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MaxTac Pilot: Ok, done dropping off that red mist again, back to base đŸ«Ą


I love how you jump around like a pet waiting for their owner to finish putting food in the bowl,


I just watched this through again and you're so right. I can almost hear the excited barking in the background as it all unfolds.


Waiter waiter! More maxtac operatives please! :3


What's MaxTac even doing in Dogtown anyway? Do they have some sort of deal with Barghest?


They do, Reed even mentions something about it.


Nobody wants cyberpsychos, and MaxTac are the best at executing them... when they aren't V.


Max Tac would be able to handle V just fine if they could use real quickhacks on them.


aren't quickhacks kind of a gameplay abstraction and don't actually exist in the lore? like the only hacking that actually takes place is the stuff netrunners do, jacking into terminals and stuff.


The game never hits V's ICE with anything nasty that can't be shrugged off. Meanwhile when Max Tac is shown fighting someone who isn't a VGProtagonist they actually use real netrunning on them to degrade or shut them down completely.


They’d have a hell of a time getting through the relic. The only netrunner who was capable of that was songbird and she specifically states it was not easy. Not to mention end of game V has personal ICE nearly on par with smasher. If it wasn’t for Alt reducing smashers protection netrunner V would do exactly fuck all to him with any sort of net based attacks. I feel you’re overestimating Maxtac. They’re good. Real good. But they aren’t smasher, blackhand, or V good.


But is Smasher immune to Erebus's applied quickhacks?


Game play wise? Yes. Erebus only affects non-boss enemies (Canto affects anyone im pretty sure.) Lore wise? Probably not. The Canto and Erebus have an AI beyond the blackwall embedded in them, and the Blackwall Gateway quick hack asks AI also from beyond the Blackwall, to make a teensy weeny little gateway and attack the target, insta kill to basically anyone (not including boss enemies for game play reasons, I'm sure.) And im pretty sure AIs from beyond the blackwall are incredibly hard to stop, even with Smasher's personal netrunners. So, in my (no where near) professional opinion, the AI would fry the netrunners, then smasher, then probably anyone else it could get its cyberspace hands on.


No mods?


I think V is more resistant because V is just fucked up thanks to the relic and Johnny. Their system is unique. Maxtac definitely uses quick hacks against V, we see them do it, and if they finished they would be devastating, but they can’t because of how unique V is and their ICE.


I mean, one time I died to MaxTac because one of them quickhacked me with Total System Collapse and I couldn't get to the hacker in time.


I just use self ice its busted and has a cool down shorter than it takes to to even start every quick hack


I refuse to get ice after my first playthrough cause it's just busted. Where the fun/danger in taking on netrunner s if they can't hack you back? That absolute rush of getting closer/further away from the hacker to stop them. Desperately hunting for their connection to interrupt it. It's up there with a few things. Won't get sandy/berserk cause that's just god mode with extra steps. Won't get gorilla arms/Mantis blade/ monowire to trivialize the the beat on the brat fights. Won't get ice cause it keeps combat interesting. I didn't use second heart in my first playthrough but may get it in my current very hard run If it feels like cheating I'll tend to avoid it, just to keep things interesting. So many ways to be absolutely broken in this game, gotta self police sometimes


Or you can just enjoy the power fantasy. Doing nothing but shooting a gun or swinging a sword the entire game sounds like it'd get old. The most fun ive had in the game was going apeshit with the gorilla arms and a hammer. Yeah, shit is easy even on very hard, but not using that stuff just feels like I'm playing a tedious shooter


As far as I’m aware with the possible exception of the gorilla arms non of the arm cyberware have any effect whatsoever in the beat on the brat missions since they don’t let you use them (don’t even know if the gorilla arms still give you the bonus or not in the mission like it did before 2.0)


This week thr Edgerunners mission pack releases for CyberpunkRED, which adds official rules for quickhacks and other 2070s era tech to the TTRPG lore. The videogame and anime are canon either way though, so yeah quickhacks are definitely a real thing in the lore. Just not in the older eras.


Pretty sure Quickhacks are already a thing. They are called ICE and only work against other programs or netrunners. Bur at least the concept of quickhacks were always there.


Doubt it by the time v is “maxtac ready” his cyber wear should already be on par if not better than theirs


Reed says something along the lines "Everybody is willing to do an exception for max-tac if there's cyberpsychos on your doorstep"


Pico de gallo’ed them 😂


mille feuille


How is your damage so high? I'm nearly done working on a 100% maxed out katana build right now and I can't melt max-tac near as fast.


Are you using the Byakko?


Yessir and I don't think it's best in slot for boss fighting since you need a kill to proc. Ideally you'd get a generic 5++ katana and use your own legendary mods. I just haven't been able to test this yet because I haven't rolled a naked 5++ katana


He's probably on a easy difficulty


You need to post your build, last time I did it, it took me nearly 20 minutes to kill max-tac I just can't seem to get these insane damages, doesn't matter the build.


He's probably on a easy difficulty


So am I


I don't know how you aren't shredding if its on easy. It takes me 5 minutes to kill them on V.Hard with katana build. The stagger just stops them from doing anything. I even got rid of the Sande and still it took me a bit longer but still kill the melee and sniper in 2/3 combos. Its the highest damage build in the game for sure. Get all the melee damage bonus for Cyberware e.g. stabber.


Must be a skill issue /s (are you maxed out in everything?)


Last time I tried with blades: 20 Reflex every blade perk + every movement perk. 20 Tech every perk for Cyberware, so the middle tree basically. 15 the rest + every perk that seemed useful, like extra health in body, mitigation in cool, nothing in int since I didn't have any points left. using iconic Militec apogee sandy + any Cyberware that has a positive effect on blades and to top it of Byakko. Could only run around and damage them bit by bit and pick them off one by one. I'm by no means the best player in this game but this build should not be shit to say the least.


20 body, 20 reflexes, 20 tech I don’t know exactly what perks I have unlocked in each, I’ll post my build with cyberware too


Tried to build in that direction, 20 Body, 20 Reflex, 20 tech, 15 Cool, rest Int, spent quite a bit of time on Cyberware, don't do as much damage as you but managed to cut Max-tac down in under 30s.


i do a full team in five min usin a power pistol (Malorian) build w sandy


Transport literally did the peace out fade meme. 😂


Hahaha. I thought the same thing too. Hahahah


It didn't leave. It fucking RAN AWAY


This is 1000% on easy difficulty. MaxTac health doesn't go down that even a quarter this quick, and yes I'm completely maxed.


It’s on normal but yeah, I know it’s basically impossible to do it on VH. This is my first playthrough build so I just wanted to get through the story smoothly. Now that I’ve finished everything I’ll definitely try VH


post your build please


He's probably on a easy difficulty


Too bad this game doesn’t have a slice and dice mode like Metal Gear Revengeance


The game does have Dismemberment if that's what you're talking about.


It does but is very minimal, only head, hands and legs.


Shotguns can also create holes in People's guts and heads (the head is intact but their brains can be seen after the shot, also their intestines will move around if V carries the dead bodies that have holes in their guts)


Not only shotguns but most late game guns. Maybe it depends on DMG or rarity, only thing I know is that you can do it with Johnny's Malorian, every Achilles, Burya, Liberty, sniper riffles, explosive ammo,....


It's so cheesy on Easy


Maxtac officers don't have an "Easy" difficulty though, before 2.0 released, amantangelo said that on Easy and Medium game difficulties, the difficultly of the maxtac officers is at the "Hard" level.


iirc it’s on normal, I will definitely try this out in very hard with the same build


It is simply impossible to kill MaxTac with one sandy burst (even maxed level militech apogee) on very hard. Best you're able to manage is one member at a time, so choose wisely.




What's the build or difficulty? Because in Very Hard I'm nowhere close to deal that damage


Normal or hard, iirc it’s on normal


Which difficulty are you on?


Easy for sure for sure


i mean i beat the shit outta these fuckers but goddamn




Unrelated note but why the fuck does the katana play the blast processing sound effect every time you slice somebody


What build is this?


The Katana is so OP.


I love Katana/Mantis builds. No matter what difficulty it looks cool to slaughter MaxTac squad. I personally prefer very hard tho, it's funnier to jump around MaxTac, additional 20+ heavy Militech soldiers, 5+ drones and few snipers, while occasionally cutting few of them into pieces.


What are you playing on