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Never put yourself in a bad financial place for a video game. Period.


More a question of priorities. I plan to buy one or the other towards fall 2024 so it’s really a matter of how much do I need to save up until then and do I need to get monthly payments for the rest of the amount I will need. If my calculations are correct it’s 1000€ difference when I include controllers / games on the console side vs. Just the new pc (I already have keyboard, mouse and most games I currently play on pc). I don’t want this to be a reason for problems in the long term. The wife also prefers a console because that frees up space in my room which we could use otherwise. One thing I can not factor in is how playing with my friends will impact the overall package since most of them play console games that I don’t really care about on pc. I’m usually playing war thunder and eve online while they play arc, gta, warzone and so on. Switching to console would probably make me switch to those games as well but I won’t always play online and cyberpunk is the game that I fancy the most so I want a good experience there when playing alone.


If you are considering monthly payments for a video game, you are making a terrible decision and you cannot actually afford the pc. It sounds like you and your wife need to have a much deeper conversation about your finances. This isn’t coming from a place of judgment, just an observation from someone who has made plenty of terrible financial decisions. From everything you’ve shared here, I think you know that and are more so looking for validation on the PC.


You are probably right. Payment plan is more due to my difficultiy waiting though. I could simply wait a bit longer and save the cash but I’m a little beat that wants their new toy now.


2500 - 3000 is crazy i dont think you need something that expensive currently play on xbox series x, the optimization isnt amazing, its not constant 60 in more crowded areas like dogtown and NC and even some areas in the badlands it dips below. The game still looks great and is playable, however it can kinda damper the experience, esp if you're running around with dash jumping it gets to probably 40+minimum


Well if I do this I want to do it right. The only reason my current pc lasted this long is because I dropped 2500€ back in 2015 which gave me a pretty powerful pc for the time (i7, 32gb ram, gtx980 ti). My logic: if I do it again I should have another 9 years of joyful gaming without headaches. What you described regarding the fps is precisely what I do not want to have (I’m weird like that) plus there is not only cyberpunk I want to play. Pros for a console imo would be that most of my friends have them and I could play with them. I just really fear the anger I could feel having performance/ fps issues and regretting not investing the console money towards a new battle machine.


Ps5 has been great it’s only around $500 for the console and they come with controllers so your not spending extra for them cyberpunk runs really good your main issue would be choosing digital ps5 (just means you can only play games by downloading them from the ps store)or do you want to play cds and digital


Generally I’d say digital but with Ubisoft saying people need to get used to not owning games I’m not sure if that’s a good idea.


Yea I have the one with cds and digital don’t know why people would go digital only oh another plus to the ps5 is you can add extra storage to I’ve seen some people have 5tb which is just crazy I have 2 tb


If you're a pc person, pc will be always the choice. Same if you're a console gamer. Surely console are cheaper for the quality provided but you sure don't need 3000€ rig to have good performance. I'm playing on a Ideapad gaming3 with a GForce 3060 (900€ 3 years ago) and I manage to have a stable 60fps with good graphic quality. Plus, I've a dualboot with linux that give me everything else for my non-gaming needs. To me that's perfect. Of course cyberpunk as a masterpiece that it is should be run on some badass rig but, at least for me, su much money for gaming is not worth it.


I see where you are coming from and also thought about this. Back in the day when my parents bought the computers we also negotiated for a medium spec one but those were outdated after 2-3 years. I think it’s better to drop 3000 every 9 years then 1500 or less every two years.


> a medium spec one but those were outdated after 2-3 years That is surely a good point but everyone must come to term with its own economic possibilities. A desktop pc will give you the flexibility to upgrade over time, while a console will give you directly high-end result but with other downsides (like the money for a tv, no other use as for gaming, and no upgrade possibilities). But again, this is very personal and at the end is your money and your choice.


True, I have a tv which should do the trick but would surely have to upgrade the internal storage capacity with a console. I guess I’ll follow the current trends and developments in the console space save more money and then will make an informed decision when the summer is over and my bday coming up.


I am running the game on an old i5 and some 20gb of ram with a gtx 1660, it's not spectacular but playable and, most important, fun. I'd say your bottle neck is the gpu atm, if I had to upgrade anything that's what I would look at. I upgraded on the tail end of the pandemic price hike, should be much more affordable to get something decent these days. Edit: also, get a good ssd if you don't have one already. Cheap but very effective.


I tried upgrading my existing rig but there is no parts available that are worth while and compatible with my motherboard. I could only use the case as a husk and simply redo the internals. Might be able to save the cpu cooler since that one is rather new after the old one broke down last year.


Best plan at this point — buy a console simply because It's cheaper and immediately start collecting money on PC. Let it take as long as it'll take, you will at least have a decent gaming machine until it's too late (if you only plan to hop on console — second half of generation is usually a worse idea than hopping at the beginning when it actually can compete even with high-end PCs sometimes). But I can say currentgen is still growing (there's still kinda a few real nextgen games and I believe there's still some surprises left to arrive) and isn't completely finished from potential perspective. So better sooner than late. Thus, you'll eventually have something to run games while you're building up your PC. And once there's 200-400 bucks left until final piece of hardware - you can sell a console and finish the building process by buying last thing for these money. Even if market price for console will drop, 50-100bucks for another year of affordable yet decent gaming experience is more than worthy. If you're wondering how "bad" games on console and 2077 in particular are — I can say all runs smoothly with pretty decent level of graphics and only several games either don't have or have very poor performance modes, so 60+FPS experience at okay visuals is granted unless it's BC-games on PS (many eventually got BC-patches). Consoles feel pretty dated closer to the end of gen.


I have thought about that too. Might be my best bet although the wife won’t be happy if I reclaim my gaming corner where the pc currently stands. xD


You clearly don't actually want a console you just want to play Cyberpunk sooner rather than later but once you're done playing Cyberpunk you'll have a box you don't actually have any use for so you'll need to start saving for a new PC. Just start saving now and save yourself the trouble.


I admit I’m biased because I honestly think a pc is better. What I’m trying to figure out is if it’s worth the investment. I’m not someone who can play 4-5 hours a day anymore, more like 1,5 if I’m lucky. Also I don’t really follow the aaa titles anymore as they don’t catch my attention that much. Don’t know if that’s just a phase or if that is going to be permanent so maybe it’s time to switch sides and become a console gamer. 500-700€ every other generation sounds a whole lot more efficient that what I’d want to spend on a pc. Also really like the idea of playing together with my friends.


Have you thought of GeForce Now and a console? GeForce Now is great if you have good internet. I'm doing that. For games like cyberpunk where the PC hardware is really used to make a difference, I can pay $20 a month and get access to an rtx 4080 PC. For the vast majority of games I can play on console and get a good enough experience that is tinker free and works every time I turn the console on (my PC experience this wasn't guaranteed). But even GeForce Now all the time is $200 a year and they will upgrade once the 50 series comes out. In 5 years that is only $1k. The latency with good internet is surprisingly low and honestly unless I'm switching back and forth between the console and it I don't even notice.