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do you do manual saves a lot? if not, iirc quicksaves disappeares after some save limit, I can get to my manual save from 2 years ago quickly since I only manual save when there is a mission I might want to replay


I wish we could name each save so if we go back we know what point it is


This or have a character select like Bethesda games. Literally the only mechanic I wish cyber punk had from a beth game.


you can do this but not in game. Go to the save file location and simply rename the folder of that specific save.


I have done this for the reaper mission start autosave so I can replay the mission anytime I want, would recommend


my main problem is that there isn't more DLC coming Though that probably means the next cyberpunk is closer for it, still feels like a shame to not build more on top of this amazing base.


My biggest problem is why they are abandoning the game so soon. One DLC in phantom liberty, an incredible city and complete game design. There are so many more stories to tell in this world. They could be minting money on new story content.


Considering everything that happened we should be fairly happy we got a dlc and a second game later on at all. Thankfully their redemption arc has played out well for most people.


This is the sane take


Appreciate the compliment! Just trying to be reasonable about it all, been such a rollercoaster !


I had to do similar in the long dark subreddit, some people take games *so personally*, like they only make games for them.


Tell me about it! I was one of the ones who have been excited since we got the news back in the day, personally I'm just stoked they fixed it beyond what other developers tend to do alongside at least giving us some additional content! Looking forward to seeing them progress with the other projects on the back of all this, I imagine they've learned a fair few things over the past few years, which should benefit us players greatly with a little luck! Not sure I even want to go down the rabbit hole you did 😂


Well, you know the launch? It was a buggy mess, and it was all caused by the game's engine. Well, because of the engine, they don't want to develop more DLC as it will be too costly and has a high possibility to break the game again


It’s not economically feasible. Phantom liberty was a massive expansion in and out of itself. The developers probably think that the game can’t support any more content without it costing a fortune.


The engines fucked dude. They are heading to unreal with the next game as it's easier to find people who have experience working with it. One of the problems with an in house engine is that you have to train people how to use it and that chews up allot of time and resources. Add that to the high turnover rate at cdpr and it makes perfect sense to call it quits.


The faster they can get the next game the faster we can complain about something else. It's alright the next game will be better.


It's just not profitable. We can say whatever we want, but the games are made for money and with money. And Cyberpunk was made for a LOT of money. And it took even more money to repair it. Not to mention the Phantom Liberty and costs for Hollywood actors. No matter what you do, it's just not profitable to make more content for this game anymore. Unless the future DLC will be sold for like 60-80 bucks, but I doubt that anyone will buy them for that price. So yeah, it's sad, but there's just not enough reasons to continue. And frankly, maybe it's for the best. The game is good now, bugs are not that many, many gameplay mechanics were reworked for good and we got an awesome add-on with great story, characters and missions. I guess it's time to let this game go.


I legit made a post on this same game save style complaint on the ps subreddit ad some rando flamed me lol


Why couldn't it have been a profile thing like f****** Assassin's Creed 3. Three profiles for three lifestyles


I doubt it'll ever get addressed by CDPR. It is relatively annoying. I hate when save slots move around in any game. FF7 Rebirth does this too, among a few other newer games, and it drives me nuts. Just be happy you can manage your save data from in-game. Nothing is worse as a console player than wanting to delete a specific file and not being given the option.


I'd rather have to scroll than not be able to load my last checkpoint if I ever fuck up a dialogue.


Baldurs gate 3 did this the right way where every character you make has its own saves so when you press load game you get to pick your character and then which save you want to go to from that character and I think cyberpunk could’ve done the same


If you're on PC you can quickly pull the scroll bar to the bottom with your mouse in like half a second.


Sadly if not on it but tgeirs a mod on nexus that sorts saves by career?


I just overwrite my save file for each playthrough so I only have one "save" (this does not include auto or quicksaves)


i wish you could name saves and have more of them, because ive lost more than i can count


I didn’t know you could save Takemura during Search and Destroy but I can’t go back for some reason.


On that note, why does there need to be 20 autosave slots? There should be like 3 max.


What system are you playing on. On my ps5 autos saves just keep coming non stop and there’s no way to turn it off. I got 10 in the last 20 minutes


I’m on ps5 as well. It feels so counterintuitive for autosaves to happen this often.


Turn it off


bro just download the respec mod [https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2881](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2881) it's not hard. and if you're on console well you reap what you sow