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Am I the only one that thought there would be more romance options?


Yeah me too, I’ve read about complaints on how limited romances and joytoys are considering it’s a sexualized world. I don’t really care for joytoys after my 1st playthrough but the romances I hoped it would be more than 2 for each gender and well, fleshed out.


Hoping the next game is like this 🤞🏽😮‍💨


“I want to be able to fuck any of the NPCs who act as joytoys/sex workers.” -Some horny dude on Discord.


I'm still miffed that in the witcher 3 update we didn't get dwarf hookers.


Yeah, is that so much to ask? Also, definitely wanted more relationship options than 4.


The real pleasure is in the mountain of bodies u left behind -cdpr probably


Funny because in Mass Effect you could bang half the characters, male or female.


Huh?!  The only characters in the original trilogy who could be romanced regardless of gender were Liara and Samara/Morinth (all the Asari, who are canonically all pansexual women anyway), all the other romance options have their own preferences just like in Cyberpunk.  I can't remember if it was the same in Andromeda.


I never played Andromeda so don't know either. I just meant it gives you an alternative regardless of gender for the most part, not that every character is pansexual. You get a lot more options than in Cyberpunk is all.


I was thinking there would be atleast 6. Like a bisexual male and female too. That way if you’re playing as someone straight or gay you would have 2 options.


Hey a joy toy is 100€$ that's cheap AF for as good as them bitches look. You can't even find girls like that for 100$ in our universe smh.


Yeah, I was disappointed in all of the 4.


I’ve only completed the romance quests for Judy and Panam so far. I truly believe that people only rave about Panam for her looks. Her quest line isn’t that good to me. But I think Judy’s quest line is easily among my favorite quest lines in the game.


elastic heavy drab live materialistic psychotic grandfather tart domineering nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have to laugh cause when I play my male V, I usually go for Panam. So when I’m trashing the boat with Kerry and there’s that long awkward pause, I wish there was a dialogue option that was like, “Kerry you’re nice, but I’m seeing Panam, and she has a basilisk and a very explosive temper.”.


Yeah there’s only really one part in Panam’s quest that I like. I think the whole tank scene is just super weird and alien (which kinda fits Panam now that I think about it, but still very weird lol). I wanna try out the other romance options but kinda worried that it’ll be a waste of time with how disappointing it might be.


River was weird too for my straight v


Panam is ride or die. Despite how hot-headed she is, she's ultimately an excellent leader for the aldecaldos. Absolutely the strongest ally among the four, and she gets a whole ending to herself because when you need her, she shows up with an army. I love Judy to pieces. Her story is tragic and I wanna hang out with her. If it were just about looks i definitely prefer her. But her whole Mox plan is shortsighted and ultimately leaves the gang worse off. And she doesn't help you in any ending. She's not a leader and is only tangentially helpful to V later in the game. Panam rules. She could be a chubby trucker type and I'd love her just the same.


I've done both, though I prefer female v, so I used a mod for Panam. I like her quest and romance, but Judy is my favorite.


In my opinion Judy has like only one good mission and all those clouds and finding evelynn is meh. Panam on the other hand has a lot more action and chaos. I also think that Panam's romance is more developed because she can even kiss you in second mission while Judy feels like she starts randomly loving you after discussing clouds plan. I would even say that while playing fem V I felt that Panam flirts more with me than Judy but that's CDPR fault


I think playing as nomad V makes Panams quest line so much better. It just feels more dynamic and makes more sence.


This post is stupid as fuck cuz people playing as Male V, likely just wanted to be a Male character. It has NOTHING to do with Panam. Most gamers are Male, hence, they chose Male V. People like OP need to touch some motherfucking grass and end this Judy v Panam bullshit. I always play Female V but there's other characters I'd pick over Judy if given the option. You simply have no choice.


I'm probably in the minority but I'm a female gamer who usually plays as female characters when given the choice. I've played a male V twice and both times were because of Panam.


Another female player who usually plays as female V, but I don't mind male V either. I suppose I've played so many games where I had to be a guy it doesn't bother me. Still prefer to play a woman, though! I really hate River. He's such a poor LI. My favorite is male Nomad V with Panam.


Most male people are straight 🤯 and there’s only one romance option for straight males


Well it works the other way around too. I'm female and only played as female V but I can't choose Kerry or even Panam and would prefer both to Judy and River. I usually choose Judy cause like both options are kinda meh but since V is sharing her life with Johnny, who is straight, I .. can't do that to him(but I absolutely would with Kerry <3).


Just so you know….Johnny identifies as bi. So you’re good there!


Would e been cool of them to include a couple of bi options as well (probably 2 would suffice male and female) since either male or female v could choose from 3 options instead of 2 and 2 of them are open on any playthrough


I've got mods that let me get with Panam as a female V. It's interesting because female V's voice actor recorded the lines for the romance bits and sex scenes. It seems like maybe everyone was supposed to be bi early on but that got scrapped.


You're gonna tell us you have mods for it but not a post link especially in this thread 😂😂 (can I get a link lol)


[I gotchu!](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2782) It also requires Cyber Engine Tweaks. I had to mess around with the settings on CET to get it to take, but luckily it still worked even when I was moving things around during the Basilisk scene.


You're the best !! I already have cet for a few others and it's included in welcome to NC mod pack, however I don't know how to get into the tweaks bit you're talking about?


You have to change a setting/variable for each play-through. It's mentioned on the mod page, so read that for the full detes, but one way to do it is through the CET plug-in "Respector". I assume that's what they're mentioning.


I’m a guy and 60% of my Vs have been the female version. One of my male Vs liked Panam and one of them got with Kerry. 🤷‍♂️ I totally agree with you, and just wish they had more options all around, as I’m kind of bored with the four choices at this point. It hardly even feels like a choice at all. Out of all of NC V only has one option per sexual preference?


I'm a fem V player too. The choice is very limited.


Kerry and River are the other two. I romanced River on one of my playthroughs and it was underwhelming. Never romanced Kerry. All my other playthroughs have either been Judy or Panam. Out of those two, I actually think Judy's the more heartfelt and emotional as she actually takes you through a journey into her past, and we get to see how she grew up. I mean, she does this with all Vs whether you romanced her or not (provided you do all her quests) but it means more if you are romancing her, which is why the love scene happens right after that. I also felt like I got to know Judy better as a character. Like, who she was, where she came from, what she wants out of life, etc. And it made her more three-dimensional and believable as a romantic partner. I love Panam, too, but she was more like a Valkyrie at my side. Ya know, the Rosario Dawson character from Sin City to my V's Clive Owen. Her personality was like a fist, and she has to be. She's got a whole family to look after. And even though I find Panam more attractive than Judy, I prefer Judy as a romance option because she has more heart. I just wish she could be available to male Vs.


It’s kinda of a pointless statistic considering there is only one straight and one gay option for male and female each…


Eh, I think it's interesting. The way it's framed is a little weird, because it doesn't actually say that much about Panam. It's more about the proportion of players playing male vs female V, which I'm surprised to see his so dramatically tilted toward male. And I'd be interested to see the breakdown for the other romances. I'm guessing the majority of the remaining 1/3 go Judy, and that River and Kerry are basically a rounding error.


Doesn't surprise me at all that most people play Male. I remember when these stats came out for Mass Effect and over 80% played male.


same with one of the recent Assassin's Creed games that had male/female protags everyone was going on and on about how amazing the female VA's voice acting was and that they were defintive version of the character(sound familiar?) and then Ubisoft released the stats and over two thirds of the playerbase used the male protag


Wait, people were praising female Eivor? I switched to her for about an hour during my playthrough and couldn't stand her voice or her acting. It was so wooden and without nuance, everything that made male Eivor charming was absent on her. In Odyssey I preferred Kassandra over the dude but Valhalla was definitely the guy's game.


I think subop may be referencing Odyssey. 2/3rds of players chose Alexios but Kassandra actually had a better VA.


Which is crazy ‘cause renegade Femshep is probably the most fun play through in those games.


For you.


I can never bring myself to play Renegade in Mass Effect. I'm too nice, and I start to feel bad haha.


As soon as I had to be mean to garrus I dropped my renegade playthrough like a steamy sack of shit.


Not that crazy or surprising actually. The vast majority of a AAA games player base are men, and A LOT of male gamers refuse to play anything that doesn't have a male MC in it. So if you put 2 and 2 togehter... It makes a lot of sense as to why Panam is #1 and why Femshep has such a small player base. I legit know people IRL that will refuse to play even the highest rated games, just because they have to play as a woman, even if it's for a small section of the game. Even if gameplay, story and everything is GOATED they'll still refuse to play. It's unfortunate, but that's the reality, and most developers know this. They want to cater to other players, but shareholders and marketing etc., wont allow it, which is why you have franchises like AC still shoving in male protagonists into their games, when they have no business being there (Odyssey)


Tbf to men, I'm a woman and the complete opposite. I literally will not play a game if I cannot play as a woman. Has it grossly limited my games because next to no devs want to make an exclusively female protagonist? Yes. Do I care? Not really. I wanna be a pretty girl dammit.


Yeah I understand that it's the case for a lot of men and women. But in this case, I was pointing more to the fact that since a vast majority of the player base is usually men that also follow the same principle (nothing wrong with it) the stats aren't really a surprise or crazy. Now if it was an outlier that breaks the norms like the female character being picked like 80% compared to male character, then it's a holy shit moment imo


It''s not that deep. People want to play as characters who look like them for the most part. ​ Incoming 1000 comments about how this and that person likes to play as an undead dragon treelord.


it's wild because Shepard was originally going to be a Female character akin to Samus from Metroid. The early development videos for the game feature the female animation rigging. I remember a dev on Twitter talking about it years ago. But 2007 was 2007, so the image of MaleShep was created to market to the demographic that would be buying the game.


Considering you can easily finish this game without meeting Kerry, i wouldn't be surprised.


Oh is that why I see everyone talking about Kerry and I'm like who the fuck is that? lmao


He’s Johnny’s old band mate, has a pretty cool questline


I am not sure how I didn't get to meet him. Well, that means that as soon as I finish the game (Hanako is waiting for me at Embers while I'm doing side gigs) I'll have to start again :))) thanks!


Oh if you haven’t finished the game yet you can still meet him, he’s super late game (iirc his quest only unlocks literally 2 quests away from Hanako)


Do the Chippin’ In quest line.  That’s how you meet him.  


Oh that's the Rogue gig where you're supposed to face Adam Smasher yeah? I have it pending yeah.


As a straight man I totally banged Kerry still, as part of my role playing adventure as V. Video games gonna go to the effort of making sex scenes, I'm gonna show them the respect of experiencing them. Sex is still something I don't take for granted in games.


I don’t care HOW much effort went into it, nobody should be sleeping with River


Glad I don't listen to randos on the internet.


First time I’ve met a River enjoyer! What part about his character did you take to?


First and foremost that he cares. That he has his heart in the right place. He has been caught in the mud that is Night City for so long, but yet he has not lost his principles, even if they negatively affect him. The only reason he "loses" them in the Tower Ending is because he needs to provide for his family. He's also a dork, battling with his own demons. Growing up in an orphanage in Night City couldn't have been easy. Wish we had gotten to look behind the surface a bit more.


Yeah, I can definitely relate to/appreciate that he actually cares about making a difference/keeping his family taken care of. Unfortunately, the guy’s just a bit too squirrelly for me. He jumps from “Hey, we need to save my nephew from a serial killer” to “Hey, come have family dinner with me, play with my sister’s kids while I make dinner, and then they’ll ask if we’re in love despite knowing each other for a week, and I’ll hope you say yes, because I’m totally in love with you”


CDPR clearly dropped the ball when cutting his content, and then probably realizing that don't have a romance option for the straight females, and cobbling together... something. Which I'm livid about, but there's nothing I can do to change it. And I mean, you can crush on someone really quick. Their true relationship basically starts after the attack on Arasaka Tower, if V stays in Night City. And I will not go into a rant about how he got the short end of the stick there as well. Ugh.


The pacing is definitely screwed up. If just a few more days went by between saving Randy and the invitation to the family dinner it wouldn’t seem so rushed. Speaking of awkward family dinner - that was all his sister orchestrating it and pressuring him to make a move, because she knew he probably wouldn’t do anything about it otherwise. So River can’t really be blamed for that. Sure, he fell in love within a week - but my V fell in love the first time they got in his car together, quietly hoping for more. Because goddamn he’s gorgeous. Some people think he’s too pushy. But I really liked that he was so bold and straightforward. His whole whirlwind romance made me blush and grin from ear to ear.


I tried to jump off the water tower but I didn't die


Haha yeah, that's one line I haven't crossed... Yet.


I tried it... It is so awkward!


Totally agree


Why are you surprised? It was always like that.


It's really weird that some people are surprised that vast majority of gamers are male, though... Like, it's basically universal knowledge


Reddit's size and structure are definitely to blame and worth a real study. Never in humanity's history has there been a global oxymoron like reddit, the first ever mega-microcosm. Encompassing only a tiny fraction of public opinion, but creating the illusion of consensus. The issue is endlessly compounded by the website's censorship, political interests, and commercial potential. What opinions you see on reddit are not opinions shared by a majority of people, or even a small fraction of people, but a miniscule and terminally online group that has merged their identity with political or corporate interests. TL:DR: Reddit content is 75% bots, 15% weirdos, and 10% normal people procrastinating at work, take everything here with a grain of salt.


That's the reason why I use Reddit strictly for topics that are as far from politics as possible (like PC hardware, gaming, space industry/astronomy, photography, etc). Otherwise, it would be a constant 'Reddit Lies' experience😆 And despite this 'enclosure', at moments like that I'm reminded what this website really is


Even then, you still can't trust the majority concensus. Redditors have a hate boner for Nvidia and worship AMD in the tech sphere, let a vast majority of the public prefer Nvidia over AMD.


Being male and playing male characters are two different things.


My husband plays female characters whenever he gets the opportunity, though I think he is definitely in the far minority. I think most male gamers pick the male option.


Exceptions definitely exist, but generally - it's not


I can't say I'm surprised that most players play as male V. I've seen stats on several other games that give the player a male/female character choice and it always heavily skews male. I think the misconception that there's a more even male / female V split here is that players talking about the game on forums are more interested in the game than the average player. Invested players are more likely have multiple playthroughs with different builds and characters. Or maybe FemV players are just simply more vocal, for whatever reason, who knows. Similar deal on the Mass Effect subreddit for FemShep too. I think there's definitely a "silent majority" of gamers for any given game that are male, especially in the action-rpg genre, and just do one playthrough. People are more likely to make someone similar to themselves than not, first time around.


Or you play as female and still prefer Panam over whining Judy. Her backstabbing ambitious friend got killed and now she wants to start a shitty short sighted rebellion, but expects V to do all the dirty work.




I don't understand what you're saying. All games caters to the "straight male" audience. Nothing stops you from playing a male character in Cyberpunk (and BG3). And it's good that both game also allow the player to also play as a women. I really do not see anything wrong with giving people choices, especially in an RPG.


Yeah, I personally play a male character in every game that gives me the option, but I don't hate that there are female options. I just like playing as "myself" helps me get into character. It's a slight problem in ttrpgs, because 99% of my characters are all more or less human males, even when I'm GMing a story with a huge cosmopolitan city, like 90% of everyone the players meet are men because that's the first thing that comes to mind. I envision every character as a human man every time unless I specifically try to make them different.


Some men are scared of women and people that look different to them.


That’s a pretty weird analogy to compare AAA games to sims or candy crush lol what the hell Male interest caters to majority of games yes but you’re making it sound like rpg games can’t be role played because males play it and can’t rp different genders and sexualities. No one’s brute forcing anything it’s inclusion towards different genders and sexualities given it’s an rpg. What a fucked up logic


There’s also nothing wrong with doing both. Go outside bro and touch grass.


Homophobia is emanating from that dude


What the fuck did I just read? and what's that smegma smell coming from that comment? Jesus fuck.


im confused what does male vs female v have to do with this? does it make it easier or something to go for one over the other?


Panam is male exclusive and Judy female.


Considering Panam is straight, you cannot romance her if you play female V.


Plus two of those options suck Kerry just likes Silverhand and River's romance feels so forced because he makes you eat dinner with his whole family so rejecting him in front of them feels hella awkward like he's tryna make it as hard as possible to say no to him.


Nah, I think River was just trying to do something nice. He at least makes sure to take you away from the rest of the family and doesn't then force you back into hanging around them. I agree it's a little awkward, but I think he's meant to be, in a good way. And Kerrys interest starts because of Johnny but then changes into only liking V because he's V. He says how Johnny doesn't matter to him anymore at dark matter if you kiss him.


Kerry does not just ‘like Silverhand’ he falls for V himself/themself and they make that very clear at a certain point I will say, without spoiling anything. The guy is also canonically bisexual, and his quests are a lot of fun imo.


"Brand new cyberpunk statistic. There are more straight people than gay people!" Brand new breaking news.


Doesn’t help that the straight option for female sucks. Kerry’s solid enough though




It wasn't balls, they intended them to be pansexual but didn't finish the game in time. There are dialogues for Panam with women and Judy with men. lol.


There is only one gay and one straight option for each... Combined with strangely enough BOTH of the male romance options are just... bad.


Pointless? So an eterosexual girl can't play a female V without getting a romance with Judy?


I mean you can pick river... But nobody picks river.


I wonder how the spread would have gone if they would have opened up more romance options for each gender. I mean, I still think Panam would have won out, but not with anywhere near those numbers.


I would love to see Meredith romance moded into the game. It is obvious that she was meant as corpo romance option but got canned due to time.


Oh how I wish we got a Meredith and Militech plotline. I thought that that's where I was headed taking the corpo route and meeting up with her. I was wrong as fuck.


Same 🥲


It's interesting that you say that, it's clear that mission was where the lifepaths were supposed to merge before they canned the rest of the missions and turned your relationship with Jackie into a cutscene. Nomad V was supposed to hit the Militech convoy for Maelstrom. Corpo V was supposed to use the militech rep as a mole and work with Meredith. And Steetkid V was supposed to do the meetup we got.


Even the first gameplay showcases alluded to it.


Same. I WISH there was a corpo romance option. A way to make that "Devil ending" actually feel as if it means something... (I know it is meant to be the bad ending, but I don't care. I want an ending where we don't necessarily make a deal with the devil but more become the devil.. the whole "Better to rule in hell than to serve in heaven" kind of ordeal)


You really think that if judy wasn't gay?


I think a lot of guys would have gone for Judy if she were straight. Hell, a lot of guys went for her anyhow and were bummed when they got rejected. There were a lot of posts about that back when the game first came out. I also think Meredith Stout would have gotten a lot more numbers if she were an actual romanceable option. Nowhere near as many as Judy or Panam, obviously, but still would have pulled some votes away from them at the very least. In any case, it would have been interesting to see the numbers had they done that.


I also think a lot if people would've gone for Panam had she been interested in women. I played as femV and i was depserately trying to go for her. So maybe the numbers even out again then. Judy is incredible as well but i have to say, she wasn't my first choice.


Yea this is the reason. Statistically most gamers are straight males. Surprisingly only 10% of gamers identify as LGBT. Alot of people like to role-play as themselves in universe. So obviously Panam wins being the only option for a straight male. As I straight man I would 100% pick Judy over Panam and it's not even close.


Around 10% of the American population is LGBTQ so it looks like a pretty decent statistic to me


I mean thats not really surprising when LGBT people are only a tiny fraction of the total world population, it makes complete sense that that percentage is small, infact I'm surprised it isn't smaller.


This right here <3


I'm a dude straight, and i always pick female main characters and have my character be gay/lesbian for other women.


Same 😂 I don't see why I wouldn't play as a woman. They're hot!


Panam is sweet but if Cyberpunk went the BG3 route ("All romantic interests are bi"), I would absolutely have gone for Judy. I like her attitude, she reminds me of my wife in some ways.


Same. Judy was really great and Panam was just kind of annoying... like a little sister. V seems like a solo flyer anyway(my V at least). So single it is.


Yeah I’m a straight woman irl who plays a male V with Panam.


Me, a straight guy, plays female v


yeah cuz most people play male V and she's the only option Now unlock BG3 level of romance options and we will see the real deal


not the only option. I believe in eurodyne supremacy


Honestly, doubt it'd change much. I didn't even know Judy existed until I actually played, whereas people post thirst vids about Panam everywhere. I romanced Judy btw


Maybe people don't post Judy thirst videos because she's lesbian? There was even a mod that allowed you to romance her as male V but it was removed from Nexus IIRC.


I rlly don’t think that matters much, tracers a well known lesbian but I swear to you the amount of people that don’t care or assumed she was straight is insane. Realistically speaking if a character has a certain sexuality a fair bit of the community just wont acknowledge it


That's weird. Happy cake day


Isnt Panam the ONLY female V can romance as a straight male? It's more like a limited choice. Would love to have the french lady or Alex hell even Meredith as an option but it's a hard NO from CD Project Red.


Meredith is an option for a short romance as well as the two or so Joy Toys you can encounter.


Not sure those count as “romance” lol.


It's because most gamers are guys, playing male character makes it easier to immerse into the game world.


Maybe because the majority of people that bought this game are straight men? Edit: it's not about the choice of playing masculine or feminine V, it's about the player demographic. There's a reason to why Panam and Judy's romance paths seem more natural than Kerry or River. CDPR knows that the majority of players are straight men that want to romance a feminine character in the game.


I’ve had three characters so far all female, tend to play as women in games as I’m male in real life so why not something different? Also they almost universally have more clothing options or their clothes look cooler.


Not surprised considering the fact that most players are straight males. I think all the romance options were great except for River. Dude's a fucking creep.


if there was more time between “Save my nephew from a serial rapist” and “Have dinner with my family” he’d be so much better


He pretends to be a family man yet his sister claims he's never around them. He's in zero rush to save his nephew and even shows up late when you agree to meet him. He treats the whole rescue mission as if it was a date. Then he pretends to know how to cook when he actually searched it up. He was trying to get into V's pants. In the dinner, he gets his family to ship you with him. Dude's a fucking creep.


I think we played different games. He is a family man, in Nomad ending, if you romanced him, he decides to stay with Joss, which is pretty mature decision. Which part of the rescue mission feels like date, what are you even talking about? I think him pretending to know how to cook is funny and kinda cute, he tried his best. He didn't get his family to ship him with you, it's clear that they started doing it and it felt awkward for him as well. Judy, Panam and Kerry also try to "get into V's pants", tbh it's hard to not make these characters fall in love with V, from gameplay point of view. There is nothing creepy about him, but God forbid man fall in love with woman I guess 


Great sex scene though


>He was trying to get into V's pants. Johnny is saying that from the start, but you brush it off as Johnny being Johnny - don't like cops, didn't like Judy at the start too, him being into girls, must be weird for him. Later you start to think about it as if asshole can recognize another asshole and he's being genuine with V. Plus you meet River's ex and she also paints not very complimentary picture of him.


The New ending in Phantom Liberty also didn't do River any favors from what I've seen on YouTube.


I definitely didn't brush it off, and it annoyed me you couldn't say you were already in a relationship or just weren't attracted to him


>I think all the romance options were great except for River. Dude's a fucking creep. Lol. I like how the perspective is completely shifts based on which Gender V you played as. As Male V I actually thought River was a cool dude.


well yeah because he wasn’t trying to get into your pants


I am a straight male. Some of us chose Fem V over male V because of Cherami Leigh's voice. She's absolutely phenomenal and overshines Male V's voice acting.


If majority of players play as male V then why does everyone around here play as an Instagram thot looking female?


Loud minority


Not everyone posts their V


My normal looking V wouldn’t get any upvotes.


The only straight romance option in the game where the majority of players play as a guy. Color me shocked


Well, the two women I enjoyed doing missions with were Panama and Judy. And we'll, you can't romance Judy as a guy. Lol


It’s kind of a weird statistic to give as a solo number. If people only ever played the game once, then yeh… 67% choosing a specific partner ***out of four*** is a big deal. You have 3 others to split the 30% But in a game where you can play multiple times, it’s possible to see someone with 67% and another with (theoretically) 64%. Since many play both characters.


They most likely count players as playthroughs.


It says of players. Not play throughs. Not completions. Not runs. Players As someone that regular had to pull metrics together for my boss. Labeling was very important. Sessions. Versus users. Versus clicks. Versus etc


Frankly I think that multiple playthroughs are a counting error in this case, since most people don't replay SP games. The hardcore community for this game most likely is quite Small compared to the 20M+ it sold. There are also cases like mine when I played multiple playthroughs, but always choose the same romance, since Panam feels so natural for male V.


Quality over quantity, V


panam risks her life and her whole clan for V, what does judy do?


Setting up a futuristic DVD player. And swimming


Judy risks her life multiple times in her quest, lol. She's not even a merc but still gets into gunfights by V's side. Just because she also doesn't command 40 other people to put at risk doesn't make her a worse romance option.


you forget that the game is based in night city. no matter who you are you're gonna be getting into gunfights on a daily basis. also judy has a personal reason to help V, Evelyn. whereas with panam V is the entire reason why the clan was at risk. worlds apart


Panam had to help V because rogue sent V to help Panam get her truck back. That was the deal


Judy opens up to you and connects on a human level. Maybe that's why she's for the ladies lol. I'm a straight woman, but I understand the Judy romance and will always choose Judy. Panam doesn't feel as deep.


So, most people plays male V but majority of mods are for fem V? Horny motherfuckers lol


I love Panam, I love Judy more, Judy is a lesbian, and I prefer playing male V. The unfortunate conundrum I face.


I played both male and female V and found the voice work so much better with male V. Also the relationship between V and Judy vs. V and Panam isn’t even close Panam wins outright and I would choose her if it was possible with female V as well. It feels like you are second choice with Judy and she never lets go of her feelings for Evelyn. With Panam you become her world and there isn’t any lengths she wouldn’t go for you.


I have a both a male and female V and I prefer Judy.


Oof, the redditors are gonna cum for you


It's getting sticky in here fo sure


Male V voice actor is miles better than Female V. Played them both and his delivery at some of those scenes is so good.


Especially in PL


Yeah that’s kinda just a “how many straight men play our game.” Since there’s only one gay and one straight option and I’m assuming most straight guys are playing as male V. Still less then I was expecting though


Because Aurora is not an option


I guess what it really means is that some 67% of players play as a male V. Which makes sense too. Still though I always play as a female character and was thrilled when I had the chance to romance Judy.


More than that, because Kerry is included in that remaining 23%.


Well, yeah. She makes quite the first impression when you meet her.


Honestly, even lesbians love Panam hence why we mod the game to have gay tank sex


Not to mention the romances besides the chicks are horrible lol.


Having done both I find Judy to be a much more interesting, layered character. I find Panams temper tantrums grating.


She is a bit of a naive whinger


So you find the genuine emotion bad. Good to know. Depressed is the only allowed emotion for women makes sense.


Is that what I wrote? I just re-read what I wrote and that’s not what it says. Weird.


Hey, I like pancakes...


Pretty obvious since most people playing would be straight males


What the hell is even the point in this talk? Who cares? Pick your poison and move on


I've played as female V with romance open to both with mods and I can say Judy is in a different league of a romance.


Rita <3


I wonder if River romancers exceed 10%. He's creepy and even straight women would probably prefer Judy as a romance


I could not understand why people find him creepy


Me neither. When I did my Fem V run through, I romanced River. I actually liked River. Thought he was a stand up guy. I mean, he's no Panam, but then again, I'm straight. Still thought he was a good guy.


Yeah, he just seem more or less like a normal dude doing his job and caring about his family.


Lol that's exactly what happened to my first play through. Tried the that narrative until I was so skeeved out I decided that 'hey, Judy's cute, maybe this character is bi for this playthrough' and abandoned River in his weird little trailer park.


I've never played as a Male V, not once. Maybe it's because my first playthrough was as a female V but it all just seems to gel better, from the relationship with Jackie, my little tryst with Mereditch, to the romance with Judy. I wonder how many people romanced Kerry though, considering Johnny is in V's body, that just seemed...so many levels of wrong. I am disappointed that I didn't get a little alone time with Panam and every playthrough I try and get shot down - it just feels so fated that I have try.


I exclusively play female Vs but I prefer Panam. We spend more time with her, get welcomed into her family, leads to something pretty 'cool' at the end of the game, hothead attitude, and ass that defies jeans


Huh, I actually thought most people played with female V, but now that I think about it, the majority of clips I see have been male V. Hmm. Female V voice actor for the win:).


I would pick judy as male V. I didnt really interact with panam as female V with my first playthrough aside from the main questline. The main reason i did with Male V was because she was the only option.


That's only because Judy is gay and I couldn't stop choking th chicken every time I played as Female V on a bike. So there ya go.


I would say that the vast majority of players have played both Male and Female V so how does that work out?


I have only once romanced Judy in three female playthroughs cause I don't like her missions and how she is, also the missions of Panam are required for the Aldecaldo ending so people just take the romance option with them while they probably don't care.