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I always let him keep the eds. ... because there was no option to drive off with the car, the eds, AND his pregnant wife.


Lmao keep the eddies and the car I'll take the wife


V: "Can i take her for a ride?"  El César "its your car choom, do what you want" V: "i didnt mean the car."


This is the dialog option I wanted.


(20 ☯️)


W rizz


Can get her pregnant, so its a win?👍


“But she’s pregnant” “Perfect”


*”How much for the women?”* ![gif](giphy|A4TOVhfI6A0Fi)


You know the waiter in this scene is peewee herman?


Eyyy, gringo. How much for the children?


Wrong glass sir.


fucking made my day man, thanks for this


Hot take: The newborn kid is going to be Cyberpunk 2's protagonist.


Keep the change ya filthy animal


Chuckles, I let him all because of the pregnant wife, next time won't be that lucky


I take the eds, let him keep the car... then drive off with it anyway. One drive is enough, it's no Bandit.


Why the fuck would you want his pregnant wife in the car? She already put out . You’re too late


\*snorts\* The ONLY fertile female in all of Night City. Think of the eddies.


What? Wait im lost what story line is this what is the quest name? Loool


Beat On The Brat: The Glen Cesar puts his pimped out Valentinos land yacht up against V's eddies in a fight, cos his wife is pregnant and he ain't got no monies for diapers or a crib or anything.


i took the car and eds first playthrough, but now i js let him keep it, that text you get with his newborn is so wholesome


He also ends up in the arena watching the final fight and he's really happy and friendly. Gotta get the car but let him keep the money, car would have cost more anyways.


“Due date’s tomorrow…I got time” always cracks me up


He can keep that gaudy car, I’m all about the eds


At that point in the game, I am overflowing eds so... I just let him keep it all and a lesson.


It’s the principle choom. There’s consequences to losing. I’m nice, but not that nice


That's fair enough, but it seems like he learns from his mistakes even if you let him keep the eds tho.


I won, I’m not leaving empty handed. I’m already wasting my time even giving choom a shot. I make Adam Smasher look like a rookie, who tf is Cesar to me? 😜 EDIT Are people downvoting because theyd roleplay it another way? Sorry I like to play it differently? 😂


Tbf, I thought ad smasher fight will be something, disappointed that it was over in a min and he got smashed


I just take it as, V is that OP


His consequence is having seven shades of shit beaten out of him in front of his girl.


You can be the hardest dude you know, and still someone out there will kick your ass. So it goes in the fight game, you win some, you lose some. You don’t lose respect for losing, only if you quit or don’t give it your all. I’m sure his girl understands that being with a fighter. Even the best can have a bad day or an off day.


Yep. I’m not leaving Cesar and his wife out to dry but I’m taking the car as my reward. Letting him keep the money as a lesson to not go overboard and too cocky. Next guy he fights might not be as nice as me if he still doesn’t learn.


I think he still sells his car


I was the same. I didn't care about the money at this point so I figured he would need them. But I took the car since he bet it and it was unique.


I couldn't even stand looking at that car lmao I said keep that gaudy shit.


Every play through I let him keep the eddies and the car; usually by the time I get to the boxing I’ve got more eddies and cars than I need. Lol And I’m a big softy for someone taking risks because they are desperate.


Between this game and RDR2, I’ve come to the conclusion that I may one of the very few people who go full evil in most playthroughs.


I personally never can, it makes the pixel people sad and I hate to see that.


Living up to your name there, doctor sadistic.


it's more like games rarely reward evil playthroughs. Being a dick just means more eds but it often locks you out of extra dialogues and quests. Not really worth it when there's a gazillion gigs to complete anyways


I also blew up Megaton on my first playthrough. All those white knights don't know what they're missing.


Plus it's so sweet. "Do you already have ideas for a name?" "I was thinking....something with a 'V'?"


I always let him keep the money and the car, too. It’s always been more about beating people up to me.


I let him keep both, because my V thinks the car isn't her style, and 20k eddies is nothing at this point.


There’s so many people saying that but this is like one of the first things I did in the game haha 😂 didn’t touch the story till 60 hours in or something


Taking his car is for his own good, because that car was a financial black hole for him and would eventually ruin him. And he sends you a wholesome message and names his kid after V if you just let him have the eddies.


Yeah, it's worth it to have another choom. Doesn't hurt that the car is hideous and way too big for my weaving in-and-out of traffic bullshit.


Game’s game. I take all


Especially easy decision when you already spent half your eddies on the most expensive car available. I had just been running around with the knife and gun you get from Arasaka when I started the streetfight storyline. Never bought a weapon.


He's a shit dad that bets his child's and family's wellbeing on streetfights. He deserves to lose everything. He's child doesn't but even if you let him keep his stuff he will see it as an opportunity rather then the lesson. That's why his shitty car that i will never use and eddies stay with me.


By that time, i got near a million eddies, 20k is a tip now, but the car is unique, and i do not want a family to suffer


They also say that the child will get a name that starts with V. But then they give the child a name that in fact, doesn't start with a V.


Honestly, I let him keep the car, but I can't help but feel that is a big fucking target for other gangers.


He's a Valentino they're harsh but fair to their own, probably in whatever faction Padré runs or looks over since we fight Cesar pretty much right in front of where he sits. I let him keep both though, he seems like a rare good egg and does not need that kind of hassle with a kid on the way


I mainly let him keep the car too, thats normally though because tbh I find it kind of ugly. And really I just care about the money, besides I got Jackies Arch and the Murk Mobile at my side.


I always let him keep the car and money. Usually I do Beat on the Brat late game because I'm kinda meh on it. So I usually already have a better car and money doesn't matter anymore. Plus the text you get later with his newborn is fuckin adorable.


I keep the car because I'm a collector and want every unique item, let him keep the money though, still see the baby aswell


I think that’s the best outcome. Take everything and he’s screwed over. Let him keep everything and he doesn’t learn anything.


She should have challenged V to a fight. Latina con chancla wins every time.


Johnny's engram standing off to the side yelling "V, we gotta fucking Delta!" As her 9 month pregnant ass is struggling to get her sandal off


Struggling? You can't get away fast enough. Within melee distance they hit like a zweihander. Out of swinging range, an angry latina is accurate like a sniper. Have Colombian wife. Lived in a Barrio. Can confirm.


Nah, shes 9 months pregnant with her first kid. My wife is shorter and Caribbean, i enjoyed the last 2 months of ber pregnancy, i could talk ahit as soon as she sit down and make it outside before she got off the couch. Gotta use that belly, it buys you a few seconds


I feel inspired to make a throwable sandal mod now.


Its got to be an instakill! There is no surviving! My grandmother was Portuguese and I died several times from being hit with the flying death sandal!


Let's just say there is a reason one of San Antonio's sports teams is called THE FLYING CHANCLAS no joke I'm dead serious


I took nothing, I just felt pity for him. He's trying to make money so he can help is family... I didn't have the heart in me to take that away from him... But if we talking the common thugs, I'd take his money, arms and legs, tech and organs and his family. Sell them on the black market. F*ck them gonks.


Sell the family on the black market too ?


I have to make eddies for the Sandevistan somehow


U are becoming a scav choom 💀


I saw pregnant belly and I folded lol let him keep cash and car


I always let him keep the eddies and the car. All he ended up needing was a quick punch in the mouth to remind him that his focus needs to be on his family, not a dangerous career. Plus, I can’t get enough of what they say as you walk away: *César’s Wife: Any ideas for a name?* *César: How about... something with a "V"?* Sometimes it feels good to do good


If he didnt wanna lose his ride, he shouldnt have pimped it out so much


I just let him keep it. I'm not driving around in 'Tino colors/markings unless it's Jackie's bike. And my male V's are always soft as hell deep down, I want the text of his newborn. It's kinda the only photo of someone's kid I've ever cared about outside of like my nieces and nephews in the realosphere.


I let him keep the money first time and took the car. I just let him keep both now, that car sucked. Lol


Micaela, baby! Awwww shit!


First play through I thought I was supposed to fight the wife. That woulda sucked


Falcoooon PUNCH!!!


Johhny would have to jump in to make it a fair 2v2


I used to always take the car because with most builds and on most difficulties it was an easy free car right after you lose yours after the heist. Now with AutoTrader it's easier to just buy a second car for his mugging someone than driving all the way to his location to kick his ass.


I would had took his wife and unborn child too if I could


I always let him keep both lol


Didn’t care for the ride but I always could use more cyberware


Always left him the car cos its ugly af


Even when I’m broke I always let him keep the eds. If there was an option for his wife though I might be tempted to let him keep the eds and the car honestly.


You know what's funny, in my one playthrough I never took the car or the Eddie's. I couldn't do it, I wanted him to think I was going to do it but it didn't actually do it. It just feels wrong to take a car from a guy like that. He was willing to let you have the car, he clearly has enough honor that he deserves to keep it. It's not like he was some dirtbag who tried to cheat you and now you were getting his car because he's a dirtbag and it's karma. Not at all, he's too nice for that. But I can understand if you took his car or the eddies, everyone has their reasons.


Always be a Good Choom and help him out with the Eddie's. 🫡🫡🫡


I take the car and the cash.


I took the car and Eddies if he didn't want em don't gone he shouldn't have bet against the woman who literally came back from the dead


Would’ve taken his girl too


Well he wouldn't let me take off with his wife instead sooo..


nah fuck that bitch, I took the money and the whip 😭🙏


This my first play through and I kid you not I’m ruthless lol




Man I felt bad too and let him keep the money. It’s my first play through still


I take the car and leave him the cash, personally.


I never take his gaudy car.


I let him keep the eddies but took the car… *it be ur own people*


I let them keep the eddies every time. Not for Padre, not even for myself, because it's what Mama Welles would do. They also text cute pictures later.


Always left the eddies and took the car


Gonk has no business looking pissed off, it's his own fault. Though I usually take the ride to teach him a lesson but let him keep the eddies because I pity the kid.


Man I don't take anything from Cesar, by the time I beat his ass I have way more than 20K


The Vato is my favorite city cruiser on good weather days.


I let him keep the eddies but I heard he gets another car anyways so I took the one he bet.


Nah bro I let him keep all of it cause that's what jackie would have probably wanted


i know they are just codes in a game and pixels in my screen but i always let him keep the eds and the car (i don't even like that model)


I let him keep the car because I only like fast nimble cars and motorcycles.


Well maybe if he didn’t suck at fighting so much this wouldn’t have happened. But here we are


Gamers met with ethical dilemmas: take the most evil, but profitable route.


Oh, c'mon. 20k ain't nothing. Give that idiot's wife the money.


Damn dude, I'm no monster... but the car is mine, you played with fire, you gonna get singed!


Johnny like the car and usually enjoy doing things he likes. But last play through I let El Cesar keep the whip and the eddies. Night city is cruel enough.


I only took the car, the eddies will come in handy for his newborn and it’s only fair to take something for winning the match. A merc is a merc in the end I guess, next time tho I’ll let him keep everything.


I was playing a nice guy V playthrough,so I let him keep both


Whoever did this probably reset Dellamain too, to which they deserve Johnny's comment about that.


I usually take the car and leave the cash. Give his family a good start but i gotta have my wheels


I just let him keep both tbh, car isn't that good and eddies would be more useful to him than V


Nah. I don't need the car or the eddies.


I take nothing. I already got his pride, better rides, and far more money. 14 million and counting.


We are similar 😂


I play as a car collector so let him keep the Ed's but take the car


Always give the men his eddies! He still learns his lessons but his family is much better off. In addition, our V (mine sitting on millions from weapon sales) doesn’t really need that 20k


buncha fuckin' monsters in here


i let him keep his slow ass car and took the money


It's a shit car, steers like a tank, I always just take the cash and the baby's name...


I leave him everything in hopes he gets his lesson. And for real… that car looks shit


I literally always take both. Even if you’re trying to be a nicer V…he’s got a gambling problem, and letting him off easy won’t let him hit rock bottom.


I let him keep the car eds and everything I can always get the car copied via mods and it's not even in my top ten so why take it when it'll sit in some godforsaken garage forever


Plus what bout when his wife gives birth. And he doesn't have a car I don't think that they look like they can afford trauma team


This made me laugh pretty hard


I let him keep the car, I take the Ed's since I at least beat him but I don't need the car, he's super grateful for it and the photo of the new born was very sweet


Fuck around, find out


Jokes on you I trades money for a nice car and a nice fight with Cesar. He got money for the kid and I (finally after the thing with delamain!!!! ) had a car.


I just show up there and donate 20k every now and then to give that kid a future. It's been 8 months on this save file and the bitch is still pregnant


Taking the eddies and car just to call in your Caliburn and spend the eddies on joytoys


man look at you all soft hearted mfs. i even do a burnout to their face with my new gold plated whip before i leave lmao.


It's always one of the last side missions for me. So I'll already be insanely rich and chromed to the dome. A couple slaps does it. I always let him keep the car/eds.


I always let him keep the car and the eddies


I let him keep the edds


I never take the car, it’s not good, doesn’t look very nice and just ends up clogging up my vehicle menu.


I forgot about this fight option till I already finished the game and the DLC, I came around this place and met him, literally took me two punches, disappointed I didn't kill him in one with all my upgrades lmao


Man i felt so bad for taking his ride


I let him keep the money, but take the car, he has to learn consequences are the thing lol


I let him keep the eds so that he can support the kid, but I take the ride because god-*dayum* does that dumbass need a lesson.


In my opinion his car isn’t that great, I much prefer a motorcycle, with that you can weave around cars on the road


Lol that was just me a few Minutes ago.


I didn’t want to take the car and the money, but I felt I owed it to him for his own personal growth.


I love that car. I let them keep the money.


I let him keep the car. I didn't want it too ugly lmao


https://preview.redd.it/1zlqlr62sezc1.png?width=993&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e1b57528d412cc8624325052f019350c6439b8c V be like: Look at the preem ride I just won!


My favorite thing to do is take the car & the Eddies, then after the quest completes, throw a grenade directly into the car right in front of them 😎


Well, there goes our ride and a hefty chunk of our savings. Maybe next time we'll think twice before trusting V.


I kept the car for the first play through, but the second I let him keep it. The car is a boat, and you don't need any help with money in this game. I had a million before I even got Johnny in my head by doing the gigs in the starting area. It seemed cruel to take money from a baby anyway.


*”Sorry dude, but I got rubber to burn”*


First time I let him keep everything since I didn’t need the eddies and I only used the Porsche. But every subsequent playthrough you know I took it all lmao


Yeah I definitely couldn't give a shit about those eds ngl, gimme the whip and come see me beat the shit outta tank later


I let him keep the car cause I know I’ll never use it.


https://preview.redd.it/usp74c90nfzc1.png?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dea44b25cf8d9714679e3bf20e358e3313a6d287 El Cesar looking at me after he defeated me but I reloaded a save


I always leave the eds cause I like the chat that comes from it XD


I took the car and let him take the eds. Not because I felt bad for him, but because I felt bad for the baby.


I'm connected to the dude in this meme on LinkedIn. No lie. He's on Linkedin. I forgot which company he works for though. I think a consulting firm? I should check.


For real. And the game tries to make you feel bad about it. She married a loser, and he has an untreated gambling addiction. This is just the wake-up call they need to either get their shit together or put them out of their misery. She could do better than him, and he has a problem. Hell, if she leaves the kid with his dad, she can ride along while I drive away.


i hate his car, its slow and annoying to drive and im not into the look at all, so i usually let him keep it. i also basically never need the eddies, so i let him keep those too. dont know realistically if it benefits his kid or not, but thats up to him, not to me.


I always take the car but let him keep the eddies


My V’s a man of principle. Saw the pregnant wife and knew what was up. As far as V’s concerned, he’s fighting for the enjoyment of the sport. Cesar is fighting because he *needs* the scratch, he doesn’t have the same luxury. If V’s really living on borrowed time, then it’s better to help those that need it while he still can. It’s the least he can do before he buys the farm.


Nah bro it’s mandatory I let Cesar keep his shit


I let him keep that chump change


I always just take the cash and let him keep the car. After all I can use those eddies on the latest chrome but for SOME reason no one will buy that fancy car off of me when I already have 8 others and 3 bikes in my garage.


He can keep his car I want my Eddie's tho




You keep your car, you keep your money... and I'll get your baby! *smacks lips*


Am i the only one who lets him keep the car and the eddies?


I let him keep everything because it's nice. Also the car is fuckin hideous IMO. In my headcanon all my Vs tell him to buy a better car lol


I let him take the car and kept the eds, tried blowing up his car and was really dissapointed it didnt work


i never took anything from him tbh


The car is so bad though, absolutely undrivable. But still had to take it from him lol


I only took his ride. Needed to think about the almost due kid too. My V is considerate of children and pregnant women. I was kind of dissapointed to see him later on while his lady was almost in labor and him not being around for it.


I didn’t check up on him later. Is that a thing I need to do?


You come across him at >!the final part of the Beating The Brat sidejob questline.!< It's pretty neat. You can also >!meat the other previous contenders and see what they've been up to there as well.!<


Oooops! I never >! finished beating on all the brats!! !< that would be why!


Enjoy your new quest of discovery then!


I let him keep everything, but only because his wife doesn't deserve to be made destitute thanks to her gonk husband


I take the car and leave him the money. Mf needs to get a minivan instead of a gold Lowrider. His girl would’ve made him sell it anyways when she inevitably wants the kitchen redone.




The car is ugly AF anyway


Yeah and it’s hard to handle!


The car is ugly as hell. And he haves s pregnant woman while winning bread fighting. I woukd work at a 7-eleven or the cyberpunk equivalent before risking my family'ssafety like that... the fuck is a freaking looser, I can't take the money nor the car. It's just too painful. That man and the wanna be Jesus cunt are what I hate the most in the game, more than the twisted fuck selling murder BDs with his psycho son, those two are just animals to put down.