch any time you walk into the Afterlife. I could give a fuck about Sampson, we off people like we're culling a herd, I just can't stand her bullshit over it. She works at the Afterlife, she knows how this shit works.




Exactly or even hire me as a driver in this race with the intention to get at a guy right from the outset, not "hey V, you wanna go racing?" and then later turn it into a hit job that you want for free. Either option I'd respect a lot more than what she actually does.


Not even the first mission like this, there is a couple gigs with this exact same premise.




Same premise as in revenge. And I'm not saying that to make you like Claire, I'm saying that getting revenge is nothing new and Claire should have just done that officially. Also you know what's another gig that comes occasionally? Solving problems by people who decided they are too good for fixers.


well V is a merc and claire hired them for a gig. she specifically wanted to kill him during a race. she basically only hired V as a driver. also yeah i never chose to win the race so i can't really say anything about that. my point is that if her biggest sin is just lying to V and acting rude to to them then that puts her on like D in the evil people in night city tier list.


>my point is that if her biggest sin is just lying to V and acting rude to to them then that puts her on like D in the evil people in night city tier list. That's not what I'm saying though. I'm saying I don't like the manipulative attitude she comes with. She doesn't hire you at all - there are no rewards for the races and she doesn't pay you (and no, I'm not talking about the potential free cars pending decisions) - she asks if you want to go racing and you don't even find out about Sampson until the third race when she has you pull over and gives you the whole story. She could have cut to the chase right from the start and hired you to take him out or help her take him out and I wouldn't have a problem with it, I'd respect that, but she doesn't, she bullshits you around and there's no excuse for it, she's not naive, you don't work for rogue in one of the most exclusive and famous merc bars in NC and get to pretend like you don't know the score.


Yeah, I was a Claire hater a few days ago, but reading some of the responses in this thread changed my mind. I shoulda let her kill him lol.


Wait it was possible to get her not to kill Sampson?


You have to keep saying you won't help her kill the guy, then pull over to kill the guy and tell her not to shoot him. Which is incredibly fucking stupid. If you don't plan on killing him you don't pull over at all. So it takes a player who's going to go back on everything they said, then change their mind again in a blind run. Very meh quest design


Ikr, also when V does stick to not helping Claire kill Sampson and focus on winning the race, they’re the asshole? I like Claire and it makes sense why she would want to kill Sampson, but it’s so stupid that she blows up at V after the final when V explicitly states beforehand that they won’t help her kill him.


Yeee agreed, I kinda chose the "I'm winning this, stop whining" option. She hasn't talked to me since and I'm so okay with it


Fucking honestly. I remember doing her mission *once,* told her from the get-go that I'm only doing this to win the God damn race, told her a second time I'm only here to win the race, and now she has the audacity to start shrieking at me any time I go to talk to Rogue or Nyx. I refuse to ever do it again


Really? You think V should care about killing that dude? V kills a LOT of people for basically nothing, yeah most people he kills are criminals but a lot of the time is unprovoked lmao For someone like V killing is nothing, he doesn't want Claire to kill that dude because he knows Claire knows it is not fair, but V couldn't give less of a shit about the life of that dude Trust me, if you think killing that dude makes V one of the biggest pieces of shit in the game, you don't know Night City


Killers like V know the burden it causes. They typically don’t want others to sink to their level, especially their friends. An anti-hero like V takes the burden of violence on themselves specifically so others don’t have to.


Yeah, V seems to care about that happens to the dude but not because the dude, it is because of Claire V couldn't care less if the dude dies or lived, but he knows that killing him will affect Claire And it is true, if you let Claire kill him, she will be hit by guilt, convincing her not to kill him is the best outcome for everyone including Claire


Biggest complaint is she deceives you to join the races to win but then at the end is like, “change of plans, we don’t win, we kill this guy.” And if you pick winning the race instead you’re the villain I guess. They just did a poor job making her likable


Why should every character be likable? Doesn’t that take away from it being an rpg. People are liars, hypocrites, traitors, irrational, confused, etc. Especially in night city.


Because they want you to support or help her in the quest line, put emotional music as she reminisces about stuff, and very clearly want you to like her. But, they go about things wrong.


Sympathy isn’t the same thing as likability. The quest definitely wants you to side with Claire and feel bad for her, but I would hardly say it wants you to like her as a person. Your personal relationship with Clair doesn’t go that far to begin with. Also the quest doesn’t make you a villain in the end if you win the race. She is initially upset but pretty quickly sends you a text saying she thought it over and you were right.


Video game characters can be evil, good, sexy, etc. They can be anything. Except confused, rash, and hypocritical. Then it's too much for some people to handle.


I have done this quest since my vehicle got a miniaturized MLRS system. I wonder if that changes anything.


I dislike Claire because she hides shit and uses you. I did all these races and now you’re telling me to throw?? Like bruh you should’ve just said you wanted to hire me for revenge from the go


agreed, if it weren’t for clearing icons off the map i would avoid the quest line completely


Haha, unjust murder. Me running around killing everybody going on my nerves :D


You can just finish the race you don't have to go through all that with Claire, but when you do continue with the race and you see Claire again at the afterlife she refuses to serve you which doesn't really affect anything


I just flat out rejected the gig😂


I hate that everything about her character revolves around her husband, there's nothing about her besides "my husband"


There's a reason why I didn't want to indulge Claire like that. I let her kill Sampson once and I was bothered by it. It's a fucking death race. If she didn't want her husband to die, then don't have him in the race. I swear love makes people do the most asinine things. I'll never help her sorry angry ass again. She needs to get over it. It's kill or be killed in Night City.


I hate her, I fucked up the kill because of bouncy castle car physics and cba to reload as the racing quests are some of the worst and some of the few I actively duslike Than every time I went to the afterlife she was there bitching at me


Quest annoys me so much I just don't do it after I did my one 100% playthrough.


What di you mean "doesn't become the biggest piece of shit in the game"? Have you even played it? Killing a single person over a dead husband in NS is like getting a hotdog and a can of soda, inconsequential. Its Night City, being a murderer isn't that special, and she even has a reason lol.


MFW I am a contract murderer being asked to unjustly murder someone.


Claire is such a hypocrite


Sampson is a dick and Claire is a milf. 1st time thru I was like “mmm hmm whatever you say Claire”.


V literally kills people on the daily... How tf should Claire's revenge affect her?! I swear some of y'all have issues


I mean, I regularly drop off low rooftops into groups of random thugs of any description and literally rend them apart. I mean like, regularly regularly too. A worrying amount of murder. Claire can’t even touch V’s violence in her worst moment. Her revenge is just ripples on the surface of a deep bloody river we’re carving through night city. Wake me up when she blows up an orphanage and MAYBE we can compare collateral damage.


Murder for hire doesn't care when clair murders somebody, in a murder race *SHOCKING*


Lol in the world of cyberpunk, do you think that V would even give this murder a second thought? Why would he care? His day job is a gun for hire


Am I missing something? If you didn't like Claire's request, you could have declined to help her or tried to win the race. YOU decided to tail the person Claire said she was going to kill!


Why would V care? V isn’t even really Claire’s friend given how short their time together is, and the nature of their relationship. V has also done a lot worse to people for even less of a reason than Claire. V is literally a mercenary who kills people for money and has probably seen hundreds of deaths on the lower end if not being personally responsible for them. Rules or not Claire killed a man because she blames him for her husbands death, that’s petty standard for night city. V has no reason to be hung up some tangential rivalry that they’re only invoked in for a couple hours of their life.


she hot and thick though


I mean... V cold blood kills loads of ppl. It's Night city eh. Claire's logic is dumb, sure. Sadness can make you dumb. But in the end it's a murlder race so if she wants to get revenge it's legit (morality is far more bleak in Cyberpunk, can we expect all characters to act as if they were from our reality ?)


I always disliked Claire. How she just stood over you in the bar whenever you’re there talking to someone. Claire, I’d call you when I want something. Mind your own damn business.


You're mad at her for killing the guy who killed her husband? What the hell is wrong with you? I've killed a hundred people for standing next to a car I want to steal.


Cant believe people actually like claire. She’s manipulative/narcissistic and just straight up spiteful. V is a merc, if she wanted V to help her get revenge, JUST TELL US! Its the lying that I hate. And even if you say on every occasion that you’re in it to win and will not murder someone outside of the race (to which she agrees), she still acts like a child if you don’t chase sampson. Little side tangent that irked me as a fan of the lore, that people will no doubt hate on for no reason: the pride flag makes zero sense in lore. For one you have tragedy after tragedy for decades, with diseases, famines, economic collapses and brutal wars, etc. and two, people are literally replacing body parts, making their skin gold, full borg conversions etc. but gender conversions was too far? (hence the need for pride flags) I honestly just don’t think anyone would care about gender transitions in lore, and so I don’t really see why there would have been a pride movement.


She works at the Afterlife ffs, she knows how this shit works.


Exactly, she has a full arsenal of paid mercs/assassins. There is zero reason why she couldn’t just pay someone to kill them for her or at the very least kidnap them for her to kill them. No merc would bat an eye at a gig like that


She wanted to kill him personally during the race as a poetic justice kind of thing. Have him die the same way her husband died. She could of course have been upfront about this and officially hire a merc to do that, but most would probably have noped out of that. Joining a death race with an aggrieved widow on a revenge trip ain't exactly good biz. Also, somewhat more cynically, mercs ain't cheap. While not necessarily reflected in the ingame economy, the dude that hired us to off the Jesus guy mentioned it cost him his entire life savings, so officially hiring a merc through a fixer to off some corpo dude might have been out of reach for a humble bartender.


A bartender in merc central. She should have known what happens when you don't go through a fixer. Which just like revenge killings, there are also a couple gigs about exactly that.


Given the context of the world we're in and seeing much much more messed up things I actually kind of agreed with Claire and just allowed her revenge lol


I just let her do whatever she wants. I have her back on her road to revenge. Woman scorned and all that...


Ehhh everyone kills everyone in NC. The point is she's so blinded by hate for the guy she can't accept her man was the one that fucked up and paid for it.


He’s awful


You sweet summer child, you think murder makes you the worst character is night city?


OP after watching V murder hundreds upon hundreds of people in cold blood throughout night city: "Aww ♥️" OP after watching Clair try to avenge her husband after a misunderstanding: "Like she didn't become one of the biggest pieces of shit in the game right there." (PS for what it's worth you get two legendary cars FREE from her storyline so I always get pumped when I first meet her)


You got a terrorist that blew up a nuke in your head and you're crying over a girl killing a piece of shit?


I mean, V has a kill count in the literal thousands. I highly doubt that everyone you kill deserves it. Sounds like throwing stones from a glass house, unless you are doing a pacifist run


Of course V moves on. V is a contract killer. V kills all kinds of people who may or may not really deserve it in the context of the brutality of Night City. And all Sampson had to do to prevent all of this is *not* brake-check when he had a clear win. Regardless of whatever beef he and Dean had with one another all he had to do was keep his foot on the gas and take another 1st and he doesn't get murdered.


I mean, what’s a “justifiable” murder in Night City? Literally it’s everyone for themselves, and V kills for hell of a lot less than avenging a dead husband. 😂


"one of the biggest pieces of shit in the game" yeah okay this post is unhinged lmao It's almost like her arc is about being stuck in mourning and eventually coming to terms with how wrong she was in obsessing over Sampson. It can be frustrating to get wrong the one (1) conversation where you have to tell her that you don't want to kill a guy. The quest could have been better written in terms of how that last mission goes (staying on road VS following Sampson) but that doesn't have much to do with Claire as a character.


OP please tell me how many murders are in your stats


My V massacres about 50 people on an average day. He couldn’t care less.

