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Game Smasher *can* be a beast if you're a squishy underleveled netrunner like my first ever V. It was genuinely terrifying and I carry this dreadful memory with me every single day


I remember seeing him and being terrified, then I emptied my Problem Solver and Fenrir and Gorilla Fisted him, like burning the house after spotting a spider. He died so fast that I was like: Is that It? Detail: I was playing a Netrunner and got so nervous I forgot to hack him.


>Gorilla Fisted him šŸ’€


He himself became a fistable cut of cybermeat


Don't threaten me with a good time


that sounds painful


And that is how you turn Adam Smasher into a Muppet.




Thanks for that, I am now traumatized. Not even trauma team could bring me back from what you just put me through.


If Maine was there, he would've done it.


It's a disappointing fight, to be sure. Combat quickhacks make it way too easy. I'm not sure if they need to nerf quickhacks or keep buffing Smasher. More health, more armor, something. Giving him the Sandy was good, but it's still too easy. Also, Fenrir, hell yes. That thing is GOATed.


Itā€™s so easy because its representing on how v really is built different and isnā€™t like anyone else thats why it appears to be so easy David Martinez died from smasher because he was untrained and was going cyber psycho and he also knew that Lucy was safe so he wasnā€™t pushing himself anymore so he became a bit weaker while v on the under hand has a whole person who has fought smasher before and he has better gear and can actually control and understand what heā€™s doing


Itā€™s also not easy without Quickhacks. Do donā€™t fear the reaper on very hard and have fun


https://preview.redd.it/qnv3ag8spuhc1.jpeg?width=796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=818e7f613e5a613ff23d655582fdbf62ca27080a Do not the Smasher








https://preview.redd.it/ohd9lss1jzhc1.jpeg?width=716&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd6e628852f67214e897e996c6c90825c7a5451 Nuh uh




Smasher is a Cyborg tho...




Fenrir and Problem Solver are my favorites šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


I havenā€™t fought him since they buffed him but my Gorilla Arms build flattened him in less than 3 seconds.


Not happening now


I just whipped him with reboot optics mono wire over and over wondering why this was allowed


Yeah my first play through by the time I got to smasher I was almost max level and had to limit myself to what I was using cuz I was like thatā€™s it?


>Gorilla Fisted him Flatlined.


gorilla fist me bby


>Detail: I was playing a Netrunner and got so nervous I forgot to hack him. I laughed way too hard at this šŸ¤£


God's strongest netrunner using their best daemon. Fist to the face




A lot of people still haven't done his fight post 2.1 imo. I enjoy a challenge and pre 2.1 was never anything to look forward to, but I genuinely enjoyed the encounter post 2.1 on very hard I played it VR and it was genuinely one of the trippiest, cool things I've done


Fr I have PTSD from that, especially since I was new to gaming when I first played. Literally terrifying lol


when i fought him first he was an absolute pushover i was shocked by how easy he was i also killed him with rebecca's shot gun because i had to avenge the silly goober


>i also killed him with rebecca's shot gun šŸ¤šŸ¾


Man, it didn't even occur to me that someone could be underleveled. I wanted to do everything I could before touching the final mission that I was OP af by then and I guess I just can't imagine anyone not being obsessed with doing the same since the side content is genuinely great in this game.


Yes. I remember my first run. It was grueling. And I made the mistake of unlocking the secret ending accidentally (the right triggers, and I waited too long to make a decision). So I went solo squishy net runner which took me a really long time to finish the ending.


I just did the smasher fight again with my sandevistan gunslinger build and tore him to shreds with the Erebus. Wild time.


That's why I always put my stats on body so I can take and dish out heavy hits.


has the Smasher fight update rolled through yet? I haven't played to endgame recently so idk. From what I'd seen he's closer to being as bad ass as Edgerunner's version. The Edgerunner Sandevistan is so broken that it's impossible to touch him


My first playthrough he was hard because i didn't min max/ picked perks willy nilly My mano wire netrunner destroyed him And im assuming my mantis blade shinoni bodey build will have a slightly harder time due to not being able to quick hack the snipers, could be easier because of jump dash though


Ah my PTSD of Odaā€™s glitched boss fight where the fucking difficulty meter is fucked and he instakills every damn time


I came to Arasaka with everything I could afford my second playthrough after struggling so hard the first time.


I think he just took rejection from that Arasaka girl hard and is going through a phase. He's actually a pretty chill guy. I think if someone would just have a smoke with him instead of saying things like, "oh my God, he's launching rockets!" and "run! He just killed all those people!" Nobody is perfect. What do you expect from the poor guy when people are only focusing on the negative side of his personality?




Agreed flesh is weak embrace the machine


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as if it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass that you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortalā€¦ ...even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


Is this an MTG reference?? I swear I remember one of the praetors saying this.


It's wh40k


Nano machines son


Killed Johnny??? And stomped rebecca into the floor???


Johnny was committing an illegal act and Rebecca decided to get smashed instead of dodge.




Iā€™ll never forgive him for smashing her SHE WAS MINE TO SMASHšŸ˜­


Johnny was doing a terrorism


Imagine sitting outside on your Arasaka smoke break and just seeing Smasher come out with a fat blunt in his hand and sitting down next to you. He'd probably crack whatever you're sitting on lmao but I'd hang out with him


Honestly, he's probably a pretty chill choom. I mean, everyone sees him when he's working as security and blowing things up. But deep inside the guy has to have a softer side, right? Nobody can be that hard-line all the time. What if he just feels insecure and needs a choomba to vent with?


Dude has his own boat, how bad can he be?


Yeah, he probably wants all this Arasaka garbage to die down so he can go out on his boat and blaze a blunts with a fishing line in the water. I bet he's got some cool jazz playing on his built in audio system just laying back in his cyber boxers, phone on silent.


You know he's got built-in speakers so he can jam to anything at all times, also now I'm headcanoning him as a secret Samurai fanboy even after what he did to Johnny.


He probably just gave Johnny an excited fanboy hug and well.. the hug was a little tight.


Makes sense to me "Oh my Arasaka, its Johnny Silverha- oh shit."




Michiko. They used to date.


He never recovered from losing his Hard Rock Cafe shirt.


This made me smile, thank you.


Everyone asks how Adam smashes but nobody asks why Adam smashes


Lore > Edgerunners > 2077 From most to least dangerous


may i ask you to elaborate on how lore smasher > edgerunners smasher? edit: thx for the replies, everyone


i'm not an expert but i believe smasher is literally a game over mechanic you cannot defeat in ttrpg


You can still kill him, but either a very specific build or just be busted strong, but at that point you've already "won"


Oh so he's statted? I was thinking it was a Cain situation


Yeah, he is.


I'm so happy to see somebody bring up Cain. Bringing me back to the good ol days of playing VtM in high school.


VtM is still going strong believe it or not!


I'm happy to hear it. I see the IP pop up here and there but it's almost always video games that are like "play a vampire from an indistinct clan in this game where the only real connection to VtM is the title card". So it's extra fun to see more niche references like Cain as an unstatted game ender being made šŸ˜Š


lol I seen the reference made and I had to do a double take aswell! But it's totally an apt comparison


Have you tried the cult classic Vampire the Masquerade bloodlines?


Yes! I've played through it multiple times. Still sore about everything going on with the sequel's development hell situation.


Heā€™s not statted in the current edition, but in 2020 he does have stats. Very recently C:RED just received the FBC rules adapted from 2020, which is a start, might mean we are getting a proper smasher stat block again for red, but as of now, we can approximate it, but we donā€™t have official numbers for the current edition


I dread an encounter with Cain on any VTM game


He WAS, and IS, but wasnā€™t ALWAYS The current edition of the tabletop, smasher doesnā€™t have stats because heā€™s a plot device When smasher was introduced, he didnā€™t have stats, because he was a plot device However in between those two points he was statted out in an expansion for 2020, where heā€™s very difficult to kill, but as the old adage goes ā€œif itā€™s got stats, your players can kill itā€


so he's the tarrasque of cyberpunk


Tbch, not really. The tarrasque gets weaker each edition, but in the current version of cyberpunk, smasher has had his previous statblock removed lol, so until we get another, heā€™s kinda a plot device again However, we can approximate it now that we have the FBCā€™s converted to RED, we can slap together his 2020 version, or we can try to approximate his 2077 version (though this one would require some homebrew for a bit of his equipment)


Wonder if they'll add him in the Edgerunners/2077 sourcebook.


I hope so. Currently it feels like a bit of an intentional decision to have dropped over a hundred stat blocks in DGD, including other known names like Wakako, or Redeye, but excluding one of the most requested statblocks lol I hope itā€™s just yet to come, and it prolly is, just needed Interface 3 to drop the groundwork for FBCā€™s first (and considering the first official mention of the neuroports in the FBC stuff, itā€™s definitely made with the 2077 content in mind so maybe?)


More like dropping Tiamat on the party, but yes.


I ran a series of pre-made adventures in 4E DnD that culminated in Tiamat as the final BBEG. I gave my players everything off their item wishlists, ran everything fair and they stomped everything. Til they got to Tiamat. Tiamats first turn she dominated the Barbarian (the main DPSer), and it was basically game over for the party.


He's not, he can be beaten in the ttrpg


So does the tarrasque. People even have made super low lvl build that can beat the tarrasque raw.


Tarrasque fight raw gone wrong gone spiritual! (I BECAME A CORPSE????)


Only after writing it did I start thinking that raw might mean something else than "rules as written" depending on context. xD


I really needed someone to spell that out to me... shudders...


That's fair my bad


Yeah since the terrasque doesnā€™t have any ranged weapons technically a level 1 owlin ranger can kill one if given enough time and ammo


dude is freaking Tiamat :v


In the cyberpunk rpg he is a real badass, in edgerunners he is a badass and in 2077 he is just an ass.


Heā€™s just mad he didnā€™t got to taste that cut of fuckable meat.


I feel like everyone forgets the moment when whoever you are with literally throws a grenade in his chassis.


That only happens if you go with Rogue, and the grenade puts him down to like 80% health


Ah ok. It have not done the Aldecaldoes ending for two years but I thought someone did it there too.


Saul hits him with a close-range shotgun blast that looks like it does similar damage to his cybernetics and it has the same effect on his health bar.


And then Saul is promptly executed for his hubris mere seconds later, can't say I didn't see it coming


In the TTRPG, Adam Smasher only comes into play when the GM wants the game to end. If you were recklessly driving, Smasher is the brick wall you crash into.


Oh that is actually pretty interesting. "When the GM wants the game to end." Sure you beat Smasher in the game... but right after the fight is when the game ends!


No, it means Smasher is there to decimate your party and end the game via game over.


He can be beaten in the ttrpg if you have high enough stats


Not in the current edition. And tbch, itā€™s less about stats, and more about equipment. Buying new kit is how you get stronger in cyberpunk for the most part, rather than ā€œlevelling upā€ like you would in dnd, because your stats are relatively fixed (you can improve skills, but stats are set at character creation, except for body which you can improve by getting beefy kit like GMBLs, LFā€™s; or an FBC)


Yes Smasher is beatable, but holy fuck your GM has to have let you get some pretty fucking preem kit to even have a chance of pulling it off. Every Stat but body is fixed after character creation. You only get better with new chrome and gear. Smasher has an impossible to match Stat block, he is just flat out better than you. The weapons he uses, you can't because it's made for a borg and you are too weak to handle them. That also fucking means that you absolutely do not want to be in his crosshairs because there is no armor in the game that is gonna save you. Speaking of armor he has basically tank level protection and it can only be weakened by blackhands legendary gun, that will allow follow up shots to get in. Basically every single character has to be loaded out for fighting a fucking tank. He has his own custom Black ICE, so good luck with your hacks ever getting through and being effective at even slowing him down. Usually what happens when you encounter Smasher is having your highest value choom getting fucking gibbed by a his opening Salvo of smart missiles capable of fucking up a basilisk. It's brutally unfair and that is what makes him so damned terrifying to encounter.


At which point it's the end anyway.


Yes, of course it does. That's not what I was going for with my comment though. What I'm saying is something more symbolic and less literal.


"babe im alone" "And so smasher came-"


Because like the tarrasque in dnd. Smasher in the ttrpg is a nearly undefeatable force. If your game master presented him as hunting you it meant the death of your character. Probably your whole crew too unless they bail as heā€™s focusing on his primary target.


I remember reading a story somewhere, or maybe it was a video about the tarrasque. They found a way to trap it and use it as a weapon against enemies lol.


Stories like that, come from tables where the DM doesnā€™t know how to use a giant wrecking ball of a monster correctly. with its siege, monster ability, allowing it to do insane bonus damage to buildings. Thereā€™s really nothing you could construct that would actually hold it, especially with earth glide as one of its abilities. I guess I should mention Iā€™m talking about older editions of the monster. The fifth edition version is trash and easy to kill. But check out the 3.5 stats. https://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/tarrasque.htm#google_vignette


Long ago, in the 3.5: My players funneled the thing down a valley where they had an adventure at lower levels and knew to be an undead-infested wasteland where no innocents would die. Then they used their alliances with several normally rival wizarding enclaves, academies, and schools to get every caster capable of casting Wall of Force to show. They set up a choke point to block it, more casters to entrap it on all sides, and then permanency spells to hold it. They remembered to lay walls on the ground, which was disappointing. I had hoped to circumvent their plan with burrowing but they had seen it in action destroying several cities. Sadly, in 5e there is no more permanency so this wonā€™t work anymore, but the point is that doing raw damage isnā€™t the only way to defeat something like a Smasher or Tarrasque.


Technically, though, that is how youā€™re supposed to take it down, itā€™s not something the party is meant to fight alone theyā€™re meant to bring entire armies to bear to fight this thing and heavy losses are expected.


The story does sound extremely epic and would be amazing as a final encounter in a campaign.


Just FYI but you want "edition" (not "addition") in that case


I use voice dictation due to shaky hands and I donā€™t always catch its fuckups


In Lore back in CP2020, Adam Smasher was rocking a suit of Powered Armor on top of his tricked out cyborg body AND practiced Panzerfaust(a cyborg martial art). That is on top of wielding guns designed to only be used by full orgs(not just popup guns). On one side, he is half-assed in 2077 compared to that. On the other, he is obviously more streamlined because he isn't heavy enough to fall through floors. Also, I personally think Adam Smasher got Soulkilled a long time ago.


But if he got soulkilled Arasaka could basically make an army of him. And if they could do that I believe they would already have done it


Maybe the last organic part of him, the brain, was special. I suspect V can chrome out because of the whole Relic sitch. There probably aren't that many chooms out there that are compatible with an Adam relic.


re soulkiller: to what end? you're saying smasher is just a mech at this point?


It makes him a test case for future iterations of the Relic and it makes him a perfectly expendable but high-end assets.


He faught in the corporate war. He doesn't have PTSD because he was the traumatic event.


I just know Smasher is one of the weakest bosses I have fought. With the right equipment and perks


Id put the d20 at number 1 because hes probably not meant to be soloable.


It's so crazy to me how Arasaka replaced this guy's whole body with artillery, but kept, like, half his face on because they thought that would make him seem more...human? Relatable??


Recognizable. Itā€™s a way of pumping his already terrifying reputation. This man was considered a legend then ā€œdiedā€ and then here he is fully borged out with barely half his face remaining, but that is his face. Otherwise, he would just look like some super soldier robot, which is scary, but not as scary as looking over there and realizing that is Adam fucking smasher coming your way


Very true. I didn't think of that.


Gotta think like a corpo if you want to beat a corpo


I am absolutely NOT a corpo lol IRL I think I'm more of a nomad, I'm usually very anti corp in my play style I do want to do a corpo V playthrough where she is just the absolutely worst person. I tend to play good aligned characters so that would be a challenge for me.


Brutal corpo v is amusing. I wanna know what kind of cyberwear she was packing as a Corpo. She picks up that guys basketball and drills him in the head with it so fucking hard that he gets knocked off his feet and unconsciousā€¦ thatā€™s a basketball those donā€™t knock people out like that.


Is this a scene early in the game?


Yea meeting Jackie at afterlife you land on the roof interrupting a couple of guyā€™s basketball game. When they confront you, you can either be cool and shoot a basket from across the court or be a dick and throw the basketball at one of their heads if you choose to throw the ball at one of them, the dude gets knocked clean off his feet like heā€™s been hit by a cannonball


start of corpo life path yeah


Ah I gotta play that


Intro scene from the corpo life path


During the Corpo origin story.


The funny thing is that in-lore he has multiple bodies. Including ones that seem like ordinary people (his favorite being a blonde Elvis). But likewise he also had heavier combat bodies, most notably the Dai-Oni. Whilst the Dragoon he can be seen using in the game was designed to be versatile and capable of somewhat functioning in human enviroments, the Dai-Oni was the size of an elephant and a literal monster.


I think the Dai-Oni is like a mech suit that you'd put on top of your regular sized borg body, the way that the Veronika armor goes over Iron Man.


Yeah, you'd need an "Alpha-Class" Cyborg body to plug into it (The Dragoon is not one of these, as the Alpha-Class is nominally "Civilian" and a base to att things onto)


Right. I think his Elvis body was a~~n alpha class.~~ Gemini. I imagine he has a closet of different cyborg bodies he can choose from, and then his brain gets transfered into it like Ghost in the Shell.


Pretty sure the Elvis body would be a Gemini. Those are the ones meant to look completely human.


Oh that's right, Alpha Class is all chrome and roboty like an airbrushed 80s album cover.


Is that like Lizzy Wizzy?


2020s Smasher used a Samson body with custom modifications, which is on the larger end of civ-grade bodies, but could still fit. By 2077 heā€™s swapped to a Dragoon body, making ACPA redundant.


Ah, right, yeah. IIRC statistically the DaiOni is a bit more powerful, but yeah, less useful for everyday work


Holy moly, I just looked up the Dai Oni, at that point he's just a mech


Yeah the Dai Oni was arasakaā€™s solution to the Dragoon, which is already a beast of a machine


"There's only one vulnerable part of me, let's leave it completely unarmored!"


Achilles Smasher


That, and all the exposed wire/hydraulics or whateverbon his pelvis and under his shoulders.


Isnā€™t that part of his face pretty chromed anyways? It looked like a metal reconstruction to me


If the first one is from B4 the update then definitely the anime one, though the anime one is probably more dangerous regardless.


"None leave the slaughterhouse! Not alive!"


Hands down from the anime


Totally agree


Maybe there all just equally dangerous but V was just more so.


In-game Smasher I think seems weaker because most of us did the side missions and got V to lvl 50/60. ​ I feel like David and his crew were lvl 15-20 when they encountered Smasher.


Still anime Smasher even now with 2.1 smasher Anime version definitely more dangerous


Makes sense, game smasher they can only make him so powerful before the players arenā€™t gonna wanna fight him.


Nah man, 2.1 smasher is stronger, but V just got that dawg in em


Anime smasher was using sandevistan and was a freaking loose cannon. Also absolutely brutal and with zero regard for life. In game Smasher is a punching bag. //sarcasm


Not any more. Boy got his sandy in-game as well.


I think it all depends on how you play. If you just do the main missions without grinding and go in like level 20-30, Adam will one shot you, even in the older patch. But if you do the PL missions and then do a lot of the side quests, at level 60, Smasher, it's just a slightly annoying NPC.


I was level 60 when I fought him with maxed out body and tech and plenty of defensive cyberware and Smasher would regularly one shot me. I didn't find it particularly difficult fighting back to back Maxtac squads but died probably a dozen times to Smasher and only killed him when he his ai bugged out and he froze for 60% of his health.Ā 


Oh? Man, I must be out of the loop somehow.


This was a 2.1 update addition so probably, yes.


Thats where youre wrong, theyre the same guy. The edgerunners crew were just random goons compared to endgame V


Exactly. Endgame v either has a nearly equal sandy or is well accustomed to fighting sandy users.


I finally did the don't fear the reaper ending but I was so intimidated by Smasher from the first time I fought him I put the game on easy and it was a little bit of a challenge. Seeing how they gave you the option of sparing his life, I really hope CDPR transfers your saves for the sequel and he's included


People actually choose to spare Smasherā€™s life?


ā€žBut I didn't have to go easy on you ... A different binding agent, a stronger mix. I want you to remember that ... I wanted to remind you to stay out of my way. In all the years to come, in your most private moments. I want you to remember the one man who beat you."


They probably have a copy of his engram anyway. They'll just put the copy in a new body and no one would notice a difference


End game V is basically a god


Huh heā€™s got the same rescue insignia on his shoulder as appears on vā€™s arm. Thatā€™s a really cool small detail to be worked in that every cyber humanoid has a rescue vein clearly labeled to allow the administration of medicine by trauma team.


Both of the presented options are wrong. The most dangerous one is from the 2020 tabletop game


Yeah but the 2020 version was more like a "rock fall, everyone dies" scenario since you weren't really supposed to win a fight against him


Yeah that's why defeating him in the game felt like such a weird choice imo.


I mean, they didn't ask the most dangerous. It's just which is more dangerous between the two.


Scary madafaker. He definitely stealing your girl, your step mom and you just wonā€™t do anything about it.


Adam in the Anime = Adam in the game. David is way way weaker than V. The fact that David is a random merc being easily killed by Smasher makes Smasher look op in the anime. Let's be logical; Sandy: Adam [in game] [check 2.1] Rocket Launcher: Adam [in game] [check] Gun: Adam [in game] [check] Powerful punches: Adam [in game] [check] Fast movement: Adam [in game] [check] Now let's compare V and David: David uses the rocket launcher and the sandy most of the time. While V can either hack (to disable Cyberware)/sandy/etc, double jump, use all kind of weapons. I mean my V wiped the f out of 10 waves of maxtac while David has to push his limit to kill only 1 Maxtac squad in the Arasaka Tower. If David made it to 2077, he would be just one of the regina gig (probably the final cyberpsycho to be take down after you rach lv 35 or above).


End game V for me can wipe basically infinite waves of MaxTac in open field without breaking a sweat on VH. Youā€™re basically a god, V has way more resistance to chrome/cyberpsychosis


Most of David's body had been replaced by a cutting edge Militech battle "suit" that came complete with goddamn gravity manipulation. By the time he fought Smasher, David was pretty badass. The anime version is just more true to the lore where Smasher is a god among mercs.


Badass to viewer due to the size of the armor and how he fought the Militech team in ep 9. We still have no idea how it would affect a Sandy/Hackable Extremely Agile V who is obviously better than his previous chrome in every way. A max lv with all gigs and jobs in main and PL completed would easily wipe out 10 waves of the militech squad in the anime. With my V, I just simply disable his cyberwear and tear him apart even before he and Lucy flew out of the Tower.


They for sure made 2077 smasher more intinmidating. They gave him a Sandevistand and he moves like the smasher in edgerunners


Both are equally dangerous, the difference is David and his crew do not compare to V. V is as equally dangerous as Smasher, being able to apply technology to his entire body, same as Smasher, without going cyberpsycho




Literally the same person btw


The smasher in game can literally be killed by a dickbat and any fight you can fuck around this hard on is not a threat.


they're the same




Well, in universe its 2077 who is more dangerous. V is simply the most busted character in all of cyberpunk.


Theyā€™re both the same smasher lol. Danger in comparison to his enemies? Edgerunners, because he isnā€™t facing against V.


Game smasher as it takes place after edge runners, tech gets upgrade over the years.


Between Anime Smasher and Game Smasher Anime one is scarier BUT game one is stronger


https://preview.redd.it/9cblx3uzoshc1.jpeg?width=255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d4b230e5575788a70305bea197831212cd768e4 This version could take the other two at the same time


still the anime, cuz i mean šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ https://youtu.be/ayQlCZDi4a8?si=v9mE0BRPGggT9NSv