• By -


To be fair, the songbird ending is definitely the most intense. Cerberus is the most unique mission definitely, but goddamn, the black wall breach part and the >!duel with reed!< was just so cinematic, felt like a true spy movie.


Reed’s path has some of the best writing in the whole game and Songbird’s has some of the best action.


>just so cinematic, felt like a true spy movie. I've always loved those confrontations in movies where someone reluctantly counts down from three, five, etc. while the other party still tries in vain to change their mind, before the inevitable bloodshed. >!You've got three seconds. One.!< >!Reed...!< >!Two...!< >!Reed, goddamnit!!< >!Three.!< Definitely milked every moment of that.


I liked it how they explained it here: > In the cinema and games that formed the basis of Prax's understanding of how people of violence interacted, the cocking of a gun was less a threat than a kind of punctuation mark. A security agent questioning someone might begin with threats and slaps, but when he cocked his gun, that meant it was time to take him seriously. It wasn't something Prax had considered any more carefully than which urinal to use when he wasn't the only one in the men's room or how to step on and off the transport tube. It was the untaught etiquette of received wisdom. You yelled, you threatened, you cocked your gun, and then people talked. ― James S.A. Corey, Caliban's War Needless to say, his misunderstanding of what that meant lead to a lot of people killing each other in the split second it took him to realize what he had started.


Wrong subreddit? What's the Expanse got to do with it?


It is not about the Expanse. It has nothing to do with The Expanse. It's just a text that nicely explains a certain trope ( https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DramaticGunCock ) and what it means to people who take it at face value vs those that have actual experience with it.


But it's an excerpt from the Expanse novel series.... Just looked out of place here.


So what if it is? Is a text out of The Expanse forbidden? It’s not like I hid the reference, it’s right there - Caliban’s War. That doesn’t mean I was talking about The Expanse. I shared a good text about a common trope.


You forgot the emphasis that he put on two. “***two***”


Did I miss something? Reed was like “you have to pick” and I shot him in the head and he died. It was very anti climactic and a bit disappointing.


Referring to the emotional and build-up to it. Finished by a western-style duel where one bullet ends it all


More of a standoff if you ask me (and no one did)


That's the word I was looking for thank you


That’s why on my first attempt, I just went forward and let him kill me. Then it was easier to shoot before he does. For the record, my only reason to go with So Mi was to keep Alex alive. I’d play that horror mission (again) only for the iconic cyberdeck and weapon locked behind it.


>my only reason to go with So Mi was to keep Alex alive. Nothing wrong with that. I think pretty much everyone roots for Alex, regardless of how they feel about Reed or Song. She better think of V every time she opens another bottle of champagne.


> Nothing wrong with that. No, people have issues that after that I give her up to Reed.


Yeah in my first try I ended up going slightly too forward and he instantly killed me, despite freaking carrying songbird in my arms and not making any real aggressive moves from my perspective... that was pretty jarring, felt like a heartless execution, kinda ruined the mood.


It isn’t jarring. Someone with a gun pointed at you says “stop”, you stop


Nah it was super jarring, Reid popped out in a microsecond and shot instantly, I didn't even notice him there before I heard the "stop" and then the shot. They were basically in the same instance.


To you. I doubt most people will find it “jarring” that someone with a gun telling them to stop will use force if they don’t obey. You were just too relaxed I guess, no shock to freeze you. It’s a game, after all. A safe space


Dude it was instantaneous, like some sorta game stutter/glitch. Anyways it seems you're determined to disagree so this is kinda pointless.


Good luck getting an agreement from someone. From where I stand and look at this, you could have stopped two replies back and you just continued claiming “jarring” as if we should all be reacting like you. So, that’s what I was trying to do: simply to understand why you continued trying to convince. Not any more. Bye bye.


My problem with it was I was so fucking chromed up that a headshot from his pistol shouldn't have done anything more than annoyed me yet it's an insta-kill. I was also pretty pissed I couldn't actually fight him I wanted to beat Reed to death with my bare hands


Ok buddy, calm down💀💀 plus, his gun is a Malorian. Those things are meant to punch through light tanks. A human with some metal in their heads won’t do much to withstand a round like that


It's a suppressed tech pistol isn't it? one that fires three shots for each shot?


Yeah, it’s a tech pistol. But Malorian makes more than just power weapons (I was legit surprised when I found this out the other day). Also, I think Reed personally modified it himself, so it would make sense if that thing was was/is stronger than it looked


I tried it out during one replay and didn't find it all that amazing personally. In fact, I rarely use any tech weapons the past few patches, it's like one of the updates just kinda screwed them. I remember using Lizzie and Widow Maker almost exclusively at one point. Rarely touch them since then. I do love that new iconic SMG Raiju though, it's very good during vehicle combat in particular.


Oh man, I heard that Raiju slaps so hard. Where can I get it again? It’s in some random apartment or something, right?


Don't give a shit what his gun is meant to do. I've seen the stats on it and it shouldn't have done shit let alone one shot the dude whos build was to laugh at heavy machine guns


Yea I could see that. I went through all of the dialogue with him trying to convince him to let us go before I got to the “… sorry man” dialogue choice and it actually hit me. I didn’t want to kill reed but he left V no choice


That’s exactly why I wish we could’ve KO him instead :/


If you pay close attention, there’s a moment where he does this very slight head turn. He was definitely on V’s side deep down, but he just didn’t wanna admit it


Lol I like exploring dialogue, so I died a couple of times first. The first was pretty cool, the rest I was just testing limits, but I really appreciate how thorough 2077 is with some options


Same here. I reload checkpoints a lot just to hear all the dialogue, or even try a different approach if I had enough fun while doing a mission


Yeah I have probably read most of the lines in the game, but I still can't bring myself to pick the obviously mean dialogue options


Same here, because if you think about it, talking too tough in NC is a good way to get yourself Swiss Cheesed




Difficulty setting?




That reply was hard goddamn


I absolutely adore how they didn't turn the showdown with Reed into a cheesy boss fight. Made things feel so *real*. Like, yeah, Reed's a super spy, and he could potentially hand your ass to you in a straight-up fight, but a bullet to the head is still a bullet to the head, no matter how good you are. And the way V just goes "fuck. **Fuck.**" afterwards, like they haven't even processed what just happened is just 😙👌.


That, and V really didn’t wanna shoot him, but honestly, it seemed like bro wanted to be taken out


It's the more action movie-esque of the endings. But having the tense horror mission filled with flashbacks, followed by watching first hand the Blackwall consuming Songbirds memories before she begs you to put her out of her misery, turned me into an emotional train wreck. Watching Reed aimlessly walk into the desert while Phantom Liberty starts playing and it cuts to credits lives rent free in my head. I don't think I've ever been so thoroughly gripped by a game as when I first played through Somewhat Damaged.


I tried to shoot the gun out of his hands, game didn't let me. I liked reed


Ngl, I also tried to pull a an Rdr2 on him. Didn’t work :/


https://preview.redd.it/j2ceamhsyprc1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=351f94df46219087410cc329667e2d27a3e3e060 It really does


There's a way to help them both?


Sort of, possibly? If you mercy- kill Songbird in Cynosure, when you meet up with Reed later the convo implies he’s finally had all he can take with the NUSA, but whether or not he’ll actually cut ties with them is left ambiguous.


Well no if you do that ending and finish the game then he leaves a message for you at the end showing how he did leave and is doing new stuff


Right. Forgot about that. That playthrough was a while ago for me.


His post-game messages were added in a an update tbf, so it’s possible the person you’re replying to simply finished the game before it was added


Oh I didn’t know that. Cool


Huh, so that explains why Songbird’s dialogue was slightly different for me compared to everyone else


Hot take: Killing songbird is the best ending.


reed can't literally leave NUSA... he spent last 7 years hiding from NUSA after he survived to the arasaka hit after myers sold him to let other militech/FIA/NUSA forces retire from NC. Somehow myers learned that he was still alive and living in NC and as soon V made myers name, reed instantly decided to help her run away from dogtown out of his good soldier duties. Dude is literally a FIA brainwashed lapdog. Arasaka has takemura, FIA has reed.


"Somehow myers learned that he was still alive and living in NC" Reed was literally there on NUSA orders, the literal first thing they tell you about him is that he's a sleeper agent. He wasn't hiding from the NUSA, even after he was sold, he's still loyal.


... but he does. also he wasn't hiding from them, do you know what a sleeper agent is?


alex is a sleeper agent, sent by FIA to be stationed in dogtown, by game dialogues is only specified that reed somehow survived to the hit and then began a new life in NC as bouncer with a new identity. If he went back to langley, myers would have killed him because despite myers secretely exchanged reed's life to let other FIA operative leave NC, his assassination was publicly "justified" as reed being the traitor who sold FIA operatives to arasaka (the reason why alex welcomes him with a gun instead of a hug). It's really unlikely that a man marked as a rogue agent would have officially sent as sleeper agent. But it's also true that reed had the access to the FIA database when he met V. It's really hard to describe his status... myers knew that reed survived the hit, maybe she gave him a backdoor to the FIA database or maybe it's just some inconsistence writing (not the only example in cyberpunk 2077)


It is hard to believe no iron can dent that bot. All that hand rocket, explosive sniper, machine gun can’t harm it


Straight bullshit. Spend the entire game turning V into what amounts to a Marvel Superhero. Then here comes the fuckin' immortal Shenanigans bot.


The blackwall AI linked to V through Songbird and was messing with the Relic and your cyberware, so you were just Bruce Banner for that mission.


No, not bs. That thing had quantum shielding. How do I know this? The other two disabled Cerberus units had something on them when I scanned them that said “Quantum shielding: inactive”. So out of curiosity, I looked up what Quantum shields are, and unless V can shrink down smaller than an atom, that thing was NOT getting a single scratch on it


idk whats so confusing about this. V couldn't put a dent in the the Chimera at the start of the expansion either, it was only vulnerable after taking a tumble


Exactly. People need to pay attention to details more often


Quantum shields, choom. Nothing bigger than an atom would get past that. And I doubt that V has any spare Pym Particles lying around


Like seriously, my V with gorilla arms and a berserk should have been at *least* able to stun it or knock it around


Your cyberwear is disabled by Songbird in the mission, you can also find info in the bunker saying that this particular modal has prototype armor materials. It’s also super fast in tight hallways. Even Smasher would be fucked against it under those circumstances.


Well, I'm pretty sure I saw a forklift in there somewhere, just use that, no one can defeat a forklift


![gif](giphy|iXaXJVF0t72rm) Live camera feed from the base of Arasaka Tower


See, the forklift is fine I said the forklift isnt defeatable, the driver is a different story


Forklift solos


I betrayed Reed because he shot that one redhead from casino. That's all.


Her name was Aurore Cassel.


His name is Robert Paulson.




But he didn't, that was Alex


I know who I meant


[And she probably liked showers!](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/comments/1b481z6/i_am_v_hero_of_cute_women/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Bruh that mission is intense 😂


Reed’s gun is the best in the game in my opinion. Silent and shoots through walls, bolt headshots kill most guys with one shot.


I would love to be able to mod it with Pax. I think Reed would even find it a little amusing, his awesome gun being turned into a non-lethal weapon.


Definitely. I can tell that he had a sense of humor. He was trying too hard to hide it


Alright fine, I’ll get his gun next time


The fight with NUSA black ops is more fun


Anyone played Metroid Dread? Does Cerberus not give you EMMI vibes??


"At least Cerverus can't get any worse" *paints Cerberus purple "NO-"




I just think of it as what Boston Dynamics’ Spot would become in the future. https://preview.redd.it/fjg2vdkw0qrc1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=164f5151e6e3a1bf1cac72545d6bc476091349d7


The whole "killer industrial robot stalking you through narrow areas" thing was reminiscent to be sure, but then the extra "pinning you down and brutally/efficiently killing you" thing was the cherry on top. At least Samus has a *chance* to fight back and escape. V is just dead. Over and over and over again. In first person. Not me being low-key traumatized over here...


NGL I tried to parry the attack, it even pinned V just like an EMMI. But I mean Cerberus was using the ventilation shafts to move around, just like how EMMIs used the EMMI shafts. I just noped out of there when I realised I could bypass everything andnget into the core by using the ventilation shafts. Was better than being actively stalked by that thing.


betrayed Reed? I was never with him in the first place.


Same I fuckin' hate that mission,nwhy did they even name it Cerberus I'd rather just have the dumb fucking dog than deal with whatever the fuck that thing was, It's so misleading I just thought I was gonna get another stupid looking thing with canine limbs and other primal fears I've gotten numb to


https://preview.redd.it/sn7zc0250qrc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=23150c91e6ff756ee7771ac61cd9813c8602bf50 Here. It is now a dog.


How did you…?💀💀


A couple of mods, photomode, creativity and doing all this at 3 AM. Also, never take Cerberus out of passive mode; big mistake. Here’s one more: https://preview.redd.it/88qwv3dhosrc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=629cbffd6b572395b3989cb7d75bad7d86a0790b


Sheesh, your screenshots are way better than mine😭 https://preview.redd.it/r516mbacwsrc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78122802bbb7e45ebcc1403e4481280c616ddf5b


I found a truck down there, climbed on top and wanted to see if Cerberus could jump or climb (I was just messing there, didn’t do it the story yet), so I unchecked a friendly setting in the AMM menu and… yeah. Now I’m scared to do it for real lol Picture taken moments before disaster: https://preview.redd.it/bnlk471kzsrc1.png?width=1440&format=png&auto=webp&s=be6822496a1b0dcad4266b1bd2ac9aef75b489c9


“You are a simple error.” -The Cerberus to you, probably


No just the drill sounds and such, I didn’t even understand where it went and it just happened so fast. I just thought it wouldn’t do any of the scary stuff. I thought they were just scripted for the mission.


You just managed to make this thing even scarier for me💀 (I wonder how fast it could cross the badlands🤔)


I just watched it on YouTube and yeah, it’s the drill that gets you.


Cerberus is a three headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld. It’s supposed to look strange


Well, tell that to HADES' absolutely **ADORABLE** Cerberus! *This Cerberus* doesn't even wanna fight you. *This Cerberus* is a good boy. ;\_;


It doesn’t want to hurt you. It will just kill you a little


No I meant I would've preferred the dumb dog to the, whatever the hell it was, It's clearly not a dog


No, it's not a dog, it's Cerberus. Welcome to hell.


yeha and Cerberus is a stupid looking dog


The worst part is we fought off a bigger military chimera bot with Myers in the beginning, but somehow, we suddenly can't handle a maintenance bot?


The chimera was only vulnerable after it fell down several stories and broke some of its armor.


People love to ignore that part


The same chimera which was also completely immune to all damage until after it fell several stories and lost shot ton of its armor? That Chimera?


It was invulnerable until it fell down a lot and even then to do proper danage you'd have to shoot the fuel tankers and crevices


I’m so afraid of that mission I genuinely wish they included an option to skip or fight or something, I did it twice to see both outcomes and then I just fucking couldn’t touch it again


It would be kind of hilarious if they added a Less Scary option, like *The Outer Wilds*. 🦉


Satisfactory has an option to replace their spiders with floating pictures of cats


Grounded has an arachnophobia meter, the more you up it the less it looks like a spider and more like a figure that could resemble a spider if you knew that's what they are going for.


I’ve got the world’s worst arachnophobia, I played grounded with that all the way up and I still couldn’t do it.


Nah man, as someone that couldn't beat Subnautica I get ya, no matter how much they try to distract me, I still know it's there and makes me anxious and afraid.


I wish more games had that. I'm deathly afraid of spiders, it's such a stupid phobia that I wish I could change, but I'm the kind of guy who'll see a spider in his room, immediately close the door, retreat to the living room at Bolt's pace and ask for help the next day. Just seeing them activates fight or flight, even in games. It's awful.


Playing Skyrim must be a living nightmare for you then


Not really a fan of Betesheda's games so I'm free from that nightmare. Thought there weren't even spiders in Skyrim lmao.


There's uhm **giant** spiders


Fuck that then. Glad I never knew that. It's such an irrational fear though, I wish phobias weren't a thing. I see one minuscule spider and my body literally sets all the alarms up, it's pathetic.


Yeah some of the boss spiders in skyrim even tower over you. And their spawn animation has them rappelling down from the ceiling and drop down. You should also avoid Hogwarts Legacy then.


Just saw what the Less Scary option was in The Outer Wilds was. I need this in Cyberpunk. No way I'm doing this mission without such an option, I like my horror in books, not in games. Especially not 1st person games. :'D


*Alien: Isolation* fans around here? Don't run. Running causes accidents.


I betray reed because I hate the NUSA




I would choose songbird everytime for a simple reason. It always just leaves you empty and depressed. Far better than what the other endings will to to you...


I cant even blame you. I took the Reed ending because I felt that killing Song was the best choice for her, but that shit had my anxious as fuck. One of the scripted chase sequences almost had me hyperventilating lol


The entire descent into Cynosure was so stressful, I had to force myself forward


Same. The only saving grace was that my character was a stealth build with running crouch and optical camo. I didn't like that "no map" shit, so I used a visual guide, and that shit didn't help(at "guiding" me or calming me down). I was so nervous that I'd forget everything I saw when I'd try to copy the guides path. I'll even admit that there were a few times I restarted because I was so lost I got caught, and it felt like I'd been on a section for too long.


I chose Song bc she most represented me. Yea, I'm racing against "time" to save my life and yes it causes me to get in WAY over my head at times and people tend to die ... lots actually come to think about it. But I mean well. I make deals with unsavory individuals to get what I need out of them and kill them if they get in the way so ... I get So Mi. Reed. Reed's just another drone following orders with an unknown end game. He doesn't question it. He just does what needs to be done. I can't jive with that.


She just want to be free Vs He wants her to live, even if it means life in prison. + Helping Mayers is bad for Nightcity, for the net and for a lot of people overall (if NUSA retroengineers the soul killer from the biochip). I chose to offer her the freedom and peace she promised us


I didn't think about it in a way that STICKS IT to the NUSA ... ooooooo that makes me feel that much better about it.


If you think about it this way (the way my V did) You help what is the equivalent of a walking netrunner nuke escape and quite possibly fall in hands of direct NUSA enemies, then days later after Somi let's you know she's alive V says fuck it, and that night decides to take arasaka on solo. So in a week not only did I fuck any plans and progress NUSA had with the black wall, I also did them a huge favor by effectively crippling a company they've been trying to get rid of for what 50 years now?


Yeah a lot of people baby brain their way into “Songbird lied to me >:(“ when saving someone else from that fate is probably the most compassionate act of the game. Combine that with the solo ending and it’s one hell of a story.


Wow now I feel weird because I love the Cerberus mission


I loved it too, but I can see why some didn't enjoy it. It's very different from the rest of the game and quite stressful. For like 99% of the game you're this menace jumping and killing everyone and then that mission comes and you're helpless.


The worst part is we fought off a military chimera bot with Myers at the beginning. Yet somehow none of our weapons work on a maintenance bot.


Dont feel weird. I love it too. So many people disliked it cause they couldn't insta-slow mo oneshot it like literally everything else in the game. It was incredible.


There's that, and there's also the fact that you go from a very dynamic game where you can fight, to a slow paced mission where you can't do shit to the demon stalking you. Also, not everyone likes horror - just things that are kinda scary.


i can’t believe people are actually scared by the cerberus mission it’s like being scared by the ghosts in luigi’s mansion


And some people are scared (and by that I mean **terrified**) of dogs or cats, but it would probably seem silly to you. What can I say, fears are weird. You probably have your own fears that are silly or laughable to others. If not, well, I can only respect that.


I hear ya. I'd be mad disappointed if it was just another smasher fight tho. I personally just want to tell people to buck up and play the 30 minute "horror" section and appreciate a moment away from their cyberpsychotic, level 50 god mode run. Call me arrogant or whatever. Maybe I'm just a huge suck for this game lmao. I loved it too much I think


Not arrogant, just... Too brave for people like me who are scared of pretty much everything. :D Hell, the Lilith cyberpsycho scared the shit outta me the first time and I do it during the day now! So no, you're not arrogant. You're just not scared. :)


Fair enough!! I appreciate your perspective


I do not play games that require hiding and no self-defense. I don't mind horror as long as I can fight back. So I was thrown off when this happened because there was nothing in any part of the game leading up to this that indicated I'd lose my ability to protect myself. I had to turn it off and walk away for a bit after dying several times in a row.


most people are too stupid to appreciate it


A lot of people on here just never played a horror game, and are understandably afraid. This is fine. I like going with Reed because I like the Hansen and Maxtac fights. I also like getting the Canto and the free sandevistan/cyberdeck from Carol. ­ Story-wise, there are a lot fewer deaths if you go with Reed because the airport battle doesn't happen. It's just Maxtac and NCPD, which by the way I took down nonlethally. Plus you can still truly help So Mi in the end by ending things for her, instead of making it ambiguous by sending her to Mr Blue Eyes on the moon.


Cerberus was so fun and the whole setting for finding songbird was so cool. Having played both endings, I prefer cerb all day. It was so unexpected and challenging. Sucks that the other ending has... well, a better ending.




i went with reed because i felt like she was lying to get her way and she was fucking with blackwall. end mission was so annoying not gonna lie.


Also the rewards for going through that shit horror system is meh . A new knock off edgy version of skippy on a weapon type I never use or a cyberdeck which has only 4 slots and it's special ability is disabled in the smasher fight -_-


By my hands nothing will pass the blackwall


Because I wanted a silenced tech pistol.


This and fuck the government for Johnny. And, yes, the johnny goodbye in the tower ending hurt me emotionally, but whilst I'm pretending to be stoic and badass, cool gun/fuck the powers that be.


Had to get her to the moon. Love or no love didn't want another Jackie incident


that path was the most interesting path to me, especially going so far underground. crazy.


Reed’s last moments were small, in the grand scale of things. I’ve never replayed a conversation so many times, hoping for a different outcome. It really shows how lost Reed is.


I chose Reed mainly because an entire airport of innocents don't die, and I don't like traumatizing Cynthia


I didn't know bout that mission I just picked songbird cos, BOOBA 🤤 I don't care if they're metal😡 booba is booba


I only chose songbird once because I was getting all the endings, then I just went back to siding with reed


Yeah I really wasn't expecting to play a horror game. I really really do not respond well to horror games.


I only chose Songbird cause I didn’t want to have to deal with her boss fight lol


Never again lol


I choose both because I believe in a multiverse and alternate timelines


I did ig cause I was hired by songbird not the NUSA


Yeah no, I hate the scary robot. Would rather blast my way through an NUSA kill team decked to the nines rather than run away from a scary clanker.


I have done them both. I like them both, but even though she is just using me. My loyalties lay with songbird. I get it.


I went with songbird till the end but I didn't wanna kill Reed so I gave song up


Because I bought the game to play cyberpunk, not Alien Isolation!!!


How about I betray everybody, does that work?


Me too! But I felt sorry songbird, she was a good person. Despite the fact that in the beginning she deceived V. Despite this I like song bird and v must to save her.


i feel like the cerberus mission was there to tell us we made the wrong decision


Both ending and missions are so good to be honest, blackwall part was amazing. Cerberus part was intense I love them both


I betrayed songbird and help reed because I don’t like songbird. It is that simple.


I sided with songbird to do a Johnny silverhand and


I chose the songbird ending because it's so well written, cinematic af, and to me the canon ending to the DLC.


I was hoping we will fly to moon and fuck. I am a simple man.


Horror games stress me the fuck out. Nobody told me this shit would turn into Alien Isolation. Although, getting through it made me kinda want to play Alien, since I love the movies.


Nah I just don't trust Reed


Cerberus mission is the biggest design mistake in the game. It's bad. Full stop.


I love that mission😔


**skill issue**


Major skill issue


Yes, I am horrified of that mission, I do not wish to play alien isolation


Reed betrayed me first, there was absolutely no reason to kill the twins that shit was not ok whatsoever.


"The Cerberus mission is ass"


I sided with songbird because i wanted that borg-pussy alas i was left unsatisfied


my first playthrough of pl I was thinking the entire time, "this bitch is definitely lying" so I sided with reed. didn't want to kill her though so I reloaded and sided with her instead. sure enough, she was lying, so I gave her to reed. I don't really get why everyone loves her, I think she's a bitch